Age of mythical princes

Chapter 161 The Dead Confucius is the Good Confucius

Chapter 161 The Dead Confucius is the Good Confucius

After leaving the deep sea, Jiang Hua convened a group of high-level executives to discuss and discuss together to check for omissions and make up for vacancies.

Looking at Jiang Hua who was sitting on the top talking, Jun Chengyu only felt that he was old and a little behind the times.

When the first doctor Yan died last year, Jiang Hua was still quite immature, whether it was strength or mentality, there were more or less problems.

At the beginning, Jun Chengyu's expectation for Jiang Hua was to bear the burden of humiliation, surrender to the monarch, and then keep his useful body and the land of Yancheng.As long as Yancheng is still there, there is still hope for everything.

Later, Jun Chengyu found that Jiang Hua was very decisive, and he did not waver at all, and chose to resist to the end without hesitation.

At that time, Jun Chengyu only thought that he would be loyal to the Jiang family in order to repay the kindness of the late king!

At that time, Jun Chengyu was already prepared to die, and also arranged a way out for Jiang Hua. He could die by himself, but Jiang Hua, the only seedling of the former king, could not die here no matter what.If the worst happens and Jiang Hua dies, at least Jiang's blood must be preserved.

Then, Dashiguan was won, but at that time, Juncheng Yu's heart was not fluctuating, because the attacking Sun Tian was only the young master of the Sun family, and could not represent the entire strength of the Sun family. Shi?

Immediately afterwards, when he succeeded to the throne, Jiang Hua awakened the blood of Emperor Yan in front of everyone. At that time, Jun Chengyu felt that Jiang Hua was really similar to the former emperor. In the future, he must work hard to let Jiang Hua leave alive. Perhaps, he could Contact 170 people from three families.

At that time, it would definitely be impossible for the members of the 170 and three families to directly fight Chao Guo, but it shouldn't be a big problem for them to join forces to rescue Jiang Hua in a critical moment.

When did you start to see hope?

Probably when Dongning Island came to life!
At that time, everyone in Yancheng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally it was not a doomsday situation.

Although the situation of mortal death can inspire people's blood and courage, courage can be irreversible and can be maintained in a short period of time. After a long time, fear will arise in the heart.

When did you see hope?

Probably when Peng Bing, Lin Er, Chang Kong and others successfully broke through and became Taoist priests.

And now, Jun Chengyu has no doubt that the future Jiang Hua will definitely lead Yancheng to victory!

"The situation is like this. Xiang Liu appeared in Meishan. This is a true first-generation monarch, but don't be afraid. As long as he dares to make a move, Master and the old man will do the same!"

"So, although the situation is more complicated, if the opponent is only Chao Nation, then this battle is not impossible."

"In order to ensure the safety of the five eastern counties, I have an idea. I plan to take out the land of Guyang County and Yang County..."

Listening to it, Jun Chengyu felt that he might not be able to keep up with the times, and he could not keep up with Jiang Hua's thinking.

At this moment, Jun Chengyu even came up with the idea of ​​retiring to the second line when the situation stabilized, and then began to live a retirement life.

"Very good. After doing this, Yancheng will be safe, as will Chunmu County, Dong County and Liu County."

"In the past, these counties could not be developed due to security issues and lack of strength. Now that there are these four counties on land, it is the land of nine counties. These nine counties are enough to accommodate tens of millions of people... ..." Jun Chengyu agreed without hesitation.

I just agree with it while sighing silently in my heart, I seem to be a little behind, and I can't keep up with the times.His vision is still shallow, and his knowledge is limited. In the past, thinking about problems was only limited to Chaoguo, but the world is so big, what is Chaoguo?

In the future, what may need to be considered in many political affairs is not just the issue of the Chao country, but the reactions of the nearby Wu, Yue, and Xu countries, as well as the impact of the entire world.

But at this moment, I don't have such a big picture.

It's about to change.

I have to work hard.

Thinking of this, Jun Chengyu only felt motivated. Even if he wanted to retreat to the second line, he would at least watch the lord cut off the dog's head of Guo Junxi, see the lord conquer the nest country, and see the lord establish the country!

"Two counties turned into ten counties, which is enough to attract ten Taoist priests whose strength has reached the limit. These Taoist priests may not be Xiangliu's opponents, but there is no problem at all in solving the possible attack from the Chao Kingdom."

"Moreover, this move can also show your heart, Lord. Although it is an order for help, it is actually an order to recruit talents. It's just that some things can only be done silently and cannot be said with Yancheng's current strength and size."

Speaking of this, Taoist Changkong gave Jiang Hua a meaningful look.

In fact, she still had one more sentence to hold back in her heart: This is to directly let the qi refiners build the country!

This is to directly establish a country that belongs exclusively to Qi refiners!

These ten counties are ten test sites. In these ten counties, there is no interference from any old nobles. These are ten brand new counties, and these are ten different starting points!
These ten counties will be completely dominated by qi refiners. The county guards will be qi refiners, the county magistrates will be qi refiners, and the township chiefs will be qi refiners. So, what is a country composed entirely of qi refiners? What kind?

Taoist Changkong didn't know the answer to this question, but this matter could only be done silently instead of shouting out loud.

Today, after all, is the era of nobility!
Princes with the surname of Ji are nobles, but princes with the surname of Ji are still nobles!
Still, it's a good start after all!
It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Perhaps from now on, more and more Qi refiners will choose to start their own country. Even if the country is a little smaller, at least they can practice their personal ideas relatively freely.Instead of being attached to the monarch, the ruling body, or a certain nobleman as in the past.

Jun Weiyan didn't think so much, and said directly: "This is a good thing. The selection of ten counties does not mean that there are only ten high-level people. Maybe there will be many high-level people staying in Yancheng to wait for the opportunity. Then he may join the academy, these are very important reserve forces..."


A few days later, the Yancheng official newspaper officially published the news: Call for help!
On Dongning Island, old man Li was cooking for the children, and it was still a big pot. After all, there were seventy or eighty children here.If it is fried plate by plate, the old man Li will be too busy even if he is exhausted.

Old man Li is holding a hand-operated flint and steel invented by Taoists. It is said that the key to this thing is a little bit of fire-attribute spirit stone fragments and residues. The fire-attribute aura contained in these fragments is extremely rare, so little that it can be completely absorbed. It can only reach the level of alchemists' one-day practice.

Currently, the price of this thing is somewhere between convenience and inconvenience.

Call it inconvenient, but it is really convenient to start a fire. Just shake it lightly, and you can directly create a flame with just a shake, and it is very stable.Unlike flint in the past, it is difficult to ignite dry grass without technology.

When making a flint fire, you must prepare hay and the stove in advance, otherwise the flame will not be ignited if the wind blows or the hay is not properly taken care of.

To be honest, after using it, Old Man Li also found this hand-cranked flint and steel really convenient!
But to say that it is very convenient is not the truth, this thing is still relatively expensive.

Flint is something that can be picked up sometimes, even if you can't find it and buy it in the market, it's not worth a lot of money.

But hand-operated flint and steel can cost hundreds of dollars in the market. With this much money, you can buy a hundred catties of rice, ten catties of pork, and a big man of low-quality rice wine. Ordinary people who have nothing to do spend it How about a hundred dollars to buy such a hand-cranked flint and steel?

Even the flint and steel in old man Li's hand was not bought by himself, it was from the junior school. Old man Li is good at raising children and telling stories, and seeing that he is old and his physical strength is not good enough. , so I rewarded him with such a hand-cranked flint and steel.

Anyway, after old man Li used it himself, it is really convenient!
The size of the flame can be adjusted freely. The biggest advantage is that it is stable, and it can't be extinguished by a small wind. As for the strong wind and strong wind, whoever runs outside in strong wind.

Before using it, Old Man Li first found some dry firewood and set it up, then put some hay under the dry firewood and on top of the dry tea, and finally lit the dry grass with a flint.

The dry grass burned quickly, making a crackling sound, and after a while, the dry wood finally caught fire.

Seeing this scene, old man Li nodded slowly, then picked up the big iron pot from the side, and placed it on top of the firewood, and it was cooking time after a while.

Taking advantage of the leisure time while cooking, the old man lay leisurely on the reclining chair, which was also equipped for him by the junior school.

Lying here, watching the scenes of children playing, listening to the sound of children playing, the spring sun is not so hot, and I feel very comfortable in the sun.

Having nothing to do, the old man picked up the Yancheng official newspaper that was just delivered today, and it took a few breaths to see it.

After a few breaths, the old man Li put down the official newspaper, folded the official newspaper and put it on his head, so that the sunlight made him look like he was asleep.

Young people are quite capable of tossing around!

However, this is a good thing, can you still be called a young man if you are not arrogant?
Just when Old Man Li saw the Yancheng official newspaper, the Qufu Academy, Donghai Academy, and Luoyang Academy also received the Yancheng official newspaper in time, and it was circulated among many young people.

This time the story still happened in Qufu Academy. If you want to ask why, it is probably because it is the most chaotic here!
Confucius himself advocated the rituals of Zhou, and he highly respected the rituals of Zhou created by Zhou Gongdan!

Therefore, the world of Great Harmony dreamed by Confucius is a world where monarchs and ministers, monarchs, ministers, officials, scholars, countrymen, common people, and savages are clearly defined!
Even in the world of Great Harmony in the dream, the monarch is still the best, the minister is the second, the doctor is the second, and the savage is still the bottom.

Even the world of great harmony in the dream still looks like this. The only difference is that in the world of great harmony in Kong Sheng's dream, the monarchs and nobles in it are all gentlemen, and everyone's moral conduct can reach The standard of a gentleman, everyone can live like a moral model.

Therefore, in Kong Sheng’s dream, these nobles did not eat people and did not oppress the common people. Instead, they could understand the common people, restrain their desires, and be gentlemen from beginning to end.In this way, the nobles will not oppress ordinary people so much.

And ordinary people will also understand the nobles, will fight for the country, and will actively learn from the gentlemen, so that the people at the bottom will not think all day long, and they will not think all day, why is this guy So stupid but able to be a human being.

In short, when the ordinary people at the bottom and the nobles at the top all become gentlemen, order will be restored in this world, and the world will be unified.

This is Kong Sheng's understanding of the world of Great Harmony. For this understanding, many people would like to stop Kong Sheng's mouth: Can you stop talking...

In particular, Meng Ke, the younger brother of Kong Shengdai's apprentice, advocated benevolent government, advocated that the people are more important than the emperor, and even said what many nobles regarded as treasonous words: the people are the most important, the society is second, and the emperor is the least.

After yelling this sentence, if Meng Ke hadn't been so powerful, and if Meng Ke hadn't stood behind Kong Sheng, Meng Ke would have committed suicide by shooting seven arrows in the back!
There are also many aristocratic Confucian scholars who think that Meng Ke was brainwashed by Mo Sheng. It is unforgivable that a good Confucian scholar should approach Mo Sheng in thinking. Meng Ke should be expelled from Confucianism!

However, Meng Ke himself is a big fan, and he is especially good at fighting. His strength is high, and his righteousness can be said to be invincible, so he is not afraid of reasoning or physics!
Anyway, every time he heard Kong Sheng talk about the world of great harmony in his dream, Meng Ke had the urge to shut up his brother and tell him to shut up!

Meng Ke is not the only one who has this impulse!
Kong Sheng himself was obviously one of the three sages of Qi refiners, but he highly respected the rituals of Zhou, and because of this he was loved by the nobles.

But nobles and qi refiners often can't urinate in the same pot.

To put it mildly, the Qufu Academy is all-encompassing and open-minded.

To put it bluntly, the Qufu Academy couldn't even unify their thinking. Once Confucius left, the Academy exploded inside.Once Kong Sheng passed away, there is a high probability that the Confucian scholars would ignore the corpse, put on their armor and attack each other, and hold up the corpse of Confucius: I am the orthodox!
In the eyes of some Confucian scholars, the dead Confucius, the one who couldn't speak, and the one who tampered with the classics, is the best Confucius!

In the eyes of some Confucian scholars, every time Confucius publicly stated his ideas, it would damage Confucianism as a whole!

If it wasn't for lack of strength, some Confucian scholars might want to expel Kong Sheng from Confucianism.

In such a chaotic Qufu Academy, it is not the first time that a student has left, and today another student plans to leave.

And this student is also one of Zhang Liang's friends.

Han's son Fei has already left, but Zhang Liang chose to stay in Qufu to continue his studies due to various reasons.

"Are you going to leave too?"

"Of course, what are you doing here if you don't leave?" the boy said without raising his head.

"You also know that I've always wanted to be famous, but my background has made me all stared at in the academy."

"Those who come from aristocratic backgrounds don't look down on me at all, even though most people are like trash in my eyes, but such trash can easily occupy a high position by virtue of their background, but what about me? ?”

 Speechless, I have to work overtime in the afternoon. If I had known that civil servants were like this, I would have said nothing last year.

(End of this chapter)

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