Age of mythical princes

Chapter 104 Epiphany!Epiphany! !

Chapter 104 Epiphany!Epiphany! !

In Liucheng, Jiang Hua doesn't know the conversation between Mo Sheng and Jiang Ju in the East China Sea at this moment, and he doesn't have much big picture now. As for the overall vision, it is not very useful for Jiang Hua at the moment.

It has only been a few months since I awakened the memories of my previous life.

In the past few months, Jiang Hua has grown from an alchemist to a Taoist priest today.He also changed the situation in Yancheng from precarious to full of hope today, and even changed the overall situation of the entire Chao country with his own power. Jiang Hua has done his best when he is so busy.

Jiang Hua really doesn't have time to think about things like the general trend of the world and the situation among the countries, let alone thinking about it. He doesn't even have information about the countries, so how can he think about the so-called overall situation?
Just like at this moment, Jiang Hua is very happy.

There are many reasons to be happy. Liucheng was breached, and the Hu family was almost destroyed. This must be a major event that shocked the entire Chao Kingdom. From today, Yancheng's reputation is completely known to everyone, and it is a household name.

The advantage is that more and more Taoists will go to Yancheng in the future. The disadvantage is that after this incident, Yancheng has completely entered the eyes of the monarch, and it is unlikely to develop secretly like in the past.

But now, Jiang Hua is carefully browsing the information from the Heavenly Book.

This time, the fate of so many people and places has been changed, so that there are thousands of messages sent by Tianshu.

Among the thousands of articles, more than half are not very useful, or not as useful as imagined.For example, this article is about the fate of the scholar Wang Ming.

"Wang Ling, a member of the Wang family, was a senior official in his ancestors. By the generation of his grandfather, he had already declined and became a commoner. His father was also a commoner..."

"When Wang Ling was 12 years old, he awakened his blood and became a citizen of the country. When he was 20 years old, he killed the evil tiger and bathed in the blood of the evil tiger to become a scholar."

"In the original future, there is a [-]% chance that he will die in war, and a [-]% chance that he will die at the hands of demons... less than [-]% may live to old age safely."

"Now that Liucheng is broken, Wang Ling, in order to repay Hu's kindness, fought to the death without retreating, and directly charged the army and died."

This was Wang Ling's life. Even if Liucheng hadn't been breached today, there was a high probability that Wang Ling would die in the next battle between Yancheng and Liucheng, but sooner or later.The only difference is that Wang Ling's death method will be different, he may die on the battlefield, may die at the hands of the Taoist team, or may die in the aftermath of a certain strongman's confrontation.

Even if a fate like Wang Ling's is affected, it will not change much.Looking at Wang Ling's original fate, Jiang Hua couldn't find much useful information even if he researched Hua'er.

But some people are different.Although it still looks ordinary at the moment, their fate has benefited Jiang Hua a lot, such as this one:
"Liu Yang, born by the Yang River, was given the name Liu Yang. After being a commoner, he awakened his bloodline at the age of 13. That year he obtained the supernatural power of the bloodline, and could rely on the supernatural power to sense the place where the spiritual energy gathers."

"That year, I used magical powers to find a spiritual fruit in the forest. Before I could take it, I was discovered by a monster waiting by the side. After a battle, Liu Yang lost an arm, but he took the spiritual fruit. Fruit. With the help of the medicinal power of the spirit fruit, the bloodline was awakened again, and a new arm grew."

"On the eve of the Battle of Liucheng, he had awakened his blood again, comparable to three generations of doctors. At that time, Liu Yang was searching for a treasure land..."

"However, Yancheng sent troops overnight to break Liuhe County first, and then besieged Liucheng. The whole Liucheng was shaken. Liu Yang chose to escape hastily, but he strayed into the guard area of ​​the Daoist soldiers and was directly beaten to death as a spy."

"In his original destiny, Liu Yang took this opportunity to discover a spirit treasure star pot that was being conceived in the depths of the earth's leylines. The next battle for the treasure."

"Change Liu Yang's fate and gain a small amount of power of fate."

Looking at Liu Yang's experience, Jiang Hua can only say that he is exhausted!
No matter whether the army from Yancheng came or not, no matter whether Liucheng was breached or not, he would die, this is his life.

Not enough, Jiang Hua's gaze immediately shifted to the word Lingbao.

Today's treasures can be roughly divided into four levels: magic weapon, magic weapon, spirit treasure, and supreme treasure.

The users of magic tools are generally alchemists and warlocks. There is nothing to say, just input mana to exert its power. It can be simple or complicated. It has a certain shelf life and requires the owner to input mana frequently for maintenance and debugging.Once there is no owner to take care of it, the magic weapon may self-destruct after a period of time.

The power of the magic weapon is of course even better.The shelf life of the magic weapon is also longer, and it can be passed down from generation to generation as a family. It is an exaggeration to say that a treasure can suppress the family fortune of a family for hundreds of years.

Even if this family has not had any powerful figures rise up for hundreds of years, as long as the treasures are still there, and the descendants of future generations still master the formulas and methods of refining the magic treasures, the family's reputation can be maintained.

As for the so-called formulas and methods, they are generally the back doors left by the first generation. Through these back doors, one can directly grasp and exert the power of a part of the magic weapon without slowly refining it.The first generations are also very caring for future generations.

But in this way, once the formulas and methods are leaked, it means that this back door may also be controlled by others.

As for spirit treasures, usually only real people can master them.Every spirit treasure contains certain rules of heaven and earth, and is the product of the realization of the great props of heaven and earth.Even if it is destroyed by a strong external force, it can be bred again after a period of time.

It is said that when King Wen evolved Houtian gossip, the legendary Hetu Luoshu took the initiative to vote and help him with the deduction.After the deduction was over, King Wen obtained a spirit treasure of the Way of Heavenly Mystery, and Hetu Luoshu disappeared again.

Lingbao has a spirit and automatically chooses the owner.

The Hetu Luoshu is a legendary treasure, and the Bagua map obtained by King Wen is a spiritual treasure.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hua looked at the heavenly book in his hand, not knowing what level of treasure it was.


A treasure?

The Lingbao Star Spirit Pot that is being conceived!

Thinking of this, Jiang Hua found Liu Yang's body.Liu Yang was directly killed by Taoist soldiers more than ten days ago. Since he was in the blood, his body was not directly and completely destroyed. This is good news.But the bad news is that due to the blood, the corpse has been taken to the Taoist temple by crazy Taoists for experiments.

Not long after, Jiang Hua saw the mutilated corpse of Liu Yang in a Taoist temple.With a wave of his hand, Feng Yi took some hair from the corpse and started to do fortune-telling.

At night, under the protection of his personal guards, Jiang Hua came to a place about 800 meters deep in the earth, and saw a big shining star.

Taking a closer look, Jiang Hua saw the evolution of this spirit treasure.

Not long ago, a big star fell from the sky.This star was originally very magnificent, but in the end it still died and fell into the depths of the earth.

This is the star core of a star, which contains infinite starlight, and even a star world that is being conceived can be vaguely seen.But it's a pity that the surrounding leylines are not big or small, and the leylines in front of them alone are not enough to give birth to the star world inside the star core.

However, Jiang Hua was not very sure, so he spent a small amount of power of fate to make a preliminary appraisal of this gestating spirit treasure.

"Star Spirit Pot: It was originally a star, but it fell from the sky in an accident. By chance, it turned into a star spirit pot, which contains a small world with countless stars. It can summon meteorites, meteors, and earthquakes. Distribute high-quality starlight."

"It is currently being conceived, and the power of the earth veins here is too weak to allow the Star Spirit Pot to be completely born. It is also not enough to complete the birth of the inner small world. Even if there is no accident, in another 300 years, the power of the earth veins here will The power will be completely exhausted, and then the Star Spirit Pot will have to interrupt its own gestation in advance and be born."

Seeing this, Jiang Hua can only say: This is fate!
It seems that no matter what, the Star Spirit Pot can't be completely consummated and born.However, after meeting him, the fate of the Star Spirit Pot should change.Thinking of this, Jiang Hua touched the heavenly book again, this time trying a small amount of power of fate to investigate.

"Star Spirit Pot..."

"If you want to complete this treasure so that it can be perfectly born as a spiritual treasure, you still need enough energy from the earth's veins to cultivate it. Adding the following treasures of heaven, material and earth will help you be born early..."

After a while, Jiang Hua took out some star sand, and began to feed on the weak but edible Star Spirit Pot in front of him.

As soon as the star sand was taken out of his hand, it disappeared immediately after being illuminated by the starlight.

This star sand is refined using a special secret method after a small number of meteorites carrying the power of stars landed on the ground.It's still precious, but compared to this guy in front of him, it's insignificant.

After a while, Jiang Hua successively took out hundreds of catties of star sand.

This bit of Xingchensha is just a snack for the Xingling Pot. It doesn't add much nutrition, but it also improves his appetite. Even the Xingling Pot has reduced Jiang Hua's defense a lot. Shining on Jiang Hua's body, he could clearly feel a warmth.

Jiang Hua thought for a while and said, "According to this list, go back and look for it, make it together, take as much as you have, and keep it secret throughout the process."

With that said, Jiang Hua took out a jade slip and entered it using a special secret method.Only Jun Chengyu knew this method of deciphering.Therefore, Jun Chengyu can tell whether it is true or not at a glance, and it is difficult to fake it.Feng Yi nodded and left with the list.

"Quickly block the left and right, eliminate all traces of our arrival, and further shield the sky."

Hearing this, Quwu led the guards and began to set up the formation.

"Uncle, I found a Lingbao that is in the process of being conceived. Come and have a look and see if you can comprehend anything. Then think of a way, how can we get it without alarming anyone? I don't worry if this spirit treasure is transferred away and stays here!"

"Uncle Yu... In addition to preparing these materials, Uncle Yu, hurry up and ask the Taoists in the academy to investigate Dongning Island and find the place where the leylines gather..."

Following Jiang Hua's order, the entire Yancheng moved.

Before everyone came, Jiang Hua sat near the main body of the Star Spirit Pot, enjoying the Starlight Pot: It's time for an epiphany (Tianshu help me!).

Cultivation also requires basic rules. Some geniuses can awaken from the blood of a mortal to the second generation after a few days. Although they only lived for a few days before dying, the blood of their ancestors is still circulating in their bodies.

Immediately, the people of Zhuxia, even if they are savages, their ancestors can be traced back to the two emperors of Yan and Huang.

Even if he is a descendant of Dayu, his ancestor is also the old man of Emperor Yan.

Dayou, this descendant of Emperor Yan, was not pleasing to the eyes of the descendants of Emperor Yan (the current Emperor Yan, many generations later Emperor Yan), and then rebelled. The contemporary Emperor Yan is not an opponent. As the saying goes, he would rather give to outsiders than slaves. He found the Yellow Emperor, and finally the two Emperors Yan and Huang joined forces to suppress Dayu.

The contemporary Emperor Yan also lost his position as the co-lord of the world, which already belonged to the Yellow Emperor!
But think about it, if Dayou becomes the co-lord of the world, the former co-lord of the contemporary Emperor Yan will probably be killed.And the Yellow Emperor became the co-lord, and the contemporary Yan Emperor will be confessed, and he can still live anyway.

Therefore, it is possible for the people of Zhuxia, no matter who they are, to explode in a hurry.Their ancestors were either Emperor Yan, Emperor Huang, or people with Feng surnames such as Suiren, Fuxi, and Nuwa.

And Jiang Hua felt that it was reasonable for him to observe the process of Lingbao's formation at this moment and then have an epiphany, right?
Observing the process of Jiang Hua's breakthroughs again and again, it will be found that every time there is a reason that seems very reasonable on the surface.

To comprehend the true meaning of Huo Xing is to avenge his father.

To comprehend the true meaning of the reform of Gold Bank, it is to observe that people all over the world are not living well.

Now that I have become a Taoist priest, watching the Lingbao that is being conceived, and then enlightened, it is reasonable and reasonable, and no one can fault it!

Thinking of this, many understandings about yin and yang appeared in Jiang Hua's mind.

Yin and Yang, what the hell?
One yin and one yang are called the Tao, and this is what some people say.

Yin is the soul, and Yang is matter, and this is what some people say.

Yin is spiritual power, yin god, yang god, and primordial spirit, and yang is the physical body, the precious body, the blood and the gods and beasts. This is still some people's views on yin and yang.

Yin and Yang, what exactly are they?
Yin is zero, and yang is one. When zero and one are added together, they become binary. Binary expresses all things, so yin and yang make up all things?

Yin and Yang can form a binary system, and can also be combined to form four images, and then they can evolve into eight trigrams, which can represent everything in the world, so yin and yang are Tao, the whole world, one and ten thousand...

Yin and Yang represent the two states of things...

When Taoist Changkong came here, he saw Jiang Hua who was shining...

 When you read this chapter, I was on duty, and there was no computer in the duty room, so I couldn’t code, hey.

  This duty is one day and one night, speechless!

(End of this chapter)

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