Chapter 188 The Cook Rebelled

The ground began to shake violently and the ship shook.

The Luzon people by the sea are still cursing and complaining.

If it wasn't for Emperor Han's warning, they wouldn't have been nervous for three days and two nights, wasting precious time and energy, and never had a good night's sleep.

His own King Luo She didn't take Han Emperor's warning to heart and made a precaution.

Those people who eat melons are so nervous because of an illusory warning.

What kind of god do you think you are, and you can still predict the coming of natural disasters? !
"Yeah, I thought there would be an earth dragon turning around, and I tried my best to protect myself and my family, but it turned out to be nothing!"

"It's just a joke! Doesn't he know how much pressure this will bring us?"

Resentment builds up in the hearts of Luzon people, who feel misguided.

Because of the friendliness of Han merchants and the help of a large number of goods, they were willing to believe in the bottom of their hearts.

But under the threat of early warning, several days of uneasiness and tension passed, life was disrupted, and daily affairs were put on hold.

Now, when they saw that everything was calming down, the dissatisfaction was almost at its peak.

damage bilateral relations.

But the waves got bigger and bigger, and gradually someone noticed something was wrong.

Looking at the huge waves, the Luzon people who were still swearing in poor dialect just now were completely shrouded in sudden fear.

The land was not peaceful either, and one could almost feel the very obvious shaking of the ground, but it was not known where it was moving.

As the shaking intensified, the waves also began to become extremely rough.

Huge waves, stirred up like raging waves, gradually increased in height, forming a terrible tsunami.

With the shaking of the ground and the arrival of the tsunami, the crowded Port of Manila was almost plunged into chaos.

Under the force of the landslide, those small houses made of wood and adobe were crumbling.

Huge waves suddenly rolled up, towering like mountains, roaring towards them.

The tsunami ravaged the entire port, overturned the houses beside the port, and swept those fragile houses into the water.

With ruthless force, the sea is like a roaring monster, destroying everything that stands in its way.

"Get on board, get on board!!"

Some Han people shouted loudly, and the children of the aristocratic families on the shore, as well as some sailors, boarded the boat without hesitation.

But few Luzon people followed suit.

They even felt that this group of Han people had some serious illness.

When the ship is in the people, the ship sinks and the people die?
It's not good to board a ship during a tsunami!
On land, or at most offshore, there is a risk of being drawn into the sea.

Or in the landslide, encounter an accident.

But it's much safer than being on a boat.

On the boat, surrounded by waves, you can't escape even if you want to!

Especially your big man's donkey head boat, it looks funny, and there is a broken wheel hanging on it.

Are you thinking of amphibious use?

Not even the Luzon people who looked at the ship more.

The more vigilant ones ran around, looking for a safe high ground for refuge.

Some resisted, trying to protect their families and find a place of safety.

Others were silent, hopeless and mournful.

But more people are unable to resist the mighty power of nature, panicked and run at a loss.

There was no other way, and he was directly involved in the water, life and death unknown.

Earthquakes and tsunamis made Luzon people vulnerable.

However, the Han people are on the swaying boat, leisurely and contented.

The huge waves of the tsunami rolled in like an angry dragon, and the ship was repeatedly hit by the waves, bumping and shaking non-stop.

The boats of some Luzon fishermen have completely sunk.

But the big man's fleet, with the surge of the waves, seemed to be swallowed up every moment, but they were extremely firm, bearing the huge wind and waves, but they did not sink.

The wooden boards on the side of the ship creaked and seemed to be destroyed by the violent impact at any time, but they did not crack.

The mast was also swaying in the wind and rain, and the tightened sails were blown away, but there was no stopping.

He Hong even dared to stand on the deck, brave the wind and waves, and cast a net to catch fish.

The big man's fleet is like an empty gourd in a water tank.

No matter how you press it down, it will not sink into the water, and it will stubbornly float on the water.

Even if you have to use force to press down on the gourd, the gourd slides away effortlessly as if it had been soaked in lubricant.

Simply outrageous.

Some Luzon people who were drawn into the sea, relying on the water, can occasionally show their heads and take a few breaths.

At the first glance, you can see the unsinkable Han merchant ship.

They all froze.

Doubts arose in my heart.

Is the Lord of Luzon Mansion so hung up?

During the tsunami, can the ship be kept unsinkable? ?

Then, there was a loud cry for help.

"Ready to rescue."

Liu Ke immediately ordered to save people.

Now is the time to show off your majesty.

"Save people!!"

The boats threw their waist boats one after another to rescue the Luzon people.

A gourd is tied around the waist to cross the water.

This gourd is a waist boat, a big gourd, which belongs to the characteristics of Qiongzhou.

Not only can it be used as a life buoy, but it is also a simple means of delivery.

Because the upper part of the gourd is open, clothes, dry food and other items can be packed in the gourd and then covered to prevent it from getting wet.

After landing, you can take out clothes from the gourd and put them on. You can also carry the gourd on your back and continue on your way.

People in Luzon don't know waist boats, but seeing this thing floating on the water, they also understand how to use it.

So he grabbed the boat and tried to get on board.

After this scene, they completely understood.

There is no safer place than the big man's donkey head boat.

That funny donkey head is like a god.

It's okay for the children of the aristocratic family to bring goods, but it is still unreliable to expect them to save people.

The rescuers are all sailors.

In this way, the ships and sailors of the Han Dynasty became the light of hope in the disaster, helping those Luzon people who were in trouble and constantly regaining their confidence.

When the earthquake and tsunami gradually subsided, the entire Port of Manila was almost reduced to ruins.

Most of the houses were destroyed, and Luzon people lost their homes and relatives, and their hearts were full of pain and helplessness.

However, it was under this disaster that the Han people headed by Liu Ke showed their brave and calm side.

What is a great country?
Those doctors with medical skills were desperate and tried their best to help the injured Luzon people.

Some warriors, risking their lives, searched for the trapped and tried to save them.

They supported the people of Luzon, jointly resisted this disaster, and tried their best to protect this group of people who were not relatives or relatives.

Liu Ke also did it himself, but in his words, he more or less revealed the meaning of "the princes and generals have kindness".

Look, why are you Luzon people so miserable?

Because of natural disasters.

But someone obviously warned of natural disasters!
King Roser didn't take it to heart.

Then why are there natural disasters?

It is also because of King Luoshe, according to Chinese culture, this is the loss of virtue of King Luoshe.

Luzon people do not believe it.

The dilapidated scene is right in front of you.

The home is gone, and the money is gone.

People are still alive.

Every surviving Luzon person only feels sorrow in his heart.

After such a push.

"Ouch, my old hen just laid eggs today."

"The chicken coop is down, do you still care about the eggs in the chicken coop?"

Unable to do anything, the people of Luzon could only curse and complain angrily as before.

Their anger was palpable.

Constantly blaming his own King Rosher.

It is believed that he did not take Handi's warning to heart and did not take sufficient precautions.

It is even unbelievable that this kind of emergency situation has not received enough attention due to natural disasters.

King Luoshe's power is limited to Batangas, the capital of the kingdom.

The control over the entire Luzon is not strong.

Some Luzon nobles with mines at home are almost equivalent to the emperors of the land.

Therefore, scolding does not carry any psychological burden.

"This King Luo She is too irresponsible!"

A Luzon nobleman cursed loudly, his face was full of anger and disappointment.

"It is clear that Emperor Han issued an early warning, telling us that an earthquake and tsunami may occur, but he didn't care!"

"Look now, we have been hit by this natural disaster and suffered heavy losses!"

"The Port of Manila that we worked so hard to build is destroyed, and our property is also burned!"

Another Luzon complained hoarsely.

"We've hardly had a restful night's sleep, worrying about the earthquake and tsunami coming."

"And what about King Luoshe? He was not in a hurry, and he didn't take the warning seriously."

"Looks like they don't care about our lives and safety at all!"

There were complaints one after another, and the emotions of the people in Luzon became more and more agitated.

"I think it's because King Luoshe is immoral. The big man's porcelain and silk are all good things, and he is willing to buy those cheap peppers."

"This is a good deed, but he still restricts trade, so the gods sent disasters to punish Luzon!"

When disasters happen, someone has to be blamed.

The people of Luzon felt betrayed and abandoned, and expressed extreme doubts about the prestige of King Luoshe.

"We need a king who really cares about us!"

Someone shouted angrily.

"This King Luoshe is not worthy to be called our king!"

"He only cares about enjoying himself in Batangas, and doesn't care about our plight at all."

"We need a king who can lead us through difficulties!"

The place near the sea was full of insults.

Prigo also survived, but at this moment, he didn't dare to stand out.

After a disaster, people really need a way to vent their emotions.

He is the minister of Luzon, representing King Luo She in Manila Port, negotiating with the Han people.

But he and the [-] soldiers under his command depended on the Batangas in the rear from time to time to be a day or two in arrears in order to feed their stomachs.

At this time, there is not even anything for disaster relief.

It is completely unable to appease the emotions of the people.

Moreover, the Port of Manila is just a seaport, an ordinary gathering place, and there are no officials at all.

If he, an official representing King Luoshe, came forward, he would not be able to please him at all.

It is not used as food for disaster relief because the meat is too old and tastes bad.

"Line up and come one by one!"

At this moment, a group of Han army sailors disembarked.

Led by Gan Wenjin and Fu Xuance, they set up a stove and cooked porridge.

"Don't, it won't work! It's all money!!"

Only He Hong was still about to cry, crying as if his brother had died.

Everyone subconsciously ignored him.

There was even a tiger kun that pushed a Luzon man who fell into the water and fell into a coma to the shore.

Then, beside the navy's boat, he flapped his tail, signaling them to follow.

Half a day later, the boat dragged another fat humpback kun back to the port.

The Luzon people were all in tears.

Kun Kun not only provided them with Kun leather clothes to protect them from the disaster, but also took the initiative to cut meat to feed others.

You really deserve to be the Lord of Luzon Mansion!

The kun meat porridge on the stove brought endless hope and warmth to those Luzon people who were affected by the disaster.

People in Luzon are all grateful, and their eyes are full of respect for the Han people.

I was completely moved by this kindness, this magnanimity of a great country.

Seeing the care and support of the Han people, they felt that they were not alone, and even gathered together one after another, scattered and started the reconstruction work.

The first project is to rebuild the Goulan tile houses of the Han people.

Even Prigo and the soldiers accepted it silently.

There is a sincere gratitude in the expression.

There are even some weird emotions in my heart.

Compared with King Luo She, the logistical food that would be in short supply every three days, the big Han emperor who sent charcoal in the snow, was obviously more moving.

"The generosity of the Han people is really touching, and we will always remember it in our hearts."

"The Han people not only gave us food, but also gave us hope and courage to survive, making us believe that life will return to normal."

"Yes, we also want to use our strength to help other people affected by the disaster!"

In the past few days, apart from cursing King Luoshe, the people of Luzon are lamenting the generosity of the big man.

Prigo saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

Instigate again, these Luzon people in Manila Port will definitely rebel.

Even if the emperor of the Han Dynasty raises his arms and leads them to directly attack Batangas, it may become a reality.

But Prigo had no choice but to repair a book and send it to King Luoshe urgently.

How can we rely on other countries to do things like disaster relief?

The king of his own family should also be ruthless and shed some blood, so as to restore his image in the hearts of Luzon people.

King Luoshe looked at the reports sent around, his eyes flickering.

Luzon is not too big, and a strong landslide can cover the entire island.

It's not like it didn't happen in the past years, and King Roser has actually been used to it for a long time.

Every time after a landslide or tsunami, sending people to rescue them will gain a wave of prestige.

But this time is obviously different.

Emperor Han had a warning in advance.

Although it was delayed for several months, he did not take the warning seriously before and did not take any precautions at all.

If there is no ground collapse, it is not a big problem.

But now that Dibengzhen is here, everyone is targeting him.

He didn't even know where to throw the Han Emperor's early warning letter of credence.

"What an insult!"

"It's all a bunch of five baht coins!!"

King Roser gritted his teeth and growled in a low voice.

This is not only a turmoil in the hearts of the people in Luzon, but also a provocation to his own kingship and rule.

Coupled with the complaints erupting from all over the place, King Luoshe deeply felt that his prestige was threatened, and his heart was filled with uncontrollable anger.

"The Han people will definitely pay the price for this!"

His fists were clenched tightly, his nails digging deep into his palm.

"Your Highness, calm down."

Shaogu on the side hurriedly comforted him.

The Luzon people who are now affected by the disaster have basically become five baht coins for walking under the relief of the Han people.

It's no use getting angry, you have to do something about it.

"What can you do?"

King Luo She is a person who listens to persuasion, and after venting a bit, his emotions eased a lot.

Instead, think seriously about countermeasures.

Shaogu frowned.

The current situation is not good.

Originally, trade restrictions caused some Luzon nobles to complain.

Those private transactions that have been repeatedly prohibited have also caused the outflow of Luzon's gold.

Coupled with this natural disaster, it became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

If Emperor Han really raised his arms in the name of King Luoshe's immorality, those who have money will pay, those who have food will pay, and those who have no money and no food will join the army.

Then he called on the people of Luzon to attack Batangas and capture King Luoshe.

It's hard to say how things will develop by then.

Even if the big man cannot completely bring Luzon under the rule in name, it is still easy to support a puppet to rule Luzon.

Neither King Luoshe nor Shaogu thought that a trade between the two countries would develop like this.

If you are not careful, you will lose your sovereignty.

Shaogu thought about it for a while, and then became ruthless, saying:
"First strike is stronger."

"How to say?"

Upon hearing Shaogu's suggestion, King Luoshe stopped what he was doing and frowned.

Now can even be regarded as the most critical moment in the hundreds of years since the founding of Luzon.

We must not sit still and wait for death. We must take practical actions to safeguard the sovereignty of Luzon.

His eyes became extremely serious, and he folded his hands on his chest, motioning for Shaogu to continue talking.

After pondering for a moment, Shaogu said firmly:

"What we are most worried about now is that the Han people will incite people to launch a rebellion."

"Although Prigo and [-] soldiers are still in the Port of Manila, there must be some losses due to the landslide and tsunami."

"It's not certain, there will be some soldiers who, under the bewitching of the Han people, have already turned their hearts to the big man."

"We can send 5000 people to Prigo, and then make them pretend to join the big man."

"Prigo pretended to rebel, but because the food and fodder has always been in our hands, and there are five thousand more mouths, they don't have enough money and food to send troops."

"So, let the big man provide money and food."

"Let Prigo return to Batangas with money and food under the slogan of suppressing the rebellion, and surrender to His Highness."

"Not only can His Highness's prestige be restored, but the Han people in Manila Port will also fall into a food shortage because of the supply of food and fodder needed by Prigo."

"Even if the Han people can continue to rely on hunting kuns to barely supply their daily needs, they will certainly not be able to continue to provide relief to the victims."

"This little man is like that."

"You have always been kind to him and given him food, he will take it for granted."

"If you suddenly don't do him any favors, he will hold a grudge instead."

"Not only can the conflict be transferred to the Han people, but it can also make the Han people retreat earlier."

"As long as the Han people leave Luzon, what will happen to the country will be under His Highness' control."

King Roser listened carefully with a serious expression.

He knew that there was nothing wrong with Shaogu's suggestion. It not only calculated the Han people, but also calculated the hearts of the people.

It's just that he took another deep look at Shaogu.

Good idea, solved many problems.

But the price to pay is Prigo's life.

Prigo approached the Han army on the grounds of rebellion, and marched all the way to the capital.

Even if he surrendered in the end, it would be a huge blow to King Luoshe's prestige.

So his end, there is only one dead end.

Shaogu really knows how to calculate. He not only solved the troubles brought by the Han people, but also solved a political enemy.

"We can also contact Boni Island to enlist their support and assistance. If Emperor Han really takes action against Luzon, we will no longer be isolated and have more allies to rely on."

Shaogu continued to offer advice.

At this time, King Luoshe had made a decision:
"The 5000 people sent by Naga are up to you to choose."

"It must be a confidant, and it must be reliable enough."

King Luoshe didn't hesitate too much. Shaogu had always disliked Prigo, so he would definitely choose his soldiers carefully, so that Prigo would not do a fake show and really fall for the traitor.

As for Prigo's life.
Although he is a confidant, at this time, it is worthwhile to exchange one life for the sovereignty of Luzon.

It's just a cook, he deserves to die.

King Roser was not afraid of Prigo's betrayal.

Prigo's wife and children are all in Batangas, and the 5000 Naga faction will not obey Prigo.

As long as there is a slight change in Prigo, it can be chopped down immediately.

After Prigo received the secret letter, he was a little tangled.

He knew what King Luo She meant, and also guessed his own ending.

But no matter what you do, it seems that you can't escape death.

If they didn't obey King Luoshe, those 5000 people were directly chopped off by him.

Obeying King Luoshe's order, on the contrary, there is still some vitality.

Maybe, I can find a substitute or something to die for.

Just when he was struggling, a Han came and invited him to a banquet.

Prigo complied habitually.

In the past few months, the Han people have been treating guests to dinner, and they are quite friendly.

In recent days, due to the impact of the disaster, I haven't eaten and drank very well.

Now that the reconstruction has been roughly completed, and 5000 people have been sent from the capital, it is normal for the Han people to continue to trade, treat guests, and maintain relationships after the disaster.

"Just during the banquet, discuss secretly with Emperor Han, and earn money and food back to Batangas."

Prigo felt somewhat unbearable.

Even if the Han people have ulterior motives, they have done things for Luzon sincerely.

Rescued a large number of victims in Luzon.

He is an honest man, and he somewhat dislikes such tricks.

But for the sake of his wife and children, and for Luzon not to be seized by the Han people, there is no other way.

(End of this chapter)

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