Chapter 180 Get off the Malay

News of the establishment of the Embroidered Clothes Envoy and the ecological survey spread.

Qiongzhou shook.

Many aristocratic families are actually relatively numb.

I am a little accustomed to the emperor's endless methods of tossing them.

There's nothing wrong with it, if you want to expand the imperial power and control the place, isn't that what you have to do?

The Donghu people went south, and the barbarians wanted to rule the country, who should they use?
Poor family?

Digging three feet into the ground, how many talents for governing the country can be found from the poor family?
The aristocratic family was launched by Donghu Babu.

Yu Rang is a typical example.

The more chaotic the world, the more noisy the family, the greater the power and authority.

Just like hundreds of years ago.

When Emperor Zhaolie and Marquis Cao hadn't fully risen, there was no competition for the throne.

It's just two branches of the Yuan family in Runan, each leading a group of younger brothers to fight in the ring.

The emperor yelled once or twice at the aristocratic family.

Again, it's normal.

And this is a sign that the emperor had already had when he was in Jiaozhou and divided the land from the rich.

Wasn't one of the reasons for those rebellious families before the uprising was that they were worried that the emperor would do something to their land?
Fortunately, the land was not confiscated this time, but the land was cleared on the grounds of "ecological survey".

Let them make up for the part of tax evasion.

The more taxes paid by the aristocratic family, the more abundant the treasury will be.

When the national treasury has money, whether it is to govern the people or expand the army and recruit troops, it can make the court stronger.

Then the emperor's prestige will be higher, more unshakable, almost godlike.

Although judging from what the emperor has done at present, it is almost a god.

But for the time being, it is not enough to create something out of nothing and make money out of thin air.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have to cultivate their health and rest after beating Gaozhou.

In this way, the imperial power is dominant, and the voice of the aristocratic family naturally becomes smaller again.

Today it is just clearing the land to collect taxes, will it be possible to do something to their land tomorrow?
It always makes people feel that it is not a taste.

It is equivalent to the emperor holding a knife, cutting and eating the flesh of aristocratic families.

Not to mention the pain to the bone marrow, afterward, if you are full and fat, maybe you will punch him and snatch all the money in your pocket.

Who can stand it?
The aristocratic families are trembling.

I have to say that the emperor really picked a good time.

The aristocratic families who dared to come out have been wiped out, and now only the bewildered public is left.

At this time, Man Huaiying and Hua Chengyu had already started a comprehensive ecological investigation.

They started their research from the Jiang family, the He family and the Xiao family.

The representatives of the three schools are Jiang Sutang, He Kun, and Xiao Yuanchang.

These people certainly have nothing to worry about.

Especially He Kun.

Don't look at his official reputation, but he knows what can be done and what can't be done.

He's land is quite a lot.

Although it is the He family of Beipu, the land is not only in Beipu County.

Almost all over Qiongzhou, even Gaozhou, Jiaozhou, and even the states and counties under the rule of Donghu people, there are some of them.

He Kun bought land wherever the Han army went.

Among other things, after the chaos, there will be great order, and the population will increase. As long as there is land, you can make money lying down.

The Beipu He family is actually not a common surname.

But ever since He Kun became an official in the court, he had the tendency to attack the richest man in Qiongzhou.

Everyone in the He family probably knows how much land they own.

I also know how much extra tax I have to pay once the tax is collected on these properties.

He Kun couldn't bear it, but he was still willing.

His younger brother, He Hong, was not so generous.

"Brother... Brother, what happened to you??"

"You are greedy, don't harm the Nine Clans!!"

For a moment, He Hong broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that it was his elder brother who had done something wrong.

As a result, He Kun shook his head, without any trace, he pulled He Hong's hand from his, and pulled it off.

"The imperial court wants to investigate the ecology and look for it. It is as auspicious as Kun."

"It's not for me, Mr. He, but for everyone."

"Let the embroidered clothing envoy check the ecology. If you can really find Xiangrui, I'm afraid you and I still have credit."

When He Kun said this, He Hong was considered stupid.

"Auspicious? Credit?"

"This is a pretext to clear the land!"

"If the tax is paid, how much money will you get?!"

He Kun was also helpless, every time the emperor did something, he had to struggle with his tongue.

In the previous rebellion, he stayed at home for three days and three nights before telling his clansmen to stay calm and not act rashly.

Now again.

He had to continue to persuade:
"In order to set an example, the Jiang family, the He family and the Xiao family were the first to conduct ecological surveys."

"The Maritime Silk Road is of great importance, and I came back specially for this matter."

"No one should take chances. You can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it forever."

"If an auspicious beast really emerges from He's land, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Our family, how can there be any auspicious beasts!!!"

He Hong was really distressed, his eyes turned red, and he fell to the ground, crying loudly.

"Whether there is, it's not up to you."

He Kun closed his eyes, throughout the ages, have there been fewer auspicious and strange beasts, man-made?
Under the guise of an ecological survey, the emperor has notified you in advance, which is already good.

If someone informs your house that purple air surrounds the beams and white deer haunts, and then send embroidered clothes envoys to your door to forcibly check the ecology, it will be over!
He Kun personally inspected the family's land account books, and found out that everything was in detail.

When Man Huaiying and Hua Chengyu came to the door, they even presented it with their own hands.

The embroidered clothes envoy checked the land according to the land, and within three days, Man Huaiying made an investigation report.

Because of He Kun's strong support, he deliberately informed He Kun, and also asked He Kun to send a message to other aristocratic families.

"Master He, the locations of this investigation are mainly divided into three categories."

"The first category is the key areas selected based on the migration routes of birds."

"The second category is birds of prey, two key areas selected."

"The third category is the areas of beasts and birds, mainly near the mountains."

"Embroidered garments made nearly three days of investigation, not afraid of hardships, with the scorching sun on their heads, and overturned ditches and bridges."

"By observing footprints, listening to sounds, and staying on site, more than [-] species of animals and plants were investigated, and the species, ecological environment, and branch areas were registered on site."

"The survey data so far show that there are 56 known species of animals and plants on He's land, and the results are quite fruitful."

He Kun was taken aback when he heard that.

Isn't the ecological survey a cover for clearing the land?
How do you listen, does it really look good?

The animals, plants and trees that we see in daily life are not the only ones.

There are more than 50 kinds? ?

Man Huaiying showed the ecological survey report to He Kun.

After He Kun saw the pictures and various data above, he was even more shocked.

Is it necessary to be so professional?

"Your Majesty, what did His Majesty teach you?"

Man Huaiying nodded.

Your Majesty is different from the emperors who grew up in the deep palace. When he is among the people, he often plays with animals.

Knowing this, it doesn't seem so strange.

He Kun wiped his sweat and drank a cup of tea for Yinghuai:

"Mandarin has worked hard."

They really came here to conduct ecological surveys. Although they also pretended to clear the land by the way, but with such professional things in front of them, no one could say anything.

"Yes, and this one."

Man Huaiying didn't receive the tea, he felt that what he was doing was just his duty.

Then clapped hands.

An embroiderer brought a snow-white deer wrapped in red silk to He Kun.

"This thing ran into the forest, and they chased it for a while before finding it. The forest belongs to your He family."

He Kun: "."

Wow, I can really find it.

Although the white deer is one of the more common auspicious ones.

Emperor Xiaowu even used white deerskin as currency.

But I can't stand it, it's really an auspicious beast!

Standing next to He Kun, He Hong, who was still a little bit aggrieved, broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, He Shi did not resist.

If the ecological survey is strongly resisted, and the white deer is found out again, the Nine Clans will be in danger.

He Kun tremblingly sent away Man Huaiying and the embroidered clothes envoy.

I am afraid that the situation of clearing the land this time will be unstoppable.

Not only can a large amount of taxes be collected, but maybe a lot of auspiciousness can also be collected.

A blue bird comes in three days, and a white deer comes in five days.

Maybe someday I will find the dragon and phoenix? !

The frequent occurrence of auspicious auspicious signs greatly enhanced the prestige of the big man.

Ordinary people can believe this.

What is destiny in Han!
He Kun glanced at He Hong who was still trembling.

Thinking in mind.

Although this kid has no foresight and is still a miser, he still has some strength in force.

Simply take it with you when you go to sea later, and see if you can earn some credit.

The clan can't keep holding him back, can it?

When the embroidered clothing envoy investigated the ecological environment of the three families, most of them were very cooperative.

Needless to say, Xiao Yuanchang and He Kun had great influence on the family.

Although Jiang Sutang is a woman, but as the woman who is most likely to be the queen, she has a great influence on the Jiang family.

Moreover, her younger brother, Jiang Quhan, had a ten-year agreement with the emperor.

Therefore, it is not just the Jiang family who separated their families in Qiongzhou, they are extremely cooperative.

The Jiang family, who was far away in Jinling, even sent a land account book.

However, Man Huaiying said that he was really doing an ecological survey and directly rejected it.

And this ecological survey is indeed quite effective.

Qiongzhou has a unique geographical environment, and there is only one road connected to the mainland, so it has basically been isolated for a long time.

And there are no large carnivores, no competition.

The development is relatively late, and it is less affected by humans.

As a result, I really found a lot of auspicious beasts.

After checking and checking, it cost a lot of money to breed auspicious animals.

It turned out that something went wrong with a guy who was a bit surprising.

Brother Liu Ke's son, Liu Zhu.

He is the sixth eldest, and the first five elder brothers have all been princes.

Since the elder brothers died relatively quickly and young, they did not leave much political legacy.

But there are quite a lot of serious legacy.

Just like this land.

It was not possible to inherit before because Donghu people have already occupied more than half of the world.

But Liu Ke was like a hunk from the sky, driving away all the Donghu people.

According to the title deed, the clan can take back its own land as it should.

Liu Ke had been conscripting in person before, so naturally he didn't have time to deal with these trivial matters.

Xiao Yuanchang couldn't control the clan either.

In addition, Liu Ke has been favored by heaven several times, so that people think that the Liu family has the destiny.

It made these clans even more lawless.

Liu Zhu has his own Zhuangzi, nominally inheriting his hapless father's land, which has about a thousand acres in Qiongzhou.

When his father died, the big man had just moved south.

At that time, they were all in Qiongzhou, the southernmost city, with a thousand acres of land, which was considered quite wealthy.

But for now, it is relatively small.

In Qiongzhou, even ordinary wealthy families start with [-] mu of land.

Liu Zhu's [-] mu of land is really not enough.

Moreover, Liu Zhu's power was not comparable to that of the aristocratic family.

At most, he could only rely on the clan's name to deter some timid people.

Even if it is necessary to merge land and get more land, its ability is limited.

If you say something that should be said, even if you turn a blind eye and close your eyes and skip Liu Zhu, it will not make the court pay much less tax.

But the less land there is, the stronger his resistance will be.

He actually led a group of servants directly, and directly stopped the embroiderer who was about to conduct an ecological survey.

He even said presumptuously that whoever wants to clear the land must first step over them.

After hearing this, Man Huaiying rushed over in person, and kept turning around, losing two taels of flesh on his stomach.

Seeing this scene, he didn't take a few breaths, and asked Liu Zhu and others directly:

"What do you want to do? The ecological survey is a national policy set by His Majesty himself. Are you trying to obstruct the national policy?!"

"Don't think that you are the children of the clan, so you can be so presumptuous!"

Riding on the horse, Liu Zhu looked up at Man Huaiying below, and said proudly:
"My uncle is His Majesty today. What kind of nonsense national policy, this country belongs to our Liu family!"

"If you want to clear the land, you shouldn't clear the land on our clan's head!"

Man Huaiying frowned, and said slowly:
"It's not clearing the land, it's an ecological survey."

"These days, through ecological surveys, many auspicious signs have been discovered."

"Your Highness is the clan, so he will definitely support the ecological survey, right?"

Liu Zhu raised his whip and said even more impatiently:
"I don't care if you are doing an ecological survey or land clearing."

"I am a nobleman of Tianhuang, and I belong to the same lineage as His Majesty today. If there are any auspicious beasts in the field, it is because of Your Majesty's virtue!"

"It's you instead."

"You group of embroiderers, holding chicken feathers as arrows, how dare you disrespect me!"

"If you insist on doing this, don't blame the sword for not having eyes!"

Liu Zhu was not out of his wits, he first used the name of the clan to assign the auspicious beast to the emperor.

In this way, even if there are any auspicious beasts, they won't be as restrained as the aristocratic family.

The clan is indeed difficult.

After all, no matter what you say, you can put righteousness on Liu Shi.

"Have a frenzy!"

Man Huaiying did not back down, and replied loudly:

"Ecological surveys can only be blocked by your words, even if the embroidery makes people die, you must do it!"

"Your clan disciples, if you dare to disobey, this official will not tolerate it, and will definitely punish you severely!"

Hua Chengyu came in a hurry, and was dumbfounded when he heard Man Huaiying's words.

Good guy, the embroidered clothes envoy is not your subordinate, you don't feel sorry for him even if he is dead, do you?
He looked at Liu Zhu again.

It's really hard to deal with!
In fact, from his point of view, it is best to skip the clan.

After the complete recovery of the homeland, the clan may occupy more land.

Even if they don't accept it, there will be all kinds of people who will give the land to them.

But the current clan basically has no influence, and there are only three or two big cats and kittens.

The land occupied, even if added together, is not comparable to a large family.

Open your eyes and close your eyes, omit the past and forget it.

After all, we all know that the emperor respects and loves his ancestors. What if a pair of brothers and nephews also love their houses and crows?

It seems that the emperor killed a lot of brothers.

But it is not important.

The important thing is that it is inconvenient for those of them who are courtiers to do anything to the clan.

Ever since, Hua Chengyu persuaded him:

"My lord, I think you can investigate those large areas of land first."

"These small places can be skipped temporarily."

As he spoke, he kept blinking at Man Huaiying, trying to hint at something.

Seeing this, Liu Zhu pinched the horse's belly even harder, and the BMW neighed under his crotch, making him even more triumphant.

Look, you turned into rain and got the emperor's fancy, why don't you want to be a commander in embroidered clothes, a third-rank official, and be polite when you see the clan?

Man Huaiying frowned.

It's not that he didn't understand what Hua Chengyu said.

But he didn't think about appeasement at all.

Similar in size to He Kun, but completely different in character.

Man Huaiying has his uprightness and his strength.

His voice was loud and clear, with an undeniable tone, like a sharp sword, directly hitting people's hearts:

"One is one, and two is two."

"Let your people continue to clear Zhang!"

Hua Chengyu had no choice but to bite the bullet and obey.

According to the distribution of the emperor, in the matter of environmental investigation, the chief officer is Yinghuai.

Embroidery makes just work together.

But at this time, when a team of embroidery envoys crossed Liu Zhu and began to conduct ecological surveys.

Liu Zhu's expression changed, and he directly pulled out the sword from his waist, and chopped off an embroidered envoy who was unprepared in time.

The embroiderer didn't notice it at all, his eyes were full of horror, his body was on the verge of falling, and blood gushed out from the cut neck.

He tried to support his body, but couldn't resist the severe pain.

Life gradually left him, and his body finally collapsed to the ground, dying with regret.

Liu Zhu was splattered with blood. He wiped it off a little, but still did not sheath his sword. He looked at Man Huaiying and the others, and said with a sneer:
"I said before, whoever dares to move the clan's fields will die!"

Man Huaiying stood there, frowning even deeper.

He did not expect that Liu Zhu would take such decisive and violent actions, and things were somewhat unexpected.

As for Liu Zhu's courage, it might not be his own idea.

It may even be that there are aristocratic families and wealthy families who are behind it.

Once an ecological survey is opened to skip a part, it is difficult to strictly implement the rest.

Liu Zhu drew his sword, but it was also used as a sword.

The servants beside Liu Zhu were also shocked by His Royal Highness's actions.

They originally thought that with just a verbal objection and a little deterrence, the embroidered clothes envoy would be able to retreat.

But now seeing that Liu Zhu actually did it himself, the servants couldn't help being surprised.

But there was no panic.

They are from the old Liu family!
The embroiderer's movements also froze for a moment.

Hua Chengyu stepped forward, measured the pulse of the embroidered envoy who fell on the ground, and shook his head.

Everyone present was watching this scene intently.

Someone couldn't help but gasped, too surprised to speak.

However, despite everyone's surprise, Liu Zhu still maintained a sneer expression.

A small embroidered clothes envoy Xiaoqi, from the seventh rank official, will be killed if he is killed.

Hua Chengyu picked up Xiao Qi's body, and beside Man Huaiying, said softly:
"Withdraw! I will report this matter to His Majesty first!"

"It is inconvenient for us and other foreign ministers to act rashly regarding the affairs of the clan."

Man Huaiying looked at Xiaoqi's dead body, but did not move.

Although he said just now, even if the embroidered clothes are extinct, the ecological investigation must continue.

But it doesn't mean that he will watch the embroidered clothes make him die.

The civil servants of the Han Dynasty are all bloody.

What's more, he was originally a warrior who changed his career.

It was killed out of the chaos in Gaozhou.

Suddenly, Man Huaiying took two steps forward, his steps were steady, he held his head up, and looked directly at Liu Zhu who was still on the horse, holding the blood-stained sword, showing off his might.

"Just because of your small clan, how dare you make such a big deal, and answer the question in front of the official."

"Do you think that I dare not punish you because you belong to the clan of the Liu surname?"

"Do you think that Xiaoqi, the embroidered clothes master, can kill at will without being punished because he only has a seventh-rank position?"

"Do you think that just because of your servants and the identity of the Liu clan, I won't dare to kill you?"

Man Huaiying stared straight at Liu Zhu, straightened her body, and raised her shoulders slightly.

The fat body actually looks mighty and majestic.

Although standing in front of the horse, he was more than a head shorter than Liu Zhu, but the majesty at this time was still higher than Liu Zhu who had just drawn his sword to kill.

Suddenly shouted loudly:
"Get off my horse!"

Liu Zhu was interrupted by the scolding, his expression was dull for a moment, and he froze in place.

The original proud posture was a little shaken, and there was a trace of hesitation between his brows.

Even the servants and embroiderers around were a little stunned.

The mellow man immediately suppressed the audience.

Man Huaiying seized the moment when Liu Zhu was stunned, and took the opportunity to snatch the sword from his hand.

The sword still had blood on it.

Man Huaiying's eyes flickered, he gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, and suddenly exerted strength in his hand, the sharp edge of the sword pointed directly at Liu Zhu.

Without hesitation, he cut down with a sword.

With a scream, blood spurted out.

Liu Zhu's body, like a kite with broken strings, fell backwards.

A look of horror and despair appeared on his face.

He struggled weakly, but the pain from the wound made it difficult for him to stabilize his body.

Liu Zhu's body fell to the ground with inertia.

The horse also lost control of its owner in an instant, neighing in panic, and kicking its hooves, stirring up dust and grass clippings.

The people around witnessed this scene, and the shock and fear froze on their faces.

They couldn't believe what was happening in front of them, and there was a chill in their hearts.

Whether it is Liu Zhu's servants or the embroiderers, there is only one idea in their minds.

Do you dare to kill the clan?

Without taking a second look, Man Huaiying walked up to Hua Chengyu and closed Xiaoqi's eyes.

Then he said calmly:
"The sons of the clan obstructed the ecological investigation and killed Xiaoqi, the embroidered clothes envoy without authorization, and have now been punished!"

Then he threw the blood-stained sword on the ground.

When there was a clang, everyone almost jumped in shock.

Man Huaiying stretched out his hands again, facing Hua Chengyu, unable to hear any emotion.

"The embroidered clothes envoy has the duty of supervising all officials."

"I killed the clan without authorization, so please ask the commander to take me to His Majesty to plead guilty."

(End of this chapter)

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