Chapter 149 Local Advantage

The Han army successfully landed at the port at the junction of Gaozhou and Jiaozhou.

There is no obstacle at all at sea.

"East Hu had nothing to do with the Han army's navy after the destruction of the Pu Liuru's navy."

Looking at the calm coastline, Liu Ke was in a daze for a while.

In the whole big man, the only place that can be stronger than Donghu is the navy.

And it is a navy, and its strength is limited.

Donghu now only lacks soldiers who are familiar with water warfare and can travel on ships.

There is no shortage of ships.

This is a big problem on rough seas and some fast rivers.

But in some rivers where the water is not so fast, the impact is not too great.

This is the case with Nandu River, so there are many Donghu ships in it.

After the Han army landed, Gan Wenjin led the navy to continue to Qiongzhou to transport supplies.

And Di Han led the soldiers of the Han army to set up camp and take a short rest.

Let the soldiers slow down on land.

Li Jingji suggested not to rest and reorganize, soldiers are expensive, and they should quickly support the counties and counties of Gaozhou.

But it was rejected by Di Han.

Li Jingji could only stop thinking, after all he is now Di Han's lieutenant general.

Don't even talk about the order of becoming an official, whether he is a general or not.

The Han army fought in Jiaozhi for more than two months, and you, Li Jingji, are fighting like soy sauce. You have never won a battle, so you still want to be promoted?

However, Li Jingji didn't have much emotion and was very humble.

There is indeed something worthy of Di Han's learning in his marching formation.

Even after taking a short rest, Liu Ke and the generals of the Han army did not relax their vigilance, and kept sending scouts to inquire about news.


"How's the front line going?"

Hearing that there was information coming back, Liu Ke hurriedly called all the generals to discuss the matter.

Compared with when we went to Jiaozhi, now there are Fu Xuance, Di Han, Lei Lan, Li Jingji, Banihan and others in the camp, all of whom can discuss.

Although it is not as talented as Donghu, it can be regarded as two or three big cats and kittens.

"Yue Shaobao led his troops to rescue Zhuxi County, which was besieged by Donghu. Now it is in danger."


The generals frowned upon hearing this.

Li Jingji sighed quietly, he has lost a lot, this is the sign of a big defeat.

And a young man like Barnihan, who hadn't experienced much in battle, gritted his teeth unconsciously.

In the Han army, Yue Shaoqian's prestige was only inferior to that of the emperor.

Whether it was the steadfast defense in Qiongzhou City, or the harassing of the Donghu Southern Army, cooperating with the emperor to take down the Qiongzhou Army, or decisively entering Gaozhou after the destruction of the Donghu Navy, and taking down Kanghai County.

All counted as flawless, it is already well-known.

Cooperating with the emperor is even more handy.

It can be said that Yue Shaoqian contributed a lot to the big man's current territory.

For such a famous general, his ability and decision-making are all fine.

Zhuxi County is just south of Nandu River.

It is not only a county seat, but also an extremely important military stronghold on the Nandu River.

If this city is lost, the Nandujiang defense line is equivalent to losing the entire line.

The entire Kanghai County will be directly exposed to the enemy.

To put it simply, if Zhuxi is lost, under the Donghu 20 army, Gaozhou is almost lost.

What made the generals even more confused was that Rao had made the most correct decision with Yue Shaoqian's ability, but he was still under the leadership of Donghu Bingfeng, he was struggling with one thing and another.

No one even thinks that Zhuxi can hold for too long.

Very likely, the city will be broken tomorrow.

Although Liu Ke has a little bit of confidence, from the overall situation, the Han army is completely at a disadvantage and is not optimistic.

"Now the Donghu soldiers are divided into three groups, and Donghu Da Khan personally leads an army of [-], and continues to besiege Zhuxi."

"In addition, send Qiyan Jinhan and Qiyan Daxian, each with [-] soldiers and horses, to attack separately."

There was an instant silence in the tent.

As expected of the Great Khan who has fought in the South and North for decades, he stared at the point of the lack of troops of the big man, and aimed at this point, and beat him to death.

"Not good"

Fu Xuance sighed, stared at the map, thought for a moment, and spoke first:
"Judging from the marching directions of these two groups of soldiers and horses, the targets should be Kang Hai and Xu Wen."

"Kanghai is the prefecture of Kanghai County, and it is the place to store grain, while Xuwen is the closest to Qiongzhou, and it is the grain road."

"Taking Kanghai will destroy the morale of our army and take all the food stored in Gaozhou."

"Taking Xuwen will cut off the connection between Gaozhou and Qiongzhou, making it difficult for our army to transport food."

All the officers and men were shocked upon hearing this, and Liu Ke nodded again and again.

Donghu seems to divide its forces, but strategically, it is more oppressive.

It seems to be attacking the city, but in fact it has the intention of running out of food.

Zhanjiang Port has been captured by Donghu, and Zhuxi, which crosses the river south, is in danger.

If you want the navy to transport grain by water, you have to detour.

When the grain and fodder arrived in Gaozhou, they still had to be transported by land.

At this time, the Donghu people can take advantage of the cavalry.

It only takes a small group of Qingqi and constant harassment to make the Han army miserable.

If the Han army deliberately sent a large army of soldiers and horses to escort them for food and fodder, it would be in the enemy's arms.

The Donghu People's Congress can also mobilize most of the troops to fight the Han army.

20 against [-], and [-] well-known Iron Buddha heavy cavalry.

If you encounter a battle in the wild, no matter how you think about it, you will not be able to fight.

And if it weren't for ignoring it, as long as Donghu cut off the food of the Han army in Gaozhou, the Han army would have nothing to fight.

Not only Yue Shaoqian, who was chasing the stream, could only be trapped to death, but the [-] army on Liu Ke's side could only retreat.

"Your Majesty, why don't you let me lead the tribe to transport food from the mountain road?"

After all, Barnihan is young and energetic, and he is not very afraid of Donghu.

"It's also a way."

Liu Ke tapped the map, and the natives of South Vietnam were in the mountains like walking on flat ground.

Even if Xuwen County is breached, it is still possible to take the mountain road from Qiongzhou to Gaozhou, and then transport grain along the mountain road.

The mountains are the home ground of the South Vietnamese aborigines. On the other hand, it is difficult for the elite cavalry of the Donghu people to perform.

"But that only solves part of the problem."

"The Donghu people marched out in three directions. Our army cares about one thing and loses another. What should we do?"

The issue of food and fodder is one aspect of Donghu's plan, but it is still secondary.

Now Kanghai County, Zhuxi County, and Xuwen County are about to fall, but the Han army has no idea where to go.

"Why don't we divide up our troops?"

Li Jingji suggested:

"There is a saying in the art of war, a woman riding a city can defeat ten husbands."

"Although Qiyan Jinhan and Qiyan Daxian have [-] troops in their hands, it is not easy to conquer Kanghai County and Xuwen County."

"Moreover, the most powerful cavalry of the Donghu people does not have much advantage in the siege battle."

"Our army can take this opportunity to divide up our troops to rescue Kanghai and Xuwen, and take advantage of the exhaustion of Donghu soldiers and horses attacking the city, to sneak attack and cover up the killing."

He also thought about it. After the [-] sailors were taken away by Gan Wenjin, the Han army now only has [-] soldiers and horses.

Seventy thousand soldiers and horses are not easy to mobilize, and there are distinct factions among them.

It would be better to divide the troops directly, let Lei Lan lead the Jiaozhi veterans to support Xuwen County, and then let Di Han lead the prisoner army to support Kanghai County.

This can also make the army more harmonious, and can cooperate with the defenders in the city to carry out flanking attacks.

Even if there are fewer soldiers and horses, it doesn't seem like a big problem.

Lei Lan was more aggressive and risky, and felt that there was nothing wrong with what Li Jingji said, so he agreed:

"The last general thought that what General Li said was right. Although it was a bit risky, it was already the best way."

[Name: Lei Lan (Sergeant Sergeant)]

【Age: 33】

[Command: 78 Force: 85 Wisdom: 63 Governance: 51]

【Characteristics: Risk】

Lei Lan's ability is not bad, but he is easily led astray by Li Jingji.

Liu Ke already knew it in his heart, first rule out the wrong answers, and divide the troops is the next strategy.

Di Han on the side listened to Li Jingji's remonstrance, thoughtful:
"The two armies of Qiyan Jinhan and Qiyan Daxian should be a feint attack."

"If we can win the two places, and then cut off our military supply road, it will be beneficial to the Donghu people."

"But even if we fail to break through the city for a while, just occupying various main roads, it is enough to affect the transportation of our army's food and fodder."

"At the same time, it can also prevent our army from looking at each other from head to tail, and further expand Donghu's military advantage."

"The last general believes that at this time, there should be no risk of dividing troops."

"Find out the weakest place to rescue, and there is no need to send additional troops to the other two places."

Seeing this, Fu Xuance further analyzed:

"Since our army is short of troops, we should shrink the defense line and adopt a defensive position to accumulate local advantages with the lowest loss."

"The Great Khan of Donghu, although he conquered Gaozhou in person, he is very powerful, but after all, he is already old."

"The exhaustion of boats and cars will only make his body more unbearable."

"When he dies, there will be civil strife in the eight tribes of Donghu."

"Now that we are deliberately dividing our troops, revealing our intention to attack the city and seize the territory, and even cut off the food road, I am afraid that it is also trying to force our army to fight a decisive battle."

"What the enemy wants us to do, the less we can do."

"Yes, Fu Aiqing is right."

Liu Ke pondered for a moment:

"Then what we need to consider now is, if the main force of our army does not divide the troops and only wants to gain local advantages, which way should we fight?"

All the generals discussed and said one after another:
"Your Majesty should send troops to rescue Zhuxi County."

"Kanghai is a county city. Not only is it strong and difficult to fight, but it also has ample supply of soldiers. It is also a place to store food. Even though Jin Han, who is begging for beauty, is a famous general in the world, he will definitely not be able to eat it for a while."

"Although Xuwen County is not a big city, it is connected to Qiongzhou and belongs to the hinterland of Gaozhou."

"Even though Qiyan Daxian can encircle Xuwen with troops, he still needs to be prepared for Qiongzhou's increase of troops and being surrounded by the main force of our army, so he must not dare to attack the city with all his strength."

"Only in Zhuxi County, there are more than [-] soldiers and horses, and Donghu Da Khan personally leads them. They are in danger and have to be rescued."

Liu Ke hesitated for a while, and did not rush to make a decision, but asked again and again:

"If Yue Shaobao can defend Zhuxi County, can our army enter Xuwen and take down Qi Yan Daxian's army?"

"This begging Yan Daxian went deep into the hinterland and was isolated and helpless. If our army overwhelmed him, it would indeed be possible to defeat the enemy."

Fu Xuance showed a look of hesitation:
"It's just that Zhuxi County is very important. If the enemy takes down Zhuxi, they will have no worries at all."

"And if our army loses the city and land, and loses a general, the morale of the army will definitely be shaken. If this happens, the consequences will be immeasurable."

Liu Ke also knew that if Zhuxi was lost, something big would happen.

Moreover, Yue Shaoqian's ability to command the army is excellent. Now the main force of the Han army seems to have [-] soldiers and horses, but in fact no one has the ability to command the army.

Di Han could barely do it.

However, as a general and a prisoner, he has no solid military achievements, so it is difficult to convince the public.

Only Yue Shaoqian.

The best thing is to take over Yue Shaoqian and let him command the army. No matter how Donghu divides his troops and how to attack from multiple directions, I will stand still and play an advantage together.

And now that the enemy is at hand, once the morale of the army is unstable, I am afraid that the interior of Qiongzhou will not be stable either.

But the Han army now also needs a victory.

If Zhuxi County is rescued directly, if something goes wrong, there will be no detour.

After thinking twice, Liu Ke still made a decision:
"Attack Xu Wen."

Di Han was puzzled and said:
"Is Your Majesty planning to abandon Zhuxi County?"

Liu Ke shook his head and said decisively:

"Zhuxi is guarded by Yue Shaobao. Since Yue Shaobao dared to lead troops to support him, he must have thought about how to deal with the siege of the Donghu army."

"Ten thousand steps back, even if our army successfully breaks the siege of Zhuxi, when the other two groups of Donghu troops return to the division, they will easily fall into a tight siege and cannot hold it."

"I can trust Yue Shaoqian."

"It won't be too late to send troops to support after I have gained an advantage in Xuwen County."

Liu Ke just wants to procrastinate now, the longer the better.

The exact opposite is the case in Cochin.

Now Donghu has become the role of the Han army, while the big man has become the role of Jiaozhi.

Moreover, in Liu Ke's hands, there is such a back move as Puliu Rama.

When the Pu Liuru Department closest to Gaozhou changes, it will be time for a decisive battle with the main force of Donghu.

Fu Xuance got up and advised again:

"Even though Yue Shaobao can hold on to the city, but the soldiers in the city see no one coming to help, I'm afraid."

Donghu is invincible, just that posture makes people look down.

Even if Yue Shaoqian is capable, what if the soldiers feel timid and want to surrender when they see the army besieging the city?

But Liu Ke resolutely said:

"I can trust Yue Shaobao, and I can trust the soldiers."

"Yue Shaobao must also trust me, and the soldiers should also trust the Han court."


Seeing that Fu Xuance wanted to persuade him again, Liu Ke whispered a few words in his ear.

In order for Puliulu Rama to detonate the Puliuru Department, Fu Xuance had to go to add fuel to the fire.

This kid has a knack for fighting fire.

Fu Xuance was startled, but the words in his mouth changed:
"Your Majesty said that troops should be sent to Xuwen County, and I have no objection."

Seeing that the emperor insisted on beating Yan Daxian who was in Xuwen County, even the wise Fu Xuance agreed.

All the soldiers thought about it and thought it was not impossible.

The worst result is that Zhuxi County will be destroyed and Yue Shaoqian will die for the country.

The morale of the army was unstable, and morale plummeted. At the same time, it was equivalent to losing Kanghai County directly.

But as long as they can defend Xuwen County and guard the main roads behind, even if they can only rely on the navy to block the route and maintain a defensive position, it will be delayed for a long time.

And everyone knows that Donghu Da Khan has not had a good job for a few years.

Once the body dies, the eight divisions of East Lake will inevitably split up.

Although it is completely opposite to the emperor's previous extremely aggressive fighting style, it still seems a little negative, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

But there are also traces to follow. In the face of different enemies, different combat methods must be used.

It has to be said that using delay to deal with Donghu Khan is the safest way.

When Donghu Great Khan dies, there will be chaos in Donghu's army.

The Han army on the defensive would be able to turn against them and launch a direct northern expedition.

Coupled with Shihai's internal support in Gaozhou and Jingnan, it is enough to make things happen.

"The last general wishes to be a pioneer!!"

Seeing this, all the soldiers asked for a fight one after another.

Liu Ke appointed Lei Lan as the vanguard, and the army marched towards Xuwen County, but it was not smooth.

The Qiyan Daxian who attacked Xuwen County not only had no flaws in his camp, perhaps he heard the news that the main force of the Han army was coming, and thought that he would go deep into the hinterland, and even built an earthen wall on purpose.

The [-] Eastern Hu army confronted the [-] Han army through the earth wall.

Even if the Han army had the superiority in strength, it was difficult to speak for a while.

"A Dian, gather the eight hundred imperial guards and follow me to Donghu Camp!"

Liu Ke is impatient, and now he chooses to avoid the edge temporarily, but he may not have to fall into the defensive completely.

Although he is not in a hurry to fight the main force of Donghu, but against the [-] soldiers, Qiyan Daxian, he still cannot gain an advantage in a short period of time. Not only he can't bear it, but the soldiers can't bear it either.

The Donghu people wanted to go out in multiple ways and hit one center to blossom. The Han army's response was to break through one by one and occupy a local advantage.

But if it hits the single point where the opponent's lone army goes deep, it can't be broken, and you can only watch dumbfounded, that's too bad!
(End of this chapter)

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