It's all abstract destiny, you're one emperor through the ages

Chapter 124 The Han Army, there is a wealthy family ahead of you, let me lead the way

Chapter 124 The Han Army, there is a wealthy family ahead of you, let me lead the way
[Prince and general Xiang Ning has kindness] Cooperate with [Flicker].

Liu Ke felt that he was definitely the leader of the rebels, and he was the kind who could confuse people's hearts.

If these two things are combined, maybe some weird things can be produced together.

Destiny is drawn out, so it would be a pity not to make good use of it.

It may be a bit abstract for an emperor to rebel against himself.

But the emperor of the Han Dynasty led the people of Jiaozhi to rebel against Jiaozhi, isn't that okay?

Ever since, the Han army fought all the way, divided all the way, and encouraged the refugees and the people all the way, and there was no resistance wherever they went.

With the example of Huang Gongquan's righteous killing of relatives, two-thirds of the counties and counties under the rule of Rinan County volunteered their land.

If it is true that there are many obstructions in the clan, clan elders, patriarchs and other things that get in the way are reluctant to give up the land, and directly report and expose.

You don't want to live, we still want to live!
The reaction of these wealthy families was somewhat beyond Liu Ke's expectations.

Not only spontaneously donating land, but also killing relatives righteously, which further promoted the division of family and property.

Seeing that the powerful clans cooperated so well, there was basically no difficulty, so Liu Ke handed over all the matters of beating the wealthy clans to divide the land to Chen Fujia.

He himself took advantage of the fate of the [Wala foreign student], spoke the South Vietnamese dialect, and fooled a wave of South Vietnamese aborigines who moved to the county.

Not all South Vietnamese aborigines lived in the mountains and forests.

After all, the country of Cochin has been established for hundreds of years. Although the natives of South Vietnam still have their own set of customs and culture, they also recognize the culture of the Central Plains.

Besides, the county seat should have complete supporting facilities, and living in the city is more comfortable than living in the mountains and forests. The aborigines belong to the aborigines, so they can't be local turtles!

These South Vietnamese natives living in the county town are more open-minded and ambitious than the South Vietnamese natives in the mountains and forests. A few acres of land can make them work hard.

Moreover, their combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of the natives living in the mountains and forests.

It is a very good source of soldiers to climb mountains and ridges as if walking on flat ground.

Liu Ke immediately expanded his army by eight thousand with the grain of the wealthy family.

The Han army will never withdraw from Jiaozhi until the last South Vietnamese is killed.

All the way through the ruins, in the end, only the city of Rinan County remained in the entire Rinan County.

And has gradually developed a mature and fixed model.

Those who voted for the leading party will save your life, divide the family, and divide the land.

The wealthy families who do not vote will start the public trial directly.

After the trial, it will be chopped down, and a few lucky spectators can be selected to watch the sentence up close.

There are also courageous and lucky audiences, who are eager to try and want to personally kill the rich and unkind nobles.

It's a pity that the question of who can kill people is more serious, and the power of law enforcement can only rest with the court.

Having said that, even with a fixed lead mode, Nichinan County is quite difficult to fight.

It blocked the Han army for three days.

In three days, in the past, the three counties had already been won!

This time is really troublesome, I don't know who is Jiaozhi Middle School, who is capable, and the county soldiers of Rinan County and Jiuzhen County have been changed in advance.

Therefore, even if the city is broken, the guards of Nanjun and most of the soldiers will not affect their relatives.

A bachelor, don't care about anything.

Especially the defender who had just been transferred was a native of South Vietnam, determined to be loyal to the country, shouting in his mouth that for the glory of Tianzhu God, he would stick to it to the end.

It's a pity for such a loyal minister and good general.

It's useless if he wants to defend to the death, there are so many wealthy families in the city who don't want to defend to the death!

You said that you have no parents and no children. What if the emperor can't find someone to kill and angers the wealthy family?
So the nobles in Rinan County, under the pretext of delivering supplies for the soldiers of the county, beat the guards directly between the banquets.

Stick to the end, so he died.

In this way, Liu Ke led the army and the displaced refugees into the city carelessly.

"Han army go this way!"

"Come out, folks! The Han army will not grab food!"

"The Han army entered the city and attacked the rich to divide the fields. The villagers quickly come to the city gate to divide the fields!"

"The imperial court divides the land, if you don't register at the end of the day, you won't be counted!"

"When the Han army enters the city, they don't take a penny from the people, so don't be afraid!"

"The Han army punishes the nobles, the big guys will take revenge for those who have vengeance, and those who have grievances will take revenge!"

Liu Ke: "."

These Cochin people called by him to lead the way, are enthusiastic and active, but the road seems to be a bit off.

The words in the mouth always make people feel a little strange.

But roughly speaking, it's okay.

"Your Majesty, the old man has long wanted to be a big man, and today the sun is finally here!"

The Cochin wealthy family is more straightforward than the Central Plains family, but fortunately this is not the first time.

These days, the higher the knife is raised, the more these rich people will lick, and they will lick their feet to reach their heads, and they will lick desperately.

Liu Ke has already adapted, holding his posture:
"There are only three of you here, and it will be very difficult for me!"

The aristocratic family in Ninan County is quite strange, and I don't know if it is because of the location of the county, people are more greedy for comfort, or they are afraid of being robbed and redistributed land.

There are only three powerful families, and they belong to the extremely stubborn resistance faction.

Obviously not enough!
It's not that the land is not enough.

Regardless of whether you directly surrender or stubbornly resist, you will get the family property, so the land property must be enough.

What is not enough is the human head.

The beheading public trials in the early days could be rough and sloppy in order to catch up with the progress and shorten the time of dissemination.

But in the later stage, the snowball got bigger and bigger, and the scene of the public trial had to be big enough to unite people's hearts.

Killed enough wealthy people, the common people who were bullied will only be happy after watching it!

Field property is material satisfaction.

When the head falls to the ground, it is spiritual satisfaction.

Liu Ke felt that to completely let the common people of Jiaozhi Kingdom welcome Master Wang with Tanshihujiang, both are indispensable.

Besides, the long-term policy he set for the wealthy family is the same as dealing with the aristocratic family.

Gather a batch, divide a batch, and finally cut a batch.

As for wanting to kill him completely, it is impossible.

It would be too anti-intellectual to completely push these people to the opposite side before the ruling foundation of the Han court was firmly established.

And the three wealthy families in Rinan County City are obviously not enough to cut.

They are all pulled, there is no differentiation, and there are too few hits, which is useless at all.

And Huang Xia, the patriarch of the local wealthy clan who took the lead, was immediately shocked when he heard that the emperor thought that there were too few wealthy clans resisting, and there were not enough people to kill.

There was a smile of you on his face, he grinned, and his tone was extremely flattering:

"Our heart is for the great man, and we have heard that His Majesty is also a sage king, and the soldiers and horses under his command have never committed any crimes in the autumn of the people. This situation is naturally convincing!"

There was a mocking look on Liu Ke's face, as if chasing flies away:
"Then you go and explain to the people?"

Huang Xia trembled, he didn't dare!

Why can he become the leading brother?

Because there are many people in the family, a lot of land, and a high reputation.

Why are there so many capable people, so much land, and so much fame?
Because he is good at bullying the people!
The people are my tenants, the fields of the people are my fields, and the people are my private property.

If at this juncture, he saw the private property that had turned into the shape of the Han army, his family would definitely lose his life.

Liu Ke lowered his voice a bit, and said again:
"I am not a bloodthirsty person, but this person who made a mistake should be punished."

"Well, you guys go down and discuss and come up with a list first."

"Whether it's the handyman of the Zhang family, or the cook of the Li family, there must be enough people."

Huang Xia's frightened face became a little more radiant, like drinking a cup of hot tea in the cold winter of March and September, it warmed up a lot.

The emperor asked them to get the list by themselves, but it would save trouble!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!!"

Three days later, the public trial began on the most spacious street in Rinan County.

On the street, a decent execution platform was set up, and more than 300 prisoners in chains were listed on the platform.

The shackles were improved by Liu Ke himself, not because he was afraid that the prisoners would break free and run away, but simply because [The Locksmith King] had his destiny in him, and he was eager for skills.

In the audience were dense crowds of people, just waiting for the prisoner's head to fall to the ground, and shouted happily.

A thick-necked prisoner on the stage, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

He's just the cook of the Huang family!
Cooking is the only thing I do all day long.

If it is a crime, the biggest thing is to eat while cooking, and let the old men eat his leftovers.

To say it was too much, it should have spit a few mouthfuls of saliva in the young lady's soup, and then stirred it up with fingers after spitting.

On weekdays, it is true that relying on the Huang family's power, they will run amok for a while.

But which of these is the crime of beheading? !

What oppresses the people to annex the land has nothing to do with him!

Seeing that the head was about to fall to the ground, the cook wanted to avenge his grievances, so he wailed loudly:

"Injustice! Injustice! I'm a cook, what kind of wickedness can I have!"

"The big guys are all from the village, so please have pity on me!"

However, to the disappointment of the cook, the common people ignored his begging for mercy.

With your big head and thick neck, you can see that you are eating and drinking people's fat and people's cream.

Then a person who stood up made the cook even more desperate.

"You fart!"

"The few acres of my family's land were taken over by you in the name of the Huang family!"

"My mother starved to death because of this, and my father came to ask for an explanation, and you beat me up with a big spoon!"

"My father is miserable. You shoot him like a fish. I'm afraid that the skin and flesh won't be tender and firm after cooking. If it wasn't for running fast, you might have already cooked him!"

"My father couldn't bear this kind of insult and beating, and he died of depression within a few days!"

"You're not doing anything bad!"

The surrounding people are even more swearing, god damn thief!

This kind of treacherous and evil person actually said that he was wronged? !

The cook is suffering in his heart, and he can't express his suffering.

He knew this person, he was the eccentric younger brother of the Huang family.

Although wearing rough clothes and pretending to be poor people, he has indeed seen this face before!
The common people failed to discern, but were filled with righteous indignation, raising their arms and shouting:

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Liu Ke took a deep look at the "common people" who stood up and listed the crimes, and then waved his hands to signal the common people to calm down.

Then he looked at the cook again, and said softly:
"What else do you have to say!?"

There was only despair in the cook's heart, and nothing he said could save him now.

The Huang family he was relying on even personally sent someone to help him when he was in trouble.

The cook's lips moved slightly, but he was still unable to speak.

Before a person dies, the heart dies first.

He didn't even hate the Han army who let others' heads fall, but hated his original master even more.

After a good start, things went well.

The scapegoats introduced by the wealthy families later died of injustice.

Everyone was stabbed, and there were children of wealthy families who pretended to be ordinary people and listed crimes.

After all, as long as the charges are listed on these scapegoats, the charges of oneself will be much less.

If you want to come to Handi, you won't be too entangled in this.

In this way, what the wealthy family in Rinan County City did today can be described as a small knife in the buttocks, so that the common people can open their eyes.

There are nearly a hundred rich and powerful families, and one family counts as a family, but none of them does not invade the land.

How many people have been indirectly killed by this group of animals when a few acres of land can support one person?
There must be injustice if you cut down one by one, but if you cut down every other house, there must be a fish that slipped through the net!
Well done!

Among the noisy people, there was a thin man with thin and slightly sunken cheeks. Although he looked like a refugee, his eyes were deep and sharp.

"Good trick."

"The wealthy family lost their land and population. After the scapegoat was introduced, they lost their hearts, and no one listened to them."

"Even if you want to rebel, it will be difficult to achieve."

But what impressed him even more was that hidden under the surface, the emperor secretly divided the wealthy family.

He paid special attention to the fact that there were only three noble families who resisted the Han army strongly.

Now, so many people have been launched to ask for beheading, and there are still many people who are used as scapegoats, irrelevant people.

It must be that the emperor was dissatisfied with the lack of heads, and the powerful families who ordered them to surrender added additional heads.

Assuming that there are fifty wealthy families in Rinan County, and the emperor wants to add a hundred heads, the wealthy families will definitely not have two heads from one family, so that everyone can share them equally.

After all, not all the nobles are idiots.

Naturally, there are smart people among them, who can see that the emperor's move is to make the rich people lose their hearts.

Forced by the might of the Han army, they naturally did not dare to resist, but it was not impossible to transfer.

Wouldn't it be enough to have one less from one's own family and let others have one more?
In this way, the loss to oneself will be much smaller.

Most people have such an idea, and the powerful families will start fighting among themselves.

Even if the final list is confirmed, there will still be grudges because of the uneven distribution.

After all, most people are more willing to blame others than to resent their own weakness.

Although the wealthy families are all groups that only have interests in their eyes, holding grudges in their hearts may not last long. Even if there is a hatred of killing fathers and mothers, they can be reconciled with each other if they turn around and have interests.

However, it is enough to be able to stabilize for a while until the Han army takes down the entire Jiaozhi Kingdom.

The man looked at the execution platform without showing any traces, dancing and dancing, constantly encouraging the emperor of the people.

This emperor doesn't look like an emperor, but like a traitor.

But he happened to be a good emperor.

No one cares about the starting point and the intention behind it. If the people have land and profit, then they will be a good emperor.

The man left lightly, whispering to himself:
"The Han army went north and captured Jiuzhen County, and the war was over."

"It's just that in Jiuzhen County, there is Changshan, and the natives of South Vietnam are not so easy to get along with."

"Even this Emperor Zhaowu may not be able to overcome the difficulties if he enters the mountains and forests."

The sun is setting, today's hacking activity is over, and it will continue tomorrow.

The people gradually retreated, and the execution platform was in a mess.

Liu Ke also stood for a day, his mouth was dry, and he was also tired, and he had to keep fooling around to encourage the people to expand his advantage.

Some backaches, looking at the mess, sighed:
"The world is even more chaotic than this."

"It's such a mess. The powerful clan has its own law, and the common people have their own law. But it's this kind of chaos that allows ants to kill elephants."

Liu Ke was in a daze for a while.

The operations these days are all his experiments.

If you can succeed in Cochin, then you can use the Central Plains.

Call on those Han people to directly revolt against Donghu, and the world will be more chaotic.

The more chaotic, the greater the chance of rehabilitating.

At the same time, he was also looking at how the aristocratic family would react. After all, the powerful clans that were fought and the fields divided were all affecting the interests of the aristocratic family.

"Your Majesty, it has been cleaned up."

Hua Chengyu's words interrupted Liu Ke's thinking.

Coincidentally, Liu Ke also plans to change his taste, the bloody smell of the day makes people feel a little uncomfortable:
"Follow me to the countryside and see how Chen Qing is doing."

(End of this chapter)

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