It's all abstract destiny, you're one emperor through the ages

Chapter 118 No need to feign defeat, just fight normally

Chapter 118 No need to feign defeat, just fight normally

Liu Ke was still tasting herbs in the camp.

In fact, Xia Bugu has already formulated special medicines against mosquitoes from the herbs he tasted.

But Liu Ke thought about it, and started to taste it, so there is no need to give up halfway.

Simply taste what you can taste at once, and you don't have to worry about encountering some diseases later and not being able to find medicine.

Anyway, he intends to completely win the intercourse this time.

Govern Jiaozhi as a state of the big Han, instead of leaving after fighting and grabbing a wave.

After all, this place is rich, and now Qiongzhou is the seat of the imperial court. After taking Gaozhou, the land of the three states can be connected into one, echoing each other.

But if you want to have long-term peace and stability, govern the country and enrich the people, a medical book aimed at the special geographical environment of Cochin is necessary.

"Put on the vanilla first."

Xia Bugu lit the vanilla for Liu Ke, and suddenly a puff of green smoke rose and lingered in the air.

A somewhat pungent fragrance slowly diffused in the tent, and slowly drifted away with the breeze blowing in from the tent door.

It was a bit pungent and unbearable at first, but after getting used to it, it was refreshing.

This is also one of the herbs that Liu Ke tasted, and it was named Qiyefu by Xia Bugu.

Although it cannot be taken directly as medicine, it can treat mosquito bites.

However, the pungent smell after burning is disliked by poisonous insects, and it can effectively repel insects and prevent mosquito bites.

It is said that in the year when Houzheng Nanzhong in Wuxiang, someone offered similar herbs to expel "miasma", and named it "Jiuyefu".

Later, it was introduced to Sichuan and Sichuan for planting, and it is said to be the originator of Lanzhou hookah.

As for the authenticity, I don't know.

If it can be further developed in the follow-up, Liu Ke really has plans to carry out the fog raising movement.

Whether it is for the imperial court to specialize in operations, collect taxes, or treat it as a special sea trade commodity and trade it overseas, it is pretty good.

After tasting five different herbs, Liu Ke felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach, so he stopped.

With the destiny of [Poison Resistance], he tasted all kinds of herbs but nothing major happened, but small things kept happening.

Especially abdominal pain and diarrhea, especially frequent.

What he resists is toxin, and his stomach is just that of an ordinary person.

He didn't have the destiny of King Zhao Wuling [Iron Stomach], and he didn't have a little bit of vomiting and diarrhea.

According to his estimation, after a while, he had to excrete the waste in his body again.

You have to take it easy.

Liu Ke asked Hua Chengyu to pour a cup of hot tea to warm his stomach.

After taking a sip, he took the cup and walked towards the tent door, staring at the light rain, and stared silently for a while.

Thinking that there were still some soldiers in the battalion who were still sick and still in unbearable pain, he went back to the case and put the cup on the case.

After a trip out of Gong, Liu Ke returned to the tent again. Instead of taking a rest, Liu Ke asked Xiang Xia Bugu:
"How many days will it take for the soldiers to recover?"

Xia Bugu cupped his hands and said:

"Up to three days."

"Your Majesty has tasted all kinds of herbs, and the prescription made by the minister is very effective, at least shortening the time by half a month."

"If you encounter poisonous insects and regenerated diseases in the future, I will be able to dispense medicinal materials in time."

"Your Majesty no longer needs to be troubled by poisonous insects in this campaign against Nanzhong."

Xia Bugu was extremely respectful. What he respected was not the status of the emperor, or the possible victory of the Han army in this battle.

Even if the identity of the emperor is removed, the twenty-year-old man in front of him is worthy of admiration.

Especially worthy of the admiration of these doctors.

Tasting herbs is something that even great doctors and genius doctors would not dare to do easily.

The emperor could condescend to do it without hesitation, and so successfully.

No matter from which angle, it is enough to make people overwhelmed, and admiration wells up in their hearts.

Liu Ke didn't waste any time, and summoned Hua Chengyu to say:
"Three days' words. Recruit all generals to discuss."

Soon, Chen Fujia, Gan Wenjin, and Li Jingji entered the account.

Dian Chu has been guarding Liu Ke's side all the time, so he doesn't need to recruit specially, and it's useless to summon him.

The generals were all in high spirits, and they couldn't see the appearance of being tortured by poisonous insects before.

But they all knew in their hearts why the poisonous insects that were supposed to affect morale and combat power disappeared.

Chen Fujia was even more moved.

Govern the world with great virtues, not small favors.

What is great virtue, this is great virtue.

When the battle was first decided, he planned to go back to Yingchuan to persuade the elders of the clan to bet on the big man.

With such an emperor, why can't the great Han regain the Central Plains?
Isn't this going to be a minister of the dragon as soon as possible, and wait to be buried by the Donghu people?

Liu Ke has been trying all kinds of herbs these days, and has no time to take care of the military. At this time, he has to brainstorm:

"At most three days, the soldiers will be able to recover their combat power, and they will be driven away by burning incense with the Aesculus Aesculus, without worrying too much about mosquitoes."

"In this way, we can consider the matter of attack."

"Do you have any suggestions for the next step?"

Li Jingji touched Niubi's nose, and there was no pain or itching anymore, and he remonstrated:
"There is a saying in the art of war that it can be used to win battles. For a long time, the blunt army will be defeated. If the siege is strong, the force will be defeated. If the army is violent for a long time, the country will be insufficient."

"This battle needs to be won quickly."

"If it is delayed for too long, the soldiers will be exhausted, their morale will be low, and their strength will be exhausted."

"And if our army fights in the Cochin Kingdom for a long time, there will be omissions in the supply of food and grass, and it will even drag down Qiongzhou's finances."

"Therefore, the general thought that since the problem of mosquitoes has been solved, and the troops in Jiaozhi Kingdom are insufficient, our army has the superior combat power, so we should go straight to Huanglong and take Jiaozhi County directly."

Go straight to Huanglong for a quick battle, and you are right.

From the port of Vung Tau to Cochin County, it is already easy to march across the plains, and it is possible to succeed.

But because it was Li Jingji's proposal, so Liu Ke directly ruled out a wrong answer.

He looked at Gan Wenjin: "General Gan, what suggestion do you have?"

Gan Wenjin scratched his head, and the golden bell around his waist rang out.

Since the emperor asked him, he must want to make a fuss about the navy.

"Your Majesty can use the camp at Vung Tau Port as a cover to attract the main force of the Cochin Kingdom to attack."

"Then use the advantage of the navy to approach the sea, go to Rinan County or Jiaozhi County near the port, and seize the city with a surprise army."

"Your Majesty is good at point attack, this method is good for attacking the city, and you will surely gain something."

As for the low morale caused by the long-term battle, Gan Wenjin did not take it into consideration.

For the safety of the soldiers, the emperor personally tasted the herbs, which directly boosted morale.

No matter how low you are, where can you go?

Liu Ke's eyes lit up, this is a good way.

The destruction of the Jiaozhi Navy cannot stop the Dahan Navy at all, they can land anywhere.

Moreover, there is no need to worry too much about the weather when taking the route close to the sea.

Liu Ke nodded slightly. Although his reputation for being good at acupoint attacks has spread, basically everyone will be on guard, which is not so easy to use, but it is still a good way:

"Even if we can't take the city, we can still grab food and grass outside the city to make up for our army's military use."

"Under the ebb and flow, there is no need to worry too much about long-term combat and insufficient supplies."

Li Jingji also applauded from the sidelines:
"General Gan is right. There is a saying in the art of war, and you can win with odds."

"This is a surprise victory, and it will definitely win a big victory!"

Liu Ke's head was still nodding, but immediately froze and paused in the air.

It's a good idea, but it's better not to use it.

Seeing this, Chen Fujia proposed:

"Our army is small, and in a hurry, it is difficult to forcibly attack the city or make a forced landing."

This time Liu Ke only sent [-] troops, [-] infantry, and [-] sailors.

Even if the navy is allowed to work part-time in the Marine Corps, about [-] sailors will be left to guard the port and receive supplies.

With a full fight and a full calculation, there are only [-] battleable soldiers.

Divide the troops again, even if the soldiers are extremely powerful and able to fight against the cochin soldiers, but the number is too small, and the threat to the city is not great.

Li Jingji frowned and said:

"Lord Chen may have underestimated our army a little bit. I have a small number of soldiers in the Han Dynasty, and it is not comparable to a small foreign country like Jiaozhi."

"And your Majesty's reputation is far and wide. In the small country of Jiaozhi, everyone is afraid. Seeing soldiers approaching the city, they may not be afraid to surrender."

Seeing that Li Jingji started to object, Liu Ke was immediately relieved, and quickly asked:

"Then Chen Qing thinks, what should our army do next?"

Chen Fujia cleared his throat and looked up at Li Jingji.

Young master, I come from a famous family, how can you compare with your insight and resourcefulness?

"I've read the news from the spies these days. In Jiaozhi Kingdom, there are two people, civil and military, who need to be more careful."

"This article is about Jiaozhi Xiangguo, Gao Rang."

"It should be Gao Rang's handwriting to call all the local doctors into the county."

"He calculated that our army would be plagued by poisonous insects, and wanted to use the poisonous insects to slow down our army's advance."

"If His Majesty hadn't personally tasted the herbs, our army would not be able to solve the problem of poisonous insects in a short period of time, and would definitely be trapped by them."

"But delay is not a long-term solution."

"Based on common sense, if our army is plagued by poisonous insects, the combat effectiveness will be less than [-]%, and the Jiaozhi Kingdom has [-] troops, which is enough to deal with our army suffering from poisonous insects."

Liu Ke nodded. He already knew what Chen Fujia was thinking, so he took the words:
"At this time, Gao Rang will definitely send a general to lead the army to attack."

"And the leading general must be Zhang Yiping, who is the best of both civil and martial arts."

"Calculating the time, our army has recovered after three days, but in the eyes of the Kochi monarch and ministers, we are still at the disadvantage of being damaged in combat power."

"In this way, our army can fight an intelligence officer to attack unintentionally and swallow up this attacking army."

"Have a record, play the prestige of the Han army."

"Naturally, the counties and counties along the way will be able to wait and see the wind, and Chen Qing will be more confident when he goes to Jiaozhi County and makes an emergency landing on the King of Jiaozhi."

Gan Wenjin didn't have any objections. It seemed that he didn't need a navy, he just led his troops to guard the route.

Li Jingji was a little hesitant and asked:

"Your Majesty, even if you do your calculations with your heart, if you don't know the specific situation of our army, the Jiaozhi side will definitely not underestimate the enemy."

"Especially that Zhang Yiping, the last general has heard about it in the camp these days."

"He has been bold and resolute since he was a child, wise and courageous, ambitious and upright, and has the style of a general."

"With his ability, even if he leads the army to come, he will not attack rashly. He must send more scouts to find out the real situation of our army before taking any action."

"Although he is from a humble background, he is a descendant of the Tu nationality."

"Maybe we can persuade the natives of Jiaozhi to help us. At that time, our army will not only have to face [-] troops from the Jiaozhi Kingdom!"

Hearing Li Jingji's words, Liu Ke felt a little more at ease.

If Li Jingji opposes, he may not win, but as long as he opposes, it will definitely be better than agreeing.

But after hearing what Chen Fujia and Li Jingji said, Liu Ke felt that Zhang Yiping really needed to pay attention.

Zhang Huaiyang, who was an enemy of the big man last time, was also surnamed Zhang. With this surname, it makes people feel like a general. You should not underestimate the enemy, and you must treat it with caution.

Liu Ke took a few more glances at Li Jingji, and a ghost came to his mind:
"What about this negotiation? General Li still needs to lead five thousand soldiers and horses to take the first step and take the initiative to attack to find out the truth."

Li Jingji was deeply moved.

He had only entered the court not long ago, and he never expected to have the opportunity to lead an army alone!
It seems that the emperor really values ​​him very much!

Thinking of the emperor tasting the herbs himself, he was even more excited.

He even wanted to bring five thousand soldiers and horses directly to destroy Zhang Yiping.

Just when Li Jingji was about to respond, Chen Fujia who was on the side suddenly felt his heart move and said:
"Your Majesty wants to take the initiative to attack, and then feign defeat, luring the enemy to go deep?"

Li Jingji's face turned red when he heard this.

What is fraud?

Do you, Chen Fujia, think that it is impossible for him to beat Zhang Yiping?

Five thousand soldiers and horses are indeed not as good as fifty thousand soldiers and horses, but if they are arranged properly, they can also ambush a wave and gain a lot!

And it's just to find out the truth, it doesn't have to be a fight, so why is it about to lose? ? !

Liu Ke shook his head and comforted him:

"If you want to cheat the enemy to lure the enemy to go deep, I will definitely go into battle in person, and I'm not afraid that Zhang Yiping won't chase after him."

"I see that General Li has the ability to command the army, and he has a basis for advancing and retreating. Even if he has not gained anything, he can still find out Zhang Yiping's reality."

Really, Chen Fujia is too honest, even if he cheated, he can't tell it, what a blow!
And Li Jingji fought a war, how could it be called a false defeat? He was really defeated!
(End of this chapter)

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