It's all abstract destiny, you're one emperor through the ages

Chapter 107 If I Can't Cure Donghu, I Can't Cure You?

Chapter 107 If I Can't Cure Donghu, I Can't Cure You?

In the main hall, there was a sound of scolding immediately, and the lights became more vigorous.

Suffering a big defeat?

How dare you think!

His Majesty did not suffer a major defeat against the Eastern Hunan Army, nor did he defeat the Pu Liuru Navy.

It's just a shortage of food and grass, is it going to be defeated?

It seems to be true.

No matter how brave the emperor is, he can't lead a group of hungry soldiers to fight, can he still win?
But even if there is such a possibility, it will only make the ministers even more indignant.

If there are all Hanchens in the court, then they will definitely treat them rationally, and they will write admonitions to find solutions to the problem.

But now there are Donghu envoys in the court.

In front of the enemy, how to stand in line, how to unanimously speak out, how to lick the emperor, these people are very clear in their hearts.

But amidst the scolding of the officials, Yu Rang remained unmoved.

Just like when King Puliuru Khan sent people to conscript him back then, he stood upright, still in an untouched posture, turning a deaf ear to the reprimands around him.

Unlike the noisy officials, Liu Ke was also very calm.

Xiao Yuanchang had already pointed out this problem in the small discussion before going to court, Qiongzhou was indeed short of food and grass.

Since there is nothing to eat and the morale of the army is unstable, it is normal to lose a big one.

However, his tone was still quite serious, and he asked Yu Rang:
"I don't care what the purpose of your mission is, but just relying on such false words to intimidate and alarmist, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive!"


Yu Rang did not back down, held his head high, and continued:

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for saying bluntly that Yue Shaoqian is in Gaozhou and captured Kanghai County."

"Of course we have achieved something, but let alone go further, whether the entire Gaozhou can be attacked, even if we stick to it, can we really hold it?"

"I just want to ask, how long can the three armies last for food and grass?"

"Once the food and grass run out, what will His Majesty do to fill the stomachs of the soldiers?"

"Last year, there was plenty of rain and a lot of grain production. People should have surplus grain in their homes, and there are also plenty of grain in the aristocratic family."

"Just with His Majesty's benevolence, will you use it forcibly?"

Well, it’s really not certain, it’s not like Jia Wuji, if it’s really necessary, I’ll go to the family to borrow some, at worst, I’ll just pay it back.

In a few words, Yu Rang pointed out the crux of the problem.

When the Donghu people first raised their troops, in order to solve the problem of food and grass, they relied on robbing.

Hit a place to grab a place, no matter how your people are, the soldiers are full, and the troops will not be troubled by food and grass when they are dispatched.

As for the reduction in looting later, it was because the territory laid down by the Donghu people was large enough, and they had killed and looted enough in the early stage, and they could barely supply food and grass.

The Han army is different.

The Great Han is orthodox in the world, and the Northern Expedition belongs to regaining lost land, and it is impossible to do the same thing as the barbarians.

The imperial court wanted to win people's hearts even more. It seemed a bit stingy not to open warehouses to release grain to relieve the people affected by the war, let alone forcibly expropriate grain and grass from the people to fill the treasury.

So since you want to follow the right path, you are doomed to the Northern Expedition, and you will inevitably be restricted by the supply of food and grass.

Food cannot be born out of thin air, it has to grow slowly year by year!

Yu Rang stood there, like a towering tree, unaffected by the wind and rain, just said leisurely:
"The current predicament His Majesty is in is not only clearly seen by the subordinates, but also those insightful people in Donghu, who are waiting for the big man to completely run out of food."

"Only the will to fight, only the hearts of the people, how long will it take Your Majesty to restore the Han Dynasty to the old capital?"

"During the Northern Expedition, not only did we have to attack the city, but we also had to guard against Donghu's counterattack."

"Food and grass are in short supply every year. If there is a disaster year, the imperial court has no food for relief, the people are destitute and the soldiers are depleted. If that time really comes, how will His Majesty turn the situation around?"

These words once again raised the sense of crisis in the hearts of the officials to a higher level.

It is already very difficult to supply a large army in a state, and there is no ability to resist disasters at all.

Even if the unstable Yizhou is counted, it is impossible to rely on the grain reserves of the two states to make flexible arrangements to survive the disaster.

And if in the midst of a disaster, the Donghu people sent troops to attack at the same time, making things worse, what would the big man rely on to fight at that time?

Maybe we can rely on the advantage of the navy to move south again, but it is really impossible to resist and struggle anyway.

"The King Khan of my department does not want to see His Majesty like this, so this is why I have this long journey of my ministers, and I hope His Majesty will clearly observe it."

What Yu Rang said was as if it was for the good of the big man, and it seemed that the General Liuru Department came here specifically to help the big man.

This made most of the civil and military officials in the palace furious.

How can you humiliate the heavenly kingdom like this?
So he yelled again.

Someone like Lian Hansheng who is a little bit hot-tempered is even more cursing. He wanted to give him a big slap, but because of his status as an envoy and celebrity, Chen Fujia and his men finally stopped him.

As for Dian Chu's explosive and irresistible temper, he was also restrained by Liu Ke's look.

But even if you don't move your hands, you can still move your mouth more.

Inside the hall, there was a sudden commotion and chaos.

But Yu Rang was still high-spirited, still great, looking sideways at the palace Chinese and martial arts, unmoved in the slightest.

No matter how much you scold, this is an unavoidable problem.

Although there was no look of contempt on his face, but he just stood there confidently, with an appearance of being detached from the world.

It just makes people think that he is superior to others, and hates him so much.

"Okay, my colleagues, please be quiet. Your Majesty has not spoken yet, and you are yelling at the envoys. Can you conjure food out of thin air with your loud voice?"

Xiao Yuan often waited for the officials to quarrel for a while, then put his hands together and went out to appease the officials.

Because of the small discussion going forward, he was still able to hold his breath.

As long as there is no war, Qiongzhou has three crops a year, so let him manage it. As long as there is no disaster, you can rest for three to five years, vigorously expand sea trade, and the food and grass are still enough to support the Northern Expedition of the Han Dynasty.

Immediately, the officials stopped arguing and looked at Xiao Yuanchang a few more times.

Making food and grass out of thin air is impossible for others to do, but you, Xiao Yuanchang, may not be able to do it.

That day, the Eastern Hu Nan Army was stationed outside the city, cutting off the food roads, while the forbidden army was trapped in the city, and the food and grass in the city were not enough for a month, so you forced yourself to last for forty days.

Logically speaking, for a big man who fights one battle and then the next one, and expands his army halfway through, the food and grass are already in a hurry.

Now that it's almost autumn, the problem has emerged. It's not that you, Xiao Yuanchang, have changed the food out of thin air, what else can you do?

"Okay, gentlemen, be quiet."

Liu Ke, who was at the top, suddenly laughed: "Half a year ago, who didn't say that I, a big man, is already a sign of defeat, and that the country will perish in the next moment?"

"The envoy of Donghu just said that he lost a big defeat, which is already a compliment!"

"As expected of a celebrity in the world, his mouth is full of good words!"

The officials were stunned for a moment, and then smiled happily.

Even the annoyance and distress in my heart caused by the lack of food just now has dissipated a lot.

Yes, the problem of the big man half a year ago was not only because of lack of food, he might lose the battle, and after the disaster, he might be unsustainable.

It was the emperor who jumped into the sea, with powerful ministers in the court and a large army outside, the country may perish at any time!

Yu Rang's heart sank, and there was a slight emotional change on his calm face.

It was clearly a statement of great defeat, yet it sounded like a compliment.

The Han Emperor's words were really shocking. No wonder the morale of the Han army was like a rainbow during the battle.

But he also had to admit that half a year ago the big man was in a desperate situation. Given the situation at that time, it was more than several times more severe than the food shortage?
Who knows that only half a year has passed, and no one has mentioned the word subjugation anymore.

Even the Donghu side, who was on the verge of destroying the country, acquiesced in a big defeat, which was the worst result for a big man.

Even the Puliuru Department sent envoys to negotiate.

Just before the big fire, Donghu's fraudulent reconciliation was only a letter, so how could it be worth sending envoys to treat it with caution?
Seeing that both civil and military officials had settled down, Liu Ke continued:
"However, there is a shortage of food and grass, and we must face it squarely. As Yu Rang said, the big man is indeed facing the danger of food shortage."

"I'm also worried about this matter, but if you want to come here, just use your mouth and white teeth to point out the problem instead of solving it."

"Then it's better to go back where you came from."

go back?

How dare Yu Rang go back?

He just saved the Emperor Han's face, and stirred up the court's Chinese martial arts heart. If he just left like this, he would be robbed by the bandits halfway.

"Okay, Your Majesty is aware of the pros and cons, so I won't talk too much about it."

Yu Rang gave another salute. Anyway, he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face. It would be no problem if he had enough etiquette:
"If Your Majesty is willing to release His Highness Amo, our department will naturally have a way to solve the current dilemma His Majesty is facing."

Liu Ke stretched out his hand to signal him to continue.

"Our department is willing to offer a large amount of food and grass to His Majesty."

Yu Rang deliberately emphasized the tone of the word "offer", and still made a full-bodied gesture.

Liu Ke fiddled with the cushion on the golden throne, pondering for a moment:
"What do you want?"

"I'm afraid that one Puliulu Rama is not enough for the Puliuru Khan to take the risk to send food and grass to the enemy."

Yu Rang smiled and said, "I heard that His Majesty went to sea and designated Yizhou as the territory of the Han Dynasty."


Liu Ke sat up straight all of a sudden:
"You mean, your Puliuru Department will supply food and grass to the big man through the waterway?"


Yu Rang nodded, and continued: "Puliuru Department really needs to spend a lot of thought to provide help to His Majesty."

"It is necessary to cover up the eyes and ears of the other seven ministries and transport food by water."

"Your Majesty, please hand over Yizhou to our department for management."


Chen Fujia jumped out all of a sudden, Yizhou was traded with his thigh meat, and now seeing the different skin color of his thigh every night, he still feels distressed.

You want to take away his thigh meat with just a few words?
Yu Rang didn't even look at Chen Fujia, but waited for Liu Ke's answer.

As the envoy of the Puliuru Department, he represented King Khan of the Puliuru Department.

In terms of identity, you have to talk directly to Emperor Han, and you don't need to talk to a courtier.

Liu Ke narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"Puliuru's request for Yizhou is probably not for the transportation of grain and grass, but for the shipyard in Yizhou?"

Yu Rang cupped his hands and said:
"Exactly, there is no need to hide this matter from Your Majesty. Presumably His Majesty also knows that our Puliuru Department is famous for being a navy division. Unfortunately, Your Majesty burned the foundation of our department."

"So much so that even Shi Zhouhe tribe, the lower nobles among the eight tribes of Donghu, dared to send troops to question King Khan."

"Therefore, it is necessary to reorganize the Navy."

"Then there must be a ship."

"East Hu's internal troubles are like this. Your Majesty can find out with a little help. If it is possible, our department can also reach a consensus with His Majesty and secretly form an alliance."

"If this step can be achieved, then what will be shipped to Qiongzhou will not be just food, but what His Majesty wants, and we will ship it."

Liu Ke propped his chin with one hand, lay on the golden throne crookedly, thinking:
"Secretly form an alliance, how will my big man capture Gaozhou? How will we capture Jiangdong?"

"In this way, we can only fight westward, enter Sichuan and Shu, and then take the Shu road to return to Chang'an."

Yu Rang stood up and said proudly:

"Emperor Gao of the Great Han Dynasty entered Sichuan and Shu, and with the strategy of the Marquis of Huaiyin, he built plank roads and darkened Chencang, and was able to take Guanzhong and map the world."

"Emperor Zhaolie entered Sichuan and Shu, and with the plan of the Marquis of Wuxiang, they left Qishan together and took Longyou. The world was terrified."

"This Sichuan and Shu can be said to be the land where the great Han Dynasty prospered."

A smile gradually appeared on Liu Ke's face. While smiling, he waved his hands easily, and there was a trace of exclamation in his words, which made the smile look a little complicated.

"It's a good trick to bring disaster to the east."

"If I remember correctly, Sichuan and Shu are governed by the Zhou He Department, and they are in endless disputes with the Pu Liu Ru Department."

At this time, his smile gradually disappeared, and his whole person became serious:
"But even so, I will not hand over Yizhou to the Donghu people."

"Your Majesty really?"

Yu Rang raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was not in a hurry, he just stepped forward a few steps, and said softly:

"Could it be that His Majesty doesn't know that the Cochin Kingdom has mobilized troops?"

Although this sound was not loud, it completely shook the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

Even the resourceful people who had expected it long ago, when they really heard the news, they couldn't rely on themselves for a while.

The imaginary enemy of the big man has always been the Donghu people, and the Jiaozhi Kingdom, which is a state, has never been taken into consideration.

However, if Jiaozhi Kingdom sends troops to attack at this time, it will be extremely difficult whether it is to cross the sea and go directly to Qiongzhou, or to cross Gaozhou by land.

The big man is indeed short of food, and it is not appropriate to use troops this year. Even if he really wants to fight, he will have to wait until after the autumn harvest.

If the Pu Liuru Department is rejected again, and the Pu Liuru Department insists on mobilizing troops to attack, and attack with the Jiaozhi Kingdom on both sides, the great man will be in danger!
Even if he can barely hold it, the big man will definitely be seriously injured.

Many civil and military officials are considering the pros and cons.

If the Jiaozhi Kingdom wants to send troops to fight against the Han, it would be better to give up Yizhou as Yu Rang proposed.

Anyway, Yizhou will not bring much benefit, and there may be rebellion at any time.

It's really better to secretly form an alliance with the Pu Liuru tribe, and then take Sichuan and Shu, and follow the path of the former emperors.

And it can leave Kanghai County in Gaozhou.

Kanghai County can be the gateway to Qiongzhou, and it can also be a strategic location for troops to leave Gaozhou, which is much more important than Yizhou.

Think of it as exchanging cities with the Pu Liuru Department.

Don't be too suspicious of Puliuru's ulterior motives.

With Donghu's current internal troubles, there is no need to worry about his betrayal of the alliance until the Pu Liuru Department completely stabilizes its own interests in the Donghu Eight Departments.

Even Chen Fujia didn't feel so sorry for his thighs anymore.

He believed that he was eloquent, so of course he could use diplomatic means to resolve the situation of the Jiaozhi Kingdom through diplomatic missions.

But it is not [-]% sure, and from a strategic point of view, it seems to be a better choice to secretly unite with the Pu Liuru Department.

However, the emperor hasn't said anything about such a major matter, and it's not easy for them, the courtiers, to decide for the emperor.

Seeing that Liu Ke hadn't spoken, Yu Rang said:

"If your majesty's reputation is not good because of the land cut, it will damage your prestige, and your ministers can make the decision for King Khan."

"Nominally, Yizhou can still belong to the big Han, but our department needs to send people to station in Yizhou."

"Your Majesty, please don't interfere in the political affairs of Yizhou, and let our department handle it."

He took a step back first, and then showed his sincerity, but then his tone became anxious:

"If Your Majesty doesn't even have this sense of urgency and insists on staying in Yizhou, then the minister's trip will not be in vain."

"At least you can inform King Khan in advance and let King Khan build a mausoleum for His Majesty."

Yu Rang spoke sharply and spoke extremely bluntly, with a few clean sentences, each word was clear and unambiguous.

One advance and one retreat is even more embarrassing.

In his mouth, a big defeat seemed to be imminent.

It is even more like a funeral for Emperor Han.

Obviously there is a better choice in front of you, even if you have found the steps to get off, but ignore it and insist on doing it, it is tantamount to digging your own grave.

And even though his mouth was so threatening and tempting, Yu Rang still exuded a leisurely and fearless temperament.

Yu Rang did not act cautiously because he was in the territory of the Han Dynasty. Instead, he was more calm and confident, with an extremely powerful aura.

Envoys from other countries and famous people all over the world, even if their words are harsher, it will not hurt the seriousness.

However, among the civil and military, Wei Jishu, who spoke lightly and didn't move too much, couldn't help it.

The Donghu envoys were aggressive and threatened with the Jiaozhi Kingdom, forcing the big man to cede the territory.

Also said to build a mausoleum for the emperor?
Can this be tolerated?
Especially Yu Rang's contented demeanor made him even more angry just looking at it.

He is not from an aristocratic family, nor is he from a scholarly circle.

An unemployed vagrant and a poor Taoist priest just changed jobs.

Those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, so it doesn't matter whether you are an envoy of Donghu or a celebrity in the world?
While the officials were thinking about the pros and cons and waiting for the emperor's intention, Wei Jishu quietly walked behind Yu Rang.

Bamboo hermit, huh?Famous all over the world, right?
If it can't cure Donghu, it can't cure you?

Clang, clang, three punches.

If you want to build a tomb, you can do it to King Puliulu Khan. Not only do you need to build it, but you have to push it after finishing it!
(End of this chapter)

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