Mystery: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 422 Lin En discovers blind spot

Chapter 422 Lin En discovers blind spot
"As short as three or four months, as long as seven or eight months." Lin En reported a rough number, looked at the goddess of the night, and said: "I don't think you have even this little patience."

"I really don't mind waiting." Amanysis breathed a sigh of relief. As an old coin who could plan for thousands of years just to stab the God of War in the back, he really didn't mind waiting for another half a year.

Anyway, it's been so many years.

"But you don't need to be too excited. Time travel is just like its name, it's just travel..." Linn glanced at Amanysis, and seeing some of the latter's thoughts, he smiled and said:
"As a traveler in time and space, you can stay at a certain time for a short period of time, or you can try to change a period of time, but you can only stay for a period of time."

"And..." Lin En thought of something and added: "Even if a time traveler like you can achieve his goal in a short period of time, he may not be able to change the past."

This is not Lin En's lies, but a summary based on the current situation of his vest, and it is also Lin En's intuition.

Because it is clear that he himself is special, so he can come to different eras and change the past and history, but others may not be able to.

Just like the missing butterfly effect, even if people other than Lynn, as time travelers, change the corresponding past in a certain time and space, it may not have any impact on the future.

Hearing Lin En's words, the goddess of the night frowned instinctively, then pursed her lips and said with a rare wry smile: "Even if this is the case, at least I can see them again..."

Look at her parents, look at her former friends.

Even though so many years had passed, Amanisis could not remember the faces of many people, but she still wanted to see them.

This may be obsession, or it may just be pure remembrance.

"Don't be so pessimistic, don't forget the deal between us, I will bring your parents safely to this era." Lin En glanced at the goddess of the night, her expression became more serious, "As for time and space travel, just treat it as a matter of course. It’s a gift, but of course it can also be regarded as the first thank you gift.”

"Thank you..." Amanisis thanked him in a low voice, and then he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he was the calm goddess of the night again.

He asked: "If I guess correctly, Lynn Sotos and I should not be the only ones who will go to the old era."

"In addition to you, there are also Klein and Russell." Linn nodded, then thought of something, and added: "Of course, some other people may be temporarily included, depending on the situation."

For example, for a certain Xiaohong, Lin En thought that he could take him to the old times to learn more and add some quotes from intersex people. This way, his words would be more irritating in the future, and he would be more likely to be hunted down.

The goddess of the night was not surprised when she heard this, but she thought of something again and said: "By the way, the God of Steam and Machinery came to see me some time ago."

"Hmm?" Lin En raised his eyebrows, guessing something instantly, and asked: "Why, did he come to you to ask how to deal with me? Or did he come to you to ask for information?"

"He did ask me about you..." The Night Goddess nodded reservedly, and then sold the Steam Queen in a few words, and finally said: "Based on my understanding of Him, maybe He will soon I will contact you to discuss cooperation.”

The word "cooperation" here is accented by the goddess of the night, which is obviously a euphemism for "sliding on one's knees". "I thought He would be tougher and try to resist, for example, to assassinate me or something. After all, he has been a Sequence 0 for so many years..." Although he was not surprised by Steam Girl's reaction, Linn still couldn't help but complain. One sentence.

"This is normal. If it were another Sequence 0, it might be done like this, but steam..." When the goddess of the night said this, her expression was a little hard to explain. Finally, she said euphemistically: "This is his style, otherwise he wouldn't be here. Before Russell came, he had not digested the perfect potion for more than 1000 years."

Then Lin En's expression became more subtle. He couldn't help but ask a question that he had been curious about for a long time: "Steam Princess failed to digest the perfect potion. Is it because she simply doesn't understand this aspect, or is she influenced by you?" Suppression?”

"Both..." The goddess of the night doesn't mean to hide anything in this regard. After all, the God of Steam and Machinery is already a thing of the past, and he doesn't know when he will fall from his throne.

"We did deliberately suppress the God of Steam and Machinery from digesting the Perfection Potion. After all, you also know the power of the giant beast of industry. Although everyone can enjoy the dividends of the times, the Church of Steam is undoubtedly the one who has gained the most. On the one hand, this is not in the interests of most people, and..." The goddess of the night sighed at this point and said:
"To be honest, the situation of the earth is not suitable for excessive development of science and technology. There is no oil in this world, and you also know the situation of the starry sky. If the technology of this world is allowed to develop arrogantly, once people touch the secrets of the starry sky and the underground, what will happen? Directly bring destruction to this world."

Hearing what Amanisis said, Linn was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

Because he had defeated the foreign gods himself, Lin En did not have much fear of the foreign gods, so when he was considering the development of science and technology before, he really had not thought about this.

Now think about it, if the development of science and technology in the mysterious world can only be maintained in the current era of steam, then it will be better if we push it further, let alone where to find substitutes for petroleum, let's say that once things like rockets are invented , human beings turned their attention to outer space, and then they really stabbed the outer gods in their nest.

Didn't you see that the last Emperor Russell who built a "rocket" and launched himself to the moon because he was an angel has been squatting in the tomb for more than 150 years. If Linn wasn't here, he would still have to Squat longer.

The most important thing is that when human science and technology really develops to the point where it can launch rockets, satellites, and detectors, the supporting information transmission technology must have matured. At that time, as long as photos from outside the earth are sent back...

The picture was so beautiful that Linn didn't dare to look at it.

In addition to the threat of alien gods, the original creator sleeping underground is also a big problem in theory.

Once humankind's technology develops, it will not only turn its attention to outer space, but also explore the underground of the planet where it lives. When the time comes, if two people seeking death accidentally dig out the original... hiss. , even Lin En felt a little unbearable.

Good guy, it seems like I can't rush to push technology. At least I have to deal with the alien gods and the original threat, otherwise I'm just setting off a nuclear bomb!

Lin En patted his chest with some luck. Otherwise, everyone would have a blind spot in their field of vision. Because he had no connection with the Outer Gods and the Original, he really hadn't thought of these two aspects. Now that he thought about it, he had to talk to the Night Goddess in advance. , otherwise it will be over.

But it’s not impossible to push it. You need to impose some restrictions, such as locking the aviation technology first... Lin En muttered something in his heart, and listened to the goddess of the night continue:
"However, although we do intend to restrict the development of steam, due to our own contradictions, the restriction is not severe. Steam has only developed now. It can only be said that he may not really understand this aspect."

Lynn: ...

As expected of you, Steam Girl!

(End of this chapter)

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