Chapter 298 Lynn's Plan

"I didn't expect you to know me. It's really rare. There are not many people in this world who know me." Lynn raised his eyebrows. He was really surprised that Bernadette knew the existence of the Angel of Mystery, but Thinking about the other party's sequence, Lynn is no stranger to it.

So he continued to smile and said, "This time I came to see you, apart from seeing how you are doing and bringing you a message from Roselle, I have something else to tell you."

"What is it?" Bernadette showed a puzzled and curious expression.

"Are you sure you want to continue talking here?" Lynn gestured to the visitors coming and going around. Although these visitors did not notice the two of them because of the use of a little extraordinary tricks, it is obvious that the place is still there. Not a good place to talk about big things.

Lynn threw out the heavy news just now mainly to gain Bernadette's trust as quickly as possible. Then, in the following link of reading the diary and discussing some formal issues, Lynn still hopes to be in a more secure and confirmed place. environment.

——The main thing is to read the diary when no one is around. Bernadette should be more likely to show her emotions, so that Lynn can record it, and then share the good news with Roselle later.

Bernadette was stunned for a moment, and her gaze also scanned the visitors coming and going around, and she obviously realized that this is not a particularly good place to talk. After thinking about it, she said: "I have a place to stay in Backlund. If you don't mind, we can go there and talk."

"Then let's go!" Lynn nodded and smiled.

The two then walked out of the museum against the crowd, and soon arrived at Bernadette's safe house.

"Would you like coffee or tea?"

Holding the cup, Bernadette asked a little cautiously, breaking away from the crowd and facing an ancient, suspected god-like existence alone, it had to be said that Bernadette subconsciously became nervous.

"Ordinary coffee is fine, and I'm not picky." Lynn said with a smile. Of course, he could see Bernadette's nervousness, but he didn't intend to do anything to ease the atmosphere. Can't be nervous.

Lynn just took the coffee made by Bernadette, took a sip, put down the cup, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that you came to Backlund this time not just to visit your father's exhibition, right?"

"It's true that I didn't just come here for my father's exhibition." Bernadette said with a still cautious expression while holding the coffee, "I've been looking for an opportunity to complete the Sequence 2 ceremony all these years, and recently I got a prophecy, The prophecy told me that Backlund might have an opportunity for me to complete the ceremony."

Bernadette obviously didn't hide her intentions in this regard, after all, in her opinion, there was no need to hide it.

Lynn was not surprised to hear this.

When he read the original book, he wondered why Bernadette appeared in Backlund at this time period. Although this can be explained by the fact that she came to see the Roselle Memorial Exhibition specifically, there is still something to be said for such a reason. not enough.

So after learning about the ceremony of Bernadette's promotion to Sequence 2, Lynn actually had a guess—the prophecy master of the Mystery Path wants to be promoted to a sage, in addition to taking the corresponding potion, he must also Complete the corresponding ritual: Stop a disaster involving higher powers.

As for the Great Smog incident in Backlund, although it was only a Sequence 4 witch's promotion, it is undeniable that a high-level power was involved in it—not referring to the Loen royal family behind it, Or Adam and the others, but referring to the real Creator's divine descent that was stopped by Klein in the original book.

There is no doubt that the event of the real creator's divine descent definitely involved high-level power that is sufficient to meet the requirements, and the real creator's descent into madness is indeed a serious catastrophe for this world.

——Then, is there a possibility that Bernadette had foreseen the existence of such a disaster in advance, so she came to stop it and seek an opportunity for promotion along the way?
The facts proved that Lynn's idea was correct. Bernadette did come here for the smog incident, but this person's luck was really not good, and he didn't get too accurate information, so obviously he didn't What role can it play in the big smog event?

This is not surprising. Although the Berklide smog incident is simple on the surface, the water behind it is so deep. It is normal for a Sequence 3 to prevent the smog from coming, but not to participate.

It would be better to say that only someone like Klein who was caught by surprise and had his own origin castle would be more likely to successfully participate in the Great Smog incident and stop it.

But the original book is the original book, and obviously with Lynn as the disruptor, things obviously changed.

Lynn smiled and said, "Your hunch is correct. Backlund is indeed about to face a disaster, but the things behind it are probably more complicated than you originally imagined."

That's right, Lynn did have the idea of ​​letting Bernadette get involved in the Great Smog incident in Backlund, and then use this opportunity to become an angel.

Anyway, to him, this is just a matter of revealing the news in advance, which can add obstacles to the Loen royal family, and can also improve the combat power of his own side, and then use this as a favor to make Russell more willing to work, why not Why!

As for finding the real creator in advance, let him restrain the Aurora Society, let him stop trying to cooperate with the Loen royal family, and let the members of the Aurora Society stop trying to make the real creator descend... Lynn is not going to do this.

Because Lin En knew very well that as long as the Loen royal family wanted to cause trouble, even if they did not join forces with the True Creator and the Aurora Society, they would still find secret organizations.

Moreover, for the Augustus family, supporting a dark emperor has long been an inevitable matter. Unless Lynn directly kills all the high-sequence members of Augustus, it is absolutely impossible to pass the warning. way to get them to stop.

However, it is obviously impossible for Lynn to adopt such an extreme method. It's not that he can't bear to do it. The main reason is that he has to consider the stimulation to the Seven Gods and other Sequence 0 and secret organizations after doing so.

Lin En knows how sensitive his existence is. Except for those who have a good relationship with him, similar to the goddess of the night and the mother of the earth, this kind of god who has only reached a friendly cooperation with him has never really been vigilant against him. disappeared.

It is precisely because of this that if Lynn really does such an extreme behavior, it is very likely to cause a series of chain reactions, and the gains outweigh the losses.

So Lynn's policy against Augustus is very simple - I can't mess with you directly, but I can pull others to mess with you.

This not only saves Lynn's effort, but also achieves the same effect, and avoids irritating other people. For Lynn, it is simply a win.

So Lynn will not prevent the Aurora Society from cooperating with the Loen royal family. For him, instead of preventing the Aurora Society from cooperating with the Augustus family, it will cause the Loen royal family to find other secret organizations, making things even more uncontrollable , it would be better to insert such an insider directly.

As for the divine descent of the true Creator, on the one hand, it serves as a bait to paralyze the Loen royal family, and on the other hand, it serves as a tool to promote Bernadette.

Of course, Lynn will also make preparations in advance to ensure that even if Bernadette misses, she will not really let the real Creator God descend into the real world.

Hearing what Lynn said, Bernadette couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and she immediately said, "Please advise."

Of course, Bernadette could tell that the Angel of Mystery was going to tell her some information related to the disaster.

"Becklund is about to face this disaster. The fundamental reason is that the royal family of Loen." Linn picked up the teacup and took a sip of coffee, and said unhurriedly: "They want to support a new The Black Emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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