Mystery: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 228 The Church's Viewpoint

Chapter 228 The Church's Viewpoint

Ikanser "died".

He died socially under the eyes of everyone, holding the Arrods mirror in his arms, and drifted away like a ghost.

"Cough..." After Ikanser, who was physically and mentally injured, went to the side to rest under the watchful eyes of the team members, Archbishop Horamick Haydn coughed lightly, and said as if nothing had happened:

"Before today, the Church of Steam received some information about a possible split within the Rose School of Thought. Judging from what happened today, this information is probably true."

In a sense, Archbishop Horamick Haydn is still very considerate of his subordinates. Although he has no objections to his subordinates' private affairs, and has an attitude of respect and blessing, Ruen's atmosphere is not very open after all, even I tend to be conservative, and some things are fine in private, but it is not good for the reputation of the person concerned after all, so it is the best result to pretend that nothing happened.

"The Church of Evernight has also received this information..." Archbishop Anthony nodded slightly. He was also not prepared to disclose the private affairs of other church members, but a familiar face appeared in his mind.

That's right, that person is the Nova Nighthawk of the Church of the Evernight, who successfully promoted from an ordinary person to a peerless genius of Sequence 7 in less than three months, the only designated contact of the Angel of Mystery, the Goddess of the Night Goddess Ke Ryan Moretti.

Yes, Archbishop Anthony knows Klein Moretti's identity as the Goddess of the Evernight Goddess. As the head of the Backlund Diocese, Archbishop Anthony knows more than others, and has also received more from the goddess. oracle.

So when Goddess Sword Cresta Sesima really felt that the Evernight Goddess seemed to value Klein very much, and felt that Klein might become a divinely favored person in the future, Archbishop Anthony had already obtained part of the script, and knew Klein. Moretti can already be called the true Goddess of the Goddess.

But because of the oracle of the Goddess of the Evernight, Archbishop Anthony did not publicize this matter, but just silently paid attention to Klein Moretti, and gave a little help when necessary—for example, Klein Moretti a few days ago Moretti's promotion approval can be passed so quickly because of the special approval given by Archbishop Anthony.

Because of this, even though the person in the mirror had blurred to the point that the person next door could not be recognized, Archbishop Anthony still guessed that the most prominent person in the image just now was their newly favored one.

Thinking about it carefully, it’s actually not surprising at all. Klein Moretti has been following up on the Angel of Mystery. It can even be said that Klein Moretti was on the scene when most of the Angel of Mystery was causing trouble. , this time the Angel of Mystery has done something big again, it would be strange if the Blessed One wasn't there.

However, it involves both the Angel of Mystery, the Favored One, and the infighting of the Rose School. I am afraid that this matter will have to be reported to the goddess.Moreover, Ace Snake's reaction was very strange. It is very likely that the Angel of Mystery told him something... Archbishop Anthony was thinking quickly, but he did not intend to reveal the hidden information he knew.

Sharing information that cannot be hidden is one thing, but for information that can be hidden, Archbishop Anthony is not prepared to generously share it with the other two churches.

The three churches were never close enough to share all their secrets.

"In other words, the current situation is that there is internal strife in the Rose School, and that Angel of Mystery is also a member of the Rose School?" "Singer of God" Ace Snake said, making the most obvious guess .

"I'm more inclined to the foreign aid who is only temperate." Archbishop Anthony said with a smile.

"The possibility of foreign aid is indeed greater." Archbishop Horamick Haydn nodded slightly.

The three archbishops then discussed a few more words, and after basically analyzing the sequence of participants in this battle, including Klein, Archbishop Anthony smiled and said:
"The situation is already very clear. The Rose School of Thought has split, and the members of the Temperance Faction have been hunted down by the Indulgence Faction. But the two Temperance Faction members are obviously not weak people. Facing the pursuit of killing them, they directly invited two For foreign aid, two are the magicians who fought with them, and the other is His Highness the Angel of Mystery."

"Now there are two questions. First, how did the members of the Temperance Faction ask the Angel of the Mystery to help them, and whether there are hidden high-sequence members of the Temperance Faction behind them. Considering the consistent style of the Temperance Faction, if there are any I don't think it's necessary to blindly suppress such a high-sequence person, but can be properly recruited."

"Secondly, is His Highness the Angel of Mystery's purpose in participating in this incident simply to help the Temperance Faction members get rid of their pursuers, or does it have a deeper purpose, what exactly does He want to do, and will these things affect the Church? , causing harm to Backlund."

Archbishop Anthony's analysis is well-founded. Apart from inadvertently making a certain divinely favored person invisible, and not disclosing useful information at all, there is nothing wrong with it.

Archbishop Horamick Haydn nodded thoughtfully after listening to this analysis, while "Singer of God" Ace Snake frowned, and finally said: "So there is still a clue about the angel of mystery. No?"

Obviously, for the "Singer of God" Ace Snake, what he is most concerned about now is not whether the Rose School of thought is fighting or not, but the Angel of Mystery itself.

This cannot be blamed on him, after all, it is a person who will be confused when he hears what Lynn said.

What exactly did the angel of mystery say to him... Archbishop Anthony glanced at "Singer of God" Ace Snake, smiled and said:
"It seems that there are no more clues here. If you are in a hurry, you can follow me to check the files about the angel of mystery."


The three archbishops naturally didn't know that when they were discussing the Angel of Mystery, a certain party was squatting in a corner and watching them silently.

It wasn't until the three archbishops all ran to look at the files of the Angel of Mystery that Lin En patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, and glanced at the Arrods mirror, and then the avatar of divinity disappeared in place.

"So now I can be regarded as officially showing my face in front of the three official churches on Loen's side. Needless to say, Heiye, both sides are in the stage of mutual testing, which is well known, and the overall tendency is to be friendly. Heiye is clearly aware of me. In the case of changing the past, we did not take drastic measures, which shows that there is a lot of room for negotiation, and there is a high probability that we will reach a cooperation in the future."

On the other side, Lin En, who simultaneously received all the information that the divine incarnation came into contact with, was drinking tea leisurely while silently analyzing the current situation.

 Thanks to Jingui Jiuniang for the 10000 rewards, the addition of this chapter will be completed within half a month.

(End of this chapter)

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