Mystery: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 190 Bethel and the Lord of Mysteries

Chapter 190 Bethel and the Lord of Mysteries
"Sure enough, Will you think so too!" Lynn naturally saw clearly the behavior of the two angels pulling each other into the water, but he didn't take the initiative to expose it. He just looked at Mr. Men with a smile and said:

"Bethel, why don't you give it a try? If you feel shy alone, we can call Antigonus and Amon over. I believe they will be very happy to become cubs to accompany you. "

Bethel: ...

Are you sure they are really "willing"?
Although there are already countless words in his heart that he wants to complain about, Bethel knows that although Lynn's words are watery, the probability of realization is very high.

Among other things, Bethel can almost imagine how Antigonus, the stupid wolf who has been cowardly since seeing Lynn, will behave about this. Fear is definitely scary, but for the faceless man As far as he is concerned, becoming a cub is really nothing. The other party has never played any role in order to be promoted to the Servant of Mysteries. Let alone becoming a cub, it is probably okay to become a silly dog.

And Amon, who has suffered a loss before, has obviously overcome the psychological barrier in this area, and he is already good at acting like a baby.

In fact, Bethel is well aware of the nature of Amon's dog that seems to like to die. Having personally witnessed Lin En's strength, Amon will not reject this "game" that may ease the relationship between the two parties. , anyway, he has been a cub for so long before, so it's not too late.

Only He, Bethel Abraham, Mr. Men who is unknown to almost everyone in the Tudor Empire, No.1 under the true God, has never really played a cub.

In Bethel Abraham's memory, the cub period was already too long a memory. He almost couldn't even remember what happened in his childhood. He only remembered the years when the ancient sun god suppressed other extraordinary races. As the heir of the Abraham family, he was immersed in learning and fighting day after day.

Bethel's childhood obviously didn't have many memories that could be called leisurely. Some were just parchments that recorded knowledge one after another, and one monster after another was killed by him, which was too severe for normal children. He had a harsh childhood, but Bethel didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

After all, He knew very well that as a person who needed to support the Abraham family, He was destined to be different from those mortals from birth. The responsibilities of the family, as well as the hidden dangers of that era, left Bethel with no time to relax. In fact, that kind of life is not rejected, after all, whether it is knowledge or fighting, Bethel is willing to accept it.

However, what Bethel likes most is traveling, hoping to witness different scenery, different people and things in different parts of the world, and then record these things.

In a sense, Bethel Abraham could be said to be a born traveler, and he naturally had a love for this aspect of things.

And if you want to say whether Bethel Abraham has any regrets about this, in fact, Mr. Men himself doesn't know.

I don't know if there was a moment when I looked at other children of the same age in the clan, playing happily and discussing gossip together, did I feel a little...envious for a moment?
Bethel suddenly took a deep breath, he felt that he might be poisoned.

Lynn Sotos, the old man, is there really no strange pollution on him?
"Well, it shouldn't be there, right? And even if there is, anyway, you already have a small part of the will of the Lord of Mysteries revived, so it's not too much!" Lynn pinched his chin and said in an uncertain tone, In the end, he spread his hands again, with a look of "it's already like this anyway, so you just make do with it".

So could there really be contamination?

The corner of Bethel's mouth twitched suddenly, and he really had the urge to sigh for a moment, and he did so, and then said quietly: "Can't you say something else to calm my heart?" Respect, but the content of the words obviously brought a helpless accusation.

"I can lie to you, but..." Lin En paused at this point, looked at Mr. Men, and said seriously: "Do you want to be deceived by me without knowing anything?"

Bethel was silent, and he admitted that he wanted to get the truth more than the other party comforting him with illusory words.

Even the harsh truth.

"But don't worry, although I'm not sure if there is any pollution on my body, but even if there is any pollution, it will not forcefully change your will like the will of the Lord of Mysteries in your body." Lynn blinked at this point Blinking, "I'm not that kind of person."

"I have a much more moral bottom line than that scumbag."

Hearing this, Bethel's eyelids twitched, and he asked almost subconsciously, "Do you know the Lord of Mysteries?"

Will, who had been eating melons quietly beside him, couldn't help looking at Lynn, his expression was not obvious, but he was already quite shocked in his heart.

After all, Lin En's interaction with Mr. Men, although he didn't say anything too crucial, has actually revealed a lot of information.

"This question..." Lin En thought about the plot about the Lord of Mysteries in the original book, and suddenly smiled mysteriously, and said, "I can recognize you."

Well, there's nothing wrong with it, after all, theoretically, he can meet anyone he wants to know, no matter whether the other party exists in the past, present or future.

Bethel and Will couldn't help thinking when they heard this answer.

To know is to know, not to know is not to know, but what does it mean to be able to know?

It is impossible for the other party to hope that the Lord of Mysteries will be resurrected... Thinking of this, Bethel's heart couldn't help but jump. He looked up at Lin En, and saw that the other party seemed to see through his thoughts and smiled at him Down.

The other party said: "Don't worry, I have no intention of resurrecting the Lord of Mysteries."

"A master of mysteries who doesn't care about this world is not in line with my core values. After all, I am on the side of the light!" Lin En said, paused, and then looked at Mr. Men.

Probably because of the sequelae, at this moment, Lynn seemed to really see his future through the Mr. Men in front of him, the future polluted by the fallen mother goddess.

"Does Bethel really want to become the Lord of Mysteries?" Lynn asked suddenly.

Bethel was stunned for a moment, and he obviously remembered Lynn's words at this time, and after a few seconds of silence, he said: "I do have this desire, but if I can't do it... maybe I will also put this Hand over the responsibility to a more appropriate person.”

He does not have to become the Lord of Mysteries. Although Bethel does have ambitions and desires in this regard, as a person who is willing to die for the safety of the earth, Bethel wants to become the Lord of Mysteries. Being able to protect this world, if there is really a more suitable candidate than him, Bethel is not unable to give up.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for him to surrender directly. If conditions permit, at least a contest must be made to make him lose willingly.

Bethel has its own pride. He doesn't have to be the Lord of Mysteries, but he will definitely not give up this position to the incompetent.

So... will the future Lord of Mysteries be someone who is capable and willing to protect the world?

Bethel looked at Lynn and asked silently in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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