Mystery: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 128 Lynn: I'm Coming to See You, Little Snake

Chapter 128 Lynn: I'm Coming to See You, Little Snake
"I will give you a hopeful future."

Hearing Lin En's words, all the members of "Eye of Secrets" fell silent. Some lowered their heads, some clutched gifts, and some looked at Lin En in a daze.

Before today, even if they were rescued to the Kingdom of God, got rid of the precarious life in the past, and were selected as the first batch of students of the "Eye of Secrets", these students are still confused and afraid of their future. They don't know what kind of future they will face. "Hope" and "future" never existed in their life dictionary before today.

No one has ever told them as firmly as Lynn that you can also have hope, life, and the power to protect yourself.

You can also... not like objects, not like food, but truly live as people!

"His Royal Highness Lynn..." Suddenly a student said, it was a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, she was obviously very nervous, but she still restrained her nervousness, and said:

"Can we really...have power like those demon wolves? I, I want to protect myself, and I can only cry when I don't want to face those, those monsters."

"Of course, but I want to explain in advance here that this road will be very dangerous, accompanied by madness and loss of control. If anyone is afraid, you can quit now. Don't worry about it. Even if you quit, I will Let someone arrange for you." Lin En smiled at the girl comfortingly, and then said with a serious expression.

"I'm not afraid, no matter how dangerous it won't be more dangerous than before." The girl said, biting her lower lip hard, but her voice was very determined.

"What about you? Is there anyone who wants to quit?" Lynn looked at the others.

No one opened their mouths to speak, and no one took a step back. Even the little elf who had boldly asked Lynn raised his hand and said, "Teacher, we are not afraid of danger. We are only afraid that when we encounter danger in the future, we will only Can wait to die in despair."

His words were obviously quoting Lynn's words just now, but they were very appropriate.

And with him taking the lead, the others became bolder and began to express their opinions one after another.

"Yes, I'm not afraid."

"Although I'm a little scared, but, if I don't have power, what if I meet a demon wolf again... I don't want to be eaten."

"Yes, the demon wolf is too scary, and I don't want to be eaten by the demon wolf, so it's better to have power."

Most people's language is relatively simple, after all, they have not received a good education.

Lynn listened to their speeches quietly, and coughed lightly after everyone expressed their views.

Suddenly, everyone was quiet, and no one made a sound.

This is not because they have good discipline, but because they have a deep-rooted fear of powerful creatures.

This made Lin En feel a little complicated for a moment, but then he smiled and said: "Then since no one backs down, little guys, you are welcome to embrace the new future with me."


"Obviously, I only drew the big cake to better win the hearts of leeks, but in the end, I, the person who painted the cake, felt more... That's all, although I have decided to be the teacher of these little guys, so be good Do your part!"

In the fifth era, Lin En manipulated a few more vests while adjusting the makeup of the divine incarnation. Thinking of his freshly baked students, he felt a lot of emotion for a while.

But then Lynn's out-of-the-box thinking made him think of other things, such as Ouroreus, such as a certain little snake that likes to eat ice cream.

"I don't know if Ulorius will abide by the agreement after remembering me. Even if he doesn't abide by it now, it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as the second era is in place, what should be spread will still be spread. I hope Amon will not be too surprised when he receives these gifts."

Lin En couldn't help showing a bright smile when he thought this way. He liked to persecute Amon so much, not only because of Xiaohong's grievances, but also because of Amon, a brat who was too jumpy, and more importantly, Or because Lynn really felt that Amon had a sense of sight.

He didn't have even a little bit of memory, but now Lynn is basically sure that he has definitely met someone similar to Amon before, and suffered a big loss engraved in his bones.

Although it is wrong to vent anger, who made Lin En a stingy person, and Amon himself was also a deadly expert.

Lin En may still feel a little guilty for blaming others, but is it blaming Amon?That is eliminating harm for the people!
Lynn even dared to say that anyone who knew Amon and what he did, even his elder brother, would probably applaud him.

After all, the world has suffered from Amon for a long time, and everyone has long been looking forward to a brat who is more punished than Amon to punish him.

——That's right, Lin En is actually very clear about his attributes, he knows that he is a brat, and he knows that his personality is very similar to Erha, but he just doesn't change it!
And after gloating for a while because of a bear child who was about to die, Lynn squeezed his chin again, thinking of the little snake Will who should be on the verge of restarting now, and might have restarted.

To be honest, Lynn still has some basic affection for Will because of the original book.

And after having Ulorius as his deputy, Lynn became even more interested in Will. He felt that maybe he really should go to see Will and scare that immature snake of fate.

Of course, don't get me wrong, Lynn doesn't mean to help Ulorius catch Will. For now, Lynn doesn't have any intention to participate in the battle between the two snakes of fate.

As for why, of course it's because I'm not that familiar.

Lynn hasn't even met Will now, at most it's just because he has a little liking for the original book, and although he has met Ulorius twice, Lynn doesn't hate this silly snake, but to put it bluntly, he doesn't like it now. Just such a little friendship, at best it can only be regarded as an ordinary friend.

Under such circumstances, Lynn didn't mind helping Will or Ourolius with other things, but he got involved in the battle between the two Snakes of Destiny when he was full, advancing to Sequence 0. Fighting is not a joke, a bad one really needs to be desperate.

Lin En didn't even do a good job in his own plan to become a god, so he didn't have the time to get involved in other people's sequence disputes.

After all, they are not Xiaohong. If it was Medici, Lynn would definitely help without hesitation, but the friendship between these two is not enough.So Lynn thinks it's better to have both ways first, he is very experienced in this area.

As for whether Lynn's inner balance will be tilted in the future, and whether he will decide to help one of them, let's wait until later.

That must be a long time away.

(End of this chapter)

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