Mystery: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 106 Aziz Mode's Choice

Chapter 106 Aziz Mode's Choice
For Death Consul Azik, today is probably the most special day since his birth.

He received two kings of angels, who are very important even in this era, on behalf of Hades, and met the heirs who were rumored to have just been taken home by Mr. Men, and because of the words of this young angel, for the first time, he was born. shaken.

Azik, the death consul who had never considered what he really was, was almost irresistible, and began to think about what his own essence was like, whether it was really his essence as Libert Abraham said He is a very gentle person who values ​​his family very much.

The reason of the death consul is still telling him that it is impossible, but the trace of humanity that he was born because of the believers and the anchor makes him inevitably shaken.

Death Consul Azik had to admit that the Him described by Libert both frightened and confused him, and also gave him... a little longing.

"In a sense, it's a terrifying existence, Libert Abraham..." After the banquet, in an unoccupied corner of the palace of the Balam Empire, Azik, the death consul, breathed out, feeling deeply I need someone to be quiet, at least tonight, Mr. Death Consul doesn't want to see that young angel again.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would really do something that was absolutely impossible in a rational state because of the words of that young angel.

Let him stay here alone for a while, and let him suppress that wavering again... Death Consul Azik thought so, leaning his back against the wall, quietly looking at the looming stars in the sky.

"Your Highness Ards, so you are here."

A familiar voice sounded beside him, and Azik, the consul of death, turned his head, and saw a familiar figure, which was a waiter beside the Emperor of the Underworld.

"What's the matter?" Death Consul Azik stood up straight again, looked at the waiter, and said indifferently: "Your Majesty, do you need me to deal with it?"

The waiter said respectfully: "That's it, His Highness Azik, His Highness Libert from the Tudor Empire seems to have some important matters related to the two countries that need to be discussed with you, and He is waiting for you in the No. [-] conference room .”

Death Consul Azik: ...

To be honest, the first reaction of Death Consul Azik at this moment is really to refuse, but as the number one tool man of Death God and the actual handler of various affairs of the Balam Empire, the sense of responsibility from the Consul still makes Death Consul Azik nodded, and he spoke with some difficulty: "Let's go."

The waiter immediately led the way respectfully.

Soon, the familiar meeting room No. [-] arrived. After dismissing the waiter, Azik, the death consul, hesitated for a second, and pushed open the door of the meeting room. Inside the door was the figure of a certain young angel.

"Yo, Azik, we meet again!" Lin En happily greeted a dead consul who obviously didn't want to see him, but he didn't stop writing and drawing.

"Meet you again, Libert, I heard that you need to discuss with me something important and related to the two countries." Death Consul Azik closed the door of the conference room, and said in a faint voice, with a businesslike tone. mean.

Immediately afterwards, Azik, the consul of death, was stunned for a moment, because he noticed that at the moment he closed the door, there seemed to be a force covering the entire meeting room. It was the power of space and seal, which came from the door. ability.

This made Azik, the consul of death, alert almost instantly, but he was not too nervous. After all, this was in the palace of the Balam royal family. If something really happened, his father Hades could not have noticed it. .

Moreover, the power enveloping the meeting room is more like some kind of secrecy than preventing him from leaving.

Does Libert really have something important to discuss with him?
The death consul Azik thought subconsciously, and then he saw the young man in front of him waving his hand, and said with a face full of indifference:

"Don't be nervous, it's just for confidentiality... As for the things related to the two countries that I need to discuss with you, that's actually just an excuse. I don't have anything related to the two countries that I need to discuss with you. This mission is just for soy sauce, just to join in the fun, important things are in charge of Bethel and the others."

Death Consul Azik: ...

How should I put it, he was not surprised at all.

Azik, the consul of death, suddenly felt a little headache. At this moment, he had a lot in common with Mr. Men in a sense, but his good upbringing still prevented him from scolding on the spot.

Azik, the consul of death, couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his temples, and said lightly: "If Libert has nothing to do, can you allow me to take my leave first, I still have some business to deal with."

This is not a pure excuse, as the consul of the Balam Empire, there are too many things to deal with at the moment.

"No, this meeting was initiated by Bethel and approved by His Majesty Hades, so no one is allowed to leave early without my permission." Lynn said with a smile, his smile was gentle and kind, There is an unquestionable domineering between the words.

Death Consul Azik: ...

At this moment, Azik, the consul of death, really wanted to ask Mr. Men, "Do you know that if you spoil the child so much, you will spoil the child?"

At the same time, Azik was also unavoidable, thinking of the treatment he usually received from Hades.Although Emperor Hades attaches great importance to his heir, it is because he is his most powerful deputy. Putting this aside, Emperor Hades will never treat Libert like Mr. Men... like a father doting on his child .

No, how could he think this way, an attitude like His Majesty's is normal for gods, and Mr. Men's is a special case... Death Consul Azik suppressed some subtle thoughts in his heart, and heard the young angel continue road:
"Although I really have nothing to discuss with you about the two countries, I do have important things to tell you about you, Azik Eggers."

Hearing the other party call His name so solemnly, Azik, the death consul, froze for a moment, and couldn't help but ask, "Is it related to me?"

"That's right!" Lynn nodded, he finally stopped writing and drawing, and then handed the painting he had just drawn to the death consul in front of him.

The latter took the painting with some doubts, and saw that there were two cats, one big and one small, on the painting. The big cat was probably a leopard cat or something, and it looked very strong and fierce.

But what it did was to protect a small black kitten behind it, with a small and delicate silk hat on its head.

(End of this chapter)

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