Mystery: My vest is all over the timeline

Chapter 102 Lynn fooled Azik online

Chapter 102 Lynn fooled Azik online

The death consul Azik naturally didn't know that he had become an excellent material in Lynn's eyes. Hearing Lynn's question, although he still felt that he couldn't keep up with Lynn's jumping thinking, he still shook his head and said: "...His Majesty currently has no arrangements for me to marry anyone else."

The His Majesty mentioned by Death Consul Azik naturally refers to his father Hades.

"Haven't you ever thought about free love?" Lynn took a sip of juice and described: "Find a girl you love, marry her, and then give birth to a lovely son or daughter, and your son will practice in the yard Sword moves, and while you watched him fall again and again with distress, you severely corrected his mistakes."

"Your daughter will sit on the swing you built for her yourself. You stand behind her and throw the swing high. The bright sun shines on the two of you, bringing you a warm feeling..."

"Don't you yearn for this kind of life?"

According to the character of Mr. Azik after getting rid of the influence of death, it is not difficult to guess that Azik's personality is gentle and he attaches great importance to his family.

Therefore, Lynn decided to start with the occult first when he could not do anything about the mysticism for the time being.

"..." Hearing Lynn's description, Azik, the consul of death, froze for a moment. Before today, he had never imagined his life of having a wife and children, which was an extremely unfamiliar field for him. .

It's not that the Death Consul has never seen how a normal family lives. It's just that before today, he dismissed such an ordinary life and didn't care about the so-called family and love. But after listening to Lynn's description today, he couldn't Knowing why, Azik almost subconsciously drew such a picture in his mind, which made him hesitate.

Does he yearn for such a life?
Reason told the consul of death that he did not yearn for it. The so-called family affection and love that belonged to mortals never belonged to him. In this life, he was destined to dedicate everything to the Balam Empire and the emperor of the underworld, and nothing else was important.

But a trace of humanity that had been suppressed for a long time made Azik shaken a little.


No, there is no possibility!

The shaken humanity was suppressed, and the death consul Azik looked at Lynn with the same indifference in his eyes as before. He said: "It sounds like Libert, you seem to yearn for such a life."

"I can't talk about yearning. In fact, I haven't thought about getting married. After all, that kind of thing is still very early for me..." Lin En took another sip of juice, seeing all the wavering and hesitation of Azik just now. In his eyes, he smiled and said:
"But I don't reject having a family, because whether it's a feeling of loving or being loved, it's actually very good."

"His Royal Highness Bethel really values ​​you very much." Death Consul Azik said so. Although the time we spent together was short, basically anyone who is not blind can see how much Mr. Men cares about his only son. attention.

"Hehe..." Lin En smiled when he heard this, and didn't refute, but just followed the topic: "What about you, Azik, don't you also receive great attention from His Majesty Hades, He loves you as a son ?"

Although Lynn knows that the answer to this question is definitely not love, if Salinger, this scumbag, really treats Mr. Azik as his own son, he will not split Azik's soul in half, and will The other party has come back as the resurrection, but it doesn't prevent him from asking this question to drive a wedge.

To be honest, even in the normal high-sequence, this kind of behavior of the god of death is quite disdainful. The high-sequence may not have as much human nature as the low-sequence, but it does not mean that there is no emotion. Daughters like Russell control Not to mention, even a serious Sequence 0 like Solomon is still okay for his offspring, even Yazao, he has devoted his life to Amon!
Throughout the full text, in fact, there are few people like Salinger who regard their most important descendants as resurrection hands.

Azik, the death consul who heard this question, was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "I am the child of the emperor, and I am only his child."

As for love, how could a mortal's love for a child appear in Hades Emperor's life dictionary.

The Death Consul Azik is very clear about this. He is valued by his father because he is useful enough, not because the emperor of the underworld loves him.

"An unsurprising answer." Lin En smiled, looked at the death consul Azik with a thoughtful expression, and continued: "It's no wonder you look crooked, a child who lacks love, indeed It is easy to grow crooked."

Death Consul Azik:?
"Libert, there are very few mythological creatures who think like you." Azik, the death consul, couldn't help but said. At this moment, he finally realized that the young angel in front of him seemed to be the same as the angel he had seen before. They are all different, the other party's humanity is obviously very abundant, so abundant that it doesn't look like a Sequence 2 at all.

"But we are all pursuing humanity, aren't we?" Lynn shook the juice in his hand, looking at the bright red color of the grape juice against the candle, "We are all pursuing humanity, we are all fighting against divinity, even if it is Your father, isn't he also pursuing humanity and anchors."

"So, Azik, why don't you give it a try? Your humanity has been severely suppressed, why don't you try to awaken your humanity? Whether it's love, family or friendship, for people like us , are all important anchor points!"

Lynn took a sip of the juice and continued: "Aren't you curious, what will the real you be like when your divinity is suppressed?"

Azik, the consul of death, frowned instinctively. He felt that he could no longer stay here and listen to the young angel in front of him.

The field that the other party described was something he had never considered before, which not only frightened him, but also made him... at a loss.

But Azik didn't move, didn't say goodbye and left, he just remained silent for a long time before saying, "I don't think the me I am today is not the real me."

"Of course you are still you now, but this is you who has been influenced by divinity, your essence, your original heart, your most primitive desire, your purest self, these are only after your divinity is suppressed, will be revealed..."

Lynn said this, with an inexplicable bewitching tone in his voice, "Perhaps, your nature is a very gentle person who attaches great importance to family members, maybe!"

How is it possible... Azik, the consul of death, opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but his words were swallowed, because he suddenly hesitated. , could it be His essence?

Azik, the death consul, was suddenly a little confused. As the existence of Sequence 2, he shouldn't be affected so easily, but he was facing Lynn.

Perhaps even Lynn himself didn't realize that he could easily influence the thinking of others. This kind of influence was not intentional, and he would not really forcibly change the thinking of others, but would subtly make the people around him affected by it.

In a sense, this is also a kind of assimilation, but this kind of assimilation is very slight. It will not change the personality of other people, but it will make it easier for other people to be attracted by Lynn without affecting their personality. shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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