Hogwarts card system

Chapter 426 [Technology and Hard Work] and Ron’s new girlfriend

Chapter 426 [Technology and Hard Work] and Ron’s new girlfriend

Speaking of which, the treatment in the magical virtual world is very good.

After all, although the "resources" are not unlimited, they are still quite wealthy.

The two Morgana ladies received great courtesy in the game because of their origins and strength.

The status of the two was directly promoted to the leader level, which is one level higher than the current hero level of the puppet Merlin. Merlin was promoted to hero level because of his merits in this operation.

Otherwise, the strength of a newly born consciousness like his is only the early tenth level of an elite wizard, that is, an elite level.

As for the leader level, who is the leader of a force at the very least, the resources in the game system are heavily tilted.

They can choose their favorite territory, make certain modifications, and get materials and magic power supported by the system to build equipment. They can also improve their magic abilities and improve the magic system with the assistance of the system.

You can also use your authority points to generate a large number of service NPCs and recruit some powerful subordinates to assist you. Even if you know how to operate, you can also play with the players' ideas.

For example, the quartermaster exchange is open. As long as the player completes the task, submits materials, and waits until the reputation reaches the standard, he can redeem knowledge, magic, materials, items, etc. from the quartermaster, and even become a direct subordinate of Ms. Morgana! Isn’t it beautiful~

Then wouldn’t there be a great opportunity to conquer it? !

Therefore, the two of them have nothing to complain about.

Originally, they were not considered a real living being, but more like a disaster born from heaven and earth. Now that he has been incorporated, he is domineering in another world, what else do you want?

Besides, they can’t resist!

Oh, by the way, Ted also deliberately set them up to be in opposition, so that they probably wouldn't have time to think about resisting. After all, killing the bitch opposite him is the first priority.

It has been decided that the player's series of tasks is to kill the opponent and his subordinates and invade the opponent's territory!

Of course, Merlin has a body in reality after all, and can still go around in reality. Not so with the two Morganas.

Ted observed the game for two days and felt that his arrangement was fine. As for the subsequent continuous observation of the two samples, it will be left to Parker.

Speaking of which, the two Morganas are like consciousnesses bred by heaven and earth, existences born of magic.

And he can also use psychic powers combined with magic power to create high artificial intelligence through the human body, just like Merlin.

What is the difference between the two?


It was already late August, and school started in the blink of an eye.

On September 9st, Ted slept in a room by himself last night. He said: School starts tomorrow, so he must welcome the new school year with a new and full look.

Hermione didn't bother to pay attention to him. After all, it happened at the beginning of every month and she was used to it.

The message came just after midnight.

"Ding~ The talent [Knowledge from another world (gold)] was triggered, and [Singed Biochemical Potion Experimental Thin (red)] was discovered."

[Singed's Experimental Book of Biochemical Potions (Red)] records the experiments and preparation of various terrible magic potions developed by Singed, an extremely intelligent but extremely crazy alchemist from Zaan in the Wagland Continent. process. To others, this alchemist who was willing to sacrifice his own reason and humanity in order to explore the boundaries of knowledge was extremely terrifying.

It requires 2333 experience points to redeem.

"Oh? Singed? Technology and hard work?! Changed!"

As an old loler, Ted is still very familiar with this exhaust master and over-the-shoulder wrestling expert, so wobbly!

He is also a proficient alchemist who can cut off troops and send him to death. He once tortured the opponent's top laner and his own teammates like crazy in the silver and gold stages.

He was quite curious, what was the content of Singed's pharmaceutical experiments?

When it comes to alchemy, I’m embarrassed to say that I’m afraid I won’t be among the top five in the world?

This is because the content of my main research is only a part of alchemy, mainly in the fields related to human body refining. Those that really involve material transformation, I am not very interested in, mainly because I don't have time.

Here comes another alchemy note, I want to see if there is anything worth investing in.

For a moment, Ted's consciousness seemed to be immersed in the notebook on the folder.

From the perspective of a bystander, he watched Singed's entire process from entering the industry to going crazy, and he also saw the terrible environmental problems caused by magic alchemy in Zaun.

Now Ted's spirit and will are no longer what they used to be. It's not like when I first got the knowledge of red quality, I couldn't get over the experience of the old Taoist priest for several days. Now it only takes seconds to regain my mind.

What surprised him was that Singed's alchemy formulas and experiments were actually more "scientific"! The connection with chemistry is closer than that of alchemy.

It can be said that in Zaun, magic is only the catalyst for alchemy, and chemistry is the essence of alchemy!

They used this science-based, magic-catalyzed method to create their own magical chemical system!

What kind of potion can distort people, make people infinitely powerful, explode, become invisible, shroud the entire city like a fog, and have many functions of alchemical waste gas... It can also reach the evaluation of red quality!

This is really where the soil and water support the people.

You see, the wizards in this world and the alchemists in the steel-refining world cannot do these things. After all, they probably don’t know what chemistry is.

If this were the world of Stigmata Alchemist, then...

The so-called chickens don't pee, everyone has his own way!

Speaking of which, Ted suddenly remembered that there was something similar in America!

Through chemical and magical means, someone has made a potion that can give people "superpowers", but the side effect is the life of the drinker.

And that Newt company...

yes! What happened to the Newt and the Pharaoh he trapped?

Later, because of the goblin rebellion, they were all forgotten!

The Newt is still trapped in his own little world by Ted, tied up tightly and fed well every day. After all, Ted used the stealing card and stole attributes from him. He probably won't be able to survive for a few more months and will be exhausted.

Now Ted's physical fitness is six to seven times that of ordinary people. How exciting is this!

You won’t even be able to imagine it until night, let me tell you~

"Even if this thing is open to wizard players for them to study, I'm afraid they won't understand it!" Ted was a little worried.

Not to mention ordinary wizards, even if you gave it to Snape, if he wanted to study it, he would start studying it in middle school chemistry class.

So, should I find some graduate students in the chemistry department?

Anyway, gaming glasses are now available to ordinary people. You might as well set up an in-game chemistry laboratory and try out this magical chemistry!

There are four major sinkholes in biochemical and environmental materials. This can be regarded as a good deed and a solution to the employment problem!

Okay, okay, starting from the three countries of England, France and Germany, find some top students, graduate students, doctoral students in the chemistry department, give them game glasses, and join your own magic chemistry laboratory!

As the stall got bigger, Ted had less time to do his own research, and he couldn't do it at all. Splitting it out is the wisest choice.

For areas such as magic machinery and materials science, Ron is mostly in charge, and players in the game who are interested in this aspect work hard.

Jerry Gashri is responsible for the research on shadow energy, as well as the players in the game such as Shadow Thieves, Shadow Dancers and Shadow Warlocks.

Neville specializes in herbalism and holy light, Harley ponders the changes and manifestations of the nature of magic, and Malfoy, in addition to running the players' union, collects black magic, especially the kind of magic that can match Harley's abilities.

Hermione mainly studies changes and large-scale magic, mainly the two attributes of ice and fire.

Players who are talented or imaginative in various fields in the game have their own research projects, many of which have even received private funding from Ted.

Everyone on the forum even holds academic discussions every week. If the discussion fails to produce results, they will compete in the game. "Convince" the other party directly at hand.

Even the forum spontaneously created "HowNet", which recorded many high-quality posts and some research results of big guys.

In short, the strength of the entire magical world is increasing!

Research-oriented players engage in research, while combat-oriented players accumulate experience and fight dozens of games every day, fighting monsters, battlefields, arenas, and so on.

Since the live broadcast of the Seven Wizards Tournament, the Magic Network's Utopia has begun to influence the magic world, and has even penetrated into the entire magic world. It is now inseparable and represents the advanced magic power of the magic world!

The National Association of Wizards was also discerning before and wanted to get a piece of the pie. But first Dumbledore didn't support it, and then the Alpine Worm Valley incident happened. Only now can we relax a little, and we have missed the peak development period.

Now the number of users of Magic Network Utopia has reached 400,000. Basically, more than one-third of the wizards in the world have begun to use Magic Network to interact on the Internet. If you don't touch it, you'll be out of date, old antique.

There are countless players playing "Magic World", and many magic schools even leave homework online.

In this situation, no one can threaten Utopia anymore. It has grown up!

Ted sent little Barty to disguise himself as an ordinary man and start to wander around universities in nearby countries, fooling some chemistry students and saying that he wanted to set up a laboratory. Now that he is here, he will be a veteran~

Little Barty is very reliable and good at deception.

Ted and Hermione had already arrived at the school, apparated directly to Hogsmeade, and then drove the magic car to school.

This magic car is Ron's invention, to be precise, it is the invention of Ron and his father and son.

But after all, Mr. Arthur holds a position in the Ministry of Magic and is the director of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items. It is definitely not easy for him to come forward.

However, because he drafted all the laws in this department, the back door has been reserved for a long time. Wouldn't it be used by his son?

Although the appearance of Ron's magic car imitates the classic shapes of several Muggle cars and seems a bit too old-school, the entire engine and internal mechanical transmission are completely different.

It is a four-wheel drive structure driven by a magic power core. The power is unknown, and it will become stronger when it is strong. And it can fly!

Perhaps after absorbing the lessons he learned in his second grade, Ron painted the Disguise Charm on the car's spray paint, allowing him to fly up and become invisible.

There are even magic added to various parts such as the body and the seat. What air cushion spell, armor spell, phantom body spell, slow falling spell, constant temperature and humidity, closed earplugs... this car can even activate a one-time fixed-point phantom for emergency evacuation!

Functionally, this thing makes use of Ted's recent research results on runes and rune languages. Able to add magic to your car at a very low price.

Nowadays, magic has gradually developed into more directions than wizards using wands to wave spells.

And that fixed-point phantom is based on the principle of magic circle transmission.

In short, this thing is derived from the magical engineering mount car that the father and son made in the game.

It is said that Ron originally wanted to get a siege vehicle in the game, then he wanted to get a magic tank, and finally he got a magic car, which can be regarded as reaping what he sows.

The father and son duo have made several modifications both in the game and in reality, and it is now only an experimental model.

However, once everyone’s feedback came in, they finished revising it. It should be put into production!

Goblin’s semi-assembly line production workshop is a good example!

Ted can even create some automated puppets for operation and management, achieving true unmanned control~

The most convenient and quick way for a wizard to travel is naturally to apparate, but that requires mastering this magic. Not even one out of ten wizards knows how to do this. And you can only go to places you have been to and are familiar with.

Or the Floo Network. But this thing is just like a train station, it’s not available everywhere.

Therefore, most of the time it has to be a means of transportation.

A hundred or two hundred years ago, people did not make flying broomsticks, but rode flying carriages. But raising flying magical animals is also a troublesome matter, and ordinary families cannot afford the cost.

Nowadays, most people ride on flying broomsticks.

Oh yeah, and the Knight Bus. But that thing is basically several powerful magics applied to the shell of a bus.

Essentially, it's magic. Riding on that thing is just like riding on a land pirate ship! Never sit down unless necessary.


School has started, and I miss seeing each other so much.

The old students were all sitting at the long table talking and laughing. Watching the sky getting late, the freshmen were already waiting to row their boats by the lake.

The annual sorting ceremony for freshmen is about to begin again.

Harley said to her friends in a very gossipy manner: "Did you know? I heard from Sirius that there are more than a hundred freshmen this year!"

"How much?" Neville was surprised when he heard this.

Over one hundred? There used to be less than 300 students in the entire school! Now it’s more than a hundred a year? !

"Yes! It is said that the Ministry of Magic is having a headache. It is said that the number of young wizards born as Muggles has increased sharply in the past two years. There are also many new students such as demi-humans, dwarves, dwarfs, and elves. The Ministry of Magic feels that the current Circumstances may change the status quo of British wizarding in a few years' time."

When Harley said this, she looked gloating.

She is a liberal who naturally hates authority and is naturally opposed to the Ministry of Magic.

These words aroused Malfoy: "Do you think this situation is unique to us? Or does it apply to the entire magical world?" His father speculated that wizards and Muggles would merge in a few years.

"You mean the number of wizards has increased?!" Hermione came from an ordinary family after all, and was quite sensitive to demographic data. This is a question that 30,000 British wizards cannot understand.

She was a little worried. Judging from the current situation, not only the magical world, but also ordinary society would also undergo huge changes.

In fact, although it has now entered a stable period, the number of alien invasion and magic incidents has remained high. This is an irreversible change.

What will happen next?

"Why are you thinking so much? You will have to worry about tomorrow's worries tomorrow, and enjoy today's happiness today. Look, the new students are here!"

Ted pointed at the wall, and the wall of the auditorium became transparent, and everyone could see the long string of ship lights on the black lake.

This reminds them of themselves a few years ago.

"Is Hagrid going to pick up new students again this year?"

"Yes, but maybe it was too busy because there were so many people, so Snape went too."

"Ha! I met Snape before the entrance ceremony, Merlin's beard, wish them good luck~" Ron gloated.

Although there are more freshmen this year, Hogwarts is a magic school after all. The auditorium must be as big as it needs to be, and the long table must be as long as it needs to be.

There were nearly five hundred students now, and the auditorium finally looked like the auditorium in Ted's memory.

Although the magical world has begun to undergo drastic changes, the sorting ceremony is still the same as before. Everyone is waiting for these more than 100 people to wear hats.

The Sorting Hat has had enough fun this year, maybe because of instructions, so the results usually come out in a dozen seconds and a half. If you do that kind of behavior for another three to five minutes, you will starve to death.

Dumbledore also attended with dignity and gave a short speech: "Welcome everyone to enroll in Hogwarts, let's have dinner!"

The seventy or eighty young wizards from Muggle families, as well as the new students from other races, were immediately impressed by the house elves' cooking skills.

There were twenty or thirty people crying at the scene.

Others said that they must have left the UK, as there is no way such delicious food can be found in the UK...

The number of students has surged, so now professors are trying to open up education and self-service management.

After the meal, Vice-Principal Professor McGonagall spoke, and there was an hour of free time.

During this time, the prefects and student union presidents of each college will have something to say to the new students.

There are also many unions in the "Magic World" that take the opportunity to recruit people.

There's no such thing as the Magic Fair, the Fury Long Live Party, the Fraternity Society, the Pony Protection Association, the Potion Tasting Society, the Dark Magic Cuisine World... none of them are serious!

The freshmen were also able to experience Utopia, the largest specialty in the magic world, on their first day.

Naturally, Ted and the others did not get involved in recruiting new people, but were discussing something in low voices.

At this time, Ron was dragged to give a speech by members of the Magic Cyber ​​Expo, so his good brother Jerry was gossiping about him behind his back.

"Hey! Do you know who Ron's new girlfriend is?"


"Speak quickly!"

"Hidden and tucked away, why are you so invisible? Could it be a fish, centaur or something?!" This is Harley.

How could Jerry see his good brother being questioned?

"Don't talk nonsense. You can insult Ron's personality, but you can't insult his aesthetics."

He looked around slyly, "His new girlfriend is Penelo Crevat!"

"Who?" Harley didn't react immediately.

Malfoy said: "She is the prefect of Ravenclaw in level 88."

Everyone looked at Ted and Hermione, who also looked at each other with subtle expressions: "Don't look at us, we don't know! Although it is indeed our senior sister, she is not just a senior sister..."

Everyone suddenly remembered that they were not the same-sex couple of Ron's second sister Peggy!

Although I don’t know which one of them is the girlfriend, but this...

Ron's new girlfriend is his ex-sister-in-law? ! Or ex-brother-in-law? !

Hiss ~ exciting! This is not much worse than a horseman!

 I'll take leave tomorrow and go back to my hometown.

  Please keep warm, everyone.



(End of this chapter)

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