Hogwarts card system

Chapter 374 Pink Toad

Chapter 374 Pink Toad

When Jerry heard the "bad news", he immediately forgave his good brother for torturing his ears all morning.

Jerry: I misunderstood you, dear brother. I thought you simply looked down on Malfoy, but it turns out you have a hard time talking about it!Malfoy and so on are just venting your pain!

You should have told me earlier!Make me happy too~
Well, in fact, Jerry was not surprised at all by Ron's "break-up".

After all, he is Ron's good brother, and he knows very well about Ron's love affair.

How should I put it - it was all the fault of the young and ignorant Dou Chukai.

At that time, Ron relied on his bragging in the school hospital to charm Lavender, who had just recovered from petrification.

After that, the little girl’s crazy admiration and pursuit brought Ron down.

Ron: At that time, I didn’t know what love was. I thought it was love and miscalculated the future...

However, this situation only lasted for about one academic year.

Ever since Ron became obsessed with the development of mechas and the creation of the Transformation Knight Armor, he had differences with Lavender.

Speaking of which, it is still a matter of three perspectives.

What Lavender wants to see is that Ron can be like the traditional outstanding young wizards, actively participate in various activities, be in the limelight, and wait until graduation to find a job in the Ministry of Magic or some big company - if not, her family can provide it. Make a contribution.

It's that elite wizard route.

However, Ron didn't want to go that route.In other words, he was born to compete with elites.

Because of this kind of thing, the two discussed it many times.

It wasn't until Ron appeared in a Kamen Rider costume at Christmas that he received praise and envy from countless male classmates, which also made Lavender's dissatisfaction obvious.

Lavender: Christmas is so grand, what are you doing?So childish?Can you play some adult stuff?

What did Ron think was an adult's thing at that time?ah!understood!

After that, things got better for a while... I won’t go into details.

After all, Ron went to the Black Lake with Navi Ted and the others to exercise every day, so his body was in great shape.

However, the most fundamental problem has not been solved!
That's a matter of perspective!
On the one hand, there are women who have good family conditions and are trying to make their future husbands take the upper-class elite route.

On the one hand, the family conditions are very poor. There are six or seven children in the family, and they have been unable to keep up with the grassroots elites since they were young.My hobbies are also relatively niche, let’s put it bluntly – Two-dimensional and Internet culture.

The two sides didn't say who was right or wrong, but they definitely couldn't get along.

When I was young, I only cared about love and love and didn't think too much about it.

But as I get older, I think more.If the gaps and rifts cannot be bridged, the problem will be huge.

In fact, love is a matter of either liking each other or one party accommodating the other, otherwise there will be no good results in the end.

You play games, feel that you have gained happiness, and see funny videos that you want to share with her.

She thinks you are just playing around and have no ambition. If you have the time, you might as well drive an online car-hailing service!

This can't be done!

Besides, Jerry always thought that Lavender was a vacuum cleaner. If he got that strong, he would just grab it on the dining table and suck it!Just like a banshee absorbing yang energy!It looks scary!
Although they both enjoy it, others always find it strange when they see it - can't you two just avoid people?
Now it’s better, show affection and die quickly!It’s over~
Jerry had a smile on his face: My brother Ron deserves better!
In fact, there were some signs of this happening during the holidays.

But at that time, Jerry was having a heated fight with his childhood sweetheart Sydney, so how could he have the time to take care of his brother's emotional problems?

Besides, things started to go wrong in the village. I was running around every day, and I couldn't even attend the party.

And because of the information Ted gave him, Ron became obsessed with research during the holidays and neglected his girlfriend.

Lavender had already started a cold war at that time, which meant to draw Ron's attention away from the tattered armor.

It's okay if you focus on the magic mecha. After all, this thing has combat effectiveness.

Why are you always thinking about your fancy wall-breaking knight armor?

So she put forward a proposition: Do you choose me or the armor? !

At the beginning, I only had you in my eyes. Everything about you was good and I liked them all.You were my idol...and now it's all gone.

As a result, Ron was obsessed with modifying Unit [-] and forgot to choose.

Ted: So it turns out I'm the culprit? !
Lavender was also very angry. A few days before the start of school, she directly posted a photo of her outing with a young man from a French wizard family who was a family friend in the Utopia social circle, and the captions were very intimate.

What about being a family friend for five generations, about being almost engaged in an engagement when we were young, being gentle and considerate, and being able to take care of others...

The students took a look: Huo~ there is a job!

In short, I just wanted to make Ron angry.

However, our Chicken Leg Man is not a dog licker. Although it is indeed hurt to be done like this, he is not used to it at all.Send a direct message and break up!

It must be said that in this regard, Ron is not sloppy.Very manly!
Lavender: Score it!You didn't even try to save me, you don't love me at all!

By the time of the welcome dinner, the auditorium was full of people.

The two people who used to sit together on the same long Gryffindor table and wanted to stick to each other were separated by seven or eight people.I almost didn't sit at another table.There was no eye contact the whole time.

Although he said that he would rather destroy a temple than destroy a family, it is not easy for anyone to say anything in this situation!

Besides, if a person knows whether his drinking water is hot or cold, what is your position in advising others?I can’t figure out my position!

People who give people blind advice and advice are just as annoying as people who introduce people to others!

Ted and the others made eye contact and could only pretend that this incident had not happened.

If the two are destined to be together, they can get back together.

If you don't make it to the end, it's normal.

Campus romance, let alone reaching the end, is good if it lasts until graduation.

In the original book, Ginny will have gathered all four colleges by now, right?
Ted gave up on his friend's emotional problems. Even a psychic could not figure out how this thing worked.

He looked up at the professor's chair. The principal's seat in the middle was empty.

Dumbledore didn't come to the welcome dinner, which was rare.

But fortunately, he was also a mascot in the past.Professor McGonagall did everything, and the ceremony continued without him.

Professor McGonagall began to sort the schools, and the little wizards who had gone through all the trouble to come to the school by boat began to be sorted into various houses under the sorting hat.

There are so many freshmen this year!

The good guys formed a long queue, three times as long as Ted and his friends!

Just being sorted into different hospitals made everyone's stomach growl with hunger.

It took a long time to finish the distribution, and the long table in the auditorium was packed with people.

Professor McGonagall didn't think it was right after seeing it. She felt that it would be necessary to cast a traceless extension spell on the auditorium when there was time. It would be too much to pretend!

Vice-principal Professor McGonagall exercised Dumbledore's authority and began to tell everyone some things to pay attention to this school year.Mainly the appointment of new prefects and male and female students' union presidents.

Ted and the others have become prefects, so I won’t mention it.Cedric of Hufflepuff becomes Head Boy.

This can be considered an outstanding student, and he did not die as unluckily as in the original work, so he is now the president of the student union.

However, what people didn’t expect was when introducing this year’s courses.The door of the auditorium was suddenly pushed open...

A short, fat woman wearing a pink work suit skirt, pink high heels and flesh-colored stockings, with a pink hairpin on her puffy hair, and a small pink bag walked in.This woman looked to be in her 50s or [-]s. She had a fake smile and a big mouth. Her whole face was wide and broad, her skin and flesh were loose, and she wore heavy makeup.

From afar, Ted could smell the scent of his own product, Pearl Whitening Cream.How much has been applied? !
"Ah~ I hope I'm not late." The old woman raised her throat and made a sweet voice belonging to a girl.

Specifically, you can imagine the old and sultry version of Qiao Biluo.

Hearing this sound, everyone present immediately became excited and had goosebumps all over their bodies.

What are you doing?If you have something to say, say it nicely and don't be disgusting!
She ignored Professor McGonagall, who looked unhappy, walked straight to seat C in front of the professor's desk, and began to introduce herself with a smile and a clip.

"Hello, I am your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. My name is Dolores Umbridge, and I am also a senior assistant in the Education Department of the Ministry of Magic~ I help Minister Fudge handle some important matters..."

"Because Dumbledore did not elect a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor within the stipulated period, the Ministry of Magic has the right to appoint it on its own, which is me! I am very happy to meet you all. We will spend several years together!"

After saying that, she still tilted her head and smiled shyly like a little girl.

If she were a girl in her teens or [-]s, this smile would be quite touching.

But Umbridge, my fourth uncle!
That feeling is the difference between Jinlian calling you a high official in a charming way, and Wang Po calling you a high official in a charming manner with a charming smile on her face.

Old women in their fifties really don’t have any escape from the summer heat!
Some people were disgusted on the spot.

Ted heard Li Jordan whisper behind him: "It's still a few years, you won't live until June next year!"

Ted was happy when he heard this.His fingers moved slightly, and then a sentence rang out over the entire auditorium:

"It's still a few years, but you won't survive until June next year!" was Li Qiaodan's voice change.

"It's still a few years, you won't live until next June!"

"It's still a few years, you won't live until next June!"

He repeated it more than ten times in a row, with a loud voice that lingered around for three days!

Umbridge's face suddenly turned ugly, "Who? Who did it! Quick! Deal with it quickly!"

However, she looked left and right, and the professors were all looking down at the patterns on the plates.

So she tried to take action, but she pulled out the wand and said the magic spell - "touch~" and a ball of sparks exploded from the top of the wand.

When the smoke dissipated, Umbridge's entire face looked as if she had gone to Africa for a beauty treatment. It was completely black and her hair was burnt!
Professor McGonagall suppressed her laughter and asked: "Ms. Umbridge, are you okay? Fortunately, the problem is not big. A mistake in the spell is a fatal mistake!"

"I..." Umbridge clenched her molars. She didn't know what was going on, but she was so embarrassed!

Since I couldn't find any other reason, and I couldn't blame myself for being careless, I simply blamed the innocent Professor McGonagall.

Who asked you to talk to me!Are you making fun of me? !

"I'm fine. I'm going to rest first. You can continue." Umbridge forgot about the sound of the clip and rushed out of the auditorium in a hurry.

Professor McGonagall: I don't think I told her where the office is yet?Where is she going?
Although I was disgusted by a pink toad that didn't bite but had a strong diaphragm.But we still have to eat.

Originally, because the sorting ceremony was too long, I was so hungry that my chest was pressed against my back, and this old woman wasted my time.unlucky!
Professor McGonagall is not a talkative person either: "Have a banquet!"

During the dinner, Ron was really sweeping the world and eating up everything.I don’t know if my grief and anger turned into food.

My friends took a look at this situation: It’s okay!It’s not a big problem if I can still eat!
After a whirlwind meal, the little wizards were so full that they almost stretched out on their chairs.

Those freshmen this year were completely conquered by this wonderful magical cuisine.Even if I slash him with a knife now, he won't even hide - let me have another plate, and I can still eat it~
In order to prevent anyone from being strangled to death, Professor McGonagall waved her magic wand, and all the leftovers on the table disappeared.

The annual singing of the school song is here.

Originally, Professor McGonagall wanted to take advantage of Dumbledore's absence to be more serious and ask everyone to sing to the original tune of the school song.

As a result, it started and no one followed.

Students: Professor!We don’t know how to make a serious tune!Never taught it!
Professor McGonagall could only let everyone sing according to their favorite tunes as before.

The Weasley twins sang particularly hard. They are in seventh grade this year and this is their last time singing the school song.

The main event was Ted. By the end of the song, no one spoke up. They were all looking at Ted.

Ted just opened his voice and sang to the tune of "Song of a Good Man"~
This is thanks to Umbridge, who inspired me.

It is conceivable that throughout this year, we will have to take action against this pink toad.


On the way back after the meeting.Everyone is talking about the new pink Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!

"I shudder when I think about having to take a class like this for the next year. Why can't we give up the Defense Against the Dark Arts class!"

"Because it is a required course."

"To be honest, it made me sick. It almost didn't affect my appetite!"

"I tremble all over just thinking about her speaking with her voice down!"

"I hope the curse will defeat her soon!"

The students at Hogwarts have never looked forward to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's curse being unleashed as soon as possible.

However, reality will not change based on people's wishes.

There is Defense Against the Dark Arts class the next day.

Gryffindor and Slytherin have morning classes together.

As a result, Ted and the others heard about it at noon. During class, Umbridge kept belittling several other Defense Against the Dark Arts professors.

He said that they were all cowardly cowards who would run away without fighting, but he couldn't and he would continue to teach them!He also said that their teaching was very problematic!Teach something useless or even harmful.

And the first lesson she taught was to copy the text, that’s right, copy the text.

Harry was already angry because she talked about Lupine, and even more so when she copied the text, so she got into an argument with Umbridge over "should magic be taught in Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

Harley is not afraid of the pink toad.

And Umbridge is even less likely to be afraid of a little girl, so what if she is the adopted daughter of the Black family?
Now that Minister Fudge has taken control of many pure-blood families, the Black family has not yet been subdued!
Umbridge had a fake smile on her face and was not angry at all. Instead, she kicked Harry out of class and punished her with a week of confinement and going to her office for "re-education" at night.

In the afternoon, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had Defense Against the Dark Arts class together.

The old woman started again. She didn't teach the content in the book at all, so she just copied the text. She couldn't even compare to Lockhart.

Moreover, he also belittled Hogwarts subtly and implicitly, saying that there were problems with the teaching at Hogwarts, saying that Dumbledore was too indulgent towards the students, and began to belittle and tame CPU students in various ways.

Ted felt that taking this class was a waste of time, and now he had to be disgusted.

As he frowned, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the whole classroom:

"A big pink lotus, with a toad lying on it. The toad, called Guagua, climbed up the big pink lotus, and there were eight big pink lotus flowers, and eight toads were lying on it..."

"Pfft~" Some students quickly covered their mouths, laughter emerging from between their fingers.

The other students laughed unbridledly.

The whole classroom is a sea of ​​joy!
"Pink toad? Hahahaha, you're so right!"

Umbridge immediately went crazy: "Who is it? Who did it?! Come forward!"

As a result, there was nothing she could do with this psychic power: the phantom sound technique. As soon as she spoke, a toad's cry appeared!
"Rebellion! Rebellious! You all need it, you all need to accept punishment! Punishment!" She ran out the door with her short legs flying, followed by the sound of toads all the way behind her, and the sound was heard wherever she went!

Ted: Forget it, ask Professor McGonagall for a leave of absence and not take this class again.What a waste of time!
(End of this chapter)

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