Hogwarts card system

Chapter 106 Unexpected harvest, hair dye formula

Chapter 106 Unexpected harvest, hair dye formula

"Ding~ Talent [Knowledge of Other Worlds (Gold)] is triggered, found [Official Trainer Pokémon Training Manual (Green)]."

[Official Trainer Pokémon Training Manual (Green)], which records the training plan and process of an official Pokémon trainer for his own Pokémon.Need to consume 300 experience to exchange.

A card with a green frame, with a red and white Pokéball painted under it, crows, dogs, cats, mushroom heads, dragons and other Pokémon.


Ted was taken aback, did something strange come in?

What the hell is Pokémon?
"Exchange, exchange it for me, I want to see what the hell it is!"

300 experience points is nothing more than three or four days of experience income.

A lot of information poured into Ted's mind, including the classification, information, feeding, training, fighting of Pokémon... all aspects.

However, there are not many types of Pokémon included. When it comes to a certain Pokémon, there are only seven specific training plans for Pokémon.

That's right, formal trainers seem to be only one level higher than novices, just stepping into the field of combat.

But the information in my memory is a trainer in his 30s and almost [-] years old.

It seems that this is a mediocre trainer like most people, who has never won a championship in his life...

Comparing this with Xiaozhi and others, how embarrassing is it!
It's equivalent to an ordinary game player. At most, they have more experience and have played for a long time, but they can't compare with the world championship team.

Well, that's the real majority.

The seven kinds of Pokémon in the knowledge are: Dark Crow, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Meow Meow, Oops Ball Mushroom, Bloom Ball Mushroom, Vine Monster, and Charizard.

The most advanced should be the fire-breathing dragon, right?

Ted scratched his head, he didn't know much about Pokémon.

If it's the electric mouse Pikachu, the garlic bastard water arrow turtle, the water splash jumping carp king, etc., I know a little more.

Charmander is an advanced evolution of Charmander, right?
Ted got a series of training methods and means, but where can I find Pokémon?

Xiao Zhi has Dr. Wood, I can still control Hagrid to... Hey, wait!
Pokémon... Fantastic Beasts... What would happen if you raised them the way you raised Pokémon?
In other words, can related magical animals be cultivated into Pokémon?
Professor Quirrell and Hagrid must be very interested in this project!
Ted carefully tasted the knowledge about Pokémon in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more interesting he found it.

Don't forget, our generous Professor Quirrell left his precious legacy to Ted before he died, so that Ted's Magizoology and Bloodline Transformation "Bitter Tea" went up immediately.

Comparing knowledge about the cultivation and transformation of magical animals and Pokémon in different worlds now, there is a wonderful "chemical reaction"!
Ted: Wonderful~
It's just a pity, as a 12-year-old little wizard, I'm afraid I won't be able to use this knowledge in a short time.

In the wizarding world, the foundation of any research you do must be Charms.

Only those who have mastered spells are qualified to study extended fields.

For example, Magizoology is one of the extended fields, otherwise Hogwarts would not put it in the third year as an elective.

With Ted's current level, it is more than enough to study normal spells.

Even the difficult high-level magic like "Flame Storm" has achieved results-referring to creating an explosion.

But it can only be regarded as reaching a point of Magizoology and bloodline modification.

For example, in the knowledge left by Professor Quirrell, each experimental link requires a lot of magic spells, and the accuracy requirements for magic changes are also very high.

It's not like grabbing a magical animal at random, injecting a tube of chicken blood, and then casting a magic spell.

Therefore, the knowledge still needs to be sealed up now.

No way, it's like a middle school student accidentally acquired high-end knowledge about nuclear physics, gravitational waves, and quantum mechanics. It's really advanced, but it's not needed at the moment.


July's knowledge of other worlds cannot be said to be useless, only temporarily useless~
Therefore, the day has to follow the established schedule.

In Mr. Giggs's pharmacy, he helped to boil medicine, prepare medicinal materials, presided over the trade of salted fish nets, daily identification, and then learned magic, including previewing the next year's textbooks, and studying some magic in the world of Azeroth and DND.

The knowledge of other worlds these two times is really a treasure trove!At least one more year to study!
Jerry is now considered a skilled worker. He handles medicinal materials very quickly with his hands and feet. He is also good at receiving people and things. He can receive those wizards who are curious about salted fish nets and give records to customers who ask for it.

One day, when Ted was brewing a potion called "Moisturizing Oil", he suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon.

This emollient oil is a kind of purified ointment potion, which is the primary processed product of another beauty potion.

This is the potion needed by the beauty pharmacy. Ms. Prim Purnell sells several kinds of beauty potions. This moisturizing oil is her order, and the dosage is quite large.

After this oil is processed, it will become a main product in their store.

As for how to process it, that is a secret.

Mr. Giggs and this Ms. Purnell were classmates at the beginning, and they had a very good relationship, so they took the job.

By the way, Ms. Purnell's beauty shop also has magical services such as "picking up freckles, lightening freckles, removing scars, and removing sarcoma", and its business is very broad.

Mr. Giggs said that she specially went to a Muggle beauty salon to investigate~
Speaking of Ted's strange discovery, he found that when he was boiling the moisturizing oil, there was a material called purple sorrel leaves that fell into the crucible unintentionally, and it would react due to the action of dog carp oil!

Originally, the color of the leaves of purple-leaved wood sorrel is dark red, but after the reaction, it will become a very vivid bright purple.

Because of Ted's carelessness, he failed to boil the medicine and wasted 13 silver Sickles.

However, when he was cleaning it, he found that this purple color was extremely sticky, and it couldn't be removed by general cleaning. After five or six experiments, he found the corresponding magic potion made from the sour grass and dog carp oil. , to remove the color.

It was a small accident, but Ted thought the purple color was very beautiful.

It's like... like the purple hair of an anime character is so beautiful!
"Can this thing dye hair?" Ted muttered to himself, staring at a small pot of purple ointment.

For the next few days, Ted has been studying this thing.

According to the alchemy formula and experience in the knowledge of other worlds [Su Lei·Pulp Bubble Alchemy Formula Notes (Green)], as well as some suggestions from Mr. Ziggs, Ted spent five days researching the first generation product, a Hair color spray.

"Just call it bright purple (beautiful boy) hair dye! Hahaha~" Ted looked at the finished product in his hand and laughed.

The pleasure of doing research and development is really cool.

The thing was packaged in a purple frosted glass bottle with a nozzle ordered from a factory in the Muggle world.

Just spritz your hair for a bright purple color in seconds.Specific control methods and dosage, but also color difference.

This color cannot be removed with ordinary magic spells, unless the matching decolorizer is used.

Or just wear purple hair for a week and the color will disappear.

A small bottle the size of a fist can be used about fifteen times, and the cost is about 15 silver Sickles, not counting labor.

In fact, the labor is not expensive, the process is not complicated, and the requirements are low. The output at one time is enough to fill a large pot, which can fill hundreds of bottles of finished products!

"Ding~ After a long period of research and experimentation, you invented a new potion formula: Pretty Boy Hair Dye Violet, and gained 880 experience."

It even got the approval of the system!Not bad!

Entrusted by Ted, Mr. Giggs helped to contact Ms. Purnell, who opened a beauty shop, and she was really interested.

Very excited after using it!
After some bargaining, Ted sold the formula for 450 Galleons, and signed a contract to guarantee Ms. Purnell's exclusive copyright for five years.

Ted even felt that the other party was too benevolent: You only need the exclusive copyright for five years, do you know how to be a capitalist?If it is a certain article, it must be 50 years after my death!

But through contact, Ted found out that Ms. Purnell had some special feelings for Mr. Giggs?

At least not ordinary classmates, friends!
Ted: Mr. Giggs, what are you waiting for?Wait until you are forty!Hurry up~ Now that the birth rate in the wizarding world of Great Britain is so low, how can you sleep?

Ms. Purnell's 450 Galleons really greatly expanded Ted's small coffers.This is a regular income that can explain the source!

Including the gold converted from the False Philosopher's Stone this month, Ted's activity funds have reached 500 Galleons.Finally able to make a big purchase.

Many times Ted identified good things and wanted to buy them, but he had no money!

Now that the funds are abundant, why not buy, buy, buy?


Another month has passed in a blink of an eye, and Xianyuwang seems to have developed to the extreme. There are thirty or forty second-hand products listed or sold a day, maintaining a total of two hundred or so products.

After all, it is a community with a small number of people, and it seems that it is difficult to see a large increase in a short period of time.

Okay, anyway, I just want to practice my ideas, and I also want to see more of the wonders of the magic world. The most important thing is that I have completed the training of the identification technique!
After more than a month of intensive use, Ted's identification technique has made great progress. At the beginning, he could only get vague and sparse information, but now he can see most of the information.

Ted even identified an ancestral item for a pure-blood wizard yesterday, the red quality, which has been passed down for more than 300 years.

Because of an accident, the wizard's father passed away, and as a result, much information about this thing was lost.

And Ted has discovered most of the information and functions of this thing through several identification techniques, and also found some taboos and usage methods.

This is something of red quality, a high-end magic item in the magic world. The owner has invited many knowledgeable old wizards before, but they have not been able to fully discover the value of it.

During this period of time, Ted has become famous.

At least the information about "the boy with the talent for appraisal" has been circulated among many wizards, and the new thing about salted fish nets has also been mentioned by many wizard families after dinner.

Due to reasons such as sparse population, long natural lifespan, and being too closed, the update iteration of the magic world is very slow.

Suddenly, a net of fresh salted fish appeared. Even many wizards who had no need for shopping and selling joined in the fun when they came to Diagon Alley.

The last time it was so lively was when the dwarves opened a blacksmith shop last year!

Looking at it now, the business of the blacksmith shop can be said to be quite sparse - it is said that many of the dwarves' businesses overlap with the goblins, and they were secretly resisted.

Sometimes, when Ted presides over sales or appraisals at the Xianyuwang table, there are three floors of wizards watching the fun in front of him. He always feels like an early stock exchange!

Especially when someone starts bidding~
 There are double activities in these two days. If you have a monthly pass, please support it~Thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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