Hogwarts card system

Chapter 101 Station, Another Year

Chapter 101 Station, Another Year

After three o'clock in the afternoon, the train finally entered the bustling human gathering place.

Gradually, several towns were swept by the train, and when the sun was more westward, the train slid slowly into the platform.

At this time, platform nine and three-quarters of the King's Station was already full of people waiting for the station.

Before the train came into the station, the little wizards had already changed their clothes, those who took suitcases took suitcases, and those who called for friends and friends, all in a mess.

Ted and his four boys were driven to the corridor to change into wizard robes, and the two girls changed in the carriage.

Then the train stopped and the doors opened.

The little wizards filed out with their respective salutes, and the entire platform was full in an instant.

It is even fuller than when the school started, and there are people all around.

The six of Ted stayed close together for fear of getting separated.

At this time, a slightly immature little girl shouted from a distance: "Neville, Mom, I saw Neville!" The voice was so excited that it could be heard from far away.

Ted: Where have I heard that?

Neville on the side quickly shrank his neck, fearing that he would be discovered that he was half a head taller than his peers.

And Ron's face was even more gloomy: "Oh my god, Ginny, I'm your real brother! Didn't you see me?"

He complained to the little girl pushing over, and behind the little girl was a red-haired couple.

The man is tall, with a smile on his face, and looks easy to touch.The hair on his forehead is sparse, and he looks like an authentic British gentleman.

The woman is short and fat, with a kind smile on her face.

"Oh, Ron, you've grown a lot!" said Mr. Weasley.

Molly on the side said excitedly: "Peggy wrote to us, saying that you got a good grade in all subjects and added fifty points to Gryffindor! Is it true?!" Molly grabbed Ron's shoulder , almost lifted him up.

Ron is always a little reluctant to let go of his relatives, and he doesn't look like he was bragging in front of dozens or hundreds of people in the school auditorium.

"It's only 50 points, and Ted and Hermione added more than one hundred points to Ravenclaw... Oh, yes, Mom and Dad, let me introduce to you, this Harley and Neville, you all know. This is Ted . . . " He pointed at Ted.

Ted took the initiative to shake hands with Arthur Weasley, "Hello, Mr. Weasley, I'm Ted."

Then he shook Molly's hand with both hands, "Aunt Molly, thank you for the sweater, it fits very well and is very warm. Thank you very much!"

It was the sweaters and coats from Aunt Molly and Professor McGonagall that Ted had new clothes to wear in the New Year, and he had to thank them anyway.

"Oh, poor thing. As long as you like it, if you have time, please come to the Burrow as a guest and try my handicraft."


"This is Hermione, the master of Ravenclaw." Ron pointed to Hermione.

Hermione greeted the Weasleys, who nodded back.

Compared to Hermione, Ron didn't say as many nice things to his parents as Ted and Jerry did.

So the Weasleys only treated Hermione as an ordinary friend of their son.

"This is Jerry." Ron hugged Jerry.Jerry shrank his neck timidly.

Molly took the initiative to give him a hug, "Good boy, come to our house with Ted as a guest when you have time!"

Jerry was very touched. To be honest, no one invited him to his home.

The little girl—Ginny Weasley—kept staring at Neville as she spoke.Seeing Neville wanted to turn himself into a bug and crawl into the cracks in the ground.

Neville is most afraid of this little girl for the Weasleys. In his words: I went to the Weasleys before I went to school, and the youngest girl in his family looked like she was going to eat me!
Speaking of which, Ginny is the seventh child of the Weasley family.

According to the setting of this world, seven is a magical number, so Ginny's magical talent is very powerful.

This is the seventh son!

Well, it's all the Will of Seven!

Talking here, Sirius, who was handsomely dressed and had a mustache, walked over with his beautiful and gentle wife on his arm.

"Sirius! Olivia!" Harry rushed over excitedly, hugging the two of them.

Not far away, an old lady with a serious face, who looked like Professor McGonagall who was facing a poor student of transfiguration, also came over.

She was of medium height, well-dressed, and wore a lady's hat in the shape of an eagle—who on earth made this thing?
However, while Ted was strange, he felt a magical fluctuation.

This thing is still a magic item, it seems that it is not as simple as it looks strange.

And behind the old lady, followed by a chunky man in his 40s.

"Grandma, grandma! Uncle..." Neville was a little bit annoyed.

Neville's grandmother, old Mrs. Longbottom nodded, then looked at the other children.

"Won't you introduce your friend to me?"

"Oh!" Neville nodded repeatedly, "This is Ted..."

It was another operation just now.

The old lady also expressed her gratitude to Ted for his help to Neville, and invited him to come to the house when he was free.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Mr. and Mrs. Sirius and Mrs. Longbottom, those are old members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Now that the new generation is classmates and friends, it is natural to contact the old relationship.

Soon the Weasleys also waited for the twins and Peggy, and after the three parties said goodbye, they left in their own ways.

Sirius and Harry walked directly to the internal fireplace network of the platform.The same goes for the old lady Longbottom.

Jerry was going to go back to their demihuman village through a special channel from the Ministry of Magic.

The Weasleys, on the other hand, got out of the platform and took a car home—Mr. Weasley modified a car.

Speaking of which, he looked at Ted and Hermione with pride and anticipation, eager to try.

Hermione didn't know what was going on, but Ted did.

"Ah, Mr. Weasley, you still have research on cars? It's amazing!" Ted's flattery was quite in place, and Mr. Weasley immediately started talking.

He was beyond intrigued that Muggles could make such amazing things without magic.It's been discussed along the way.

Ted also calmly dealt with it based on his years of experience in writing online documents to check information and talking online.

Mr. Weasley felt that today was too much fun, he hadn't had such a happy chat in recent years!
Passing through the red brick pillar, the group came to the ninth platform of King's Station in the Muggle world.

Some Muggle parents were already waiting here, including Hermione's parents.

"Dad! Mom!" Hermione also rushed towards her parents.Then there is another introduction...

The Grangers and the Weasleys communicated fairly well.

The two wives discussed cooking and sweater knitting, the two gentlemen discussed the differences between Muggle wizards in dental care, and the principles of cars.

No matter how bad it is, the two of them can still discuss the weather - today's weather is really bad ~ can't it!
"Ted, come to my house?" Hermione looked at Ted.

Ted patted her arm: "Thank you, Hermione. I'll go to the Leaky Cauldron to settle things first, and then let Ansu write to you, okay?"

"You know, we still have a lot to learn, time is running out. Maybe, I will invite you to go shopping in Diagon Alley then!"

Ted politely rejected Hermione's request. He really didn't like to be a guest at other people's homes, which was somewhat embarrassing.Let's wait for the next opportunity.

Arranging to have a drink with Mr. Weasley next time, Mr. Granger started the car and left.

Hermione waved to everyone in the car.

"Let's get in the car too, then," said Mr. Weasley.

Since they were passing the Leaky Cauldron, they were able to give Ted a ride.

It was an ordinary hatchback car, and seven people got in, but still nothing could be seen.Ted looked around to see if there were no Muggles paying attention, and got into the car too.

The traceless extension spell was released inside the car, and the space was comparable to that of a Wuling van.

Not to mention eight people, a dozen or so is fine~
At the Leaky Cauldron, Ted got out of the car and waved goodbye to the Weasleys with a salute.

Ron leaned out the window and called, "Remember to write to me!"

George and Fred were shouting, "Don't forget our plan, plan!"

"What are you planning again? Bera Teide goes into the water!" Aunt Molly changed her face on the spot when she heard that the twins had another plan.

Mr. Weasley waved his hand and started the car.Seeing the car round the corner, Ted turned and looked at the familiar narrow front door.

"Ah, old Tom, I'm back~"

 Well, the first volume is over!
(End of this chapter)

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