
Chapter 983 Old Acquaintances

"Xiao Cao, you are classmates with my nephew, Xiao Ai. Because of this relationship, I must answer every question. I will tell you what I know so far. At present, there are mainly four ways to obtain subsidy funds. :
The first is to remove the identification cards of unsold home appliances going to the countryside and enter false farmer information;
The second is to remove the product identification card of home appliances purchased by urban residents and enter false farmer information;

The third is to directly purchase the product identification card of home appliances going to the countryside from the market, and enter false farmer information;
The fourth type is to repeatedly enter farmers' information or directly enter the identity information of urban residents (non-subsidy recipients of home appliances to the countryside), etc.

Some time ago, the judiciary launched a special rectification against the rampant crimes of home appliances going to the countryside to subsidize crimes. The procuratorate prosecuted a number of cases for corruption to the courts, and the social response was quite large.Our financial department has also been notified.

We can't talk about the matter of the judiciary, and we don't understand it. Anyway, our financial department has been very busy recently and has been cooperating with the public security department in handling cases. After Ren Xuewen finished speaking, he looked at the two people in front of him.

"Section Chief Ren, thank you for answering your questions, let's have another drink." Cao Yongzheng poured a glass of wine for Ren Xuewen, raised the glass and clinked it with him and drank it down.

"Okay, Lawyer Cao is refreshing." Ren Xuewen also drank it.

More than an hour later, Cao Yongzheng and Yun Qiao sent the drunk Ren Xuewen home.

"This meal cost more than 1000. But it was worth the trip." Yun Qiao said while driving.She used driving as an excuse today and didn't drink alcohol.

"Well, there is no way. Some things can only be said at the wine table. Even if we go to meet Section Chief Ren under the guise of my old classmate, we may not be able to know so much and in such detail. Have you recorded it?" Cao Yongzheng replied.

"Well, it's all recorded. I'll write it down when I get back tonight. This can be used as a reference for our team to handle similar cases in the future.

What Section Chief Ren said coincides with what the defendant Lu Wei said earlier. When we went to the detention center, Lu Wei talked for a long time without explaining what was going on. I thought he had reviewed the materials and handed them in. Give subsidies.

Tomorrow I will draft the appeal letter and send it to you, you can revise it and try to hand in the appeal letter the day after tomorrow. " Yun Qiao said.

"Well, we have to hurry, time waits for no one." Cao Yongzheng nodded.


On this day, Fang Yi went to the director's office to discuss with Wan Kefa about the benefits of New Year's Day. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Hua Liancheng leaving dejectedly.

"Lawyer Hua, long time no see!" Fang Yi greeted.

"Yeah." Hua Liancheng nodded, his face was not very good-looking, and he left the office with drooping eyes.

"What's wrong with Lawyer Hua?" Fang Yi felt that something was wrong with Hua Liancheng, so he sat across from Wan Kefa and asked.

"The investment in non-performing assets failed and he lost 800 million yuan. His wife scolded him all day long, and his children also complained about him. It's no wonder that his face looks good. He poured out his bitterness to me for a long time.

I have been cautious as a lawyer all my life, and lost 800 million in investment when I was old. "Wan Kefa poured Fang Yi a cup of tea.

"No way, how long has it been!" Fang Yi was shocked.

"Capital is as fierce as a tiger. When it comes, it is huge and real. When it goes, it is full of blood, and the stomach is full of food. Investors will always suffer.

Not long after Lao Hua finished his investment, news came out from the asset company that he would not be able to pay when it expired, followed by the company's executives who were either arrested or ran away.It was crazy, and the house collapsed for a while. Wan Kefa sighed.

"It's not always right to be crazy and steady when you are young. You have to be steady when it comes to investing." Fang Yi sighed.

"Investment is inherently risky, and it doesn't matter whether it is stable or not. As long as you are not a trader, it is largely like buying stocks. It all depends on luck. Fundamental analysis and past performance are all hindsight and useless." .

As the so-called wealth and wealth are sought in insurance!It's a pity I don't have that life. "Wan Kefa picked up his teacup and said.

"Wealth is sought in danger, but also lost in danger. One out of ten times to seek, nine out of ten times to lose. I'm like you, I don't have that life, I can only rely on myself." Fang Yi smiled.

"Do you know about Ma Yi's situation?" Wan Kefa put down his teacup, and looked at him after a while with complicated eyes.

"Ma Yi? Didn't he lead a team to set up a law firm?" Fang Yi was taken aback.

"Your news is outdated. He took his team to a medium-sized law firm. It is said that he did not do well. The director of that law firm saw that his team was making money and temporarily set up a lot of regulations, which made him very uncomfortable.

Ma Yi regretted it. After much deliberation, our team is better. Wan Kefa glanced at his expression and said.

"He's looking for you?" Fang Yi raised his eyelids and glanced at Wan Kefa.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Wan Kefa's eyes: "It's not easy for him, he couldn't think it through at first, but now after going around outside, he figured it out." He didn't answer Fang Yi directly.

"I have no objection. We've been working together for so long. If things don't go well outside, just come back. Arrange him a partner, and the treatment will be the same as before. What do you think?" Fang Yi's attitude is very sincere.

Wan Kefa nodded: "Aren't you afraid that he will come back and compete with you?"

"Competition?! I didn't want to be the director, but you insisted on putting me on top. If he wants to be the director of the law firm, just give it to him. Ma Yi has the ability." Fang Yi laughed.

"Really?" Wan Kefa asked seriously.

"Of course it's sincere." Fang Yi put down his teacup and said.

"You are willing, but I am not. Ma Yi doesn't have your spirit, which can be seen from the two of your teams.

Your team develops steadily and has a stable foundation. While generating income and cultivating your own talent echelon, the team's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, the atmosphere is also positive, and the atmosphere is also good.

His team is all brought in from the outside, and basically there are no lawyers trained by himself. Although the revenue has risen rapidly, if there is a slight disturbance, it will definitely disintegrate.Take this incident as an example. When he left Sidley, more than half of the team's lawyers left.

If it were your team, I believe that most of the lawyers in your team would follow you, because they know that there is meat to follow you.

So I want you to lead Sidley, lay a solid foundation for the law firm, and lead everyone to eat meat together. "Wan Kefa said seriously.


After getting off work in the evening, just as Fang Yi arrived at the door, Huang Yuanchao called and asked if he was at home. After getting an affirmative answer, he said that he would bring an old acquaintance over so that Fang Yi could prepare the food and drinks.

After Fang Yi answered the phone, he didn't know what kind of medicine Huang Yuanchao was selling in the gourd, but he smiled after thinking about it carefully, and he knew who the "old acquaintance" Lao Huang was talking about.

Yunmei is on a business trip to the south again.Fang Yi asked Aunt Zhou to prepare some food and wine. At around 07:30, Huang Yuanchao rang the doorbell with two bottles of Moutai.

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