
Chapter 263 Murder Case 2

Chapter 263 Murder Case 2
"The police called me yesterday afternoon, saying that my son had committed the crime of intentional injury and was arrested. I couldn't read a single word, and I went blind everywhere, so I asked Sun Lianpeng for help. Later he told me that Sun Kui was indeed After being arrested, only the lawyer can see it, and no one else can see it.

Then Mr. Yun asked him to send me to the city, and I don't know exactly what happened.Lawyer Fang, you need to save my son..." Sun Kui's father looked confused, his eyes full of expectation.

"Well, I'll go to the public security department first to see if I can see Sun Kui and ask about the situation." Fang Yi said.

At present, we only know that Sun Kui committed the crime of intentional injury and was arrested by the County Public Security Bureau. I don't know anything else, so I can only make a trip to ask about the situation.

"Lawyer Fang, I will pay for the lawyer's fees," Yunmei said.

"Let's go step by step, first go to the meeting, the lawyer's fee is 3000 yuan." Fang Yi said.

After Sun Kui's father and Fang Yi completed the entrustment procedures, Fang Yi went to Xie Youhe with the procedures and explained the situation. Approved.After Fang Yi got in touch with the police officer in charge of the case at the County Public Security Bureau, he made an appointment for a meeting the next day.

Early the next morning, Fang Yi took Yunmei's car to the County Public Security Bureau with Sun Kui's father.

"President Yun, Uncle Sun, you two don't go in, go to the tea house and wait for my news." After Fang Yi finished speaking, he got out of the car and strode towards the gate of the County Public Security Bureau.

After submitting the entrustment procedures, Fang Yi was taken to the police officer's office inside. As soon as he entered, he saw an old acquaintance.

"Officer Li, how are you?" Fang Yi smiled.

Li Bin on the opposite side was taken aback, and then said, "Why are you here? Another case?"

A beautiful young policewoman next to them looked at the two of them and asked doubtfully, "Master, do you know each other?"

"Yes, Cao Xiaoxue and I handled a case about a migrant worker jumping off a building, and that migrant worker was represented by Attorney Fang. At that time, Attorney Fang helped us a lot." Li Bin smiled.

Li Bin brought up the previous case without saying anything else, which proved that he didn't want the little apprentice beside him to know too much.

"Officer Li, I'm here for Sun Kui's case. Sun Kui's boss, Yun, is always my client. Sun Kui's father entrusted me to come and meet with me." Fang Yi smiled at the young policewoman and said.

"Oh, Xiao Zhao, look at lawyer Fang's procedures." After listening, Li Bin said to the young policewoman.

Police officer Zhao checked Fang Yi's procedures and went through the interview procedures for him.

"Officer Li, what's the situation with Sun Kui? Did he hit someone?" Fang Yi asked seeing that Li Bin and Xiao Zhao were the only ones in the office.

"It would be fine if he hit someone, he killed someone!" Li Bin said helplessly.

"Murder?! You're not in charge of this case, are you?" Fang Yi knew that Li Bin was in charge of major criminal cases in the county. Homicide cases were major cases, and he was probably responsible for Sun Kui's case.

"Xiao Zhao and I are in charge of the case. We just finished the investigation. In fact, the case is relatively simple and not complicated. For the specific situation, you can ask Sun Kui." Li Bin said.

"Master, the formalities are all done." Officer Zhao said.

Fang Yi followed Officer Zhao out of the office building and went to the meeting room.Fang Yi thought to himself, isn't she afraid of a pretty little girl working as a criminal police officer?There is Cao Xiaoxue in front, and now there is Officer Zhao, which is a bit interesting.

Sun Kui looks more handsome than Sun Lianpeng, with a height of 1.7 meters [-], a well-proportioned figure, good facial features, and a very vigorous appearance. Fang Yi met him a few times when he was discussing the case with Yunmei before, and he had a little impression.

At this time, Sun Kui who was meeting in the room was no longer as handsome as before, with a haggard face, disheveled hair, and a very bad complexion. He was completely different from the Sun Kui that Fang Yi had met before.

"Sun Kui, I'm lawyer Fang Yi from Jinshi Law Firm, do you know Sun Wanfu?" Fang Yi asked.

"Yes, he is my father." Sun Kui looked at Fang Yi, and felt that the middle-aged male lawyer in front of him looked familiar.

After watching for a while, he suddenly realized that Sun Lianpeng's case was represented by the lawyer Fang in front of him. Mr. Yun once said that lawyer Fang was very professional.At this moment, he understood that his father must have gone to ask Mr. Yun, and Mr. Yun asked Attorney Fang to represent him in the case.

"Your father, Sun Wanfu, entrusted me to meet with me. This is the entrustment procedure. If you have no objection, please sign." Fang Yi handed the entrustment procedure to Sun Kui.

"Thank you, Lawyer Fang." Sun Kui took the pen, signed, and returned the entrustment procedures to Fang Yi.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Fang Yi didn't want to make the atmosphere too tense. There were only the two of them in the meeting room, so he asked in a different tone.

"Two days ago, Mr. Yun and I asked for leave to go home for a blind date. After the blind date the next day, I went to Sun Lianpeng for dinner when I was free. It was late after dinner, and I rode an electric car back to the village..." Sun Kui Recount what happened at that time.

It turned out that at about [-] o'clock in the evening that day, Sun Kui rejected Sun Lianpeng's kindness, did not stay overnight in the county, and rode an electric bicycle back to the village.

Just as he was driving freely like the wind on the road from the county to the village, on the road shrouded by faint street lights, a car drove up behind him, and the car was twisted and drawn with the character horoscope. .

Sun Kui noticed the dangling headlights behind him. As an old driver, he had a keen premonition that there might be something wrong with the car behind or the driver, so he deliberately drove to the right to avoid it.

At this moment, the vehicle behind suddenly turned the steering wheel to the right and drove towards the side of the road, almost brushing against Sun Kui's electric bicycle and almost collided with Sun Kui.When the sound of sudden braking came, a skinny man got out of the car cursing and looked at the car body. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, he turned around and scolded Sun Kui, and was persuaded by a woman who came down later to return to the car.

Sun Kui was scolded for no reason, so he was naturally furious, but when he saw through the rear window that there were many people in the car, and he was alone, and it was night without a helper, he endured it.

At the same time as the two got into the car, another tall and fat man got out of the car. The fat man wobbled up to him, pushed and kicked Sun Kui cursingly, and kicked his electric bicycle down. .Sun Kui saw that his face was flushed and he smelled heavily of alcohol, so he could tell at a glance that he had been drinking a lot.

Sun Kui saw that the opponent was tall and strong, and he didn't dare to fight hard, so he backed down while reasoning with the opponent, but the fat man didn't listen at all and continued to chase. During the chase, the fat man returned to the car and took out a machete, and chased again Sun Kui kicked Sun Kui to the side of the road, held up the machete and beat Sun Kui continuously on the neck, waist and legs with the blade.

Maybe it was because he was drinking, or maybe he was so excited about the fight, the fat man accidentally dropped the machete during the beating process, and it landed with a clang.

(End of this chapter)

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