
Chapter 210 Sneer

Chapter 210 Sneer
"Well, it seems to make sense. No, Lawyer Fang, we seem to be digressing. Aren't we talking about morality and law? How did we talk about the industry?" Li Mingbo suddenly realized.

"It's not off topic. You see, if I don't talk to you about the current situation of the legal profession, how do you understand morality and law in the eyes of lawyers? Right?" Fang Yi smiled.

"You're saying that lawyers shouldn't be moral, they should follow the law..." Li Mingbo said in a daze.

"That's not what I mean, at least not the vast majority of lawyers. What I mean is that the law is a tool for lawyers to make money, just like technicians make money for technology.

And morality (or conscience) is the measuring stick in a lawyer's mind.

In order to live, you must use the law to provide services for clients to make money, but when you have the ability to choose clients, the measuring stick in your mind will play a role.If you don't have a choice.. 'a broken conscience' isn't talk, it's more than likely a reality.

You feel entangled in your heart, prove that you have this measuring stick in your heart, and you will become a good lawyer with a conscience. Fang Yi looked at Li Mingbo with encouragement in his eyes.

In fact, in Fang Yi's mind, there was still half a sentence hidden in his heart, that is: "But a good lawyer may not be a lawyer who makes money."He was afraid of dampening Lee Myung-bak's enthusiasm.

"Sometimes it is very difficult to learn to selectively forget and separate life and work. If you learn it, you won't be so entangled anymore." Fang Yi smiled and said: "To be honest, I haven't done it so far. to this point."

"Well, thank you, Lawyer Fang, I understand." Li Mingbo nodded.

On this day, Sun Zhengyi woke up from a nap and was about to go to the law firm when his cell phone rang suddenly. It was a call from the Law Association. The staff of the Law Association told him that Zhengyi Law Firm and Fang Yi had been complained about. The matter is unfair competition.Sun Zhengyi was taken aback after hearing this.

unfair competition?Isn't this bullshit?

Among the several law firms in the county, that one is not fighting for business. The lawyer's fee is one price in the morning and one price in the afternoon, just like selling vegetables.

If the client is a little thief, it will be more fat to catch up with the business. The client visits all the law firms in the county every day, tells the quotation of the previous one to this one, and then tells the quotation of the previous one to the next one. In order to get the business, the law firm has a high probability They will compete on prices and lower prices with each other, and the parties will choose the law firm with the most cost-effective entrusted business.If the situation is optimistic, the lawyer's fee of tens of thousands of yuan can be reduced to less than ten thousand in the end.

As for the lawyer's ability to practice, the client doesn't know it. Anyway, the lawyers who have obtained the certificate seem to them to be similar, but in fact they are much worse.

But this is not what they care about. For the parties in the county, what they care about is always the amount of attorney fees.

Although Sun Zhengyi scoffed at the notice from the Lawyers Association, since he was notified, he had to show face, otherwise the game would not be playable in the future.

Back at the law firm, Sun Zhengyi wanted to talk to Fang Yi about the complaint from the Lawyers Association, but unfortunately Fang Yi went to the county court, and Sun Yuanyuan's case started today.


"Plaintiff, state the claims, facts and reasons." A round-faced male judge looked at the case file, and then looked at Fang Yidao.

[-]. Request the court to order the defendant to make an apology to the two plaintiffs, and post a notice at the gate of Wanyue Community in the county to eliminate the influence and restore the plaintiff's reputation;
1. To compensate plaintiff 5000 Liangmei Beauty Salon for losses of [-] yuan;

2. Compensation to the plaintiff 5000, Sun Yuanyuan, in the amount of [-] yuan for mental damage relief.

Facts and reasons:
Sun Yuanyuan is the legal representative of Liangmei Beauty Salon, and is mainly engaged in beauty and manicure business at the bottom store of Wanyue Community.Since October [-], [-], the defendant Zhao Yuejiao has been spreading rumors, slandering, and framing the two plaintiffs, slandering and abusing the two plaintiffs many times, claiming that Sun Yuanyuan has schizophrenia, slandering Lan Liangmei Beauty Salon's equipment is not regular, and blackmailing customers , and disseminated through WeChat groups and other methods, resulting in serious damage to the plaintiff's reputation and loss of business.

The plaintiff believes that the defendant's behavior has seriously damaged its right of reputation, and is willing to ask the court to support the plaintiff's claim in accordance with the law.complete. "Fang Yi said.

Fang Yi didn't expect that Sun Yuanyuan's case would go to court so soon. Maybe it was the end of the year, and the court would start assessment again, so the judge worked overtime to start the court session and try the case to ensure the completion rate of the case.

"The defendant pleads." The round-faced male judge said expressionlessly.

It may be that the judge has been in a state of depression recently, and he always looks like he is not awake.

"I did not post any information that damaged the plaintiff's reputation in the community WeChat group, but occasionally told a few neighbors and good friends about Liangmei Beauty Salon and Sun Yuanyuan.

Besides, I am not the only one who thinks that the equipment in Liangmei Beauty Salon is not regular, and the customers are fooling around. Many customers who have gone to them for beauty say so.Moreover, the plaintiff's beauty shop is often opened and closed, and if they don't work hard, I have nothing to do with any loss.Request the court to dismiss the plaintiff's claim. " Zhao Yuejiao said.

Zhao Yuejiao is thin, with thin lips that can speak well at first glance, and the lack of flesh on her face makes people feel mean, she is not a good person to get along with at first glance.

"Now to present evidence and cross-examination. The plaintiff presents evidence." The round-faced male judge said.

"The first piece of evidence, the WeChat records of the defendant insulting the two plaintiffs in the owner group on WeChat, proves that the defendant insulted and defamed the plaintiff, which seriously affected the plaintiff's reputation.

The second piece of evidence, the WeChat communication records between the plaintiff Sun Yuanyuan and the defendant, proved that the plaintiff Sun Yuanyuan wanted to communicate with the defendant about freckle removal and beauty services through WeChat, but the defendant insulted and slandered the plaintiff.

The third piece of evidence, the notarial certificate issued by the notary office, proves that the WeChat screenshots of the above two pieces of evidence are from the plaintiff’s mobile phone, and both are true.

The proof is over. "Fang Yi said.

"The defendant is cross-examining." The round-faced male judge said.

"I don't agree with the evidence provided by the defendant. The WeChat record submitted by the defendant is not my WeChat. My WeChat is called Gillian, not Jiaojiao. This WeChat is not mine. If you don't believe me, look at my mobile WeChat." Zhao Yuejiao took out Apple phone said.

"The defendant is giving evidence." The round-faced male judge said.

"I have no evidence." Zhao Yuejiao said.

"Defendant, let me ask, do you disapprove of the WeChat content, or do you disapprove of the WeChat ID?" the round-faced male judge asked.

"This WeChat ID is not mine. I don't approve of this WeChat ID. They are the ones who framed me." Zhao Yue said anxiously with a pale face.

"Defendant, the WeChat ID submitted by the plaintiff is a mobile phone number. Do you know who this mobile phone number is?" the round-faced male judge continued to ask.

"I don't know, you should ask them about the WeChat they submitted, not me." Zhao Yuejiao acted hypocritically.

Fang Yi sneered in his heart after listening.

(End of this chapter)

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