
Chapter 124 Respect This Fucking Life

Chapter 124 Respect This Fucking Life

"During that time, I was very anxious, insecure, and afraid that the company would fire me. But sometimes the more you fear, the more things will happen. In the end, the company still sent me a contract termination notice. Of course, the compensation is still very considerable.

When I was fine in my hometown, looking back at the past, I would always ask myself whether the previous life was the life I wanted, and if so, then I would try my best to return to the previous life, no matter how difficult it was, because it was The life I want. " said the owner of the barbecue shop.

"What's the answer?" Fang Yi asked.

"I have asked myself the question you asked for more than a month. Unfortunately, the answer is contradictory. When I don't have any utilitarian mentality, I will deny my previous life and yearn for a more peaceful and lazy lifestyle; but once I have Utilitarian mind, I hope to return to my previous life, after all, the treatment is still very good.

Let me ask you a question, what do you think your life should be like? "After the boss finished speaking, he picked up the draft beer and drank it.

"Life?! This question is too big and too profound. I really haven't thought about it. At present, I just want to get back the old me and my home." Fang Yi thought for a while.

"Well, I didn't think about the 'meaning of life' before, as you said, this problem is too big. I thought I would get a diploma, learn my skills, find a boss, work hard, and work hard to earn money to support my family. After I retire, I can travel around the world in style, but a serious illness made me understand a lot and think a lot.

One day I passed by the pig farm in the village and walked in curiously.I saw that there were young piglets in the pig farm, there were also piglets being fattened, and there were big and strong pigs.

You see, these pigs will be taken care of by the farm since they are born, and they will be given various vaccinations. Then their job is to eat and sleep, and eat and sleep. The only purpose is to grow fat. When they grow up, the owner You can sell them to slaughterhouses or second-hand traffickers to make money, and the sold pigs have only one result, which is to be killed and sold for meat.

I was thinking, this person can't be like a pig, always passively waiting for people to feed, eat and sleep, sleep and eat.In that case, what is the meaning of our life?It's not easy to walk around the world!You should do something that makes you happy.
It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, and it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. "

After speaking, the boss frowned, took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and then a puff of smoke slowly rose into the sky.

"After I came out of the pig farm, I figured it out. I want to be the master of my own life, and I want to live in my own way. Later, I used the compensation money given by the company to buy here and open this barbecue restaurant.

When this barbecue restaurant opened, I was really happy in my heart, thinking that I had finally found my own way of life.But when I put the barbecue restaurant into operation, I realized that I seemed to be wrong. Too many mothers-in-law is not a good thing, and my daughter-in-law for many years can't survive to become a mother-in-law at all. Being a boss is more tiring than going to work.

What Lao Lu said is right: man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.

So I was confused again, tired all day like a third grandson, what am I trying to do!Fortunately, the barbecue shop can make some money, so it is not a problem to live, and can take care of a bunch of brothers, let's mess around!
In fact, it is good to pursue less and be happy.

Thinking about it carefully, the current life may be the best way of life for me, and it is the one that is most in line with my expectations. It is painful and happy! "The boss smiled helplessly.

"Envy! I really envy you.

When you reach middle age, you can live in your own way, which is enough to make most people envious.There are many smart people in this world, but even if they understand what you just said, they dare not or are unwilling to give up their immediate interests and live the life they want.

I remember someone said that the so-called mid-life crisis, what really makes people anxious is not loneliness, poverty, or aging, but that you find out in middle age that you have never lived in the way you like.I think this is quite reasonable.

Thinking about it carefully, in this world of fireworks, everything is worthwhile, and everything is regrettable, and in the end I lived a fucking life.Regret, but helpless. "Fang Yi said.

"Okay! Those of you who major in liberal arts are good at it, but those of us who major in science and engineering can't think of so many words. I only have barbecue restaurants in my mind." After speaking, the boss burst out laughing.

"I respect this fucking life." Fang Yi raised his glass and laughed.

"Yes, I respect this fucking life. I hope you can live the life you want." The boss encouraged.

Early the next morning, the county court called Fang Yi, and the verdict on Qian Lianyuan's case came out. In the end, the court ruled that Qian Lianyuan was not guilty of dangerous driving and was not guilty.

When Qian Linlin received the phone call from Fang Yi, she was so excited that she almost burst into tears, and hurried to the detention center.Mr. Qian was still arrogant and arrogant. After seeing his daughter when he came out of the detention center, he clamored to apply for compensation.It is estimated that someone inside said something to him.

"Lawyer Fang, can my dad apply for compensation in this situation?" Qian Linlin looked at Fang Yi suspiciously.

"Why not? The court has ruled me not guilty. I've been imprisoned for so long?" Mr. Qian's temper flared up, and even the Great Wall couldn't stop him.

"Dad, stop shouting and listen to what Attorney Fang has to say." Qian Linlin said.

"According to the Compensation Law, Article No. 17, if the organs exercising investigative, procuratorial, and judicial functions, as well as the detention centers, prison management organs and their staff members have any of the following violations of personal rights when exercising their functions, the victim has the right to obtain compensation : ... ([-]) After taking arrest measures against citizens, it is decided to withdraw the case, not to prosecute, or to acquit and terminate the investigation of criminal responsibility.

In addition, Article No. 20 stipulates that if the organs exercising the functions of investigation, prosecution, and trial, as well as the detention centers, prison management organs and their staff, in the exercise of their powers, infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations and cause damage, the organs shall be obliged to make compensation. organ.

Where citizens are taken into custody and compensation should be paid to the state in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the organ that makes the decision to detain is the organ obliged to make compensation.

If a citizen is arrested and decides to withdraw the case, not prosecute, or acquit, the organ that makes the arrest decision is the organ that is obliged to make compensation.

If the verdict of not guilty is changed in the retrial, the people's court that made the original effective judgment shall be the organ obliged to make compensation.If the verdict of acquittal is reversed in the second instance, or if the verdict of acquittal is remanded for retrial in the second instance, the people's court that made the guilty verdict in the first instance shall be the organ with the obligation to make compensation.

According to the above two provisions, your father has been acquitted and can apply for compensation to the arresting department of the case. "Fang Yi said.

"Lawyer Fang, how much can I pay for my case?" When Mr. Qian heard that he could apply for compensation, he immediately regained his energy.

(End of this chapter)

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