Douluo's monastic career

Chapter 71 Forming a Team Part [-]

Chapter 71 Forming a Team Part [-]

Today's sunset was intoxicating, the two were intoxicated by the scenery of the campus, and slowly pulled their hands together.

He didn't speak, but his heart was warm.

After a long time, Bibi Dong spoke slowly:


"Hiss~ Pain! Pain! Pain!"

First let go of his hand, covered his waist, looked at the woman in front of him, and didn't understand why she was going crazy.

"What happened to the little dragon girl story you told me last time!"

"That nasty Zhen Zhibing has a good face, don't let me touch him, or I'll be eunuch~" Bibi Dong covered her mouth in embarrassment, and took a sneak peek at No. [-].

"Hum!" He stomped heavily.

The first thing I knew right away was where the problem was.

Although I intentionally kept a certain distance from Bibi Dong during this time, in order to raise her vigilance against the outside world, I often included private things in the story.

When we met last week, I told her about the Douluo version of Condor Heroes, and when I got to the point where I couldn't get over it, I saw that she was in a bad mood, so I hurried away.

Unexpectedly, he still did not escape.

"What happened later? What happened to Xiao Longnv and Yang Guo? Did you kill that hypocrite Zhen Zhibing?" Bibi Dong, as a book fan, eagerly pursued.

"It's a long story, Yang Guo doesn't know why his aunt ignores him..."

Firstly, I naturally satisfied the request of my book fans, and began to tell the twists and turns of the love story vividly and vividly, whether or not I admitted that I was afraid of the two-finger Zen.

The first one stopped talking from Huashan to the end of the martial arts conference, while Bibi Dong was attracted by all kinds of self-created soul skills, and urged the first one to continue talking.

Number One pointed to the sky, and then Bibi Dong bid farewell to Number One with a face full of reluctance, and made an appointment to see you tomorrow.

She was in charge of the selection of the members of the Wuhundian team, so she must be present, and she also learned from the headmaster today that the number one is the default member.

I didn't look for Ling'er who had become a wild horse in school. Now Ling'er eats a lot of food and doesn't have to worry about it.

After washing up, he took out a book and leaned against the bedside to read it.

Inside and outside, there was silence.

The next day, first get up early.

After tidying up the room, he clapped his palms slowly, stretched his muscles and bones, and saw that the sun had risen before walking towards the dining room.

Filled a bowl of broth made from the skeleton of a thousand-year-old soul beast, and walked towards the place of the group of friends.

They came early, after all, they still have to train on time, unlike the first one who can arrange their time freely.

Seeing that they had almost eaten, but they didn't leave, they raised their heads and looked around from time to time, scanning themselves with corners of their eyes, with a smile on their lips.

Without thinking about it, I knew that it must be Feng Ming and other big mouths who polished up Bibi Dong's words and told them to all the students.

First, he glared at Feng Ming, Yue Ying and the others, and started a fight with Bone Tang. At this moment, arguing with them would only lead to a vortex of public opinion and could only be dealt with coldly.

"Ha! Haha~" Liu Handong put down his bowl and passed by.

"Ha! Haha~" Xiang Mu also passed by.

"..." The penultimate classmate passed by.

This scene caused students of all grades to wait and see, not knowing what happened.


The first face was expressionless, holding the chopsticks tightly with his right hand, and looked at Feng Ming.

"Boss, boss, eat slowly, I'm leaving first, my stomach hurts!"

Feng Ming was sweating profusely, clutching his stomach, and ran past the first one.

Careless!I was happy for a while, and forgot about the small-mindedness of the boss.

While running, Feng Ming wondered whether he should take a leave of absence and avoid it for a while.

The first time I saw that everyone was gone, I sighed, took another pair of chopsticks, and took two small dishes, and started to eat leisurely.

Training Ground No. [-]

At this time, ten young men and women have been waiting here for a long time. As in the past, seven of the ten will be selected as full members and three will be alternates.

These ten people are also familiar with each other, and after seeing each other, they probably know who is the official member and who is the candidate.

"Brother Han, it seems that you should lead everyone to participate in the soul master competition this time!" A strong man on the side said to a well-proportioned young man with light blue short hair beside him.

"Not necessarily, let's just listen to the arrangement." Zhang Ruohan, who had light blue short hair, looked indifferent.

"Hmph! Although Zhang Ruohan is powerful, if you look at the overall situation, you still have to look at Brother Feng!" A thin young man said slowly, expressing his disagreement.

"Hehe! Nowhere, the little angel thinks too much of me. I also took advantage of the control system soul master. In terms of soul power level, I am indeed not as good as brother Ruohan, and Chijue girl and others are also slightly higher. to me!"

The person called Brother Feng by the skinny young man spoke very interestingly, he just said that his soul power was low, but he didn't evade it.

The fiery girl dressed in a fiery red leather coat glanced at them, snorted softly, and whispered to a girl beside her without intending to interrupt.

The rest of the people also knew that the captain would not be themselves, so they didn't intervene and just watched with cold eyes.

dark place
"Hmph! Just relying on their stance that they are about to fight among themselves, they can still win glory for the Spirit Hall? It's a joke!"

An old man who was calm and pretentious looked at this scene with disdain, Li Muhan, Hongshang, two teachers, and Bibidong were all standing beside him.

"Dean, young people are young and energetic. There is still one year left, which is enough to complete the team reorganization."

Li Muhan smiled lightly, obviously he has seen this kind of thing a lot.

"Besides, Zhang Ruohan's little guy is already level 48, and he will definitely reach the soul king realm before the start of the competition. Although Chi Jue's girl is also level 47, if she wants to break through to the soul king within a year, I'm afraid..."

Everyone present also understood what Li Muhan meant.

"It's still not very safe! In the past, it was very safe to have a soul king, but this time~" The old dean frowned, obviously there was inside news.

"Where's that boy? Why hasn't he come yet? The city was full of ups and downs in the past two years, and it was claimed that everyone in the world knew the East, so why haven't you seen anyone?" The old dean was obviously impatient.

"Why don't I go and look for it?" Hong Chang's face was full of embarrassment. After all, she was the one who notified her. She didn't expect that both she and the dean had arrived, and the first one was still missing.

"Forget it, let's wait and see how the characters of the boys below are."

The dean thought for a while and rejected Hongshang's proposal.

Bibi Dong stood aside, smiling without saying a word, she just came with her eyes and ears today, and only needs to convey what she saw and heard to the teacher.

The atmosphere in the training ground has been very deserted, and finally they each found a place to practice. After all, they didn't really quarrel, and they didn't disappoint the few people in secret.

Half an hour later, No. [-] slowly walked into the No. [-] training ground. Seeing that the teacher hadn't come yet, he was relieved that he wasn't late!

I also saw a few people doing training in the training ground, and I couldn't figure it out for a while.

When did the students of Wuhundian Academy work so hard and immediately formed a team, and instead of getting acquainted with each other, they are still practicing?
At this time, everyone in the training ground was even more puzzled. There were ten full members plus alternates!

As the first is getting closer and closer to everyone.

"It's him!"

Some of the crowd were excited, some were shocked, some were stunned, some showed fighting intent, but none were dazed, obviously they all knew Number One.

"Yo~ So they are all old acquaintances!"

"Ice Tiger King Zhang Ruohan, Gale Wind Diao Chijue, Iron Armored Crazy Rhino Mountain Edgeless, Black Ice Shield Tie Xin..."

No. [-] nodded to them while reading in his mouth.

Zhang Ruohan looked at the person in front of him, his eyes were full of solemnity, a fighting spirit rose in his heart, and then he suppressed it.

Two years ago in the soul fighting arena, the two fought against each other, the person in front of him was level 38, and he was level 44, but the theoretically sure win situation did not happen.

I still remember that battle now, strength, speed, moves, I was suppressed to death from the beginning to the end, but the opponent didn't even have a martial soul, and I had no power to fight back when I lost.

Although the other party disappeared in the soul fighting field in the past two years, he still couldn't forget the figure in the red shirt that dominated the world.

And the others are similar, except for the two auxiliary soul masters, they have all fought against the number one, so the number one feels that the people here are all old acquaintances.

"I didn't expect you to participate in this year's competition!" Zhang Ruohan looked solemn, but suddenly realized in his heart, how could the school let this trump card not be used!

Everyone present was also thoughtful, knowing that the position of captain already belonged, and even Lin Feng, who had thought about the position of captain just now, sighed secretly at this moment.

The opponent is too strong to compete at all.

(End of this chapter)

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