Douluo's monastic career

Chapter 13 Creating a Student Union

Chapter 13 Creating a Student Union

By the time I got back to the dormitory for the first time, it was already late at night.

There was a slight joy on his face, obviously another breakthrough in martial arts.

The people who reported to the first whistleblower during the day were chatting with Zhao Teng.Seeing the first return, they got up one after another.


"sit down"

"This is Zhang Xiaohu, seven years old, martial spirit armpit, eleventh level spirit power, second grader, the strongest among us except the eldest," Zhao Teng introduced to the first one.

"It was also he who first informed me that Night Breeze was coming to make trouble, and asked me to tell you to avoid it, but was blocked by Night Breeze later..." Zhao Teng thought that he had been tricked by Night Breeze, and was caught by the vine. Blocked first, feel embarrassed.

Zhang Xiaohu, with short hair, is half a head taller than the first one. His body is strong. He wears washed white clothes. Through several holes, his legs, elbows, shoulders and even his back are covered with calluses. Has perseverance and hard work that ordinary people don't have.

"Hi, I'm number one"

"You have eleventh-level soul power at the age of seven, your innate soul power is not low!" the first one stretched out his hand to affirm.

"My innate soul power is level eight, two levels higher than that bastard Night Breeze. He always wanted me to follow him, but I disagreed, so he beat me once a month, trying to make me submit."

"If it wasn't for him, I would be level [-] now." Speaking of Night Breeze, Zhang Xiaohu was still aggrieved.

Holding No. [-]'s hand, he looked at No. [-] with admiration on his face, expressing his willingness to follow No. [-].

In that soul fight, Zhang Xiaohu witnessed Ye Feng being beaten into a dead dog with his own eyes.

In that competition of speed and skill, Zhang Xiaohu's three views were completely refreshed, and his admiration for the number one was almost unbearable.

What's more, the state of the first martial soul during the day, the light blue light, the rapidly recovering body condition and bruises all remind him that the first is an auxiliary system soul master.

How inconceivable it was that an eleventh and second level auxiliary soul master (in Wang Xiaohu's opinion) defeated Night Breeze who was enough to dominate the realm of soul masters across the seventh and eighth ranks.

As for why follow the first?

He defeated his enemy and vented his anger for himself, and his potential is still high.

Even if the factor of character charm is excluded, the recovery ability of the first soul ability allows him to increase his training and quickly improve his strength, which is also an important reason.

"Okay!" The first person patted Zhang Xiaohu.

No matter what you do in the future, it is always good to have more helpers.

Zhang Xiaohu's innate soul power is at the eighth level, with great potential, his martial soul is not bad, and his cultivation is even more assiduous. As for his character, he is still far away from graduation, so he has enough time to observe.

"This is Xiao Yaxuan, a sixth-level soul power, a green goat with a martial soul, a sixth-grade student..."

"This is Liu Deyang, eighth-level soul power, martial soul hound, fifth-grade student..."


Except for Zhang Xiaohu, there is no one with an innate soul power above the fifth level. Think about it, this is not a college after all, they are basically civilians, and it is not bad to have soul power.

After the introduction, everyone took their seats.Zhao Teng began to explain the ins and outs of the matter to the first.

Similar to the first guess, most of the martial souls of noble children are stronger than ordinary people, and they also have more resources in the early stage. They have already started to recruit team members during the academy.

Some poor students with strong potential are the first choice for these nobles.

The upper limit is high in the future, but the strength is low now. This is the best time.

Those students with strong potential are naturally unwilling to serve as noble eagle dogs, and conflicts arise from this, one session after another.

Even other colleges are the same.

The Austrian low-level soul master academy is just a microcosm of the history of the struggle between nobles and commoners.

In the past, although the civilian students have always been at a disadvantage, they are not without the slightest resistance.

But since Ye Feng was born last year, everything has changed.

When Night Breeze entered the school, he just used the banner of the viscount's father to recruit some willing students, and he didn't show his fangs until his soul power broke through the sixteenth level.

Coupled with the 100th year soul ring, which was almost perfectly compatible with the martial soul, it provided Night Breeze with a superb soul skill.

The double bonus of 15.00% movement speed and attack speed is enough to form a crushing situation against ordinary soul masters of more than ten levels.

And the academy has no students who have broken through the twentieth level to become a great soul master.

The academy may have become accustomed to this kind of thing, or it may be to let the students see clearly that the weak can eat the strong in the world of soul masters, and just take a bystander attitude when things don't get serious, causing Night Breeze to overshadow the sky with one hand.

I heard that Night Breeze's father recruited a group of students in this way, and later became a viscount.

Night Breeze should also want to copy his father's legend!
It wasn't until Night Breeze heard that there was a real genius coming this year, and he wanted to take advantage of the first year of his youth, but he didn't expect to encounter a titanium alloy steel plate, which became the first stepping stone instead.

After figuring out the cause of the incident, I first discussed with everyone what to do in the future, and everyone discussed it aloud.

In general, there are still a few old-fashioned ones, collecting noble protection fees!Collect noble protection fees!Still charge noble protection fees!

This is how miserable it is to be oppressed in ordinary times!

Seeing a group of younger brothers happily discussing how to exploit the hateful nobles, and what kind of soul beast meat is better to eat with the money, the first head is full of black lines.

Isn't this a replica of the dragon slayer who eventually turns into a dragon!
He patted the table, interrupting everyone's fantasy.

The first is to decide to adopt the former student union system for management.

Maybe there will be various problems after the first graduate, but it's better to not hide the flaws than to just collect protection money blatantly.

First, explain to them the Douluo Continent localized student association, the supervisory affairs of each department, and the operation and cooperation process between each department.

The initial planning of the entire student union is divided into five levels, the first is the first president of the student union, two vice presidents under his command and a secretary who is equipped for himself are in charge of the secretariat.

One of the vice presidents leads the Supervision Department and the Propaganda Department.

As the name suggests, the Supervision Department can monitor the details of money spent within the student union and investigate abuses of power, but it has no law enforcement power and needs to report to the secretariat.

The Propaganda Department is responsible for publicizing the various rules and regulations of the Student Union and recruiting talents.

Another vice president leads the Finance Department, which is in charge of money and collects membership fees; the Student Department, which manages students' internal affairs; and the Internal Relations Department, which serves as a bridge between students and school teachers and leaders.

Too complicated and they may not be able to really understand the implementation.

The heads of various departments are called ministers, leading members of the student union, and below that are the intern members who are in the testing period.

The secretariat is independent, directly responsible to No. [-], acting as No. [-]'s eyes and ears, and handling some trivial matters for No. [-].

First of all, you have to practice, how can you be entangled in trivial matters for a long time.

After all, in Douluo Dalu, fist power is the right.

The first has been very clear.

Except for the first president, everyone's positions will not be announced until the student union is formally established.

Zhao Teng, Wang Xiaohu and the others were stunned and excited when they heard this, wishing they could fight hard.

Afterwards, everyone discussed the various rules and regulations first proposed, and the "Student Union Rules" began to be further improved.

As the first student meeting of the Austrian Law Junior College came to an end, everyone was chattering like blood, and had no intention of leaving.

"Boss, no, president, let's start now!" Everyone was excited by the first one, and they didn't feel sleepy.

"Let's dress uniformly first, and use better fabrics. Otherwise, people will think we are beggars."

"Use mine first, and pay me back after collecting the membership fee." The first took out two gold soul coins and threw them to Zhao Teng.

Then he drove everyone out of the dormitory and let out a sigh of relief.

After taking a shower, I fell into meditation on the bed first, and began to practice Tianshan Xinfa.

Only Zhao Teng was left tossing and turning, replaying the scenes that happened today in his mind.It has to be admitted that some people are born with a leadership ability.

Early in the morning, the first man holds a short sword and has been practicing "Kan Jian Dao."

"Han" refers to the water in the world. When the sword is raised, it looks like a river like a sea, like a lake like a waterfall.

This way of swordsmanship achieves the wonderful meaning of "the weak overcomes the strong, and the soft overcomes the strong", and it can be called the most profound swordsmanship in Guizang swordsmanship.

Since the awakening of the first martial soul, perhaps because the martial soul is water, every time he performs the "Han Sword Way", he always gains something, and finally feeds back the other seven sword ways, which is very miraculous.

Slowly retracting their swords into their sheaths, Zhao Teng and Wang Xiaohu, who had been waiting for a long time, came up.

"President, look~"

As he spoke, he opened the bag on his back, and took out a golden red dress, with a bright red dress inside and a golden red light shirt outside.

Fiery red, shining in the sun.

Looking at this high-profile and flamboyant dress, the first corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He couldn't help but think of the heaven-defying technique that was quickly completed in the Wuliang Temple.

In the past two days, Zhang Xiaohu and Zhao Teng had finished collecting the remnants of Night Breeze.Now the uniform of the student council has also been made.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

big playground.

Standing on the stage, the number one announced the various rules and regulations of the student union and accepted orders. More than a hundred students in the audience listened carefully.

Unsurprisingly, Zhang Xiaohu and Zhao Teng are the vice presidents, and a classmate named Qing Ning is the secretary.

Her martial soul is a banjo, and her innate soul power has reached level seven.

During this period of time, being oppressed by Night Breeze, life was not easy.After Night Breeze was knocked down, Mao volunteered to be the secretary general of the secretariat.

The ministers are appointed by the vice president.

After a while, the people who put on the uniforms of the student union gathered again. As expected, people rely on clothes, horses rely on saddles, and their spirits are obviously much stronger.

The first is wearing a bright red robe, Zhang Xiaohu and Zhao Teng are wearing black uniforms, and Qing Ning is also wearing a black workplace dress, which forms a strong contrast with the youthful face.

The five ministers wore lavender gowns, the other official members wore yellow blouses, and even the dozen or so interns wore white waistcoats.

Where there are crowds, there are class divisions.

A strong Douluo style class will do.

A few teachers on the periphery, who were secretly watching the development of the situation here, looked at the high-spirited crowd of five colors, and couldn't help but secretly stunned, these boys really know how to play!
Whether it will have a big impact, I don't know.

Half a month later, the school also issued two sets of clothes to the teacher, which were required to be worn at school.

This has nothing to do with number one.

The garden that Number One used to visit on weekdays gradually became a forbidden area, and the legend of Number One spread throughout the school.

this day.

Night Breeze, recovering from a serious illness, walked into the school.

I asked a few companions about what happened today, and looked at the students wearing student union uniforms everywhere.

Night Breeze's face was full of complexities.

Xiao Se Qiufeng is here again today, changing the world.

(End of this chapter)

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