Douluo's monastic career

Chapter 125 Martial Soul Changes Again

Chapter 125 Martial Soul Changes Again
Eight warships made of Haixin wood formed a fleet, and they left the dock with the sound of trumpets and headed straight for the open sea.

No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] are the escort ships of the Soul Hunting Group, which are in the front, middle and rear positions in turn.

The soul masters who went out to sea to hunt souls were all on the third boat, and the other two were sightseeing boats.

Under the impact of the waves, the ship began to shake from side to side, and the things in the room also began to topple.

The first took out a handful of grain at the stern and threw it in the air, attracting a seagull.

"Little brother is not young!" A tall old man with a scar on his face came to the side of Number One, watching Number One feeding the seagulls, he couldn't help showing interest.

There are not a few land soul masters he has seen over the years, or they just stay in the room and don't come out, and they will show up after reaching a certain sea area.
Or they may suffer from vomiting and diarrhea just after going out to sea, and become soft-legged shrimps. It is rare to see people with such a relaxed attitude.

"Captain Lu, you are welcome, nothing else to do, this trip to sea depends on you!" the first cupped his hands.

This person is the captain of the No. [-] ship, and one of the six soul emperors, Wuhun Swordfish, who is very fast in the sea.

"Haha, let's not talk about safety, we can still guarantee it." A proud smile appeared in Lu Kun's eyes.

Stretching out his arms, he patted the emblem tattooed on it, and the word "Krazy Shark" seemed to be shining brightly.

After Lu Kun finished speaking, he looked at the "30-year-old" young man in front of him with strange looks:
"Little brother, you are already level [-] at such a young age. I have never seen a soul master with a higher Tianzi than you in most of my life! What a hero!"

The first replied casually: "Looking at the vicissitudes of life, you can only show your true qualities of a hero! My brother is amazing!"


After the two boasted, it seemed that their relationship had taken a step further, and they often drank on the deck in the days to come.

It was another two weeks of voyage, passing through mad sharks and blue seas. Unfortunately, I didn't meet my favorite soul beast, but firstly, I saw too many things that I had never seen on land, weird soul beasts and wonders .

Thanks to the captain's blessing, he ate many kinds of seafood, and the temple of five internal organs was greatly satisfied.

On this day, the first time I used the heavy weight pendant, my feet took root, and my body swayed with the boat.
Looking out through the waterproof window with a serious face, the sea level is much higher than the height of the hull. The whole ship seems to be sailing in a trough, and the hull shakes from time to time.

The first time I sensed a chaotic and violent atmosphere in the distance, I am afraid something will happen!
"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom~"

A series of hurried footsteps sounded, accompanied by shouts:
"All attention, all attention, unfortunately encountered a sudden tsunami~"


A big wave hit, the hull turned over instantly, was thrown out at the first moment, and the room was in a mess.

It took a long time to fix his body in the corner, and he couldn't help showing a wry smile for the first time, it was a bad start, the first time he went to sea, he encountered a soul beast battle.

As for the so-called tsunami, it is by no means the main cause. Now that I have a great sword intent, coupled with the blessing of Feng Wuxiang, my spiritual sense is already quite amazing.

Faintly sensed several terrifying auras in the distance, even the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex encountered that day was not that scary.

It can only be a 10-year soul beast!

The first is praying that nothing will happen, while communicating with the avatar, and preparing to send it back if the situation is not good, at worst, waste a little time and come again.




The world was spinning, shouts were everywhere on the ship, and the keel rattled under the weight of the keel.

From the outside, it can be seen that the entire fleet has been torn apart by the tsunami, and the hull of the first ship is slowly loosening.

The sky was getting darker and the wind was getting stronger, and there were big raindrops in the sky. The ship disintegrated amidst a burst of cries, and everyone was blown away in the wind and waves.

The first one crouched on the ice floes formed by the ultimate ice, held the sword in his right hand, and concentrated on sensing the surrounding movements, for fear that a spirit beast would rush out from the bottom of the sea.

Shui Hanjian kept beating in the first hand.

Yi Shuihan frowned and let go of his long sword, and Yi Shuihan turned into a water polo the size of a ping pong ball again, circling and rolling around Yi Yi excitedly, and the violent sea within three feet began to calm down.

Amidst the monstrous waves, a person sits on an ice floe and drifts with the waves, where the waves diverge.


The first swallowed heavily, eyes full of shock, is this still his water spirit?

One pearl comes out, and there is no wave in the world!
No matter how you look at it, it looks a bit like Dinghai Shenzhu, but his own is too weak.

At this moment, there is a feeling for the first time: I am afraid that I have never understood this martial spirit of my own!
From time to time, the water martial soul rolled beside No. [-], mischievously like a child, and sometimes even got into the sea water, and then came out again, as if surfing.

Looking at its spirituality, it is not weaker than the Haotian mirror achieved by heaven and earth!

Under the protection of the water martial soul, the first one passed through the heavy waves and gradually escaped from the dangerous sea area.

During this period, the No. [-] Water Martial Soul has grown in size, perhaps because it communicated with sea water, from the size of a ping-pong ball to the size of a billiard ball.

With the first beckoning, the water martial soul floated in the palm of his hand again, and then turned into a layer of water clothes covering his body.

Could this be a different kind of martial spirit possession?
The first plunged into the sea, tried to breathe, then rose, descended, moved forward, and retreated. As soon as the mind moved, the body had already responded.

Then try to make moves in the sea, whether it is speed or strength, it is better than on land, as if the sea itself is its main battlefield.

The sun was warm, and the sea slowly became calm. A three-meter-long silver dolphin jumped out of the sea, looked curiously at the humans playing in the sea, and plunged into the sea, swaying a string of water splashes.

It is a 3000-year-old white-nose silver-finned dolphin with a gentle nature.

At the beginning, No. [-] was secretly on guard, but later found that it was not malicious, so he let it go.

After that, there was a fat guy next to him, appearing beside him from time to time, as if he was leading the way.

After the first freshness has passed, another piece of ice floe condenses and sits on it to spend the day leisurely.

The water spirit also floated out from time to time, rolling on the dolphin, as if recognizing this friend.

One person and one dolphin walked together, and the dolphin would catch some lobsters from time to time, put the minnows on the ice floe, and firstly would take out the snacks in its storage space to entertain it.

In a few days, the first one got to know it very well, and even named it "Silver Scale".

On this day, I made salad vegetables for Yinlin on the ice floe for the first time. This is also the No. 20 five days since I went to sea. I don't know anything about the surrounding sea area, and I haven't seen a few thousand-year-old soul beasts at all.

So much so that the first one came into being, giving up the idea of ​​looking for the soul beast alone.

"Hey~ woo~ eh~ woo~"

The silver scale kept jumping around, spinning around the first extreme speed, then swam towards one direction at extreme speed, and then swam back, repeated several times, appearing extremely anxious.

"You want me and you to go to the same place?" The first one looked at Yinlin curiously.

"Hey ~ woo ~"

Yinscale stuck his head out of the water, kept lighting, then exposed his back, looking at Number One.

Yi Gaoren was the first to be bold, understood its meaning, Wuhun turned into a water jacket, and sat on it, limp.

Yinlin's speed was very fast and very steady. In less than an hour, he came to the side of an isolated island, and a bloody smell spread everywhere.

From a distance, one can see an eel-shaped spirit beast with electric sparks all over its body, rampaging among thousands of dolphins.

Although there are many dolphins, they are far from being the opponent of that eel, but if they escape, they will have to abandon their newborn babies. This group of dolphins is also staunch, blood spilled all over the sea area but they still do not retreat.

Compared with ordinary eels, this monster is more than 40 meters long, with seven blue-purple lightning patterns on its body and horns on its head, which is extremely ferocious.

"A deep-sea eel dragon more than 7 years old!" The first one was overjoyed.

It just so happens that I can absorb it, and the soul skills that a sub-dragon sea soul beast can provide will never be weak.

"Hey ~ woo ~" Yinlin was full of anxiety.

The first patted it on the head: "Don't worry, let me find a chance, let's kill it today and eat eel rice!"


In addition to the water attack of the sea soul beast, the white-nose silver dolphin has only two attack methods: using sound waves to attack and stun the opponent, or close combat.

Although the white-kissed silver dolphin is very intelligent, it will use sound waves to attack and stun opponents in groups,
But whenever the white-nose silver dolphin bites the deep sea eel dragon with its sharp teeth, it can't break through its surface defense at all, but it will awaken the deep sea eel dragon.

Afterwards, they will be stunned and fall into the mouth of the beast.

And if it doesn't attack, the Deep Sea Eel Dragon will wake up after three breaths, and there is no time to evacuate, so it will fall into an endless loop.

The white-nose silver dolphin lacked the means to kill with one blow, and was restrained to death. This was the first judgment.

"Hey ~ woo ~"

Seeing his clansman die without hesitation, Yinlin cried out in sorrow.

The first is to explain the next battle plan to it. This race is worthy of being called the top ten sea soul beasts in terms of intelligence.

After hearing No. [-]'s plan, Yinlin shouted happily, communicating with his clansmen.

"Hey ~ woo ~"

"Hey~ woo~ eh~ woo~"

Soon thousands of white-nose silver dolphins were making calls one after another.

The first slowly inserted into the battlefield, and was relieved to see that all the white-nose silver dolphins did not attack him.

After that, he gathered water into a sword, and stared at the deep sea eel dragon [-] meters above the diagonal.


"Hey ~ woo ~"

Following No. [-]'s order, all the deep-sea silver dolphins used their sonic attacks with all their strength, hitting the deep-sea eel dragon.

The Deep Sea Eel Dragon's body froze immediately and remained motionless on the spot.

The first one rushed out suddenly, the long sword pointed directly at the deep sea eel dragon, and the light blue Kangua phantom appeared behind the first one.

Gui Zang·Innate Eight Swords·Kan Jian Dao

Infinite power emerges from the sea, blesses this sword, and the surrounding sea water seems to be turned into a boost.

Light blue sword energy soared into the sky, and the first one had already appeared above the head of the deep sea eel dragon.

A huge gap appeared in the middle of its head, and blood began to spread around.

(End of this chapter)

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