Chapter 207 Dangerous
"... get on board."

Klein quickly restrained the bloodthirsty and crazy aura that he had intentionally exuded before, and returned to his usual cold and hard appearance.

He walked towards the unattended coastline, and after reaching the coastline, Klein released the "Lost Home" in his arms.

A rope made of shadows hung down, connecting with the ground in front of Klein.Klein jumped lightly and landed on the rope like a cat.

Relying on his "clown" balance ability, Klein walked on the ropes as if walking on the ground, and walked towards his boat step by step.

Looking at the pitch-black "Lost Homeland" that soaked the surrounding seawater, Klein couldn't help thinking in his heart whether to find a Beyonder with the ability to disguise for "Lost Homeland" to "graze" and let "Lost Homeland" gain the ability to disguise.

You must know that because it is a sealed item, this ship with a part of demigod power cannot perfectly restrain its own power.

Some of the power will involuntarily leak out, which will also cause visions such as "darkness" in the outside world.

But Klein was just thinking about it. The sequences that can be disguised are nothing more than sequences like "Faceless Man".It's a pity that there are fewer Extraordinary people in the "Fool" path, and Klein can't find innocent people to herd.

He had long ago decided that both the "Squirming Hunger" and the souls grazing on the "Lost Country" had to be people full of evil.

That is to say, the strength of the Church of Storms in the Southern Continent is relatively weak. Otherwise, as long as Klein releases the "Lost Homeland", he will be quickly discovered by the Extraordinary of the Church of Storms, and then reported to the church by the Extraordinary.

You must know that the tracking priority of the True Creator in the Lord of Storms is quite high. When that happens, Klein suspects that there will even be a Sequence Three Saint who will personally chase and kill him.

(Note: The contradiction between the omniscient and omnipotent five-way churches can be seen from Alger's words: "Understanding the ability of extraordinary people in the sun path is the basic skill of every extraordinary person in the Church of Storms."
If it's okay on land, Klein can hide in a big city with the extraordinary ability of the "Fool" path, so that the saint can't lock his position.

With Sefirah Castle as a cover, even if the angels do their own divination, they will not be able to find out where their exact location is. They can only find themselves, the "Blessed One of the Creator", by relying on Extraordinary people's carpet search.

Many Beyonders also do this, which is also an important reason why they are not discovered by official Beyonders.

Of course, although ordinary Extraordinary people do not have the ability to counter divination, it is impossible for them to be tracked by a powerful being who truly possesses divinity. The difference in the difficulty of survival can be imagined.

Nina, the boatswain, commanded the surrounding corpse sailors to raise the sails, and Maric gave orders to some spiritless corpses one by one to correct the ship's course.

After all, it was still daytime, and the "Lost Homelander" could not use its spiritual body flames to sail at high speed at will.

That kind of words is like setting up a bright light on the sea that "I have a relationship with the real Creator", and it almost attracts the Lord of Storms to send people to investigate.

Klein stood on the deck, quietly watching the few people who were driving the ship in an orderly manner, as if the shipwreck that Cattleya encountered had never happened, and he was full of energy. Under the somewhat cold sunlight, it looked like an oil painting.

After the ship gradually stabilized and headed towards Bayam, the city of generosity, Cattleya walked forward and said to Klein in front of her:

"Captain Sparrow, are we going to hold a regular small gathering on board for a simple exchange?"

"Communication?" Klein looked at Cattleya in front of him, feeling a little puzzled in his heart: "Tell me carefully."

"You should also know that I used to be a member of the Moses Penance Order." Cattleya explained to Klein in front of her: "For the crew on our ship, although there are not many of them, we have already formed several groups that are relatively close to each other."

"So, I think such a relatively relaxed small gathering can add more connections between us, and it will be more conducive to our subsequent cooperation with each other."

Should it be said that it was taught by the Queen of Mysteries?Indeed, she has more experience as a captain before, maybe I should listen to her.Before I traveled, I also heard that people who look forward to staying in one place for a long time will have various psychological problems.

However, considering that many of us have something special about us, I still need to do some divination to decide...

Klein nodded his head, and said to Cattleya in front of him:
"I'll give you an answer later."

"Okay." Cattleya nodded, and walked below the deck without saying anything else.

She was going to communicate with Frank and others first, to establish some psychological preparation and comfort for the survivors in her pirate group.

After all, there are not many survivors left on the huge ship...

Cattleya thought sadly, the survivors left before were all sent away by her in the Southern Continent. They were not Extraordinary with extraordinary abilities, and insisting on following here would only increase the danger they encountered.

Of course, Cattleya left part of her savings in the Southern Continent to these surviving pirates, hoping that they could live a better life here.


Klein stood in his captain's cabin, walked four steps backwards along the four corners that were purposely left blank, and walked into Origin Castle.

He came here because he was going to divination what Cattleya said to him just now, divination about whether the party on board that can enhance the cohesion of the crew is feasible.

Hehe, for people on board, a relaxed gathering can really enhance cohesion.Before the time travel, the boss often did this to the employees of the company... It can be regarded as a kind of potential PUA.

Klein silently complained a few words in his heart, took out a pendulum from his arms, closed his eyes, and silently recited the question he was about to ask a few times in his heart.

However, when Klein opened his eyes, he found that the pendulum in his hand was spinning rapidly!

It means that this matter is risky, and the risk is quite large!

Why is this the result?Klein couldn't help but feel strange.Staring at the pendulum in his hand, his expression suddenly became serious, and he thought about the divination he had just said.

What he was divining just now was the sentence "Is it risky to hold a party on the boat according to Cattleya's suggestion?"Judging from the results, the party on the boat will have considerable risks, and it is likely to endanger the lives of the party members.

If this is the case, try to change the divination statement to find out where the risk exists... Klein thought for a moment, and changed the sentence "is there any risk" to "is there any risk to myself".

However, when Klein opened his eyes this time, the pendulum in his hand gave a completely opposite answer to that just now.

Such a result made Klein frowned involuntarily. After holding the pendulum with his hand and stopping the pendulum, he changed the last divination sentence to "Is there any risk to other members of the ship?"

The result of this divination is exactly the same as the first one!
——In other words, if there is a party on board, other people will be harmed instead?why is that?
Klein was immediately confused. He tried a dream divination, but he couldn't get a result because the conditions were not complete.

Heh, sure enough, divination is not a panacea... Klein lowered his head slightly, thinking about what might have caused this situation.

Perhaps, this has something to do with the high-ranking being I met. If one day I get into trouble and a high-ranking being sneaks into the party under the guise of my identity, then my crew will probably suffer...

Alas, the enemies I have provoked are all too high-level and too powerful to resist even a demigod.This kind of gathering is still not secret enough, unlike the Tarot Club, Amon can't even come up now even if he wants to.

In terms of personality, there are two Extraordinary beings with "source quality" and an old consciousness in the Tarot Society, which can really help me keep my secrets and protect my identity.With the insurance of multiple fallen goddesses, even if Amon comes up again, I don't have to worry too much...

However, the gathering here is different. Although as my crew, they may also be targeted by high-ranking Extraordinary people like "Amon", but the priority will definitely not be too high.

But if I become that kind of party member who has a closer relationship with me, after I have an emotional connection, it is very likely that people will threaten me and attack me as my weakness.

Alas, now I finally understand why those killers in novels and anime are required not to have people who care. For those people, such things are really terrible.

Klein thought silently in his heart and sighed.

After the divination was completed, Klein simulated the texture of the falling spirit body, breaking away from the gray mist.


The "Lost Home" was still sailing on the sea. According to the position on the chart, the ship had sailed from the southern continent, and was heading towards the Sonia Sea with the help of the violent sea below the Rorsted Islands as a cover.

On the one hand, Danitz was already fantasizing about how he would brag to his companions after he followed Gehrman Sparrow to hunt down Blood Admiral Senor, while on the other hand, Frank was still thinking about how to grow mushrooms, and was experimenting tirelessly.

Cattleya walked to Klein's side and asked him, "Captain Sparrow, look at the proposal I made earlier..."

"Pause." Klein said in Gehrman's flat and indifferent voice, with hints in his tone:
"That's a good idea, but not right now."

He endorsed my opinion, which had great effect, but "not now"?
He is a Extraordinary of the "Divination" path, so it seems that he should have performed a divination—is it the result of "divination" that such behaviors are risky?
After much deliberation, Cattleya still couldn't figure out why this kind of gathering was risky.She was silent for a while, decided to ignore the previous proposal, and said to Klein in front of her:

"Captain Sparrow, it is estimated that we will be close to the waters of the Sonia Sea in about 2 days. Where are we going to sail after that?"

Cattleya asked while trying to figure out what was going on in Klein's mind.As the captain of the Star Pirates, Cattleya obviously has more experience in sailing. If the proposal just now was rejected, she will also use other opportunities to increase her voice on the ship.

After "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette told Cattleya about the fate she saw, Cattleya really wanted to follow Klein's adventure at sea sincerely.

The reason is simple, after losing most of the crew and her flagship, Cattleya is no longer able to keep her position as Admiral of the Sea.And in this case, there is no chance to act at sea, so as to obtain Extraordinary characteristics and seek opportunities for promotion.

Therefore, for Cattleya, she and Gehrman belonged to a relationship of mutual prosperity.

Considering that her queen had reminded her that the man in front of her had multiple identities, Cattleya herself had to maintain a sense of vigilance to cooperate with Gehrman Sparrow.

And Klein obviously saw this, so he turned his head to look at Cattleya beside him, and asked her:
"Do you have any suggestions for our voyage?"

"Yes." Cattleya said confidently:

"Considering that we are now wanted, there is also a lot of friction between the Extraordinary in the southern continent and the navy in the northern continent."

Speaking of which, she paused for a moment: "If you don't have any plans, Captain, I suggest that we turn eastward from Dirinius Island and directly enter the Sunya Sea."

"At the same time, considering that Bayam's current manager, 'Sea King' Yan Cottman, is being restrained by 'Sea God' Kavitua, this route is relatively safe."

Trapped by the 'God of the Sea' Kavitua?Kavitua is dead, and I saw a barbecue made from its meat... Klein was a little puzzled.

No, from this point of view, it should be that Lao Gao obtained Kavetua's extraordinary characteristics, and then used his "source quality" to take over the disciples of the Sea God, right?

From this point of view, Bayam is not as dangerous as I imagined if he is well disguised.The question is, is Bayam worth our visit?

Are there any clues to Senior and Ince Zangwill here?Is there a chance to find follow-up potion materials?Can you find clues to the Death Sect?
Several thoughts flashed through his mind, Klein nodded slightly, and said to Cattleya:

"Do as you say first, and we will take this course."

Cattleya nodded slightly, and was about to order her boatswain Nina to change the course of the ship.

At this moment, a series of fine and ethereal silk threads emerged from the air.

The silk thread was pushed away by one hand, and the high-dimensional overlooker walked out of it expressionlessly, carrying a backpack several times larger than his own body behind him.

"Headwind Express, cash on delivery, thank you." Gao Wei said politely to Klein who was looking down at him, picked up his backpack with one hand, let go, and made a bang sound.

What exactly did you bring? !
Seeing the scene in front of him, Klein was dumbfounded.
The real creator who is watching the live broadcast: Why do you have to use the lightning of the disaster officiant to fly over?

High-dimensional Overlooker: If it weren't for Adam, I would have directly transferred it with the demigod ability of "Vertain Attendant".

High-dimensional Overlooker: still don't understand why I can't use my demigod ability?

 I'm going to a meeting in the afternoon, and I'll post Chapter 2 in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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