Chapter 202 Low Price

The sun slowly rose from the east, spreading the brilliance of the "Eternal Blazing Sun" on the earth.

Since the weather is still relatively cold, the sun's rays shine on the ground, adding a little cool brilliance to this suffering land.

An early morning resident of the Southern Continent with rough hands and feet was carrying the things he needed for his work, and was going to find some work at the pier by the sea next to the Pass River Valley.

While rubbing his eyes, he walked forward. When passing by an alley, he yawned and moved his shoulders, but after the corner of his eyes swept across the alley, his eyes suddenly froze. .


The honest and honest Southern Continent resident couldn't help screaming after seeing the scene, and fled to the side like crazy.

As he ran wildly, he shouted:
"Monsters, there are monsters!"

"Someone is dead!"

In the alley he passed by, there was a corpse with his hands outstretched and stiffly placed on both sides of his body, his body showing a cross and limp on the ground.

Around the corpse, there were obviously distorted and evil tendencies, and the long-haired corpse fragments were thrown unevenly around.

The whole scene was full of a sense of bloody ritual, blood was smeared all around wantonly, forming a huge bloody "cross" totem with the corpse!
The shattered body parts and the dried blood dripping everywhere are quite symbolic, and there are some confusing patterns on some dark wooden strips growing on this corpse.

It seems that as long as you look up for a while, the whole person will go crazy because of it.

After the Southern Continent resident left for a while, several people in ragged black robes walked towards the alley indifferently but fanatically. They pulled out the sharp structure that seemed to be made of wood from the corpse with their hands, and fondled it frantically. kissing.

On the ground in the alley, dots of red patterns bloomed around, making the scene even more sinister.


"You plan to buy a piece of land here? Are you going to open factories and plantations here?"

Some chunky, but quite formally dressed men from the Northern Continent couldn't help repeating what the middle-aged man in a suit had said to him just now, and couldn't help but feel a little unbelievable.

This is crazy!Who would go to the Southern Continent to buy land at this time?
If those who are still in the Northern Continent don't know the current situation of the Southern Continent, that's fine. Because of the lack of information, in their eyes, the Southern Continent may still be a treasure land full of money and wealth.

But for the businessman whose skin was obviously darker after being exposed to the sun, and who had obviously done business in the surrounding area for a long time, this employee believed that it was obviously impossible for him not to know the recent situation in the Southern Continent.

Recently, there have been constant collisions and frictions between the East and West Balam regions. This seems to be a problem caused by the conflicts between the countries in the northern continent in the colonies.

This alone is enough to make people worry, not to mention the factors of various local organizations.

The East Balam now has the raging Rose Sect, while the West Balam has chaotic factors such as the Aurora Society, pirates, and illegal colonists from various countries. The man in charge of helping the North Continent Company with local real estate transactions obviously did not expect to be in such a situation. Under such circumstances, which wealthy businessman would buy land here to start some industries?

Even if it was true that workers and serfs could be found here at a relatively low price, everything has changed now.

Maybe the real estate purchased with all one's eggs in one basket today will be burned down by the "Savior of the Creator" tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, he will be looted by members of the "Rose School" along with his wealth!

The company employee subconsciously thought, if it wasn't for the company's multi-fold remuneration, and he couldn't go back because of the contract with the company, he would also like to return to the Loen Kingdom right now to live a relatively stable life...

As far as he knew, even if Backlund of the Loen Kingdom suffered a fatal blow, those middle-class people living in the "Jorwood" district and the gentlemen in the "Queen" district were not harmed at all!

After working here for a few years, he felt that he could also go back to Backlund and buy a house in Jorwood District!
The employee subconsciously thought about it, and swallowed the words that he almost blurted out just now.

If he can sell one more piece of land, he can get an extra commission and return to his hometown earlier.Of course he would not take the liberty to remind the businessman in front of him what he knew.

"What kind of land do you need? Our company has a large business scope. Whether it is East Balam or West Balam, our company has a certain amount of land deeds in stock."

"The land price in West Balam is relatively lower. If you want to open a factory or plantation here, you can buy a factory that is several times the size of the local Loen Kingdom for less than 1 gold pounds." The land is used."

The employee's tone is quite sincere: "However, the land price in East Balam is higher than that in West Balam, but East Balam is still safer. After all, there are Churches of Evernight and Beyonders there, unlike West Balam now... ..."

As he spoke, the employee also sighed.

Klein's left hand was behind his back, and the glove was slightly lit; his face didn't touch anything, and he casually flipped through the booklet in front of him with the land prices of the two regions written clearly. After hearing what this employee said, his The ear moved slightly.

Extraordinary?Is the concept of Extraordinary so common here?
Klein felt a little puzzled for a moment. You must know that although there are more people who know of Extraordinary people now, they are all smart enough not to talk nonsense outside, for fear that they will be invited by the official Extraordinary to drink tea.

But why is it that a random person here can use such a casual tone to say information about Extraordinary people?Is the knowledge of mysticism so popular here?

However, he is from Loen, and he only mentioned the Goddess of the Night but not the Lord of Storms, so he should not be a believer in other gods, but the goddess...

Klein, who used the "Mind Reading" ability in "Squirming Hunger", expressed some caution.

"Are you a follower of the goddess?"

He said in Dwayne Dantès's tone with a gentle face, and looked at the real estate employee in front of him, with a slight smile in his words:
"I think people who believe in goddesses are rare here."

While maintaining a gentle and elegant smile, maintaining the character of Dwayne Dantès, a middle-aged gentleman, he said to the real estate employee in front of him.Klein was going to talk to this employee to see if he could find some other clues.

On the other hand, "Klein" held a calm mood and used the shell of "Dawn Dantès" to silently analyze the performance of this employee.

Although he is not a real psychologist, after he was promoted to "Faceless Man" and borrowed the soul of the herd in "Squirming Hunger", he also had more speculations about people's micro-expressions and psychological changes.

... From the perspective of action habits and speaking tone, he should be closer to a Loenian.However, this is just my guess. Maybe people in other countries also like the culture of Loen and deliberately talk according to Loen's habits.

Everywhere there will be people who like other cultures...

"How do you know?" The company employee looked at the gentleman in front of him with a little surprise on his face.

Seeing this, Dwayne Dantès tapped his chest four times without haste, and drew a "Crimson Moon" on his chest.

It seems that this person also believes in the goddess, he probably guessed it... Seeing this scene, this employee couldn't help but understand.

Due to the demeanor of the gentleman in front of him, the employee is also more relaxed.He stood up, took paper and pen from the side, and complained casually:

"Praise the goddess. Oh, don't say it, it's really bad luck. I didn't expect this place to become like this. Speaking of which, you are the first goddess believer I saw here. Most of the others In East Balam, unlike me, you have to endure danger here."

Knowing that this Loen compatriot in front of him has the same beliefs as himself, this employee is obviously more casual. Of course, there are also factors that Klein hinted to this employee with the help of the grazing "psychologist" .

Endure the danger... Klein put down the booklet in his hand, tapped the table with the knuckles of his right hand, and asked with a suspicious look on purpose:

"I remember that the law and order here in Balam was pretty good before? I also stayed in East Balam for a while before."

The experience of doing business with other identities in East Balam belongs to Dawn Dantès' character design. Klein plans to start from the details to make this character more full, so that he won't be found wrong when he returns to Backlund in the future.

"You haven't been here for a long time, have you? Damn, East Balam is not bad, after all, there is a church with a goddess there. But there are many terrorist organizations attacking West Balam all day long, like the Aurora Society Ah, an organization composed of natives who believe in the god of death, now a group of people change from time to time around."

The employee curled his lips, and his tone was full of helplessness: "Hehe, I heard that when the aborigines on the Southern Continent heard that there was an evil god called the real Creator, they set up a so-called 'Creator Salvation Society' here."

"I think these guys are some rebels. If they are honestly ruled by us, how can there be so many things in the Southern Continent?"

"We brought civilization to them, and they still haven't thanked me!"

Being colonized... Bayam's rebels flashed across his mind for an instant, making Klein sigh in his heart.

Without waiting for a pause, he looked at the staff in front of him: "The land on the Xingxing Plateau only costs 5000 pounds?"

5000 pounds can only buy a small manor near Backlund, but it can buy a rather large piece of land in the Southern Continent.

What makes Klein feel a little strange is that, not to mention the range that is not commensurate with the price, the land is just in the lower part of the Star Plateau, and there are rivers and lakes next to it.

This geographical location is the most suitable place for transportation in this era of relatively low productivity.Such a good location, why only 5000 pounds?
Is there an ancient evil spirit that was sealed away, or did the homeowners all die in it?This is a haunted house?

Klein subconsciously associated it with "unlucky".

"It's still pretty good here, but there may be some... security issues."

The corner of the employee's mouth was slightly bent downwards, and he explained to Dwayne Dantès in front of him with all his heart:
"The law and order here is not very good, but there are also several villages and churches of 'Eternal Blazing Sun'. Generally speaking, there will be no problems, and these documents have been officially recognized by the local colonial Intis , and the notarization of the Church of the Eternal Sun."

"However, many people think it's not safe here, so they dropped it all the way from 7500 pounds to 5000 pounds. Hehe, now we're losing money selling this..."

The employee paused for a moment, seeing that the middle-aged gentleman in front of him seemed a little moved, so he couldn't help but strike while the iron was hot:
"This title deed is now owned by our company - if you are interested in this land, I can arrange a boat for you to see the situation here, what do you think?"

"If you are willing to buy directly, well, I can reduce the price by an additional 100 pounds, which is the limit of the company."

Seeing the gentleman in front of him nodding slightly, the employee wanted to remind something, but in the end he suppressed his throbbing conscience.

Some of the land deeds in the company's inventory have not been sold, which is a big loss for their company. Their company does not have the ability to set up factories in the southern continent. Putting them here can only occupy the company's funds in vain.

It is worth mentioning that they only spent 4200 pounds when they accepted the title deed, because there are rumors that there will be demons and ghosts here.Feeling guilty, the employee said tentatively.

"of course can."

Klein saw through the small mind of the employee in front of him at a glance, but he didn't pay attention: "Then please arrange the time of the ship. If there is any news, you can come to this place to inform me."

It seems that there should be Extraordinary events in the local area, so many people dare not take advantage of this, and even a considerable number of Extraordinary people dare not take advantage of it.

But I can move the "Aurora Society" who has no place to live here, I can build a factory here, and I can hide my power here...

I'm not going to reproduce the South American plantation here, at least provide basic wages to the workers here... It's really difficult, and I can't let my funds fall into a situation where I can't make ends meet...

Ha, I've become mean too.

Thinking of how he calculated the wages for the residents of the colony, Klein grinned like a "clown".

He laughed self-deprecatingly in his heart, reminding himself not to lose a person's most basic conscience.

Of course, the premise is to take care of the Church of the Sun here, well, it’s another expense, and I feel a little distressed...

However, the price of this large piece of land is quite low. It would be good if there are demons and alien species here. I can take this opportunity to lower the price. The funds given to me by the goddess are not so sufficient...

Speaking of which, I was considered an Extraordinary for the zombie crew before, and the money was approved, so the church shouldn't have discovered that I reported false accounts, right?

Klein thought with some uneasiness in his conscience, and handed the post-it note with the address of his current hotel on it to the opposite employee.

 One more chapter today

(End of this chapter)

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