Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 148 The Abnormality of Bansi Port

Chapter 148 The Abnormality of Bansi Port
"We are going to dock." Klein completed the seal of his memory in Origin Castle, and used his spirit body to simulate the feeling of falling, leaving Origin Castle.

His face became grim again, and he pushed open the door of the captain's cabin and went out to speak to Maric and Leonard. The shadow on the "Lost Home" slightly receded, as if it had become an ordinary sea ship.

A living corpse crew member under the control of Maric jumped off the boat with great insight, and took the initiative to fix the boat of the three people here. Klein grabbed the rope formed by the shadow, and swung down in the air with the help of the rope.

He let go of his hands in the air, and his legs and knees were slightly bent, giving himself a cushion when he landed.

"Are we going to have a meal here? Ke...cough, Captain Sparrow?" Leonard subconsciously wanted to call out Klein's real name, but he changed it to the character Klein is currently pretending to be. Herman's name.

"No, no need."

Klein moved his wrist a little, picked up the lantern burning with dark green flames, adjusted the captain's hat on his head, and walked forward.

There are few street lights around Bansi Island, and there are only some candles inside.There are not many gas pipelines in a colony like Bansi, and that is why only classical candle lanterns can be used as street lights here.

Klein walked forward calmly, followed by Leonard and Maric.

Leonard held a cane in one hand and a dagger in the other.He was wearing jet-black clothes, and a pattern on the Sacred Emblem of the Night was engraved on the inside of Leonard's clothes.

On the other side, Maric was wearing a pair of brown loose trousers on the lower body, and the trouser legs were bound by riding boots; his upper body was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with a black vest on the outside.

Maliqi seemed to suppress malice in his eyes, and his whole body revealed a little madness.He held a huge pistol in his hand, but it had a large caliber, which was more like a hand cannon than a pistol.

In order to reduce the risk of being noticed by the authorities, they did not bring down the crew of the living corpses on board, and only three people came to Bansi Port.

"Leonard, prepare for a funeral."

With the help of his spiritual intuition of being a "faceless man", Klein sensed the malice hidden around him. He raised his left hand slightly, and activated the "Rosago's Eye of Rage" inlaid on it.

With the help of the magical item of "Master Puppet", Klein was able to see the location of the thread of the spiritual body.

And as long as it's a living creature—it doesn't even need to be a living creature, as long as it has a spirit body, he can see the thread of the spirit body in it!

This is the ability of "Master Puppet". With the help of magical items, Klein can use this ability in advance.

"okay, I get it."

Leonard cleared his throat, pressed his right hand on his chest, and an invisible wave escaped to the surroundings somewhat unsmoothly, and the surroundings became even darker, making it impossible for the sparse candlelight to illuminate the surrounding ground. .

Originally, it was already close to sunrise, but under the use of Leonard's ability, the surroundings seemed to be in the dark night, and the feeling of tranquility and serenity was accompanied by a little bit of starlight.

The surrounding spirit bodies suddenly became quiet. This is the "requiem" of the Sequence Six "Requiemer" of the dark pathway, which has a strong sleeping ability for spirit bodies.

Although compared to natural spirits, the spirit creatures here are closer to evil spirits, but under Sequence Six's requiem ability, their actions quickly slowed down.

He is a "Requiemer"... I don't know if he is a Extraordinary from the church, or a Extraordinary who got this formula by chance?
Maric couldn't help but have these thoughts in his mind, because the dark path was mainly controlled by the Church of Evernight, so Maric naturally thought of the Nighthawks of the Church of Evernight.

It's a pity that I'm not a "resentful soul" yet, and I can't directly attack the spirit body... Maric thought a little regretfully in his heart, he raised his right hand, and pointed the huge revolver in his hand at the gradually emerging spirit body.

After agreeing to Gehrman Sparrow's invitation, Maric bought some exorcism bullets on purpose to prevent encountering extraordinary creatures and spirit bodies that could not be attacked by normal means at sea.

After Sharon was taken away, Maric became more cautious.

And Maric followed Klein and Leonard to the sea, partly because he wanted to find Sharon, and partly because he wanted to return to the Southern Continent, so as to fight against the Rose School of Thought while improving his Extraordinary Sequence.

After all, Sharon's life and death are uncertain now, and with the pressure from the Rose School of Thought, Maric himself can't sit still.

But before Maric could shoot, Klein, who was standing beside him, stretched out his left hand. "Squirming Hunger" has changed from the original pitch black to golden, and it seems to be rippling with pure brilliance.

This is the "herding" ability of "creeping hunger". Now the spirit body that Klein is grazing is a "priest of light" that Qilingos hunted and killed before!
The ability to restrain the "sun" path of evil spirits and spiritual creatures is extremely practical at this moment.Klein waved his left hand lightly, and a halo appeared beside him. As a halo that seemed to be condensed by the sun spread to the side, the evil spirits around him also began to distort as if they were being burned by flames. It dissipated instantly.

"Captain Sparrow is a Beyonder of the Sun Path? No, it's not like..." Maric muttered a little, then retracted the gun in his hand when he saw this, and turned to guard the surroundings.

The spirits here are no longer a threat to them, but there may be other terrifying monsters.It's like an out-of-control Extraordinary, or those monsters hiding in the darkness.

If they are not on guard, they may be attacked at any time.

"..." Klein hesitated for a moment, allowing the "squirming hunger" in his hand to return to its original appearance.The inlaid eye has become flattened like a decorative pattern on a glove.

"There should be a Church of the Storm here?"

Klein turned his head to look at Leonard beside him. Leonard has worked in the Church of Evernight for many years and knows these things better.

The reason why Klein suddenly changed his mind was because his spiritual intuition sensed that there might be more serious dangers in the streets ahead.Therefore, even though he and Leonard had identities in the Church of Evernight, Klein still chose to hide in the church.

Although this church is not the church of the Evernight Goddess, it is not a big problem for them.

Generally speaking, there are corresponding Beyonders in the church to manage the local situation.If even the local church falls, the situation here is completely unpredictable.When the time comes, Klein will run away with his crew without hesitation.

"Let's go to the Church of the Storm to stay overnight, and tomorrow morning we will go to purchase the necessary supplies, and then leave directly."

Klein immediately said to the other two decisively.In just one night, the Church of the Storm could not find out that the ship they were on was related to the Aurora Society.

Even the Church of the Storm itself has a privateer captain. As a member of the Church of Evernight, although Klein's identity is sensitive, he cannot withstand the investigation of the Church of the Storm.But compared to the abnormal situation in Bancy Port, this danger is acceptable to Klein.

After tonight, at most two hours later, he and Maric can command the zombie crew strengthened by the "Azik Copper Whistle" to move supplies back to the "Lost Home".When that time came, he was going to leave Bansi directly by boat, cross Tiyana Port and arrive at Bayam.

Because there are many broken islands around Bayam, and the "Lost Home" itself has the characteristics of being alive and the glass bottle that can seal the "Lost Home", Klein is sure that before the military finds himself Infiltrate Bayam.

However, it is too difficult to catch a "faceless man" who can change his appearance in the chaotic Bayam City, and Klein actually has the legal identity of the Church of Evernight.

What he needs to worry about now is whether his identity as the true Creator Friend will be exposed in front of the Church of the Storm, and whether the appearance of Klein Moretti and Sherlock Moriarty will cause Ince Zangwill And the attention of the Loen military colonizing here.

After all, with the existence of 0-08, Klein felt that it would be better for him to be more cautious when doing things.

"Are you going to the Church of the Storm? Our current identities are not..." Maric looked at the two and couldn't help asking.

A smile appeared on Klein's face. He gently took out a pocket of his windbreaker with his hand, took out a holy emblem of darkness, and said in a blunt tone:
"Fake it."

Following Klein's actions, Leonard took out the badge of the Church of Evernight from his pocket, and added to Maric beside him:
"We can pretend to be members of the church. In just half a day, the Church of Storms can't investigate our true identity."

These are the words he discussed with Klein to explain to others why they have the Holy Emblem of the Night.

Maric took the badge and put it on silently.

After wearing the holy emblem of the Church of Evernight, the three of them walked forward.Soon, the Church of the Storm came into their sight.Klein walked through the fortified corridor of the church and saw the holy symbol of the storm hanging in the center of the church town.

Klein cleared his throat, looked at the members of the Church of Storms sitting in the center of the church in front of him, and said to him from a distance:
"Is there a bishop here? We are members of the Church of Evernight, and we are going to come here for supplies—something seems to have happened here."

Although Gehrman Sparrow's expression was still maintained on his face, Klein obviously explained a little more when he communicated with the violent brother from Church of the Storms.

As the saying goes, more things are worse than less things.Klein was also afraid that the old buddies from the storm path would directly attack him with an axe and a jump.

"Who are you?" The member of the Church of Storms turned around. He was wearing a dark blue bishop's robe embroidered with storm and lightning patterns, and he looked about 40 or [-] years old.

"The deacon of the Church of Evernight is going out to perform the tasks of the church." Klein stretched out his right hand, showing off the bright red glove on it: "Here are our proof documents."

" are the Red Gloves of the Church of Evernight?"

The bishop coughed twice, stood up with the chair next to him: "My name is Miller, and I am the bishop here. Are you going to rest here for a few days? Although we have different beliefs, we are all friends of the church. If necessary, I can arrange for you."

"Let's make supplies temporarily here, and we'll leave tomorrow morning." Klein frowned unobtrusively. The bishop seemed a little too enthusiastic, which didn't fit the usual characteristics of the Church of Storms:
"Just now I found some evil spirits and monster-like spirits outside, what happened here?"

"Monster..." Bishop Miller frowned. He paced back and forth, mumbling something.After a while, he raised his head and looked at Klein in front of him:
"It's possible that some cultists here have begun to sacrifice to the 'God of Weather' again. Alas, even after so long, some evil beliefs have not been expelled..."

Klein listened to the bishop's narration in silence, and did not offer to help the Church of Storms investigate the matter here.One is that the Church of Storms may find out that he is related to the Aurora Society, and the other is that the situation here is really strange.

Klein knew that he had sealed his memory above the gray mist before, and there might be some dangerous things hidden here that no one could know.

"...That's it. Don't go out for the time being, and wait until tomorrow morning to purchase supplies." Bishop Miller emphasized: "I can also help you prepare for the things that you will basically encounter when sailing-on the sea, we The Church of the Storm is a favored person! We often go to sea, so we should be more professional than your own purchases."

"...Then trouble you, we will leave tomorrow morning."

Klein slightly lowered his head and said to Bishop Miller: "Later, I will let the people who go out to sea with us carry the supplies, and then I will pay you the money at the market price."

"it is good."

"May the storm be with you." Bishop Miller made a gesture of praising the Lord of Storms on his chest, and said to several people: "You guys rest first, the sun will come out in a few hours, by then You can leave now..."

Klein nodded slightly, and sat on the chair next to him.He looked at Leonard and Maric beside him, and lowered his voice:
"Don't make a sound."

"He has a problem!"

The Bishop of this Church of Storms was too enthusiastic, and it didn't seem like the attitude between members of different churches at all.

He seemed to be trying his best to hide something, and he didn't want outsiders to intervene.

This is the biggest problem!

(End of this chapter)

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