In fact, Chelsea is really not intentionally trying to provoke right and wrong, and she is not a so-called thorn, on the contrary, she is still a person who is very enthusiastic and cherishes her companions.

The main reason for her sharp words and agitation just now is that Chelsea has experienced similar things.

In fact, the assassination organization of the Revolutionary Army is not just the "Night Raid" team. Before the "Night Raid" and other places, there were actually other assassination teams.

And Chelsea was one of the members of other assassination teams before. She once accompanied her master and friends to accept the entrustment of the Revolutionary Army to deal with the "elite seven assassination teams" of the empire.

Chi Tong is one of the "Elite Seven of the Imperial Assassination Force" here, and he is also the best existence in the assassination force.

At that time, Chelsea used "Gaia Foundation" to transform into an Asuka to investigate, but when she came back, she found that all the team members were dead.

After experiencing the tragic death of her friend and mentor, Chelsea became mature in an instant, and now she will calmly analyze and think about problems no matter what situation she is facing.

Because she cherishes her companions too much, what she can't tolerate the most is a guy like Leone who puts his companions in trouble because of his reckless behavior.

As a former imperial general, Najie Xitan is obviously quite good in terms of aura and charisma, so she quickly calmed down the scene.

"Leonai and Ma Yin, although you were not wanted by the empire before, but this action has also exposed you, and you are no longer suitable for activities in the imperial capital.

Lubbock and Chitong are on the wanted list, and this kind of thing happened, the current imperial capital must be very heavily guarded.

Chelsea, can this matter bother you?I have heard about it before in the Revolutionary Army. Your ability to infiltrate and detect is top-notch, and with your assassination ability, your assassination record was once comparable to that of Chi Tong in the empire. "

Hearing Najie Xitan's words, Ma Yin and the others looked at Chelsea with a slight astonishment, as if they didn't expect that the woman with an unforgiving mouth in front of them was actually such a powerful character.

Chi Tong was one of the elite group of seven former imperial assassins, and Murasame was famous for his viciousness. Many important figures in the Revolutionary Army died at the hands of Chi Tong.

To put it bluntly, but the red pupil's threat to the revolutionary army even surpassed that of Estes.

Because although Estes is strong, he will not sneak into your home suddenly and stab you.

"It's okay for me to go to the imperial capital to find out the news, but don't expect me to rescue your companions. You must know that I don't have any frontal combat capabilities."

Chelsea did not refuse Najie Hitan's arrangement, because her Teigu "Gaia Foundation" ability is indeed suitable for sneaking operations.

Not just a character, she can even transform into some animals. The imperial capital has a large population. Even if she casually disguises herself as an ordinary person, it is not difficult to enter the imperial capital.

But Chelsea itself doesn't have any combat capability, and is even better than Maine, so in general, Chelsea is only suitable for sneaking in for assassination, but she really can't do things like save people.

"It doesn't matter, this time your mission is to collect information, after all, with our current status, others can't even enter the imperial capital.

The top priority now is that we at least need to know what is going on with Wood and Tazmi, so that we can make plans and actions for the next step. "

Hearing Najie Xitan's words, Chelsea also nodded to express her understanding, and then, in front of everyone in the night attack, she showed off her Teigu "Gaia Foundation" ability, and directly turned into an eagle and flew towards the direction of the imperial capital .

When the evening approached, Chelsea had returned to the Night Raid stronghold again. After half a day passed, the other people in the Night Raid Stronghold were sitting on pins and needles waiting for the news, and they didn't even eat lunch.

"What's going on? What's going on with Wood and Tazmi?"

When seeing Chelsea enter the door, Najie Xitan immediately asked about the situation, and everyone else looked at Chelsea anxiously, hoping to hear good news from her.

"The Wood you mentioned is really quite a tough guy. When I first entered the imperial capital, I didn't even need to ask deliberately, but I heard a lot of people talking about it.

The battle between Wood and Esdeth that you are talking about destroyed the arena of the entire empire. Before he was arrested, he killed more than ten thousand imperial soldiers by himself, and was captured alive by Esdeth because of his loss of strength. .

And after that battle, within a kilometer radius turned into a land of ice and snow, the ice has not completely melted yet, as his opponent, Estes, also suffered a lot of injuries. "

Hearing Chelsea's words, the expressions of the people in the night attack suddenly became a little complicated.

As for why it is complicated, it is because they don't know whether they should feel lucky or sad now.

Fortunately, although Wood lost, he did not die directly, but was captured alive by Estes and the others.

As long as the person is not dead, then they still have a chance to rescue their companions.

As for the sorrow, it is because although Wood is not dead, but as the killer in the night attack, and he is still such a powerful existence, Wood will definitely be strictly guarded, and even Esdeth will personally monitor him.

In this case, it is not a simple matter for them to successfully rescue Wood.

The reason why Wood was not directly killed may be because Esdeth tried to obtain more information about the night attack from him, such as the location of the stronghold.

Once you feel that you can't know anything from Wood, or that Wood is useless, then Wood itself is very dangerous.

But generally speaking, when Najie Xitan and the others heard the information that Chelsea brought back, they were still greatly relieved.

After all, the worst situation has not been reached yet, as long as Wood is not dead, then they have the possibility to rescue him.

After all, their "Night Attack" wants to defeat "Hunter" and Esthers, and Wood is one of the most indispensable combat forces.

According to Najie Xitan's evaluation of Esdeth's combat power, to defeat this monster-like woman, at least more than 10 elite soldiers and more than [-] Teigu envoys including Chitong are needed.

Even this data is estimated in the most conservative way, because Najie Xitan has never seen Esdesh with real strength.

For now, Najie Xitan has seen and heard that the only person who can fight alone and get injured is Wood, who is also called a monster.

"Wood was captured alive by the other party, so what about Tazmi? He should be in the imperial capital, too, and he was captured alive?"

Before, everyone was concerned about Wood's safety, but Chitong suddenly thought of poor student Tazmi, and asked.

Seeing Chitong who was asking questions, Chelsea's expression was also a bit complicated. She also took the mission to assassinate the girl in front of her, but she didn't succeed. She didn't expect that the other party would become her companion one day.

"About that Tazmi, there are not many people talking about it in the imperial capital, but using Teigu's ability to pretend to be an imperial soldier, we also found out that he seemed to be brought back to the mansion by Estes.

Based on the information obtained, Tazmi should not have revealed his identity as a member of the night raid, otherwise, as a captive, the treatment he received was much better than that of Wood. "

Hearing what Chelsea said, Leonai also quickly said: "We also collected some information in the imperial capital before, and now it seems that Tazmi was really captured by Esdeth as Wood said. Favored."

Najahitan: "(Д)""

Chelsea: "(°_°)"

Susanoo: "~_~;"

Except for Susanoo, who was always expressionless, Najeshtan and Chelsea all showed stunned expressions when they heard what Leone said.

Esdeth has a great reputation, and both the Empire and the Revolutionary Army know something about it, let alone Najie Xitan, a former friend and colleague.

But they really didn't think that a woman like Esdes would have such a side. When Leonai explained to Najie Xitan and the others the concept of mate selection that Esdess proposed to the little emperor , Najie Xitan was really dumbfounded.

"So, when Tatsumi went to the martial arts competition, he originally wanted to mix with the "Hunters", but in the end he seduced Esdesh?"

Najie Xitan was really shocked. The impact of this heavy news even surpassed the news that Wood was captured alive, so that now she wants to smoke and calm down.

"However, this should be good news for us. After all, if Tazmi sneaks into the enemy's base camp, it will not only provide us with information, but also help us rescue Wood.

If we want to rescue Wood, the biggest obstacle should be Estes, maybe if necessary, we can let that guy Tazmi sell his hue? "

Leonai proposed this without any guilt, and what she said instantly won the unanimous consent of everyone in the night raid.

Anyway, there is no danger to his life. Although Estes is a little stronger and his personality is a little shaken, but as far as women are concerned, the other party is already quite attractive.

If you want good looks and good legs, Tatsumi is not bad at sacrificing his appearance. You must know that many people are queuing up for this opportunity to sacrifice their appearance.

------Dividing line
As for the other side, Tazmi, who was brought to the Esdes mansion at the moment, is also in a panic now, not knowing what to do.

Esdesh's residence as a general is huge, and part of it was divided by Esdesh as the stronghold of the "hunter".

So strictly speaking, Tatsumi and Wood are both in Esdeth's mansion now, the only difference is that the treatment of the two is completely different.

After defeating Wood again, Estes got up and took a bath after fighting fiercely. After taking a bath, Tazmi, who was going to be brought back to the room, was going to be executed on the spot.

But fortunately, Tazmi had an idea and said that if Esdeth really wanted to experience a real marriage, then he had to start with a normal relationship, which barely stabilized Esdesh.

Although he was brought back to the mansion by Estes, the other party also gave Tazmi considerable autonomy. In addition to worrying that Tazmi would escape and not allowing him to leave the mansion, in this mansion, Tazmi still Those who can move freely, even include the office of "Hunter".

"Tazmi, what are you doing here? Aren't you with General Esdes?"

Because he lost contact with his companion, and now he is in a difficult situation, Tatsumi is helpless at the moment, so he can only come here to see Wood, to see if the other party has any good solutions.

In Tazmi's eyes, Wood has always been an all-around character. Although he is a bit unscrupulous, he is no worse than BOSS in terms of strategy and decision-making.

However, it is a pity that although Tatsumi managed to meet the captured Wood, the situation was not going well, so that he had no chance to talk to Wood alone.

Many people saw the battle between Wood and Estes, and a large area of ​​the imperial capital and even the streets were destroyed.

Because Wood is extremely dangerous, someone must be on guard in real time. Today, Will and the three black-haired girls, Hei Tong, are in charge of the guarding task.

And in addition to being strictly guarded by two "Hunter" members every day, Wood himself was also put on various restraints to restrict his movements.

First of all, the arms were placed behind the back, and the body was wrapped with several circles of chains the size of a baby's forearm. Secondly, the legs and neck were also put on chains, and the other end of the chains was nailed with huge iron nails. on the wall.

In addition to the first time, there are three iron cages that imprison Wood. Each iron cage is made of fine steel. It is difficult to leave even a trace when ordinary swords are cut on it.

After that, two members of the "Hunter" who are Tegu envoys guard Wood strictly every day. Under these triple guarantees, it is difficult for the other party to escape, let alone a prisoner, even if the other party is a god.

Perhaps because they are both from the countryside and have similar personalities, Will and Tazmi quickly became good friends.

Seeing Tazmi coming here at this moment, although Will was a little strange, he was also quite happy.

Guarding prisoners is not a good job, especially guarding extremely dangerous prisoners, because I am afraid that something will happen if I take a nap.

Originally, if there were two guards together, they could relieve boredom and loneliness by chatting and spanking, but his partner was Hei Tong, which made Will quite helpless.

The black-haired girl's good looks are enough, she can be regarded as a rare beautiful girl, and Will has nothing to complain about working in a team with such an eye-catching beautiful girl.

But the beautiful girl is good-looking, but the other party is a three-nothing, sitting there for a long time, other than cleaning the knife, the other party is constantly eating snacks and snacks.

Whenever Will walked over and tried to strike up a conversation, the girl would tightly protect the snack bag in her hand, and said that she would not share her snacks with others!

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