Wander!blue star

Chapter 519 Destroying the Three Civilizations

"No matter what, let's deal with this Trisolaran fleet first." Su Na showed a look of disgust, "If possible, we can also take down the entire Trisolaran civilization to avoid any further trouble."

The coalition government hadn't thought about the "Three-Body" universe for a while, and they didn't expect the Trisolarans to come to their door.

Today's coalition government is no longer what it used to be, and the Trisolarans must know what the human iron fist is.

Rogoff nodded and said seriously: "Even if we move all the people in the Trisolaran universe to other universes, the Trisolaran civilization may cause us some trouble in other places, such as leaking our knowledge to higher civilizations. The presence."

"You know, when we left, we disappeared out of thin air."

Everyone looked stunned.

Due to material problems, the "Three Body" universe lacks the means to travel faster than light. Once an advanced civilization discovers that they have mastered the method of traveling faster than light, this advanced civilization will definitely find ways to ambush them.

If this advanced civilization masters high-dimensional technology, then the situation of the coalition government is extremely dangerous.

Even if this advanced civilization follows the clues and reaches the homeland of the coalition government in the "Dune" universe, it is possible. After all, the coalition government does not even know what kind of high-dimensional technology the other party possesses.

As a low-dimensional civilization, it is really difficult to imagine the methods of a high-dimensional civilization.

"We must eradicate the root cause. We must implement this counterattack with the goal of completely annihilating the Trisolaran civilization." Zhang Weilai crossed his fingers with a trace of determination in his eyes, "In a long time, any hidden danger will be infinitely magnified until It has become a serious problem for us.”

"We cannot leave hidden dangers to future generations."

The directors were slightly startled, and all showed expressions of approval.

The advanced civilizations in the "Three Body" universe are very accomplished in collecting information. Even slight abnormalities in the light of stars will attract their attention.

Not to mention a Trisolaran civilization that knows of their existence.

Today's Trisolaran civilization has become a potential threat to the coalition government, and it is important for the coalition government to eliminate them in time.

Rogoff raised his chin and said with fierce eyes: "Convene a team of experts to study how to quickly and accurately eliminate the Trisolaran civilization. Since we have decided to kill them, we cannot let them escape."

In a few words, the directors pressed the dice of fate and planned a dark future for the Trisolaran civilization.

The problem of eradicating the Trisolaran civilization quickly and quietly has stumped the experts of the coalition government.

There are many ways to eliminate the Trisolaran civilization. The simplest and crudest method is to use fleet bombardment and use wormhole weapons to destroy the Trisolaran civilization in a devastating way.

Under the power of space-time distortion, even materials with strong interaction forces are vulnerable.

The Trisolaran civilization will be wiped out in an instant.

Even if the Trisolaran civilization has gone through countless difficult reincarnations in the chaotic Trisolaran system, it is definitely impossible to survive this one.

But the movement to do so was too great.

The distortion of time and space will create huge ripples in the dimensions, which any advanced civilization will observe when passing by the battlefield, which does not meet the silent requirements of the directors.

However, except for fleet bombardment, no other means can quickly eliminate the Trisolaran civilization, and it is easy for the Trisolaran civilization to escape.

Finally, experts who study consciousness came up with a solution.

The coalition government helped the Creator Civilization resolve the crisis of forgetfulness, and obtained many consciousness factors that can make people forget things from the main body of the Creator Civilization. This consciousness factor is extremely contagious and capable of self-replication. The Trisolaran civilization is not a silicon-based civilization like the Creator civilization. It is difficult to restore memory through data upload and download and resist the invasion of forgetting factors.

The coalition government only needs to spread a small amount of forgetting factor to the Trisolaran civilization, and then there is no need to do anything. As long as it waits for a period of time, the Trisolaran civilization will disappear on its own.

The forgetting factor cannot even be discovered by the creator civilization, not to mention its concealment, and the coalition government can recover it afterwards.

Even if a higher civilization discovers traces of the Trisolaran civilization in the future, it will only think that the Trisolaran civilization is a civilization that died naturally.

The forgetting factor also has excellent contagiousness. As long as there is a flow of people between the Trisolaran civilizations, the forgetting factor can cover every individual in the Trisolaran civilization. There is no need to worry about the Trisolaran civilizations fleeing after realizing the crisis, resulting in a large number of people slipping through the net. of fish.

Taken together, the forgetting factor is both concealed and lethal enough, making it suitable for annihilating the Trisolaran civilization.

This plan was approved by the directors.

It is worth mentioning that when discussing how to eliminate Trisolaran civilization, the coalition government did not deliberately avoid Trisolaran scientists.

Trisolaran scientists have been more active than human scientists, proposing many ways of attacking the body structure of Trisolarans, and also advocated using their genes to research genetic weapons against Trisolarans.

They claim that after being given to the coalition government by the Trisolaran civilization, they are members of the coalition government and have nothing to do with the Trisolaran civilization.

They also believe that the existence of the Trisolaran civilization has hindered their promotion in the coalition government and has had a great impact on their search for the truth of the universe, and should have been eliminated long ago.

However, their proposal was eventually replaced by the Forgetting Factor scheme.

Half a month later, scientists from the coalition government made a box with a built-in jump engine. The outer shell of the box used the best processing technology of the coalition government at present, and it was infinitely close to a perfect cube.

The outside of the box is engraved with the language of the Trisolaran people, indicating that it is a gift to the Trisolaran civilization.

"Three-body civilization is going to be in trouble."

Chen Fan opened the wormhole to the "Three-Body" universe for the coalition government, and watched as the coalition government scientists stuffed the box into it.

According to the plan, this box will use the jump engine to appear directly in front of the Trisolaran fleet.

Out of curiosity, the Trisolaran fleet was bound to capture the box.

Next, Chen Fan will use the microorganisms in the box as an anchor to open a small wormhole to release the forgetting factor.

These forgetting factors will not have an immediate impact on the Trisolaran civilization, but as time goes by and the initial small amount of forgetting factors continue to replicate themselves, the Trisolaran civilization will fall into the same situation as the Creator civilization.

First, I felt exhausted from the inside out, and I didn’t want to do anything.

Then they forget things randomly, and when they forget the key things related to survival, that's when they die on a large scale.

During the entire process, they were not attacked at any physical level.

They will not do things like broadcasting earth coordinates that harm others and do not benefit themselves.

Because the forgetting factor acting on consciousness will reduce their emotional fluctuations, at the last moment of civilization's demise, their mentality will be extremely peaceful (End of Chapter)

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