Wander!blue star

Chapter 415 The Great Stripper

Chapter 415 The Great Stripper

Liu Kaiyuan originally wanted to apply, asking the consciousness of the earth to open an interdimensional wormhole to the "Dune" universe, and let the coalition government send a fleet to support him.

But as soon as the idea was born, he killed it.

The most important thing for the coalition government's activities in the "Super Seminary" universe is to conceal its origins to prevent the attention of the void civilization that may be paying attention to the real world and the ancient civilization that has established a huge dark plane network.

There is no need to risk opening an interdimensional wormhole in order to show strength to the angel civilization. If he makes this application, not only will it not be approved, he may also be refuted by his superiors.

Furthermore, in order to deter the angelic civilization, why is it necessary to dispatch the main fleet of the "Dune" universe?

A shocking loud noise came from the wormhole, and a large flagship covered with UEG paint slowly sailed out of the wormhole.

The flagship of the coalition government is larger than the exploration ships issued to the major exploration teams, with a length of an astonishing [-] kilometers. It can only be built in a space dock without gravity.

Compared to the Sky Blade battleships, which are generally only twenty or thirty kilometers long, this flagship is undoubtedly a giant.

Without the angel's permission, it would have been impossible to open such a large wormhole in the space-controlled Angel Nebula, let alone move such a long battleship in.

But the space transport technology in Liu Kaiyuan's gene engine comes from the Creator Civilization. This wormhole has billions of years of power, and the angel civilization's space control measures are completely unable to withstand it.

"What are you going to do?" Yan was shocked. Although she expected that Leng's provocation might bring about bad consequences, she didn't expect Liu Kaiyuan to make such a big fuss!
"Angel Nebula does not allow any foreign warships to enter. Is this a serious provocation? Stop it!" Yan's mood was very complicated.

On the one hand, Liu Kaiyuan is a male god who is extremely compatible with her. According to the marriage principles of angels, Liu Kaiyuan is almost her destination; on the other hand, Liu Kaiyuan used some unknown method to drive the battleship into the Angel Nebula. Angelic civilization poses a serious threat and provocation.

She drew out her flaming sword and flew to the opposite side of Liu Kaiyuan.

"What's there to say to him?" Leng recovered from the shock. She pointed the flaming sword at Liu Kaiyuan from afar and shouted loudly, "Sisters, tie him up and present him to Queen Kesha!"

They did not pay attention to the battleship summoned by Liu Kaiyuan.

After all, this is the Angel Nebula, the base camp of the Angel Civilization. There are countless powerful defense mechanisms. It’s just a battleship. So what if there’s a fleet?
Liu Kaiyuan's expression did not change. He did not show any timidity. On the contrary, he said loudly: "I represent the Ersh Civilization to come to Angel Nebula for technical exchanges. My trip has been approved by your queen. This is originally a mutually beneficial and win-win situation." Good thing, but you have no respect for me or my civilization."

The technological exchange between the United Government and the Angel Civilization will definitely benefit the Angel Civilization more.

Because other universes do not have a dark plane as developed as "Super Seminary", the dark plane technology of the angel civilization is of limited help to the coalition government. However, the coalition government has obtained various basic sciences developed by the Creator's civilization for billions of years, but it can It brings great inspiration to angelic civilization.

The coalition government did not come without warning. It had been approved by the Angel Queen Keisha before coming.

In this case, the angel civilization not only did not prepare a reception ceremony for the envoys of the coalition government, but also sent Angel Leng to fight with the envoys of the coalition government, cutting their necks as soon as they came up.

Is it bearable, what is unbearable?

"I ask you to apologize to me immediately!" Liu Kaiyuan took a deep breath and said solemnly, "If you not only do not apologize, but also dare to attack me, I will definitely take countermeasures against you."

"Don't say it's unpredictable!"

Don't say it's unforeseen - this sentence is one of the most harsh words in the coalition government. Anyone who hears this sentence must carefully consider it in their hearts no matter what decision they make.

However, the angelic civilization did not know the weight of this sentence. "Start the God-killing Operation! Ask for the full support of Sky Blade!" Leng didn't take Liu Kaiyuan's words seriously. She spread her wings and raised the flaming sword high, and a dazzling light burst out from the tip of the sword.

A steady stream of energy is transmitted to Leng's flaming sword through the dark plane.

As a high-ranking Guardian Angel, Leng is able to launch Sky Blade Judgment, a special form of nuclear fusion attack, with the support of Sky Blade.

Sky Blade Judgment can physically evaporate the target through explosive nuclear radiation and high temperature, effectively preventing self-healing.

At the same time, other angels used wormhole tactics to appear mysteriously next to Liu Kaiyuan, and launched a cooperative killing operation against Liu Kaiyuan.

Liu Kaiyuan waved his hand to fight off an angel who suddenly appeared on his left, and then solidified the surrounding space without changing his expression.

The angels' wormhole tactics stalled.

"The viscosity of space near the target has increased significantly. It is difficult to calculate and the wormhole cannot be opened. The prohibited range is a radius of 300 meters near the target." The technical angels on the Sky Blade battleship quickly obtained the data.

"What technology is this?"

The angels felt a little confused.

The wormhole warfare method mainly relies on the calculation and transportation of micro wormholes ubiquitous in space. As long as the computing power and energy are sufficient, enough micro wormholes can be calculated and aggregated into a macro wormhole.

As far as the angels know, there is only one countermeasure to wormhole warfare.

That is to master higher computing power, synchronously calculate the movement of nearby micro-wormholes, detect the timing and direction of the enemy's appearance, anticipate the enemy's arrival, and counterattack the enemy's landing point.

Angels have encountered situations where they opened wormholes and were attacked by enemies, but they have never encountered situations where they couldn't open wormholes.

This is the Angel Nebula, the place with the most abundant computing power and energy in the entire Angelic civilization!
Liu Kaiyuan sighed softly.

Space is closely related to matter in space. By further solidifying space, he can turn nearby angels into small flying insects in amber, making them stagnant in place.

This stagnation is holistic, almost like time stands still.

Once the space itself is frozen, all matter in the space will be unable to move. If matter cannot move, the living body will not undergo any changes, and thinking, aging, death, etc. will all be suspended.

But Liu Kaiyuan did not do this.

He never wanted to be an enemy of angelic civilization, which would not be of any benefit to the coalition government.

His goal has been only one from beginning to end, and that is to complete the tasks of the coalition government and carry out technical exchanges with the angel civilization.

He is ready to demonstrate the skills of the coalition government.

"Big Stripper, activate!"

(End of this chapter)

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