Chapter 101 Dehydration!

In the period that followed, Trisolaris scientists felt unprecedented setbacks.

Whatever data they want, the machine can give it to them.

The one in their laboratory is no longer a particle collider, but a dream come true, as long as you make a wish before starting the machine, you can get any data you want!
Their aides privately refer to the particle collider as the Wishing Machine.

What a god wishing machine!

And if you don't make a wish, no matter what experiment you do, the final data will be 6
From the first 6 to the end, 6 is as stable as Mount Tai.

"I'm going crazy!"

"Are they finished?"

"How do you study this?"

"Let me dehydrate!"

"We are worthless!"

Just as the trisolarans manipulated the sophons to lock down the microscopic science of the earthlings, the coalition government also manipulated the sophons to lock up the microscopic sciences of the trisolarans.

Physics doesn't exist anymore!

Trisolaran scientists felt the despair experienced by earth scientists, and were almost driven crazy.

They suffer more than geoscientists.

Because they know that their civilization is on the verge of extinction, and every compatriot is working hard for the continuation of civilization, but they suddenly have nothing to do, can't contribute value to civilization, and consume civilization's resources in vain.

Not only are they desperate, but they also have a strong sense of guilt in their hearts.

So they asked for dehydration.

Trisolarans have a special body structure, and can enter a state of suspended animation by removing water from their bodies, which is equivalent to dormancy.

The three-body head of state felt very sad.

But the coalition government blocked their microscopic science, and it is really useless for the Trisolaran civilization to keep these scientists. The head of state had no choice but to approve their request to save resources.

"Speed ​​up the speed of building warships!"

"Close all monitoring stations!"

"Space Escape has no space to accommodate so many people. It used to be destroyed after 5000 hours without a job, but now it is destroyed after 3000 hours without a job!"

"Everything is for escape!"

Every move of the Trisolarans falls into the eyes of the coalition government.

But the coalition government did not stop them, but silently estimated when they would start fleeing.

At the same time, a schedule was drawn up, figuring out how to drain them rhythmically before they officially fled.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" has a saying: The poor should not be forced, and the besieged troops must be quelled.

Although the coalition government has an absolute advantage, the Three-Body Civilization is an interstellar civilization after all, and it is still possible to cause some troubles for the coalition government.

The coalition government does not plan to exterminate the Trisolarans.

As long as the value of the three-body civilization can be squeezed out, the three-body civilization will go wherever it likes.

The coalition government doesn't care.

"The Trisolarans are now one-way transparent to us. It would be interesting if they also come up with a Wallfacer plan."

Kraven is in a good mood these days, walking with wind.

He almost laughed out loud as he spoke.

Mibach shook his head: "It's not realistic. They haven't learned to lie and hide their thoughts. They answer whatever we ask, and it's easy to break the wall."

The living environment of Trisolarans is too harsh.

Lies and concealment will only consume their precious chances of survival, so they are born to live without lies and concealment.

This makes them very uncomfortable in the face of humans.

"Are we really not going to kill them?" Vladimir asked, "Although the chances are not high, what if they retaliate against us in the future?"

Vladimir is still obsessed with blowing up stars.

In his opinion, it is more or less a pity that he has such a terrible method of destroying stars, but he never uses it once.

Besides, Trisolarans do pose a certain threat.

They are now oppressing the Trisolarans. If the Trisolarans turn around, they will definitely not show mercy to them.

Hao Xiaoxi shook her head: "It's too late, and it's too eye-catching."

Vladimir sighed.

They need the technology of Trisolaran, and it takes time to hand over the technology.

Every time the Trisolarans built an escape spaceship, they launched it directly into space, instead of waiting to form a large fleet and set off together, giving full play to the spirit of "not putting eggs in the same basket".

After the Trisolarans have handed over the technology, although there will still be many people left on their home planet, most of their elites have already entered space.

Destroying their stars at this time is purely adding hatred.

As for the prohibition of Trisolarans from escaping into space, there is a high probability that Trisolarans will not listen.

They are a calm race.

Given the harsh environment of their galaxy, the coalition government forbids them to enter space, which is equivalent to sterilizing the earthlings in the original book, which is tantamount to slow death.

They are now providing technology to the Coalition to continue their civilization.

This is "money" for life.

If the coalition government wants to destroy them, they will definitely not provide any technology to the coalition government. Instead, they will flee with great hatred, as much as they can escape.

In addition, according to the original work, there are "hunters" wandering around a light-year away from the Trisolaran galaxy.

They destroy the Trisolaran system, and soon the hunters around will know about it.

At that time, the solar system with the original work will not be able to stay, they can only plunge into the unknown deep space of the universe, and the promising future will suddenly become turbulent.

In any case, it is not advisable to eliminate the Trisolarans.

"However, we can ask for their scientists." Hao Xiaoxi pondered, "When the thinking of different races collides, unexpected sparks may burst out."

The directors nodded slightly.

The three-body scientists are as attractive as the three-body technology, and no matter what, they must get a batch of them to the coalition government.

"In addition to scientists, we also need a group of ordinary Trisolarans." Hao Xiaoxi paused, "This is required by the consciousness of the earth, and it is used to study the 'soul tree' of our earthlings."

Chen Fan is in this meeting room right now.

When he first arrived in the Three-Body Universe, he was completely dazed, and even the thick iron shell couldn't bring him any sense of security.

Thinking of the powerful technological civilization mentioned in the original book, he felt numb.

But this state lasted only for a short while.

Because in the original book, the solar system was not attacked by advanced civilization until nearly 400 years later, and it was just a slow-moving two-way foil.

It only takes him ten years to store enough energy to travel to the next universe.

Even if you are hit by the two-way foil, as long as you are vigilant enough to escape as soon as you spot the two-way foil, you can still save your life.

He is safe.

In this case, as long as he is not greedy and leaves in time before the god-level civilization notices him, the Three-Body Universe will become a treasure of Earth civilization.

Sophons, water droplets, ball lightning, quantum legions, thought stamps, curvature engines, four-dimensional fragments.
After breaking free from fear, Chen Fan's heart became hot.

(End of this chapter)

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