Han Xiang

Chapter 518 Long Xiang wants to kill me?

Chapter 518 Long Xiang wants to kill me?
When you mention Liyang, you will think of Taishi Ci.

When thinking of Taishi Ci, Zhang Liao will be contacted.

The nightmare in everyone's hearts, the man who influenced the direction of the battle by his own power.

Sun Quan slandered Lu Meng which pot he did not open and which pot he lifted, but he couldn't refuse the other party in the face, so he made excuses.

"Long Xiang evacuated the people of Liyang. At this time, Zhancheng has to continue to provide supplies. It is a waste of manpower and material resources. Now the morale of the battalions is low, so let's wait until later."

"My lord is right"

Lu Meng swallowed his saliva, and continued to remind in a low voice: "It's just that Liyang is suitable for crossing the river. If you don't leave troops to defend, maybe it will be occupied by Long Xiang and become a springboard for attacking Jiangdong."

"Long Xiang dares to hit me Jiangdong? It's a joke."

Sun Quan sneered, and muttered, "If Zhang Liao hadn't been there. Yes, if Zhang Liao hadn't participated in the battle, we might have won Hefei."


Lu Meng was at a loss for words for a while, thinking how could he say he lost to Zhang Liao?That guy only has a few hundred plays, and the key to victory is the soldiers of Hefei.

Is it embarrassing to lose to Long Xiang?Didn’t your brother and Zhou Yu lose before?
Cao Jun's tyranny has long been known throughout the world. Sun Quan thought it would be no shame to lose to Zhang Liao, but Long Xiang has never had a field record, so Sun Quan thought it would be even more shameful to lose to a 'novice'.

The rest of the generals on the main ship were also rendered speechless by Sun Quan's self-comfort.

More than 2 people died in Huainan. I don’t know how many people in Jiangdong have to wear sackcloth and mourning. Is this something that Zhang Liao can do with hundreds of people?

Sun Quan thought he had found a good excuse, so he ordered Lu Meng seriously.

"Zhang Liao was originally a general of the Cao camp, but now he has surrendered to Hefei to serve Long Xiang. How can Cao Cao tolerate him when he knows the situation? Ziming will station troops in Shicheng for the time being. I plan to adopt Cao Cao's suggestion of forming an alliance and send people to the Central Plains as soon as possible. I don't believe in Long Xiang. It can stop the Sun-Cao coalition."

"A plan is a good plan."

Lu Meng nodded slightly, but still frowned, and murmured: "It will probably take several months for the envoy to travel to the Central Plains. It may not be appropriate if the tens of thousands of troops are all stationed in Shicheng."

"Yes, if the last general is not in Guangling for a long time, Chen Deng will definitely send troops to attack." Lu Fan also clasped his fists in agreement.

Sun Quan glanced at the two of them, then nodded in affirmation: "It makes sense, Hefei doesn't have a navy, how can Long Xiang fight across the river? If he concentrates heavy troops in Shicheng, he thought I was afraid of him;
Zi Heng (Lu Fan) and Zhong Yi (Sun Yu), you should go back to Guangling, and you should go back to Chaisang, so there is no need to spend all your time in Shicheng. "

"Wei." Lu Fan and Sun Yu clasped their fists together.

Sun Ben also stood up at this time, clasped his fists carefully and asked for instructions: "Zhongmou, Yuzhang has left a lot of work, I will go back first."

"Brother, don't be in a hurry, follow me back to Wu to reminisce about the old days, and it won't be too late to return to the county later."

Before Sun Ben handed over the trilogy, it was impossible for Sun Quan to let him go back.

Sun Quan had sent Bu Zhi to Luling before, and now he needs to create an opportunity for him to take control of Yuzhang and Luling while Sun Ben is away, and completely empty out this cousin.


"Meet Guoyi (Sun Fu) by the way, his family always talks about his elder brother."


Sun Ben was hesitant at first, but Sun Quan took out Sun Fu to threaten him, and Sun Ben had to disarm and surrender.

After all, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Sun Ben saw the gap between his brothers and Sun Quan by following Sun Quan on the expedition to Hefei.

When it comes to playing tricks and being shameless, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Following Sun Quan's order to withdraw troops, more than [-] warships sailed out from Chaohu Lake.

At this moment, the ship is like a traveler leaving home, and returning home is like an arrow.

All of this in Ruxu Shuikou was seen by the sentinels hiding in the distance with binoculars.

The military situation then rushed to Hefei.

Although he copied [-] wins and [-], Long Xiang was not complacent about it.

He knew that even if there were [-] pigs, it would be impossible to slaughter them all at once, and he needed to be prepared for the rats to come back, so before the Jiangdong warship sailed out of Huainan, Long Xiang didn't hold a banquet to celebrate the victory, and Hefei was still in a state of war readiness.

In the past few days, all the troops in Hefei were very busy cleaning the battlefield, collecting and counting the loot, and monitoring the movements of soldiers and horses in Jiangdong. Except for Zhang Liao and the eight hundred warriors who were resting.

It wasn't until Ruxukou's information arrived that Long Xiang agreed to have a big banquet in the prefect's mansion.

The main hall and the square in front of the hall were filled with tables. Hefei military and political officials and people of merit were invited to the banquet.

Zhang Liao once excused himself from attending the Feng Banquet due to illness, but this time he took the initiative to come to the celebration banquet. His little thoughts were written all over his face, hoping that Long Xiang would fulfill his promise.

Because of his great achievements on the battlefield, Zhang Liao was placed in the main position by Long Xiang, and none of the generals in Hefei objected.

Halfway through the banquet, seeing that Long Xiang had not mentioned the matter of letting go, Zhang Liao got up and made a toast.

"General Long promises a thousand gold, I don't know what he promised to Zhang Liao before."

"Haha, Wen Yuan is really impatient. How can I not keep my word for your contribution? I just haven't thanked you enough, so I can't bear you to leave"

Afraid of Long Xiang's prevarication, Zhang Liao hurriedly clasped his fists and said solemnly, "If the general keeps his promise, I will be most grateful to Zhang."

After hearing this, Long Xiang suddenly withdrew his smile, and asked solemnly: "You and I fought side by side, but you are still so good, why don't you want to call me Biaozi?"


Zhang Liao was afraid that Long Xiang's argument would affect his return to Xudu, so he quickly changed his words: "Yun Qi, General"

Long Xiang patted him on the shoulder, smiled and gave him a reassurance.

"Wen Yuan really wants to leave. He can leave tomorrow, but you have to stay for those hundreds of war horses."

"Eh, I have handed it back to Cao Sima, but..."

After Zhang Liao stammered, he asked cautiously: "The fighting in the camp was fierce that day, dozens of horses were slightly injured or seriously injured, Yunqi won't let me pay for it?"

"Haha." Long Xiang raised his head and laughed loudly: "Wen Yuan was too worried. If it wasn't for the lack of horses in Hefei, I would give them all to you. Not only do I not want you to pay, but I also prepared a gift for you."

Zhang Liao looked confused: "A gift?"

At this time Lu Su leaned forward, cupped his hands and explained, "Yunqi knew that General Zhang likes Hefei fragrant pork, so he bought [-] live pigs in advance in the city. Please take them with you when the general leaves."

"Five hundred pigs? This."

Zhang Liao was surprised and noncommittal. He had seen the world in the first half of his life. He had never seen anyone give a pig as parting farewell. He thought that if he drove the pig back to Xudu, he would be laughed at by his former colleagues, so he showed a embarrassed expression.

Seeing this, Long Xiang added: "Don't be disgusted with Wenyuan, the fragrant pig is my specialty in Hefei, you can give it to the soldiers, or you can dedicate it to Cao Sikong, he hasn't tasted it yet, right?"

"So. That's okay"

Zhang Liao listened to the persuasion and changed his mind to agree.

Cao Cao once held a barbecue banquet in his residence, but the taste was far from Hefei barbecue. Everyone thought that the cooking techniques were not mastered. Only when Zhang Liao arrived in Hefei did he realize that the problem was the ingredients.

While Zhang Liao was deep in thought, Long Xiang handed him another letter.

"This is."

"I wrote it to Cao Sikong, Wenyuan can read it first."

"Huh? Oh"

Without Long Xiang's reminder, Zhang Liao will definitely watch it.

With permission at this time, Zhang Liao opened the letter directly in person, and just opened the letter and read two lines before looking at Long Xiang in surprise.

The letter exaggerated Zhang Liao, almost putting all the credit for the battle of Hefei on him alone.

What does this mean?

Long Xiang wants to harm me?
(End of this chapter)

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