Chapter 204 Still Too Young (4K)

For skilled politicians, they don't seek to achieve all goals at once, they only need to go further than before.

This is especially true for the slow-moving elephants, who are not in a hurry.

In Bush's opinion, it is enough for Zhou Xin, as a representative of Silicon Valley and a banner of the Internet, to express his approval of his policies at the White House dinner.

As the owner of the White House, Bush is very confident that he can stay in the White House for eight years. Now that he has started this, he can gradually guide the policy in a direction that is beneficial to the target party in the future.

After all, among the nine justices of the Federal Supreme Court, the Elephant Party is the majority. More precisely, the Elephant Party occupies a strong position in the entire federal judiciary.

In the Bush-Gore dispute last year, the dispute over the Florida ballot has been fought from the district court to the Supreme Court of the United States, and Bush won in the end. (Thomas, the conservative black justice who caused great controversy 20 years later, was appointed by Bush's father)
After having dinner with Bush, Bush sent a Weibo via his Mphone:
"It was a great evening to have dinner with Silicon Valley icon Newman, and we have amazing alignment on many things."

In this Weibo, it is also accompanied by a photo with Zhou Xin's high paste.

After Bush posted this Weibo, Zhou Xin made a brief comment below: "Thank you for the hospitality, I like the dinner at the White House."

Almost early in the morning the next day, Bill Gates called: "Newman, we haven't talked about our political inclinations before. Are you more inclined to the party?"

After Bush's Weibo was posted last night, Zhou Xin received a lot of private messages on Weibo, asking him about his political stance.

Zhou Xin expected that someone would come to him today to ask about this matter, but Bill did not surprise him when he called, "No, I have never had a particular tendency, I am neutral.

I am a native of Hua, and it makes no difference to me whether it is an elephant party or a donkey party. "

Bill said solemnly: "I also guess that you will not have similar inclinations. Over the years, my support for the Object Party and the Donkey Party has been similar, and I have not particularly favored either side.

Because for rich people at our level, it is in our best interest to not be clear about who we are.

When you choose one side, this side will not and cannot provide you with what you want, and the other side will continue to suppress you, which is not a good thing for us. "

Bill Gates has not shown obvious inclinations, at most he clearly expressed his dislike of the target party candidate in 2016.

The outside world has always believed that Bill Gates is more inclined to the donkey party, but he has always donated high political donations to both parties at the same time.

After listening, Zhou Xin replied: "I probably understand what you mean. I will go to the White House for dinner just out of respect for the position of the owner of the White House. It does not mean that I support Bush, and it does not mean that I am on the side of the Elephant Party.

I don't pay much attention to political matters, which is too far away for me as a Chinese. "

Bill Gates asked: "What did Bush talk to you about at dinner last night?"

After Zhou Xin briefly explained the specific situation, Bill Gates sighed on the other end of the phone: "You were cheated by Bush.

He has been digging holes for you from the beginning of chatting on Weibo to later mentioning that he hopes to control speech.

You should not express your opinion, let alone help him find a solution. Bush obviously wants to introduce regulations to manage Internet public opinion.But the spirit that the Internet has always advocated before is freedom.

Internet users have a natural aversion to being managed, let alone being managed by the government. Bush's introduction of similar regulations in the future will inevitably lead to a decline in support, and it will be difficult to promote in specific states.

But it’s different with your platform, which is why he said on Weibo that you are the banner of Silicon Valley, and the banners support him, so he has the biggest supporters for implementing new regulations.

With the recent collision of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the attack of inappropriate remarks on the Internet by traditional media, Bush's behavior has natural legitimacy. With your support, this set of regulations has a high probability of being successfully implemented.

As a person who affects Internet freedom, you will be affected to a certain extent. Maybe you will end up in the same fate as me and become the mastermind behind various conspiracy theories.At that time, maybe the conspiracy theory with me as the main agent and the conspiracy theory with you as the main agent can have a round of linkage. "

After Bill Gates finished speaking, Zhou Xin quickly realized what mistake he had made. He substituted the thinking of 20 years later into the present. Internet speech is regulated. This seems to be a matter of course in 20 years, whether it is Huaguo or other countries. That's all.

It's just that the rules are different, the lines are different, and the intensity of control is different.

But at present, there are no similar laws and regulations, and there are no institutions to manage speech in the Internet space.

He shouldn't take this for granted. "I didn't understand Bush's subtext at all. I just wanted to help him figure out a way."

Bill Gates joked: "Hahaha, this incident is just a trivial matter. It turns out that Newman will make mistakes. I thought you would never make mistakes before. Although you are only in your early 20s, you are as comprehensive as a middle-aged man in your 40s. .

Let me analyze it in detail for you. In fact, Bush has been hinting to you from the very beginning that I cannot manage all the White House staff.

So the leak of our conversations to the media in the future is also done by the staff of the White House, and has nothing to do with me.They knew that the Internet speech management I was going to do was an idea given to me by Newman, which was not leaked by me.

Then the outside world will think that what Bush wants to do has your support and is your idea. Even the king of the Internet believes that Internet speech should be controlled. Do other people have more insights on the Internet than the king of the Internet? "

Showing off one's abilities in front of people of the same level is much more fulfilling than showing off in front of ordinary people.

Bill Gates continued: "But this matter is a trivial matter, the opposition of netizens is only temporary, as long as your product is good enough, they will continue to use your product.

Don't stand on one side. This is the big deal. Don't choose either side for the Elephant Party and the Donkey Party.They can choose senior managers in Silicon Valley, but for us, it is best not to have obvious inclinations. Of course, this is my experience and my advice as a friend. "

Zhou Xin asked: "Okay, I understand. I feel that Bush is quite simple and honest. I didn't expect that there are so many tricks in his words."

Bill Gates said: "Bush's publicity has always been simple and honest, and he has repeatedly built his image by not being good at exams, but in fact he is very shrewd, especially when dealing with people.

He can quickly make you feel familiar with him and make you feel on good terms with him, which he actually does with people he thinks are helpful to him.I sometimes feel that Hillary is not as thoughtful as Bush.

In addition, now that we have talked here, let me say a few more words. Even if you really want to stand on the side of the donkey party and the elephant party, the donkey party is more beneficial to you, because the donkey party's sphere of influence is concentrated in the financial and Internet fields. .

Because they firmly control New York State and California, firmly control Silicon Valley and Wall Street.If you are on the side of the Elephants, the Donkeys will have many ways to make you feel bad.

Take NewPay as an example. The potential of NewPay has reached today. In fact, everyone is very clear that both offline payment and electronic payment itself have great potential.But the donkey party can make you feel uncomfortable through various means such as laws in the field of electronic payment and Wall Street increasing support for other electronic payment software.

On the contrary, if you stand on the side of the Donkey Party, the Elephant Party will have nothing to do with your core business. Even if the Elephant Party occupies the White House, they will have nothing to do with you.

Of course, it is best not to stand in line, even if you want to stand in line, don’t choose the elephant party. This is my advice to you as a friend. "

It was only then that Zhou Xin realized how naive his previous thoughts were. He is only rich now, and his influence in American and the social resources he can actually mobilize are far inferior to Bill Gates.

Even Bill Gates would not take sides openly, so how could he guarantee to be on the side of the Elephant Party, and the Elephant Party can keep him.

The NewPay mentioned by Bill Gates just woke him up indirectly. If the donkey party restricts NewPay in the two places they control, California and New York State, and then supports other payment software, then NewPay will not be able to maintain its current status. Monopoly momentum.

Initiating an anti-monopoly investigation is a more direct method. The anti-monopoly investigation does not need to go to the federal court, but the district court can do it. Microsoft was sued before by the district court of the District of Columbia.

After chatting with Bill Gates, Zhou Xin quickly donated 100 million US dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and expressed to the Donkey Party through JPMorgan Chase that he had no intention of taking sides.

Soon American promulgated the "Patriot * Act" and "Homeland Security * Act", which contained provisions authorizing the government to supervise and manage the Internet.

The government and law enforcement agencies can monitor and monitor all Internet information "related to national security" according to the law, and take measures such as blocking.

After the regulations were promulgated, they quickly attracted the attention of public opinion. You must know that Zhou Xin's success in the Internet field has affected the interests of too many Internet companies and Internet entrepreneurs.

In their view, the American people's pursuit of Newman is almost crazy. As long as it is an Internet application launched by Newman, no matter what type of application, it can get a lot of attention, even a phone with a price close to 600 US dollars. More than 300 million users.

Silicon Valley has been ridiculed that Mphone is to buy a mobile phone for free.

Therefore, after the introduction of the above two regulations, under the guidance of interested people, they quickly sparked heated discussions.

"After being successful, Newman is no longer cool, he has deviated from the spirit of Internet freedom, and he has begun to cooperate with Washington deeply."

"This is not the Newman I know. Newman's advice to Bush seriously affects the original order of the Internet. The government should not be able to do these things."

Some people in Silicon Valley even protested downstairs in the park where NewPay, Matrix, and Riot Games gathered, expressing their dissatisfaction with Newman.

There is not much difference from what Bill Gates guessed. The meaning expressed by Zhou Xin and Bush during the meal was embellished to a certain extent and was exposed by the paper media.

".I think speech is limited. I do agree with the government's control of speech, but I don't agree with control without boundaries. There should be clear regulations and specific cases to limit the boundaries of what they do.

No matter when we first set up Riot Electronics Community or when we started Quora later, our entire team put a lot of effort into speech management, and we have clear rules to restrict users' speech.

I have never given unlimited freedom to users, including verification codes and user management.However, whether it is Riot Games or Quora, when I am in charge, the blocked content and blocked speeches will be stored as evidence, and there is a clear spot check mechanism to ensure that no wrong operations occur.

Therefore, the remarks published by the media are different from my real thoughts, and I don’t completely agree with the two latest regulations, I only agree with part of them.”

Zhou Xin posted a long article explaining it on his personal homepage, along with content from Riot Games and Quora's terms of service, to explain to users that his thinking has always been the same.

After the long article was published, the accusations on the Internet did not calm down, because only a small number of users had the patience to read it. Most users only care about venting their emotions, and they care about their rights being violated and need to find an outlet to attack.

It is always easy to attribute various problems in reality to capital and xxn, but it is difficult to dig deep into the essence behind the problem, and it is not even allowed to speak out the essence.

Of course, the same is true in American. Even when Musk acquires Twitter, he can’t do what he wants, and he can’t push the details of Twitter’s previous show operations to users in large quantities.It cannot reveal the essence of the problem, but can only stay on race and gender, and quarrel around transgender issues.

Zhou Xin's statement can only be recognized by a small number of users.As time goes by, people will also forget these, leaving only one iconic memory: this incident was caused by Newman in the first place.

This matter has not yet completely passed, and Apple's autumn conference is about to begin, and Jobs will launch the first-generation ipod and the Apple Music Store.

Apple opted for a low-key event on its campus in Cupertino, a city in western Santa Clara County just south of the San Francisco Bay Area.

As the largest shareholder of Apple, Zhou Xin owns 40.00% of Apple's shares, so he was naturally invited to attend the ipod launch event.

And in the future, Mphone will also carry out in-depth cooperation with Ipod, whether it is matching purchase or interaction on the application, they will cooperate.

Jobs even hoped that Zhou Xin would say a few words, even though Zhou Xin was on the cusp during this time.

But Zhou Xin is still a star figure in Silicon Valley, the most charismatic entrepreneur, and Jobs hopes to use Zhou Xin's fame to promote the ipod platform.

(End of this chapter)

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