The system makes me rich and versatile

Chapter 641 I, Zhang Junyi, will never be a coward!

Chapter 641 I, Zhang Junyi, will never be a coward!

In Beijing, the eldest sister is answering the phone: "Hi, Mr. Li, it's okay, it's okay. There's no need to call to thank you for showing up like this. The young man nowadays has a bad temper, so just put a little pressure on him. By the way, What are you going to do next?"

However, the person on the other end of the phone said to this elder sister: "We hope that you seniors will give you more comments and kind words when the time comes!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Li! There's no problem with this matter. You have to let him weigh how capable he is! That's it for now, I won't disturb your rest."

Late at night, Zhang Junyi had already rested in Seoul. At this time, the 'god of the music scene' finally responded directly to Zhang Junyi's call on his scarf.

"First of all, I would like to apologize for adapting Zhang Junyi's songs without saying hello. As for musical talent? This is not something you say with your mouth, but is certified by the market and fans! You and I are both musicians, so we can definitely use music Let’s decide the outcome! Instead of being weird on the Internet!”

The god of music finally responded to Zhang Junyi's words on his scarf late at night. Anyway, if you think you are very talented, then fine, let’s use music to compare market popularity.

As for the music god, his girlfriend called him right after he sent the message: "Isn't it right? Do you really want to compete with Zhang Junyi in music? Zhang Junyi is in music, which many people admit Yes. Although you also have good talents, but..."

Of course his girlfriend knows that he is talented. But this ‘talent’ also has levels, right? Now that Zhang Junyi has proven himself on music charts in Europe and the United States, do you think you can beat him in the music competition? Let alone him, even Jay Chou might not be able to win over Zhang Junyi in the overseas music market!

"Who said we should compete with him in overseas markets? Let's compare the domestic music market. Let's invite some music critics to evaluate it. And the performance depends on the data. Do you think Zhang Junyi can win based on the data now? Me?"

The god of the music scene has made it very clear that comparing performance in China means comparing data, and he has a company. As for the data, doesn’t it just matter how you write it? When the time comes, Zhang Junyi will lose. For example, if the music god’s songs have been downloaded one billion times, and Zhang Junyi’s songs have been downloaded 980 million times, wouldn’t he lose in terms of data?

In addition, some veteran musicians have commented on the Internet. Does Zhang Junyi have such connections in China? No!

Moreover, Zhang Junyi has offended so many TV stations now, so wouldn't it be enough for those so-called music critics or seniors in the industry to say on their necks that Zhang Junyi's talent is not as good as his?

Besides, is music absolutely good or bad? There is no such thing, it just depends on which song suits the taste of the listener. Those seniors only need to say that the songs created by the gods of the music industry are in line with the taste of our professional musicians!

What beautiful words people say, what you people like is what you people like. They just say that the songs of the gods in the music industry are more in line with the taste of their own professionals! The public is not a professional, so you have no right to speak!

Listening to his words, his girlfriend immediately understood that this was a trap for Zhang Junyi. Of course, it was Zhang Junyi who started the incident, so you, Zhang Junyi, should bear the consequences!

After the god of the music industry released his scarf, more and more people on the Internet started asking: "Damn it, is this a direct confrontation?"

"Hey, the god of the music industry, I think I'm good again! He actually said that music determines the winner. Have you ever won a Grammy? You go to that Grammy first and talk about the winner? It's ridiculous!"

"Hey, this is the first time I see musicians using music to decide the winner. But in the end, is it music or popularity? I'm a little curious!"     "Oh my God, why don't the gods of the music world look in the mirror? Really? Do you think you have musical talent? You haven't even written a popular song, so what are you going to challenge Zhang Diaoren with? Could it be that you hired a gunman? It was written by someone else, but you said you composed it yourself?"

In fact, everyone knows that in terms of musical talent, this so-called music god is definitely not as good as Zhang Junyi.

Because this so-called 'god' himself has never written a song that is widely sung. On the other hand, Zhang Junyi not only sings songs that are loved by the public, but also the songs he writes for others are also hits. This is very interesting. Got it!

So everyone is understanding, but now people are taking the initiative to compete with Zhang Junyi in music! As for what kind of problems are hidden behind it, no one knows. Now the choice given to Zhang Junyi is to either accept the challenge or admit defeat!

The Internet was very lively at night, but for Zhang Junyi, he didn't care about that topic yesterday. Anyway, he said those things that should not be said to offend people under the influence of alcohol, and now he is just waiting to be picked up.

The next day, Zhang Junyi woke up comfortably at home. He drank two more sips last night, so he slept very soundly. And this morning, not to mention the hot searches in China, even Zhang Junyi, the hot search in South Korea, has been on the list. However, the hot search ranking in South Korea is not very high!

Hot search No. 9: ‘In a battle between musicians, Zhang Junyi will use music to challenge the top singer-songwriters in the Chinese music scene! ’

After waking up in the morning, Zhang Junyi hadn't checked the online news yet. He just looked at the time and went to the bathroom to relieve himself. I drank too much last night. When I got up in the morning, the first thing I wanted to do was solve the bladder problem!

Just as Zhang Junyi was solving the problem, his cell phone rang. He shook the 'old-fashioned flashlight' in his hand, and then went outside to pick up the ringing phone.

Seeing Taeyeon's call early in the morning, Zhang Junyi was a little surprised: "Aren't you guys having a party today? Why did you call me so early in the morning? Why do you still want me to prepare some snacks for you?"

"The hot search says that you want to compete with China's top singer-songwriters using music?"

"Who are you, China's top singer-songwriter? Why are you competing? What you said makes me confused."

"No, this hot search came from China. You said you want to compete in music with another singer-songwriter?"

"Um, I never said this. Wait, let me go and see what is written on the Chinese side first? I'll call you later!"

"Okay, you should go and take a look here first. Hot searches in China are all coming to Seoul."

"If you really want to use music to challenge me, I won't be a coward at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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