The system makes me rich and versatile

Chapter 578 Meeting parents by chance

Chapter 578 Meeting parents by chance

Zhang Junyi didn't expect that when he came to Xuexuan's place today, he would meet her mother coming to deliver kimchi?However, such things are quite common in Korea.

After all, Korea has such a so-called kimchi culture. Now Seolhyun's parents live in Bundang, and she lives alone in Seoul because of work.In the past, I lived with my sister, and the two sisters could take care of each other.

But now that Seolhyun lives alone, parents will definitely be worried about how she is eating.Are you eating takeout again?So as a mother, I thought of coming over to take a look, and by the way, I brought the kimchi I made so that Seolhyun could have the familiar taste of home when eating.

The dinner dishes are ready, three-point lobster pasta, one olive oil garlic shrimp, and Zhang Junyi’s fried thick-cut steak. The ingredients that were originally provided for two people are now enough for three people. Pair it with some bread and some snow. Some kimchi brought by Hyun’s mother.

Xuexuan's mother looked at the food in front of her and laughed: "Zhang Junyi's cooking skills are quite good. Although we haven't eaten yet, these dishes are quite beautiful!"

Zhang Junyi smiled and said: "Auntie, let's have a taste."

Seolhyun's mother felt bad about eating a garlic shrimp. The strong garlic aroma invaded the shrimp, and it tasted quite good.She nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, it tastes very good, and the shrimp meat is quite chewy!"

While stirring her own lobster pasta, Seolhyun said for Zhang Junyi: "That's for sure. You have always praised Zhang Junyi's craftsmanship, especially the soy sauce crab he made for us."

"Yeah, his cooking is indeed very good. Let's all eat, all eat..." Xuexuan's mother greeted the two of them to start eating.After Zhang Junyi mixed the noodles politely, he first cut the beef into pieces to make it easier to eat.
Xuexuan's mother, seeing how gentle Zhang Junyi was, felt that she was completely a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at her, the more pleasing she became.First of all, Zhang Junyi's appearance is not bad, his height is also good, and his reputation is not lower than that of their Xuexuan. After all, she also knows that Zhang Junyi is an international star.

While eating, Seolhyun's mother began to question her: "Junyi, is it okay for me to call you this?"

Zhang Junyi responded quickly: "Of course it's no problem!"

Seolhyun's mother nodded with satisfaction: "Then I'll call you this, Junyi. How long have you been dating our Seolhyun?"

Zhang Junyi said: "After we met in 18, we decided to date in the second half of the year. Counting the time, we have been together for almost two years!"

After hearing Zhang Junyi's answer, Seolhyun's mother nodded and continued: "Two years is not a short time. Have you ever considered the future?"

Zhang Junyi replied: "We have definitely considered it. After all, we have known each other for so long, and we will more or less talk about future topics. But for now, Seolhyun is transforming from an idol to an actor. So. , Seolhyun and I plan to carefully plan our future after she completely transforms into an actress!"

Zhang Junyi continued: "Because Seolhyun still holds the title of idol now, and there is also the problem of forming a team. So if we consider the future at this time, more people may be affected."

Seolhyun also continued what Zhang Junyi said: "Yes, in everyone's eyes, I am still AOA's Seolhyun, so I want to complete the transformation as soon as possible in the past two years. Otherwise, Zhang Junyi and I discuss too many things at this time, which will It affects the work of other members!"

Seolhyun's mother listened to the two explanations, and she could still understand. After all, Seolhyun still has a team behind her.If she only thinks about her own affairs, other members of her team will be greatly implicated.People, you still can’t be too selfish!

Besides, now that the members of the team know that Seolhyun is in a relationship, no one says anything.You actually have to think about the future at this time. Do you want everyone to live?
You must know that Seolhyun is the most popular one in the team, and their company's share is their personal schedule.So even though they are in the same team, everyone sees Seolhyun making so much money while they don't have much schedule, which makes their teammates jealous more or less.

It sounds nice to say it’s a team effort, but you alone make the absolute majority of the money.The rest of them also work hard like Seolhyun, but their income is less than one-tenth of Seolhyun. Over time, they will feel a little bit unbalanced in their hearts.

If you don’t want anyone to have any complaints against Seolhyun, then Seolhyun can only take out the money and divide it equally!But... Seolhyun is not stupid. How can he share his hard-earned money equally?

If the company says that everyone should share equally when she signs the contract at the beginning, and wait until she makes money, will you get jealous before saying that we will share equally?it's out of the question!
So, as long as Seolhyun is still in the team, she can't think about the so-called future for the time being.

So Seolhyun’s mother said, “Then after this contract expires, you won’t renew it?”

Seolhyun nodded and said: "Well, I have such a plan, and the team's current performance is not good. Plus there are so many new generation girl groups now, we may not have many renewals after the contract expires! I will definitely switch to other companies that are capable in film and television!"

Zhang Junyi continued what Seol Hyun said: "Only if Seol Hyun leaves the team and any of her decisions in the future will not have a big impact on the team, then we can think about the future!"

Xuexuan's mother nodded and said: "Since you have your own plans, that's all." Zhang Junyi smiled and said: "Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely treat Xuexuan well in the future! And our relationship is very stable now. Now, we all want to move towards a farther future and work hard."

"Hmm, I won't ask too much about the feelings of you young people. Just like Sister Seolhyun, we won't have too many problems in falling in love or getting married. After all, happiness is in your hands!"

During a dinner, Xuexuan's mother asked a lot about the two of them, and Zhang Junyi's answers were quite satisfactory.As for Zhang Junyi's personal conditions, let alone that. After dinner, Zhang Junyi and Seol Hyun sat in the living room to rest, while Seol Hyun's mother was cleaning up in the kitchen.

After all, she had to give Zhang Junyi and the young couple free time. Zhang Junyi said helplessly: "I'll sit down for a while and prepare to go back."

Xuexuan knew that he actually came here today without any intention of going back.But who knew her mother was coming, which forced him to leave.

After all, the two are not married yet, living together in front of their's not like that!
"Well, after she leaves tomorrow, I'll come find you, right?"

"Yeah! I miss you~~" Of course, after Zhang Junyi said the last thing he missed you, Xuexuan smiled at him, and he understood the meaning!

After a while, Seolhyun's mother tidied the kitchen and put away the kimchi she brought. Then she came to the two of them and said, "You guys talk, I'm going upstairs to watch TV."

"No, Auntie, it's almost time for me to go back."

Seolhyun's mother said: "Don't you want to play for a while? Hey, it's mainly because it's not safe outside recently, otherwise you can go out on a date."

"It's okay. We don't have much time to schedule appointments recently because of work. Auntie, I'll leave first."

"Okay! Let Seolhyun see you off!"

Seol Hyun came to the garage with Zhang Junyi. Because there was surveillance in the room, who knew if there were eyes watching in the surveillance at this moment, so after Zhang Junyi came to the garage and hugged Seol Hyun, the two simply Farewell.

Originally, Zhang Junyi wanted to exercise with Seolhyun at home today, but in the end, he had to go home alone.

Zhang Junyi drove a car on a quiet road in Seoul. After Seolhyun sent Zhang Junyi home, she watched her mother sitting on the sofa in the living room and turned on the TV. She walked over.

Seolhyun's mother said: "Junyi is a good person. A man who is willing to cook for a woman now will be willing to share housework together even if he gets married."

"Yeah, he's always been so gentle. Every time we go on a date, he makes some delicious food for me to eat. On the contrary, I basically enjoy the care he gives me."

While they were chatting about Zhang Junyi, he returned home alone. He put a tank of water for himself and planned to take a good bath at home today.

More than ten minutes later, Zhang Junyi took an iPad and lay comfortably in the bathtub of his home while taking a bath and reading online messages.After reading some news about China during the day, Zhang Junyi turned to the online news from the island country.

The outbreak of this problem in the island country has led to the emergence of many goddess-like girls.And there are more and more beautiful girl 'stations' in Okubo Park!
You could still work part-time in the past, but the island country has restricted izakayas from opening at night, which has left many people with fewer opportunities to even do odd jobs.

Therefore, it is becoming more and more difficult for those who rely on part-time jobs to survive, so in Okubo Park, the number of girls treated by gods is rising in a straight line.

"Hey, it seems like I'm going to save it! If I wasn't famous now or didn't even shoot videos, then all of these would be saved by me, right? It's so pitiful."

I don't know if it's because he didn't get what he wanted today, so now that Zhang Junyi is looking at these news, he starts to have random thoughts.Even if he goes to Tokyo now, Zhang Junyi doesn't dare to go to Okubo Park.

When I first came to Tokyo, I was hesitant and never tried it, and now I have no chance to do it.
But now he has gained more beautiful women, not only the top-notch Seol Hyun, but also the beautiful girl Hamabe Minami who has no love experience, waiting for Zhang Junyi!
(End of this chapter)

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