Chapter 574 New Zealand

Before they knew it, the two of them had been in New Zealand for a week.Queenstown not only has beautiful scenery, but also has a variety of outdoor activities waiting for you.

Of course, when you don’t want to go out to participate in these outdoor activities, you can quietly enjoy the rare leisure time at home. Similarly, when you can’t sit still at home, you can visit the natural beauty here!
For the two of them, this week they chose to go out every other day, go out for fun one day, and stay at home leisurely drinking coffee and enjoying the warm sunshine the other day.

Whether you are going to play or resting at home, looking at the scenery here will give you a kind of spiritual healing. Taeyeon is obviously in a much better mental state at this time than in Seoul.

Although they both live under the same roof, they still keep the last window!This time she took the initiative to bring Zhang Junyi out, which was already a step forward, so Taeyeon still maintained her last sense of reason in her heart, and there were certain limits that she could never pass!Especially now that Zhang Junyi has a girlfriend!
Although happiness needs to be striven for, Taeyeon knows that once she crosses that boundary, she will even look down on herself!
But at this time, what is the difference between the two of them every day in New Zealand and being a couple or even a couple?

Especially at this time... On a sunny morning in Queenstown, Zhang Junyi was standing in the open kitchen making breakfast in a comfortable cotton shirt. Today's breakfast is a traditional Korean breakfast, mainly Korean food in the Asian supermarkets here. Sells kimchi and chili sauce.

Taeyeon sat on the dining table and looked at Zhang Junyi's back: "What are you doing, you're so mysterious that you don't want me to come in to see you? You even made a flower for me this morning?"

"As a chef, I will definitely make flowers for you! Thumb thump thump~~" Zhang Junyi said and brought out a plate first. Because there are no special small plates for pickles here in New Zealand, Zhang Junyi used a large plate. It comes with several kinds of kimchi.

Of course, pickles and other items are all ready-made products purchased in supermarkets.There are all kinds of kimchi on the plate, including spicy cabbage, radish cubes, and pickled radish skins and radish stems made by Zhang Junyi using Sichuan cooking.

Seeing Zhang Junyi bring out a plate of kimchi as if nothing was wrong, Taeyeon laughed: "Oh~~Did you eat kimchi this morning?"

"Of course not." Then Zhang Junyi took a bowl of soup from the pot, Korean-style miso soup.The last thing that was served on the table was the colorful Jeonju Bibimbap. Taeyeon looked at the bowl of Jeonju Bibimbap, and her eyes became moist for some reason.She didn't expect that Zhang Junyi would get up early in the morning to prepare hometown cuisine for herself!

When she was a child, she would eat Jeonju Bibimbap at home after getting up early, because it was the most family dish with the characteristics of her hometown.Of course, the version she ate was made from some leftover side dishes from last night and mixed into the rice.As for Jeonju Bibimbap now, we just need to prepare some special ingredients for bibimbap!
Taeyeon looked at the bowl of bibimbap in front of her in surprise, and then looked up at Zhang Junyi, who had a proud face: "Bibimbap? When did you get up to prepare it!"

"I made it as soon as I got up in the morning and came back from exercising. It just blanched the vegetables and it didn't take much time. It took a while to get this minced beef! Try it, authentic Korean cuisine! You haven’t eaten Korean food for a week, right?”

Taeyeon happily mixed the rice and responded: "That's not true. We had barbecue a few days ago, right?"

Well, indeed, barbecue is what they call a Korean specialty.However, for Zhang Junyi, that thing is just a decent barbecue once in a while!

"Yes, barbecue is hometown cuisine for you! However, compared to roasted pork belly, I still think mutton is more delicious!" Zhang Junyi started to eat with her while chatting with her!
"Hehe, everything is delicious. I always think the food you cook is the most delicious in the world!"

Zhang Junyi stopped bibimbap, took a spoonful of soup and drank it, then looked at Taeyeon with a fake smile of 'I understand': "You praise me so hard, is it actually because you don't want to cook?"

"How is it possible? I will do it for you today, how about it? As long as you, the picky man, don't dislike it!"

Zhang Junyi tilted his head and said doubtfully: "Am I being picky? Why don't I think so?"

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and said, "Of course you don't feel it yourself, but I can see it clearly from the side."

In Taeyeon's eyes, Zhang Junyi's pickiness is actually just his pursuit of delicious food.

For example, when braised pork is used, the third-tier meat used will be fatter at the top and thinner at the bottom in some corners, but Zhang Junyi will choose exquisite third-tier pork, no, to be precise, pork belly, with a five-layer structure!Fat and thin evenly!

Zhang Junyi would rather remove the so-called three-strand meat trimmings from the upper and lower layers, which are slightly worse in quality, than put them into his own dishes!This is Taeyeon's pickiness!
The two of them mixed the rice in front of them, and Taeyeon took a big mouthful of it and put it into her mouth. The familiar taste of Korean chili sauce, paired with sesame oil, and the mixture of various dishes, it was a unique taste. The taste deep in the memory.Taeyeon frowned tightly, and she made an angry sound because of the delicious food: "Hmm~~ I haven't eaten Korean food for a week, and this taste is absolutely amazing!!"

Zhang Junyi saw Taeyeon contentedly eating the food he prepared. As a cook, he also felt very happy: "You can eat it if you like!"

Taeyeon said: "Do you want to go out for a walk today? Let's drive to the surrounding cities to see it? It seems that we have been in Queenstown for a week and we haven't been out yet."

"Okay, let's go for a drive today."

"Well, I plan to go back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We have been out for almost ten days this time. I saw the news yesterday and heard that... it seems that it is going to be closed. I'm worried."

In the week since Zhang Junyi and Taeyeon left Seoul, the number of infections in Seoul has been rising linearly.The situation is getting worse and worse, and there are fewer and fewer people on the streets.It seems that South Korea is about to be unable to withstand the pressure and ban all visitors.

Zhang Junyi said: "What are you worried about? Although there are a lot of people here in New Zealand, it is definitely much safer than Seoul. And what I am most worried about when I go back now is getting infected on the plane!"

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Junyi and said gently: "I'm not worried about this because I am Korean and I can go back anytime and anywhere, but you have a Chinese passport!"

It turns out that Taeyeon was worried about Zhang Junyi's Chinese passport. If she stayed in New Zealand, she would only be able to stay here for 90 days at most.If the epidemic in South Korea becomes more and more serious during this period, and Zhang Junyi's visa expires and he has to leave New Zealand, then he may not even be able to enter South Korea.

Zhang Junyi laughed: "Actually, I have already obtained the permanent residency in South Korea! I also have the right to stay in the island country! So I can go there anytime. Do I need to be quarantined after returning to South Korea now?"

Taeyeon said: "Yes, it means to isolate yourself at home! It is not as formal as in Huaxia, where you have to go to an isolation point to isolate!"

Whether it is South Korea or an island country, although they know that the epidemic is serious, they feel a little helpless because after it breaks out, they cannot manage it at all!So I can only tell you to go home and isolate yourself. This is self-isolation, and there is no one to supervise it!so..
Zhang Junyi just smiled after listening to Taeyeon's words: "Quarantine yourself at home? Forget it, I'm too lazy to say it. We still want to go out and have fun today. Anyway, here in New Zealand, people are not afraid of death like us. There are so many people!”

"Hahaha, because it's so empty here, and don't doctors advise us to stay away from crowds?"

After the two had this Korean brunch, they drove towards the surrounding cities.Along the way, there were very few vehicles, as if the whole of New Zealand had become an uninhabited country. The streets were full of magnificent and breathtaking scenery. It was possible to drive for an hour without seeing one or two pairs of cars.

The quiet and magnificent scenery always makes Taeyeon feel unreal.Only at those famous scenic spots will you meet guests who are traveling like you, but everyone is wearing the same mask and sunglasses.No one knows who the face is inside the mask!
This is also the reason why Zhang Junyi and Taeyeon had a great time in New Zealand.Occasionally, I met an Asian with black hair, but everyone wore sunglasses because of the summer here and masks because of the epidemic. At the same time, they also deliberately kept a certain distance between people!

This time in New Zealand was quite healing for Taeyeon.Because I put down my work temporarily, I don’t think about anything, and I live a normal and comfortable life every day.There is no dispute here, because what you see when you open your eyes is the beautiful weather and the beautiful natural environment!

In a place like this, I feel naturally relaxed.Even though the epidemic is raging outside, the two of them still wrap up their simple daily lives.

There are people who can share the beauty, there are pet dogs who accompany you, there are incomparably magnificent scenery, and there are those spacious pastures, and the little lambs running freely in the grassland under the sun.

New Zealand has brought Taeyeon a good mood and a comfortable mood. Of course, this is all because she has company instead of alone!

Although she and Zhang Junyi still maintain the last window, anyone who sees them so close will feel that they are a couple! !And when others say that they are a couple, the two of them never explain anything!
Maybe this feeling is engraved in each other's hearts, but neither of them chooses to break it at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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