China entertainment that year eighteen

Chapter 182 Transformation and Meaning!

Chapter 182 Transformation and Meaning! (two in one)

After getting off the plane, Ma Xia came up to greet her: "How are you, cool off?"

Lu Heng nodded: "It's indeed much cooler than outside. Those summer resorts are not as good as here."

In his previous life, he had been to Guizhou Province, and it was also summer. The temperature here has never been high. Even at the hottest time, as long as he is not standing under the sun, it is still not hot.

This feeling is similar to what he used to go to the Northeast or Mongolia. The north is a high latitude, but here is a high altitude. In addition, there are many mountains and trees, and it has the function of air circulation purification and cooling.

Departing from the airport, it took another half a day to arrive at the county seat of destination. After all, there are still few highways at this time, let alone your province. I stayed in the county seat for one night, and asked Xu Kun to buy some books and Stationery, and bought some meat, eggs, vegetables and other ingredients.

We set off again and drove for another three hours to reach Shiwa Village. In fact, the distance from the county seat to here on the map is only more than 70 kilometers.

When we arrived at the place, the two-story main teaching building in the middle had already been built, and the ground beams of the house next to it had also been poured. The workers were weaving the steel bars for the frame with wire. Lu Heng didn't really understand. After the contractor introduced it for a while, Lu Heng almost understood the construction process of this kind of house.

There is nothing to see here, so Lu Heng said: "Go to Brother Rong, and take a look at the students by the way."

"Alright Mr. Lu, go this way, the road is narrow, so be careful."

Of course Zhang Guorong is not the person in charge here. The person in charge is Ma Xia's subordinate, a director of the Charity Department named Qiu Jianyu.

Now that the company is big and has many departments, there are dozens of people in the charity department alone, many of whom Lu Heng has never seen.

In fact, the company's shelf is easy to build, as long as you have money, the main thing is the cultivation and management of talents, just like building a house, the ground beams are firmly fixed, the framework is erected, and the rest is filled.

This is also the first time I met Qiu Jianyu and Lu Heng. When we met just now, Lu Heng said with a smile: "This name is magnificent, even the universe can be built, let alone ours."

At that time, not only Qiu Jianyu laughed, everyone was happy.

Then Qiu Jianyu smiled and replied: "Building a universe is not as meaningful as building a school. Mr. Lu, I really admire you. Not only did you pay for the whole process, but you can also bring Zhang Guorong, a superstar, over here."

"If I just spend my money on my own, I can almost retire now, but people have to pursue something. As an artist, I don't expect to be famous in history, but I can help some people. Even if it's not for nothing, Brother Rong thinks the same way. "

Lu Heng's "come" not only refers to coming here, but also to come again, but only he himself can understand.

In the previous life, Lu Heng only managed to earn money to support his family, and to do his job well as an actor. Occasionally, when he needed to show his love, he donated a thousand or eight hundred. That was his ability at that time.

No matter how big his stomach is, he will eat as much as he wants, and now he earns more, so he will not be stingy.

Qiu Jianyu nodded and said: "The slogan you mentioned: do more things, help more people, although it is not as powerful as others shouted, but it sounds very down-to-earth, and it is not just paying money like others- — It’s not that it’s bad, but it’s rare to participate in the whole process, but the effect is also better.”

Lu Heng smiled and said, "It's a great honor for me, a freshman who is only a sophomore, to be recognized by a high-achieving student."

Qiu Jianyu graduated from the National People's University with a master's degree in economics and management. He was in the top [-] before, but he was recruited by Ma Xia for some reason.

Hearing Lu Heng's words, Qiu Jianyu said with a smile: "Learning has no seniority, and those who have achieved it come first. Educational background does not represent ability, it is just recognition in the past, but many things Mr. Lu does are things that I can't do now, and I can't do them now." A place to learn."

Lu Heng waved his hand: "I'm just lucky, so I won't talk about these, we are looking at the future."

Qiu Jianyu nodded, and introduced as he walked: "The original primary school is two or three miles away from here, and the house is still a stone house from 40 to [-] years ago. It is usually better, mainly in winter and rainy days. After discussing with the village, we chose this place, the cost has been budgeted, neither saving nor extravagance, everything is practical."

"Yes, we will follow this way in the future. Our purpose is to make their learning environment and facilities better, as long as they are enough, and the money saved can build more schools. In addition, there is no need to publicize these things. We have done it, that is Biggest achievement."

Faced with their surprised and complicated eyes, Lu Heng didn't think much about it, nor did he feel complacent. As he himself said, the money he will earn in the future will definitely continue to flow, and he will use part of it to help those in need, especially these children. Lu Heng felt that it was very meaningful, and that was enough.

If you want to fight for fame, Lu Heng has too many methods, so there is no need to pass this.

When I was a child at my grandmother's place, Lu Heng saw many children in the village drop out of school before finishing junior high school. It's not that going to school will definitely become a talent, but there is always another choice. Even if you go to a vocational high school to learn a skill, it's good.

When I arrived at the original elementary school, I heard the sound of reading books as soon as I entered the yard. The yard was also a stone wall, over one meter long. Although it was simple, the stones were neatly stacked. Lu Heng imagined that when it was built, those people were the same Pay attention, build in full swing, but finally it's time to say goodbye.

When the new school is built, it's time to move in.

In the yard, through the window, Zhang Guorong was on the podium, quietly listening to the students recite the text——

"It's called cotton pomelo. It's big, but there's not much meat in it." The girl closed the book and said solemnly.

A satisfied smile appeared on his uncle's face.Then ask:

The little girl shook her head shyly: "It's a bit bitter."

After listening to a few words, Lu Heng knew which text it was - "Bitter Pomelo" in the fourth grade of elementary school. Even if he didn't have the current memory, Lu Heng was still impressed, and it was also at that time that he knew the world through this text There is South America, and there is the country of Chile.

Even when he saw Li Lianjie's wife's name later, Lu Heng was surprised how someone used the country as the name, but later found out that it was the wrong way around.

Ma Xia wanted to go in and call Zhang Guorong, but Lu Heng waved his hand, stood in the yard and listened quietly, a lot of memories about this text flooded up for a while - just like seeing a certain text, I couldn't help but think of the classroom at that time, the people around me. Classmates, teachers on the stage, and then thinking diverged, thinking of some impressive memories at that time.

The texts in elementary school are not long, and the recitation was finished in a short time.

"Okay, do you have any questions now?"

Zhang Guorong's Mandarin seems to be much better than before, at least the pronunciation is correct, but seeing that his face is darker than before, but his mental state is better, Lu Heng is very happy.

"Teacher, what kind of pomelo is it? Is it delicious?"

"Teacher, have you ever eaten grapefruit?"

"Teacher, where is South America? Is it far from Xiangjiang?"

"Teacher, have you ever been to Chile?"


Faced with their chatter, Zhang Guorong was not impatient at all, he smiled and motioned for them to raise their hands, and then called their names before speaking.

They stood up one by one, and sat down satisfied one by one.

When Lu Heng heard Zhang Guorong accurately name those children, he knew that he should have been with them day and night, otherwise he wouldn't remember being so familiar.

Seeing that they were curious about South America and Chile later, Zhang Guorong drew a world map on the blackboard. Although it was not so accurate, it was similar.

"In the middle is the largest ocean in our world, the Pacific Ocean. Our China is in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean, and South America is here, in the southeast of the Pacific Ocean. This long and thin piece is Chile."

"It's so thin... like an earthworm."

Some students said, and then there was a burst of laughter. Zhang Guorong couldn't help laughing. When he turned his head, he finally saw Lu Heng and the others standing outside the window. He was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

But he didn't go out, just nodded to Lu Heng, and then continued to class, Lu Heng didn't care.

After a while, a middle-aged man came out of another room and was about to ring the bell to end get out of class. He also saw Lu Heng and the others, so he rang the bell and walked over quickly.

"This is the principal of their school, named Zhang Aijun. He also graduated from a normal school at the beginning. He taught in the county for two years, and then came here voluntarily. He has been teaching for more than ten years." Qiu Jianyu said.

When shaking hands, Lu Heng felt the roughness of his hands and the wrinkles around his eyes. He didn't look like a person in his 30s. If he went out, he would definitely be considered to be in his 40s. Even Zhang Guorong was 44 years old before he came here. , but looks much younger than him.

"The primary school in Shiwa Village now has more than 100 students, but besides Principal Zhang, there are two older teachers."

"No young man wants to come."

"However, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, and many villagers live very scatteredly. It is unrealistic for them to go to primary schools that are farther away and have more teachers."


During the chat, Lu Heng was silent.

People in mountainous areas live scattered, and Lu Hengshen has a deep understanding. I remember a child who lived next door to my grandma once said that some students in their class had to walk for more than an hour to get to school, but this is normal for most of the students in Shiwa Village. , the farthest even needs to walk more than two hours.

However, what Lu Heng admires more is Zhang Aijun, who gave up the conditions of the county seat to come here. The key is that his hometown is not here, but the county seat.

In fact, there are many teachers like this across the country. By chance, they saw the teaching environment in the countryside and the students were hard but still eager to learn. They couldn't bear it and were touched. Then they gave up their jobs in the city and took root in the countryside for many years.

But four years later, in the third China Touching Selection, a college graduate who had been teaching for a year stepped onto the podium and won one of the only ten places in the country. After receiving the award, he taught for another year and was promoted all the way , never returned to the countryside.

Lu Heng did not stand at that height, so it is not good to judge, but it may also be that Lu Heng is narrow-minded. After all, this is a positive signal-because of such a leadership, more college graduates have devoted themselves to teaching in remote mountainous areas , If you look at it from this aspect, there is nothing wrong with it, after all, the later development of that person is very inspiring.

Lu Heng thought of charity again. Whether it is for fame or simply for dedication, as long as it is done, it is a good deed. In this kind of thing, the result is far more important than the process.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng felt relieved.

Zhang Aijun was very grateful again for distributing the brought things to the students and leaving the ingredients for the school.

In fact, before Zhang Guorong and the others came, Zhang Aijun didn't know him at all, and even Lu Heng only heard his songs by chance when he returned to the county, but he couldn't remember his face clearly.

The students are even more the same, they don't even know Lu Heng, and they don't have TV at home, and they don't have the opportunity to go to the county seat, but it doesn't hinder their love for Lu Heng, because they can have extra meals at noon, and there are new stationery and new extracurricular Book.

After lunch, after walking with Zhang Guorong, Lu Heng smiled and said, "I think you're quite comfortable here."

"It's really good. The mountains, water, and air here are so good. The water I drink is sweet. At least I can sleep for a few hours on many nights."

"Have you ever felt inconvenient or isolated from the rest of the world?"

Not to mention TV here, there is not even a radio, let alone a mobile phone signal, but Zhang Guorong shook his head:

"At the beginning, I was a little uncomfortable, mainly because of life, but it's the same when I get used to it. As for news... Actually, when I was in Xiangjiang, I didn't read newspapers. As for TV, if it wasn't for work, I wouldn't read it either. I like to watch it, so it’s okay.”

Lu Heng took a look at him and said with a smile: "You just need to get used to it. I think you are darker than before. If you don't turn white in the future, don't you blame me?"

Zhang Guorong laughed loudly: "Even if I act again in the future, I won't be able to play a little boy, doesn't matter, but in the future I can act in a play about uncles, and it will be based on my teaching."

"It's a good idea. I'll think about it later and get a notebook out." Lu Heng said.

"Don't worry, I don't have the idea of ​​filming yet. I'm very happy now, and I don't want to leave so soon."

"I understand." Lu Heng smiled.

The two walked and chatted, talking about some of their recent achievements. Lu Heng didn't talk about the entertainment industry, but mainly about life and family.

Knowing that Lu Heng went back to his hometown and saved two children, Zhang Guorong gave her a thumbs up: "Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and two lives are fourteen."

"Teacher too, the lighthouse of the soul can change the destiny." Lu Heng said with a smile: "Just take you to mention world geography to them today, and it may leave a deep impression on their hearts and broaden their horizons. Not the future, which student among them will really go there to see it."

"Indeed, if that's the case, it will be too fulfilling." Zhang Guorong is very touched by this point.

Lu Heng stayed here for a week, and also gave some lessons to the students. Although it was only a few days, he was greatly welcomed by the students.

When parting, Lu Heng received many letters and paintings from students. When he left, Lu Heng was surprised to find that some students were crying, which made his belief in this kind of thing even stronger.

And this week, the new school was officially capped. The township and county wanted to hold a grand ceremony, but Lu Heng refused.

"Just keep it simple."

This is the first school to be established, and Lu Heng has a great sense of accomplishment, and this will be a model and blueprint in the future.

After returning to the capital, Lu Heng learned that the top three teams in each division had also been announced.

(End of this chapter)

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