China entertainment that year eighteen

Chapter 141 All kinds of excitement!

Chapter 141 All kinds of excitement! (two in one)

These two associations are not non-governmental organizations, but groups affiliated to the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

In the previous life, Wang Bozhao was beaten on the set, and Xie and Zhang didn’t apologize at all. The crew even poured dirty water on Wang Bozhao, saying that he was a female assistant in the molesting drama crew. The strength of Xiangjiang star can be seen. Later, it was still under the pressure of the China Film and Television Artists Association. , They had to go to the hospital to visit, and they also issued two apologies in the newspaper.

Of course, if you are a person who is not good at words, this association is not very useful, at most you can ask for help when you encounter difficulties, but if you are a person who is eloquent and good at socializing, this platform is very promising.

The ancients said that it is easy to enjoy the shade by leaning on a big tree, so when reborn, even though Lu Heng had previous life experience, he still chose to take the Beijing Film Academy. .It is similar to the difference between Jiamen sect and loose cultivators.

Some time ago, Lu Heng himself was still thinking about this issue. After all, he was already popular later on. Even if he didn’t have the status of a Beijing Film and Television student, it wouldn’t affect him to accept the show. He even had funds and connections to invest, but now it seems The idea is still a bit sloppy.

When he arrived at the school, Chen Yi gave the application to Lu Heng, and Lu Heng signed his name. Chen Yi said with a smile: "There is a recommendation from the school, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Thank you, Teacher Chen."

After Lu Heng thanked him, he chatted with him for a while, and then left.

Today is the start of the new semester, and Lu Heng had asked Huo Siyan to stay at school for two days, and postponed other things.

Although you don't have to worry about being reported for empty pay like Mr. He in the future, after all, he is not at work, but you also need to deepen the relationship with your classmates, especially the classmates in the dormitory.

When they arrived at the dormitory, they had already arrived. Seeing Lu Heng, Liu Ting had an exaggerated expression:

"Hey, our big star is back!"

"Get out!" Lu Heng scolded with a smile.

"Why are you free today?" Ye Jing also asked with a smile.

"Look at what you said, I'm a member of our class anyway, isn't it the beginning of school!" Lu Heng blushed without heartbeat.

"Aren't you sorry?" Liu Ting spat, and then shouted: "I said, did you forget something?"

"A treat, right?" Lu Heng laughed loudly: "Don't worry, I'll invite you at noon."

"That can't be done." Liu Ting said, "There are classes in the afternoon, so if you can't enjoy yourself at noon, you have to have dinner."

"Succeed, invite both at noon and evening, okay?" Lu Heng didn't care, he came back to be a rich man.

"It's a good feeling." Liu Ting grinned.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door: "Who wants to treat you?"

Before the voice finished speaking, Ma Yuan walked in, Yuanyuan's face was full of curiosity, and he was obviously taken aback when he saw Lu Heng:
"What kind of wind is blowing today, and it brought you back, a busy man?"

"It seems that I don't welcome you so much? Then I go?" Lu Heng made a gesture to leave.

Ma Yuan stopped him: "Haha, I'm just kidding."

Liu Ting acted like a living treasure, and rushed over to hug his arm: "You big family can't leave, what are we going to eat when we leave!"

"Haha!" Everyone was happy, and the bedroom was full of joy.

Ye Jing said at this time: "Lu Heng invites you at night, and I invite you at noon."

"This is really good. There are two celebrities in our dormitory, and there are big households at any time." Liu Yuqiao looked very honored.

They also knew what Ye Jing meant. Regardless of family conditions, except for Lu Heng, Ye Jing was rich. After all, he had made a lot of movies since he was a child, and he also acted in two movies last semester, one "The Idle Man" Sister Ma", a "Serious Case Group Six", but the latter is only a cameo.

"Sister Ma" started airing last month. Although it was not as popular as "Pig Bajie", it was also loved by the audience once it aired, especially after seeing the beautiful foxes in the Bhikkhu Kingdom in "Journey to the West Sequel". The simple eldest daughter in Sister Ma made the audience almost unacceptable for a while, and then praised her for her good performance.

Although Ye Jing doesn't count as a cameo in Sister Ma, she doesn't have many roles.

In other words, last year, there was one "Daming Palace Ci" at the beginning of the year, and two at the end of the year, basically not much different from guest appearances.

When talking about this matter during the meal, Ye Jing felt quite disappointed.

Lu Heng patted him on the shoulder: "This is only temporary. There are plays for each age group. You think it's because you didn't have any plays when you grew up. Those who became famous when they were young, didn't they become famous again in middle age?" Is there no filming?"

Ye Jing was startled, and Lu Heng said: "Obviously not?"

Lu Heng continued: "Look at Tang Guoqiang, he became famous when he was young, but he was criticized for being a small boy, but when he became middle-aged, he changed his type and could play Zhuge Liang and Yongzheng. , now who doesn't say that he has good acting skills?"

"There is also Li Xuejian, Song Dacheng from "Longing", and the county magistrate Jiao, and then compare Song Jiang in "Water Margin", and King Qin in "Jing Ke Assassinates the King of Qin". Different ages and different roles do not necessarily have to be the protagonists, just like us If you are playing Contra, you should start another round."

The last sentence made Ye Jing laugh, and made the others in the dormitory realize something.

In Yui Aragaki's "Legal High", two fates of child stars were mentioned:

One is to become a sad money-making machine manipulated by adults like a doll and chased and beaten by whips;

Stepping into Vanity Fair prematurely will destroy their childhood in advance, just like Lu Hengneng can chat with Ye Jing, but he doesn't have many common topics with other people in the dormitory, because his mentality has become mature.

And... There are too few, too few child stars whose life keeps going up.

In fact, Lu Heng felt that it was a pity that Shu Sing was a pity. He had already broadened his play path through Tianshan Child Elder and Shui Che, and perfectly switched between child actors and adult actors, but he retreated to study foreign languages.

After graduating from foreign languages, I found out that she is still popular in the entertainment industry... Although she has been filming, but when she was in college, she could only film during the winter and summer vacations, and her works were greatly reduced.

Later, I turned a good face into an Internet celebrity face, which is similar to another actor named Zhang Meng. The original appearance is good-looking, so why do you have to use a knife?

Lu Heng has already decided to set up a project "The Family of Gold Fans" next year, and it is impossible to say that he will change the girl's thinking by then.

After staying at school for two days, Lu Heng attended classes for two days, but he was so moved from the class teacher Xu Xiaodan to the teachers, thinking that the prodigal son would turn around, but in the blink of an eye, a leave note was handed to Xu Xiaodan again.

"Which movie are you filming this time?" Xu Xiaodan couldn't laugh or cry.

"No filming this time, invest in two new films."

Xu Xiaodan's eyes lit up immediately: "Who do you think is suitable for our class?"

Lu Heng smiled and said, "They're all my classmates. If there's a suitable role, I'll definitely consider it."

"This is good, this is good." Xu Xiaodan said happily: "When the time comes, tell them in advance and let them come to me to approve the leave."

After Lu Heng agreed, Xindao really is Jingying, as long as you go out to film and not to play, you will basically get the green light all the way.In the slogan of the vocational technical secondary school, it is to improve the teaching level through practice.

During the two nights of school, Lu Heng didn't go back to the courtyard, but went to the hut next to the Chinese opera.

Cheng Hao waited there early like a little daughter-in-law, learning to cook.

After Lu Heng came over, when she asked Lu Heng to wash his hands, she served the food and looked at Lu Heng expectantly:

"How about a taste?"

Lu Heng picked up a chopstick for each dish, and nodded slightly: "Yes, it's not bad, it's almost halfway up to my level."

"Are you praising others or yourself?" Cheng was very unhappy.

"Of course I compliment you." Lu Heng smiled and said, "My culinary skills have been taught by Chef Lin."

Because Lu Heng had been promoting with Lin Yilun before, now not only the insiders, but also many audiences know that they have a good relationship.

Now Lin Yilun has appeared on Liu Yiwei's "Daily Diet" on CCTV from time to time. Everyone knows that he is a good cook.

Cheng Hao couldn't help laughing: "Well, just treat it as you are praising me."

After the meal, the two newlyweds won a little farewell, so naturally they talked about each other, drunk and played with Yu Linglong.

After Cheng Hao was exhausted and fell asleep, Lu Heng, who was not too sleepy, got up and turned on his laptop, logged on to, and posted a post, on the one hand to maintain the heat, and on the other hand to talk about the recent situation.

Lu Heng remembered that the reason why he bought those entertainment magazines such as "Contemporary Music World" and "Times Film and Television" back then was to understand the trends of celebrities. After all, the TV flashed by, but the magazines could be flipped back and forth. It was a different feeling.

Therefore, now that Lu Heng has such a voice channel, the fans are naturally overjoyed. Now his number of followers has exceeded [-].

Driven by Lu Heng, the number of users of Tianya doubled in less than a month, exceeding [-].

Some prescient celebrities, or some celebrities who usually like to surf the Internet, saw Lu Heng's fiery scene, which also inspired them. Before Tianya's PR team came to invite them, they had already started to register and submit certification.

Their behavior made Xing Ming admire Lu Heng even more. As for the group of people under him, he was a little embarrassed to go out and invite them, but now he doesn't know the attraction and role of his website to celebrities, so there is no need to say much all day They all take the initiative to work overtime, and sometimes they talk several times a day, and they are not tired until late at night.

Because there is a commission, Xing Ming has been brainstorming before, asking everyone to count the current stars, and then everyone will judge the level together. After the division, stars of different levels invite them to open accounts, and they will have different commissions.

Not only that, every time those stars post, employees can also get a commission-encouraging them to contact the star's agent or assistant at any time, so that they can post more and increase the stickiness of fans. The word "viscosity" was also proposed by Lu Heng.

These operations not only make Tianya stand out in the category of BBS, but also attract the attention of Internet companies.

Then...they discovered that all this was brought about by Lu Heng's entry into Tianya.

"We didn't even find a celebrity to endorse him. Why is he a little broken?"

"The key point is that Lu Heng's endorsement fee is not cheap, does Tianya have that much money?"

"I don't know, maybe the boss has money himself?"

"I've heard that the original intention of Xing Mingjian's forum was actually to have a discussion area for stockholders to communicate, because at that time he made stocks from tens of thousands to millions."

"That's not enough. Everyone knows that websites are very expensive, especially now that their user scale is increasing, and the cost will continue to double accordingly. Now everyone has not found the profit point of the Internet, and Sina's advertising revenue It's okay, why does he have such courage?"

"Maybe I'm just lucky. Give it a try. When a blind cat meets a dead mouse, he really hit the right spot! Wasn't Huiyuan just like that before? Zhu Xinli only had a few million, so he dared to spend tens of millions to bid for a CCTV advertisement. It's all a scam now!"

"I don't think it's that simple. Although Lu Heng is young, you can see that he has been very shrewd in every step after more than a year, and he is not so easy to fool."

"Yes, find someone to inquire about it."

When these Internet companies in Beijing were stimulated, Xiao Ma in Shenzhen and Da Ma in Hangzhou also saw the news.

However, looking at the pitiful amount on the books, and now he is deeply involved in a copyright lawsuit, Xiao Ma can only sigh, while Da Ma... just raised more than 2000 million US dollars from Softbank and other companies, and he just laughed it off when he saw it: Xiao Da Just a little fuss.

After all, the former prefers to attract users, while the latter, now Ali is only doing business and international trade business, and ordinary users are not the object of his attention.

Lu Heng didn't know what was going on outside, but he knew that Mr. Jiang sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and waited for someone to come.

In the past few days, in addition to being busy, Lu Heng has been busy recording the album. Although the efficiency of concentrating time is slower than before, at least the progress has been moving forward.

The next day, February 2nd, Tuesday, when he saw the calendar in the morning, Lu Heng said in his heart, don't make mistakes today, it's better if good things come in pairs.

Cheng Hao got up with him, then she went to class, and Lu Heng went to the company.

It didn't take long for Huo Siyan to come in and say that Li Ning's Liu Tao had come.

Li Ning's disgusting operation in the previous life made Lu Heng, who thought his family was not bad, lose all goodwill in an instant, so when he heard Li Ning wanted to speak for him, Lu Heng didn't want to refuse.

But Liu Tao can still be won over.

When Liu Tao came in, Lu Heng saw that he was still similar to Future, but a little younger. After all, he used to be a model, no matter his height or appearance, he was first-class, even if he walked in the crowd, he was very conspicuous.

After listening to Liu Tao chatting about his brand for a while, Lu Heng changed the subject and asked:

"Why didn't you think about being an actor then?"

Liu Tao was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly and said, "There is too much competition in this industry, and it doesn't matter if you have an image."

Lu Heng thought in his heart that you were born 20 years earlier, like when you were at the helm of Huayi, looking at the group of people under your hand, I don't know if you will remember what you said today.

"Actually, I'm not very interested in Li Ning, but mainly in you."

Seeing Lu Heng staring at him fiercely, Liu Tao was stunned, dumbfounded, and then felt that the chair was a bit cramped, and he couldn't sit comfortably no matter how hard he tried.

It wasn't until Lu Heng clarified his thoughts that Liu Tao realized that he was wrong.

Although when he left, he told Lu Heng to go back and think about it, but in fact, he almost agreed just now when his head got hot, but his reason still made him say that sentence, and he was ready to go back and think about it.

At this time, he was already acquainted with Lu Yi and He Tianliang who became popular through "Never Close Your Eyes". He had introduced endorsements for them, and he also knew a little about this industry.

After seeing off Liu Tao, Lu Heng went to pick up another endorsement in the afternoon, this time it was a suit brand - Luo Meng.

Afterwards, Lu Heng filmed a commercial for a day, and then devoted himself to the final production of the EP.

On March 3nd, except for "Descendants of the Dragon", the other four songs, including the MV, were finished and officially recorded, ready to be released on March 2th.

And that day was also the time when "Daming Palace Ci" started broadcasting.

(End of this chapter)

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