China entertainment that year eighteen

Chapter 116 Let You See What I'm Better About

Chapter 116 Let You See What I'm Better About

PS: Someone actually recognized Chen Hao as Chen He... I thank you, there is no other word for the three tones of hao, so change your surname to Cheng Hao.


Cheng Hao didn't spend the night here, only recited the poem twice, she was too weak from alcohol and her limbs were weak, so Lu Heng had no choice but to turn off the car and get out of the car.

Just before the dormitory closed at eleven o'clock, Lu Heng sent her back.

Downstairs in the dormitory, as if reluctant to part with it, she put her arms around Lu Heng's neck, making the passing students curious to see, so Lu Heng also imitated an ostrich, hanging her head on her hair.

"Did you wait for this day?" Lu Heng couldn't help laughing when he heard the soft whispering voice in his ear:
"same as you."

"It's not me, it's you."

"Okay, it's me, it's me or it's me~"

Cheng Hao was amused by Lu Heng's Gao Linsheng's song, and reached out to pat him on the back: "You are the one who hates it the most."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Heng's mouth, and he said softly, "But you make me like you."

Cheng Hao was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Lu Heng didn't talk poorly this time, but was affectionate for a while, and then he was also tender like water:
"Me too, I like you too."

After speaking, he raised his head, a little embarrassed.


After kissing him on the mouth, Cheng Hao quickly ran away, looked back at the door of the dormitory building, saw Lu Heng still standing there, waved and said: "I'm going up, you should hurry back too."

"Yes." Lu Heng also waved his hand.

At the gate of the school, Lu Heng bought a rare pack of cigarettes and returned to the rental house. Lu Heng changed the sheets and threw them into the washing machine. Hearing the sound of running water, he took out one and lit it.

The curling smoke rose in front of Lu Heng's face, blurring his facial features, only his eyes were clear and bright, looking at the washing machine slightly absent-minded, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Until the ashes fell onto his legs, causing him to jump up and slap his mouth.

Now he is still wearing big underpants, and the soot is falling directly on his flesh!
After that, he extinguished the cigarette butt on the kitchen faucet and threw it into the trash can before Lu Heng put on a new bed sheet.

At this time, the phone rang, and Lu Heng took it over and glanced at it to connect:

"What, what, what~"

Kyoko's crisp voice also came from the phone: "Lu Hengjun, did I disturb you so late?"

Lu Heng started to call her since he had almost learned the Neon language, and Kyoko Fukada was particularly surprised. After coming and going, the two of them were even more familiar than when they were in the Neon country.

Lu Heng was surprised and said: "Now it's past eleven o'clock in the evening here, and your should be past twelve o'clock, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I just couldn't sleep and felt bored, so I thought of you, Lu Hengjun, you are really the fastest and most standard crooked nut I have ever seen to learn Neon language."

Lu Heng said with a smile: "I followed the most formal tapes published in your country to learn, it must not be wrong."

If it was Li Xiaoran or Cheng Hao, Lu Heng might joke, saying: If I learn from you, I might have some accent.

But if this sentence is also said to Fukada Kyoko, maybe she will think too much and start to reflect on her own problems, which is not good.

Therefore, it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions.

"The search is dead~" Kyoko was stunned.

Hearing her voice, Lu Heng suddenly remembered the Japanese drama "Please Fall in Love with the Useless Me" that she acted in ten years later. But she doesn't pretend to be ugly, it's just that she has a bit of a silly and cute personality.

In one part, she was looking for a sweeping robot everywhere, and when she found that the last one was bought by an aunt from China, she rushed over to buy it, but the two sides couldn't understand each other.

In the end, Indigo Fujioka, who played the leading role, came. Under Kyoko's amazed gaze, she skillfully translated and helped her solve this problem. At that time, her tone was also the same.

At that time, Lu Heng saw that Fujioka Indigo had the same mouth shape, so he thought it should be his original voice. After a search, he found out that this guy of his own age is also a language expert, but he has developed in Xiangjiang and Baodao for six or seven years. He is proficient in both Mandarin and Cantonese. He once acted in "Turn the Corner Meets Love" with Master Luo.

"You are really amazing." Kyoko's tone was full of admiration.

"Next time I go to Neon, let you see where I am more powerful."


"I'll tell you later."

"I feel a little weird."

"Really, it might be your illusion." Lu Heng smiled and said: "I will go to Nihong next month, and this month is relatively busy..."

Lu Heng talked to her about his recent work, and Kyoko talked to Lu Heng about the past few days. Lu Heng made a harmless joke from time to time, which made Kyoko very happy.

Chatting and chatting, the night is late, I looked up at the time, it was almost one o'clock when I went!

According to the time, it was almost two o'clock on the Neon side.

Lu Heng has to rehearse the program tomorrow, so he talked to her a few more times before hanging up.

Of course, there is another point that this call is not cheap.

In this era, not only dial-up charges, but also connection charges, and roaming charges if you leave the capital.

Although with Lu Heng's financial resources, these are irrelevant, but as a latecomer, I always feel that it is a waste of money. This is a problem of spending habits.

Fortunately, Lu Heng is "learning Japanese", and it's not a waste, so this idea just flashed by. Thinking about Mr. Wang, no matter how rich he is, he doesn't want to pay the electricity bills of those treasure islands, it would be very aggrieved .

The next day, Lu Heng worked on CCTV for a whole day, and did not officially record the program until the evening. After the end, Cheng Hao waited there again, and then they went back to the hut of love together.

This is Cheng Hao's name, which Lu Heng finds interesting.

At night, there are thousands of feet of waves crossing the river, and thousands of bamboo poles slanting~
After lying on the bed, Lu Heng suddenly remembered the word "oblique", which is found in many poems with connotations, such as Du Mu's "Mountain Journey".

When Lu Heng and the others were in school, they still pronounced xia in a pseudonym. Later, whoever made the decision - they all taught the pronunciation of xie, so there was no sense of rhyme at all. Lu Heng felt sorry for those elementary school students.

After living here for two days, Lu Heng felt that if there were no more problems, he could buy it. Anyway, tens of square meters for two bedrooms and two living rooms is not too expensive.

It is worth mentioning that, a few months later, the sales volume of Lu Heng's "The Only" in the Mainland has exceeded 200 million copies, Hong Kong and Taiwan together have also exceeded 100 million copies, and Japan and South Korea have also sold 30 copies. Zhang, a total of more than 300 million.

The other "King of K Songs" is even higher, all of them add up to more than 500 million copies, which is a big hit. If pirated copies are added, at least tens of millions of people have bought Lu Heng's album.

And Lu Heng's income is also tens of millions. However, the investment in Zhu Bajie has cost several million, and the small package has also spent several million. Lu Heng is still hesitating whether to learn from Lin Yilun and buy the house first, or first. Use the money to make a movie or TV show.

As for companies such as Netease and Tencent, Lu Heng has yet to find a good channel to contact them.

Later, I thought about it, it’s a little early to make movies now, it’s better to make TV dramas, which are making more money than movies now, and they’re even more popular——

It is not necessary to participate in the performance by yourself, you can sign someone to shoot, such as Huang Haibin's "Wulin Outer History", Chen Kun's "Golden Fan Family", Huang Xiaoming's "The Son of Man", etc., are all hits in recent years.

As for the album... In fact, this is the most profitable one. With his current fame, he definitely has a low investment and high returns without any risk.

Lu Heng decided to go forward at the same time, but temporarily staggered the release of Lin Yilun and Zhou Xiaoou, so as not to impact them.

(End of this chapter)

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