Full-time cartoonist.

Chapter 367 "Naoki Hansawa" published

Chapter 367 "Naoki Hansawa" published

"Naoki Hansawa" is a workplace comic.

The first episode is published, and it has 50 pages of content, which can be a pleasure to read.

The comic opens with the protagonist joining a bank.

This got Odagiri interested, and he had been involved in Go since he was in junior high school.

Most of his social interactions revolve around Go.

Such as title battles, Samsung Cup and so on.

Sometimes Odagiri wonders, what will he look like when he enters the workplace?

He was very curious about this.

He should be an elite, right?He is decisive and capable in his work and leads his subordinates to fight in the workplace.

Tori Akino's new work does not start with a student, which makes him very fresh. Since "The Soul of the Game", it is rare for him to read it with interest.

"My family runs a small company. When I was in junior high school, due to the unfortunate collapse of the client company, my family's company was also on the verge of bankruptcy."

Naoki Hansawa spoke sincerely and moved, "After my father passed away, the local bank with the most business transactions immediately called back the loan. This made my mother and employees miserable. And it was my family and I who saved us from the fire. I don’t have any close friendship with you.”

Investment from the Industrial Central Bank saved Banze’s business.

In order to repay the Industrial Central Bank, Naoki Hansawa chose to become an employee of the bank and devote himself to it.

"Ah, so that's what happened."

The one-page draft of the manga is all about Naoki Hansawa's big face.Every line he speaks comes from the heart and is touching.

His sincere look moved Odagiri.

"It's really like the beginning of a hot-blooded comic, where Naoki Hansawa joins a bank to work as a cowboy for a favor. In the future, the story will be described about Bansawa falling in love with this position and devoting himself wholeheartedly to the banking industry."


"There's something wrong with this guy."

After Kitamoto entered the law firm, he got used to seeing all kinds of people. He looked at Naoki Hansawa's dark eyes in the manga and said, "No matter how sincere his expression was, his eyes were always calm, and he felt like he was hiding something... …”

Kitamoto felt that Naoki Hansawa did not come for kindness as he said, but had other purposes.

In his law firm, he has seen many situations where clients seek help from lawyers, but they are secretive and fail to explain the whole situation clearly, and they lose the case after going to court.

These clients are always telling the truth and can't tell if they are lying.

The same is true for Hanzawa Naoki.

"Keep watching."

Naoki Hansawa entered the Industrial Central Bank as he wished.

During the entry ceremony, he met two people. One was Rinin Watari, a familiar person who wanted to engage in project financing, become a bank manager with hundreds of millions of funds, and participate in large projects that will lead the future.

One is the honest Kondo Naoki, who can go anywhere as long as he can make a contribution.

Hansawa Naoki's eyes were deep, and he said: "My goal is to reach the top. After I get to the top, I have something to do."

After he finished speaking, he thought about something quietly, and his eyes gradually changed. When he raised his eyes, his eyes were sharp and handsome.

This look startled Odagiri, and he felt more intimidating than the aura of the senior chess players.

"This character! How scary!"

Odagiri discovered that Naoki Hansawa was completely different from what he thought.


"There is indeed a problem!"

Bei Ben was interested. He was in his single office, reading "Weekly Youth Jump" carefully.

There are interesting foreshadowings hidden in this comic that will surely surprise him.

"Higashino-kun has always been like this. He hides things and doesn't tell others."

In high school, it was also during a book signing that he and Nishimura discovered that their good friend was Tori Akino Mirai, the author of "The Soul of the Game".

Such a big thing was well hidden by him. If it were Nishimura, he would have already told the whole Tokyo about it.

Kitamoto suddenly laughed.

Thinking of this, he missed his life in high school.

After he entered the workplace, he faced all kinds of people and the work pressure from his leaders. He felt that the person he was now was completely different from the person he was when he was a student.

In the ivory tower, it's like another self.

It was vague and made him yearn for it.

"Let's all get together when we have time."

Nishimura in Hokkaido, myself and Higashino in Tokyo.

The plot of the manga "Naoki Hansawa" is compact. Not long after the beginning, it goes from 1992 to 2002, ignoring Hansawa Naoki's period as a newcomer in the banking industry.

This is very different from many workplace comics.

Because this period is the main time for the growth of the protagonist and the preparation of supporting roles.

Without the character's growth period, there won't be much plot in workplace comics.

In 2002, the Industrial Central Bank merged with Tokyo Daiichi Bank and was renamed Tokyo Central Bank.

In other words, the factions within the bank have become more complicated.

Naoki Hansawa transferred to the Osaka Nishi Branch as the head of the financing section.

He visited Makino Seiki's workshop and discussed loan matters with the boss.

Makino Seiki's main bank announced the termination of loans due to the collapse of a major customer, putting this sentimental company on the verge of bankruptcy.

Banze decided to try his best to help the company apply for a loan.

Seeing his boss crying and kneeling on the ground to thank Banzawa, Odagiri couldn't help but be moved.

Banks and enterprises can support each other, and the humanistic care in the comics made him, a chess player who has left the workplace, feel warmth.

However, Banze's written report on loaning 3000 million yuan to Makino Seiki was rejected by the deputy branch president and branch president.

The head office has set a financing target of 100 billion for Osaka Nishi Branch, which is still short of 5 million. This 3000 million is too little. They have to focus on more important enterprises. After all, there is only one week left.

These selfish and unscrupulous bankers only cared about themselves and did not think about Makino Seiki who was in urgent need of life-saving money.

Under such cold calculations, the bank's reputation has become increasingly unpopular and has become what people call a vampire.

Kitamoto watched carefully, not even noticing the passage of time.

The plot of this comic was too compact and there was no sloppiness at all. He did not dare to be distracted and devoted himself to the comic.


In order to win the crown, become the first branch, and achieve higher results, Nishi-Osaka Steel is an important customer, and this company just needs loan funds.

Sub-branch director Asano Kuang decided to let newcomer Nakanishi serve as account manager.

The decision to put the burden on newcomers is a bit strange.

Lawyer Kitamoto saw the problem at a glance.

He has seen many employees who were tricked and imprisoned by the company because they took on responsibilities that they did not understand.

Hanze has a strong sense of responsibility and accompanies Nakanishi to inspect Nishi-Osaka Steel to help the newcomer who is at a loss.

"Naoki Hansawa is a good person." Nishimura nodded.

There are too few leaders who can take on such responsibilities.

Leaders in the workplace who do not shirk their responsibilities are outliers.

Hanzawa found that Nishi-Osaka Steel's employees were disorganized and production was disorderly, and he opposed lending to the company.

Asano Kuang was particularly insistent and decided to borrow [-] million for five years with a fixed interest rate and no collateral.The credit application is submitted by Zhongxi.

Under pressure from the top management, Nakanishi nodded in confusion.

The comics become more and more interesting, and the conflicts begin to intensify.On his wedding anniversary, Banze led his subordinates to work overtime all night.

During this period, he stared at a treasured resin screw in a daze, which was given to him by his father.

At that time, his father told him that no matter what job he did, he must pay attention to the relationship between people and never treat work like a robot.

The entire country runs on people who are like screws.

This is also Hanzawa Naoki's concept.

He is a different kind of banker.

After a busy night, Nakanishi prepared the loan countersigning documents. Before Hansawa Naoki could further verify them, he was taken away by Branch Manager Asano and sent to the head office.

He took full responsibility for speaking out about the problem!
Under such circumstances, Hansawa Naoki could only agree.


The first chapter of the comic is finally over.

Nishimura only felt that he had watched it for a long time, and countless plots happened, from Naoki Hansawa entering the banking industry, to him becoming a section chief, inspecting Makino Seiko, an excellent company with patents, to loaning [-] million to the chaotic Nishi-Osaka Steel...

These contents, which can be drawn into dozens of chapters, are melted together, making Nishimura feel like he is in another world, as if he is watching a TV series.

"Interesting, very interesting."

He likes comics with dense plots like this.

"There is clearly something wrong with this. Asano was extremely anxious, demanding loans to non-performing companies, and passed these responsibilities onto newcomers."

"Hanzawa Naoki has taken over the responsibility and will definitely face difficulties in the future!"

"I'm really curious about what will happen next. Should I call Dongye?"

"Forget it! It will be a better experience to read comics with expectations!"


"Naoki Hansawa is able to refute his superiors, care for his subordinates, and has his own persistence. This protagonist is really great."

"It would be great if my section chief is Naoki Hansawa."

"Tori Akino-sensei's new work is as exciting as ever."

"The first episode has such rich content, you are worthy of being a teacher!"

Readers gave their feedback one after another.

When they were young, they liked Tori Akino Mirai's comics, and after entering the workplace, they were still obsessed with this man's works.

Whether it's a shounen manga or a young adult manga, it's all so interesting.

Tanaka Jun laughed while looking at the comments.

His subordinates reported to him that by Friday afternoon, "Weekly Youth Jump" was sold out.

All major cooperative dealers have requested additional printing.

On Thursday, he issued the order for additional printing.After all, Tori Akino Mirai, which has a serialization history of more than ten years, has already cultivated a large number of readers.

They have given up on Youth Jump because they have grown up. They are the target group of Youth Jump. They will definitely buy Youth Jump and watch it because of the name Tori Akino.

Of course, the follow-up will depend on whether "Naoki Hansawa" can retain these readers.

"Weekly Shōnen Jump has achieved a miracle of a huge circulation of 653 million because it has Toriyama Akira and "Dragon Ball", far surpassing its competitors magazine and Sunday. Now that I have Toriyama Mirai, maybe It’s like jumping into the past.”

"'Youth Jump' is going to be a big success under my hands!"

Any editor-in-chief of a comic magazine would envy Nobuhiko Horie, a 600 million man, which represents an absolute achievement.

Tanaka Jun never dared to think about it in the past. This is the confidence that Tori Akino has given him in the future.

"120 million comic magazines have been printed this time. I wonder what the result will be?"

"And, do you want to print more next week?"

This is Tanaka Jun's troubles.


"Tori Akino-sensei's new work is quite nice," Kito said.

He saw something in Hanzawa Naoki that he had never dared to do.

After working for a long time, he felt that he was becoming more and more humble, working only for salary and without any sense of accomplishment.

Is the work he does meaningful?

Guitou won't think about it now.

The plot of "Naoki Hansawa" in Makino Seiki made him emotional.

There are many older workers at Makino Seiki, who turn parts with smiles.

It can be seen that they are happy to work.

Banze can apply for a loan for this company and wants to save the humane Makino Seiki.

His work is meaningful and makes him proud.

But this was overruled by the ruthless branch manager.

"Are you still buying Weekly Youth Jump next week?"

he asked Kuri Shannan.

"Of course I will buy it," said Kuriyama Minami. "I don't know why, but this comic is very immersive for me. I am completely addicted to it."

"Maybe we are just people working like robots." Kito said with emotion, "Without passion for work, "Naoki Hansawa" is the work for us to watch."

There is no communication between people, and codes are written mechanically.

Everyday is so boring, but there is another possibility in the workplace in "Naoki Hansawa".


"Teacher, "Naoki Hansawa" is a huge success!" the editor said excitedly in front of Hibiki Higashino.

He, a mature and prudent man, could not restrain his excitement.

There are very few comics that achieve success in the first episode.

Even senior cartoonists have to rely on plot to speak for themselves.

There are many people who were outstanding in their previous work, but their later work was ignored by everyone, and they could only be cut in half.

"Naoki Hansawa" is off to a good start.

This is also a rare work by Hibiki Higashino that took off directly from the first chapter of the manga.

"Soul of Chess", "Slam Dunk", and "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" were all relatively average in the early stages. Only when the plots became interesting later did they achieve good results.

Dong Yexiang nodded, not caring.

He is currently writing the storyboard of "Dream Eaters". This comic has also passed the serialization meeting, and Akimiya Akemi is urging it.

He didn't even have time to be excited.

"Township Editor," Higashino Hibiki raised his head and said, "My future results will be even better."

Xiang clenched his fist and said, "I want to become the No. 1 in "Weekly Youth Jump"!"

The two assistants laughed dumbly, "Mr. Xiang, you are such a rare person of passion."

"When I work with Mr. Tori Akino, I have higher requirements, but I don't have such thoughts as you yet."

Shōnen manga artist Tori Akino Mirai's first youth manga surpassed "Kintaro". How is this possible?

On April [-], the second episode of "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" was aired.

Higashino Hibiki learned about the ratings of the first episode of "Madoka" after being notified by Supervisor Araki.

It is 7.4%, which is the prime-time result.

"Madoka" in the previous world was broadcast in the early morning, and the average ratings of the final episode were 2.3%. God knows how many young people would get up and watch "Madoka" at 3 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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