Full-time cartoonist.

Chapter 302 The imprisoned Ye Shenzi

Chapter 302 The imprisoned Ye Shenzi
"Death Note" ends in Chapter 34 after Yagami Light tells L, "Maybe I really am Kira."

Yagami Soichiro is panicked and the readers are surprised, but it is here that the story stops at the most critical moment. We need to wait another week to learn Yagami Yue's plan.

"It's nasty."

"This was not the case when Tori Akino-sensei serialized "Soul of the Game" and "Slam Dunk". Why do you like to titillate people now?"

"He's really a bad learner."

"Has the cool Tori Akino who used to be a high school student now has the mysteriousness of a middle-aged person?"

"Oh, I didn't notice even if you didn't mention it, Tori Akino is no longer a student."

Crazy House Company, during the lunch break, many people were discussing the "Death Note" they were producing.

Mr. Jing Chun, the original animator who has been in the industry for more than 30 years and has never left the company even after the Miyazaki Tsutomu incident, was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses.

"When I heard the name Tori Akino, it was the autumn of 93. I heard that he was a young newcomer who won the Tezuka Prize. I didn't have much impression at first. I just thought, "Oh, he is so young and promising." Then I forgot about it. Finally. "

"I didn't expect that his "Go Soul" would be serialized so soon. The content is also very interesting. It is a type rarely seen in jump. "The audience for comics about Go is very small," I thought at the time.But after that, "The Soul of the Game" did very well. As a person who didn't know Go, I was fascinated by it. I really wanted to make the animation of "The Soul of the Game", but it was a pity that it was snatched away by Toei's Endo. "

Mr. Jing Chun smacked his lips, regretting it.

Colleagues listened carefully to this past event.

They are about the same age as Tori Akino and enter this industry with a sincere heart.

I was still a high school student when I watched "The Soul of the Game", so of course I didn't understand the comics and animation industry.

"I was lucky enough to be invited to the Shueisha New Year's Party in 95. At that time, I met Akino Tori, who looked only in his early 20s. When I asked, I found out that he was almost 19 years old. Now that I think about it, I really don't know. Sorry."

"Tori Akino, who is about to graduate from high school, has been drawing "The Soul of the Game" for a year. He is really a genius. I respect him even more."

Someone raised their hands and said cheerfully: "Before graduating from high school, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to Sayuri!"

Everyone said in twos and threes, "At that time, I was still very confused and didn't know what to do."

"I really wanted to make animation, and Space Battleship Yamato was great! But no one wanted it."

"Graduated from high school, I'm doing odd jobs to save money to study animation."

"I'm working hard for the make-up exam."

Mr. Jing Chun said softly: "Everyone is amazing."

He continued: "I won the "Tezuka Award" at the age of 17, started serializing at the age of 18, and became the mainstay of Jump at the age of 19. This is Mirai Tori Akino. "

"After achieving great achievements, he was still not satisfied. He finished "The Soul of the Game" with great results. Everyone felt that he didn't know how to cherish it. Of course, such a mainstay comic should have more content."

"None of us expected that "Slam Dunk" would create even better achievements later on, and it is now a milestone for Jump."

"Young people all over Japan like to watch "Slam Dunk". Some people still talk about the summer in Shohoku and miss it endlessly. In the streets, schools, and gymnasiums, rare basketball courts are constantly being improved. Basketball has become a popular sport. It was once suppressed. Taking football into the limelight.”

"I can't forget those scenes now. The impact was astonishing. One Piece, the mainstay of Jump, is still far behind."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Many Tori Akino's Kurokos were born because they were unwilling to accept the ending of "Slam Dunk".

Mr. Jing Chun dragged his chin and his eyes returned to that summer.

His tone was low, as if in a dream, "In the most glorious moment of "Slam Dunk", Sakuragi Hanamichi, and Tori Akino Mirai, to everyone's surprise, this comic ended. The bustling summer has stayed forever. day."

Mr. Jing Chun took a deep breath and came back to his senses.

The young colleagues didn't say anything, they were all regretting the end of an era.

"After "Slam Dunk", it is now "Death Note". Tori Akino will still maintain his glory in the future and will not end in the new century."

"Readers are still enthusiastic about his comics."

"In the autumn of 93, I could never have imagined the great achievements Tori Akino would have in the future."

"Now that 9 years have passed, I have grown a few years older. The young Tori Akino has become a senior in the industry and continues to create miracles. Thinking about it really makes me emotional."

Colleagues nodded and were immersed in Tori Akino's future story.

At this time, the president's secretary came over and informed that Mr. Maruyama Masao's fried chicken nuggets were ready.

They were still immersed in the legend of Tori Akino and had yet to take action.


Mr. Jing Chun picked up the stainless steel bowl, stood up, and jogged over happily.

The employees of Crazy House couldn't help but look at each other.

"What were we talking about just now?"

"It's probably... Tori Akino's broken story in the future?"


"It's time to go, it's important to eat."

Everyone dispersed like a flock of birds.


"Tori Akino, please stop leaving me in suspense, okay?"

Higashino answered the phone, Mr. Tomihiro Yoshihiro's voice was very resentful, as if he had been wronged.

"The plot ends here, and there's nothing I can do about it." Higashikata nodded with a smile.

He sat on the swivel chair, turned around and looked back, and found that Xiaohe had finished cleaning up.

"I am also a creator, don't lie to me!" Yoshihiro Togashi didn't believe it at all.

"How is that possible? Teacher, you really like to think wildly, haha. I won't talk anymore, I have something else to do here, so I have to stop talking on the phone first."

A busy signal came from the phone. Yoshihiro Togashi looked at Naoko Takeuchi in disbelief. He stammered: "I...am I being disliked?"

"Pfft!" Naoko Takeuchi couldn't help laughing.


Higashino put down the phone.

He has several mobile phones with calling cards from different operators.

It is a shameful business practice that different operators cannot call each other.

No wonder everyone likes to communicate by email, because operators are not human.

Higashino misses China Mobile a little bit.

"Teacher Toriyama, it's time for me to say goodbye." Xiaohe's sad voice interrupted Hibiki's thoughts.

The original manuscript of "Paprika" was finished, and his work was over, so he was leaving Tori Akino Studio.

Dong Yexiang stood up quickly, "I'll see you off."

"No need." Xiaohe waved his hand, and Dong Yexiang followed him to the door.

"Tori Akino-sensei," he said, "Thank you for taking care of me for such a long time. If you need it in the future, please be sure to contact me."

"Of course," Higashikata gave a thumbs up, "Mr. Xiaohe is serious and diligent in his work and has outstanding abilities. It is my loss to forget you."

"Ashamed." Xiaohe lowered his head, "This is all I can do."

He left with melancholy thoughts.

In Tori Akino's studio, Xiaohe felt the excitement of entering the comics industry for the first time.

With the dream of becoming a cartoonist, I work hard without impurities.

It's a pity that now I...have become a person who only needs three meals a day for food and clothing.

Facing Omori and Tanaka, Xiaohe felt ashamed.

Now I can't bear to leave.

Probably after leaving, I have to face the reality of the situation again.

"It doesn't matter," he patted his cheek, "I'm fine this way."

Having a warm family, a gentle wife, and lovely children is no less than the future he imagined as a cartoonist. …

After Xiaohe left, Ibuki Hikaru also left.

Because "Sakura Mission" has been completed, Ibuki Hikaru also lost her job after helping paint "Paprika".

Akimiya Akemi's first experience as a cartoonist ended smoothly.

Things were back to normal in Tori Akino's studio.

"Tori Akino-sensei," Omori turned around, "They are all gone."

"Yeah." Higashino nodded.

"It's okay to leave," Omori said. "Guys without dreams will only affect the atmosphere if they stay here."

"Tch." Dongye Xiang ignored him and sat aside.

Today's Omori is very passionate.

"Oh, by the way," Omori continued, "I checked the Jump official website, and the Golden Future Cup has been announced."


"The shortlisted works will be serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" in batches. After readers' votes, they will be divided into selected winners and semi-selected winners."

"The bonus for selection is 100 million yen, and the bonus for successful selection is 50 yen. This is no different from the Tezuka Award.It seems that Jump is determined to participate in the "Golden Future Cup". "

Higashino Hibiki asked: "Is this the only content?"

Omori replied: "Also, the shortlisted works will be qualified to enter the serialization meeting after being reviewed by the editor with the assistance of the editor. In other words, the "Golden Future Cup" will lead directly to serialization. "

"This has been announced." Higashino nodded, "It seems that next summer will be very exciting."

Many interesting comics will emerge.

"I will work hard too!" Omori rubbed his hands and looked determined to win.

"Come on." Higashino Hibiki cheered.


A week later, the "Weekly Shonen Jump" also published a call for submissions for the "Golden Mirai Cup".

"Breaking! The Golden Future Cup submission activity is in full swing!"

"What a big move."

"Jump spares no effort in discovering new talents."

"I just have a great idea!"

"I'm going to work hard from now on!"

"Oh! It's a call for submissions for serialization qualifications! That's great!"

People who dream of becoming cartoonists are very excited after seeing this news. The first thought is - I want to participate!
There are also some people who are very distressed, such as Sorachi Hideaki.

He has already faxed the revised "Dandelion" to Editor Onishi. If he had known that there would be a "Golden Future Cup", it would be better to save this proud work for next year to compete for supremacy.

"What a pity, but hey," he giggled, "Maybe "Dandelion" will also be serialized, hahaha."

Of course it would be better if it could be serialized one day earlier.

"I will be a senior then!"

He couldn't help but think that at the 2004 New Year's Party, the name Sorachi Hideaki had become famous.

The first newcomer to be serialized due to being selected for the "Golden Future Cup" faced himself bending down and addressing himself as a senior.

"Wa hahaha."

He laughed wildly.

Until he got bored too.

"Forget it, let's watch "Death Note"." Faced with the present, Hideaki Sorachi thought with eyes wide open.


This is something a lot of people are going crazy to see.

Ken Miyano didn't go to see the "Golden Mirai Cup" and ignored the exaggerated text on the color page cover. His goal was clear and he just read "Death Note".

"Why did Yagami Yue surrender?"

With curiosity, he couldn't wait to look at it.

"L is the world's best detective. Since L thinks I am Kira, then I must be Kira."

"I started to wonder if I might have become Kira unconsciously!"

"I also have those criminals who are dead, and not only criminals, but many people are dead."

"Maybe the person who thinks this way is really Kira."

He made a look of panic and repentance.

"The acting is so good," Ken Miyano couldn't help but say.

If he were allowed to read "Death Note" from here, he might really feel that Yue was wronged by L.

Using retreat to advance is quite clever.

These words of Yue will not be considered as evidence of crime.

Of course, Yue never lied to L.

He also didn't have such simple thoughts.

Yue's purpose is that he is imprisoned by L. If someone is still killed by Kira while he is imprisoned, it will prove his innocence.

L agreed, and he was imprisoned for a long time.

Yue cooperated with everything, put his hands and feet in shackles, and obediently cooperated with the police's actions.

Even Soichiro Yagami, who couldn't accept it, acquiesced to this action under Yue's "monologue".

This made L less confident, "Is it true that Yagami Yue is not Kira?"


"Pfft hahaha." Miyano Ken said with a smile, "It's so interesting. L was fooled by Yagami Yue."

"That's right, let go of all guards, the "honest" Ye Shenyue is now like an innocent person. "

Miyano Ken also gradually understood Ye Shenyue's thoughts.

Rem left with the notebook. If he found a new owner, another Kira would take action.

This proves that Light Yagami is not Kira.

"Yakami Yue's trick of throwing herself into a trap is indeed wonderful! But L won't believe it easily, he will only believe in his own judgment. And...how to save Mikai Sand? What a headache."

There is something unexpected about Ken Miyano.

After Yagami Light was imprisoned, Yagami Soichiro resigned from his position.

His son became Kira's suspect and was not suitable for his current job as a father.

Moreover, his mind is confused now and he doesn't know what to do.

Soichiro Yagami asked L to imprison himself too!
He walked into the cage.

"Souichiro Yagami is such a good father. No wonder the former Light Yagami wanted to become a police officer. This must have been influenced by his father."

"Perhaps Yue without the "Death Note" would become someone like Soichiro Yagami.What a shame. "

This remark showed a lot of plot, and of course it ended.

If you want to know Yagami Yue's true plan, you have to wait until next week.

Ken Miyano gradually got used to the expectation, and this time, Akino Toriyamai did not make people excited, it just ended normally, which made him feel much more relaxed and no longer anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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