Marvel's Mulgore Inn

Chapter 557 Medal of Glory

Chapter 557 Medal of Glory

"Yes, the rapid development of technology will lead to the end of biological systems."

"Take human beings as an example. It took 4800 million years to develop from primates to early Homo sapiens, 60 years to develop from hunting and gathering to agricultural society, only 1 years to enter industrial civilization, and only 200 years for large-scale use of electricity. It has been 30 years, and atomic energy research has only been for [-] years... Mr. Tony Stark, as the incarnation of "truth", I can deeply understand the importance of interpreting the truth of the universe, but excessive jumps will only advance the entire universe countless times perish."

The voice of "truth" is not loud, and the tone is very gentle, as if a wise old man is talking about it.But everyone was listening carefully, especially Stark and Banner lost in thought.

After being silent for a while, Stark said dryly: "I don't understand, the universe is so big, and there are countless technological civilizations surpassing the earth, why I..."

"Because you are at the forefront of all technological civilizations, and you have interpreted one of the core secrets of the universe, you have revealed the ultimate mystery of dimension and energy. If one day, time can also be quantified digitally, it will be a An unprecedented disaster."

Seeing that most people are still at a loss, "Truth" added: "In fact, if any advanced civilization wants to teach the earth civilization about antimatter technology and air energy formulas on a whim, and bring the earth to the third level in advance , Level [-] or even higher levels of civilization, I will just turn a blind eye to this."

"When a civilization becomes level [-] or [-], it will not have a big impact on the multiverse itself. But if all civilizations enter the realm of omniscience and omnipotence because of your formula, then it is foreseeable that the entire super multiverse will be destroyed in the shortest possible time. The inside will turn into nothingness.”

"Why?" Bruce Banner was stunned by the prospects depicted by "Truth" and couldn't help asking.

"Because of the war!"

Truth explained with a smile, "The biological instinct lies in possession, the possession of the means of production. When all living things are incomparably powerful, any war will destroy this universe."

Most people already get it.

When human beings were still stuck in long swords and crossbows, war was just a game that swept across several countries; when human beings had aircraft and cannons, the flames of war would spread to several continents; At that time, the demise of the earth has entered the countdown.

When the powerful cosmic civilization wars permeate the entire river system, the huge Milky Way has become a plaything for military strategists and careerists.If a large number of biological civilizations have mastered dimensions and energy, then the demise of the universe will happen sooner or later. In the face of survival and extinction, any despicable or even insane means are worth writing about.

"So...for the continuation of this universe, I sincerely beg you—the great Mr. Tony Stark to seal your formula."

Stark pondered, and suddenly asked: "Can I ask, what did you say to Einstein back then?"

"Of course!" Truth told Stark frankly, "I just told him to do it step by step!"

"I understand!" Tony Stark nodded, "I will seal up the string field formula, but we already have several people who know this formula..."

"Just keep it in your heart!"

"Truth" looked at the other people and said with a smile, "I will add a little shackles to them. They can apply this formula by themselves, but they cannot spread it in any way."

Several guys hesitated and looked at each other, Bruce Banner shrugged first, "Okay, I agree!"

The transcendent frowned, "I agree to prohibit the spread of the string field formula, but with your ordinary multi-level strength, it should not be enough to put any form of shackles on me..."

Molecular Man didn't make a sound, and he, who has always been a prudent personality, also has his own pride. Hearing this, he just smiled at the Transcendence, expressing his agreement with him.

But the answer from "Truth" was beyond their expectations: "Perhaps the two of you have misunderstood my form of existence, yes, in terms of strength, even the Life Tribunal cannot make any judgments against you. But 'truth' is different, I just need to close the channel of communication and..."

After listening to the explanation of truth, the two nodded thoughtfully.

"Then my mission is accomplished!" No one present saw any attack from "Truth". They just saw him waving his hand, and a wonderful curve was drawn out of the void.Then everyone felt as if a string was being plucked in their minds, and the next moment, the endless universe returned to its original state.

"These manuscripts are extremely precious things. They bear witness to the genius inspirations and great ideas that have appeared in this universe. Please allow me to take it away. It will be enshrined in the Supreme Hall of Truth for all living beings to worship and admire !” Before leaving, Truth waved his hand again, and gathered up the scratch paper that Stark had randomly discarded in the universe, “At the same time, in order to express my high respect and gratitude to Mr. Tony Stark, I have a A little proposal..."

He seemed to say something to Stark, and saw Stark froze for a moment, pointing to his nose and asking, "Who? Me?"

"Of course it's you!" The voice of truth sounded extremely joyful, "We welcome all the great scientific researchers who advocate the truth, defend the truth, and embody the truth. Your name will be permanently engraved on the top of the steps leading to the golden hall... ..."

"It's a small thing like engraving a name, you can do it yourself, but I need to seriously consider your suggestion just now!" Stark waved his hand, and he returned to that stinky fart with his nostrils upturned.

"Okay, until the moment before the end of your life as a human being, you can make the final decision at any time, this is the honor you deserve!" Truth bowed politely, "Then, if there is nothing else, I think I'm leaving!"

Just before the truth was about to disappear, Stark suddenly stopped him.

"Last question, is there really a Laplace demon in this world?"

"Yes!" Truth replied without hesitation. In the illusory mist, a pair of eyes shining with faint golden light unexpectedly appeared, facing Tony Stark face to face.


Stark seemed a little embarrassed to say, "What's his final ending?"

"It turns out that Mr. Tony Stark has already guessed his ending?" Truth smiled, "The last Laplace demon finally turned his body and soul into energy and concentrated it at a certain point in the eleventh dimension. In the end, this point exploded and turned into the seventh universe!"

After Truth left, Bruce Banner excitedly poked Stark who was still in deep thought, "Tony, what promise did 'Truth' give you?"

"Oh, nothing!"

Stark pretended to be a Versailles-style grand contest as if nothing had happened, "He invited me to become a multi-orthodox god."

"The concept is—knowledge!"

(End of this chapter)

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