Marvel's Mulgore Inn

Chapter 541 The Aftermath

Chapter 541 The Aftermath
The supreme evolution is dead, but the affairs of Monarch and Halfworld are not over.

With the help of the demon god Dantalian, Ayesha began to clear the Sovereign Council of Elders—these elders were all colleagues, friends, or students before the Supreme Evolution. They used to have a famous name "Enclave" ".

Morakot, a doctor of nuclear physics, Hamilton, an expert in medicine, Zota, an expert in electronics, and Professor Shensky, an authority in biology and genetics... These scholars and experts who were once well-known on the earth, after forging their own death information, and the supreme Evolution traveled to the "half world" together.Although they haven't acquired the strength beyond the universe level like the highest evolution, they also have their own special abilities, and their brain development has also reached a considerable level.

At the same time, these people are the founders of the new Sovereign civilization. They have conducted a lot of experiments on the Sovereign natives, constantly improving the genes of the Sovereign people. Ayesha and Adam are their important achievements.In fact, they were so successful that Ayesha became the high priest of Sovereign, and Adam finally became the all-powerful and omniscient, and even took over the position of the Tribunal of Life.

Speaking of which, Ayesha is the high priest of Sovereign and the leader of civilization.In fact, her every move is under the control of the Council of Elders.Therefore, if she doesn't want to eliminate the influence of the Enclave, then she can only accept the fate of being treated as a puppet.

"Honey, just leave it to me!"

Fortunately, Ayesha's current man is Dantalian, a demon god with magical powers from hell.He saw Ayesha's embarrassment, and took the initiative to take these things over.

Then Caiji's Demon God is also a Demon God.

There is such a huge hell dimension, a super universe spanning billions of light years, and powerful civilizations emerge in endlessly.But there are only 72 demon gods in total.

Having lived for tens of millions of years, Dantalian should become extremely wise even if he is a pig. What's more, this demon god is known for his scheming and insight into people's hearts. Think about the performance of Mystique in XMAN, and Dantalian is a super enhanced version of Mystique + White Queen!
With Dantalian's help, Ayesha and her guards took control of the Elders immediately before the news of the Supreme Evolution's death spread, and successfully eliminated all the Supreme Evolutions used to control Suo Vaelin left behind.

In this way, a civilization that was famous and powerful in the universe fell into Ayesha's control little by little.

In the "half world" not far from Monarch, because there are laboratories and countless equipment built by the highest evolution on the anti-earth, and those experimental objects must also be properly placed.

Rocket Raccoon's former companions and friends are all dead, but there are more deformed creatures, talking animals, and strange and highly intelligent creatures.

"These are all wealth!" Rocket told Cows, "I plan to send creatures with excellent IQ and strong technological capabilities to Mavey Base, and the rest will stay on the anti-earth, so that they can survive and multiply here. "

"That's the reshaping of a planet's social civilization!"

For the Rockets' idea, Cows didn't say he supported it, but he didn't oppose it either.He just felt that this project was too huge—it was not a matter of one or two prisons or a few hospitals, but a biological planet with a deformed civilization.

"Someone always needs to do it!" Rocket said.

Cows thought for a while, and said, "I'll send you 451!"

"Oh, that would be great..." Rocket was very excited, "If 451 is willing to help me, I estimate that it only takes one year to complete the initial remodeling of civilization."

"I don't want to leave Master!" 451 disagreed with this, "But I can send you an intelligent program, this program has about half of my intelligence level, enough to build a planet."

Rocket knows 451's ability, and also knows that every planet in the Mavis galaxy has an intelligent clone program of 451.With this program, a planet can develop itself under the control of the program.Open a base, open a mine, build a manufacturing factory, and then step by step turn the entire planet into a new sub-base.

——This is the terrifying power of intelligent AI.

They don't need to reproduce, there are no social problems, and all social structures are enforced from the top down.As long as there are enough resources, they can develop without limit, sweeping one galaxy after another like locusts.In the known universe, the two most terrifying expansion civilizations that "quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes" are intelligent mechanical civilizations, and the second is the notorious Zerg.

However, unlike other intelligent AIs that can get out of control, 451 has survived in this universe for hundreds of millions of years. It is a more powerful AI than Ultron and Jarvis. A terrifying mechanical frenzy.But for some reason, the strongest artificial intelligence born in the seventh world universe has no second thoughts other than the technology to continue the "tyrant" civilization.

In fact, only a few people, including Cows, Rocket, Stark, and Dr. Banner, who have studied Godslayer in depth, know that 451 is not artificial intelligence in essence, but an auxiliary operation of Godslayer. program.It's just because the technological level of the "tyrant" civilization is too high, so 451 looks very powerful... But the biggest difference between it and other artificial intelligence is that 451 is the attachment of the godslayer.When the Godslayer is completely destroyed, 451 will also completely disappear!
Because of this, as long as Cous is still in control of the godslayer, the core underlying program of 451 will never have the concepts of "rebellion" and "independence".

Therefore, the Rocket boldly used 451's technology to start building teleportation stargates on the two planets, Half World and Mavis, and prepared to completely evacuate "Anti-Earth", the planet that once left Rocket with painful memories.

But this move has inadvertently benefited "Golden Merger" Wilson Fisk and The Punisher enormously.Their fleet was completely lost in the last Jupiter offensive and defensive battle, and the new fleet has not yet been manufactured-but "anti-Earth" has a large number of armed spaceships left by the highest evolution.

After 451 created Mavis's stargate leading to the "anti-Earth", Jin Bin and Uncle Fei not only digested a large number of armed spaceships, but also recruited a large number of crew members for their fleet.

Don't forget that Rocket Raccoon was once just a test product in "Anti-Earth", and there are many more test products like him.These test subjects may not have the sudden IQ and scientific literacy of rockets, but as products of advanced civilizations, they are no strangers to spaceship driving.Therefore, after getting rid of their own destiny, all the "experimental products" who wanted to take risks chose the fleets of Jin Bin or Uncle Pei, and became important members of the two fleets in a short period of time.

But no one noticed that among the many "evolutionary" test subjects left by the supreme evolution, there was a white-haired girl. After she was released by Rocket Raccoon, she just looked back at the training cabin and suddenly disappeared into the air. middle.

(End of this chapter)

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