Ome Quartet of Snow Country

Chapter 618 Dinner for 5

Chapter 618 Dinner for Five

On the first day when Naruse and Naoko returned home, Morimi, Haisei and Takigawa Hikaru all stayed. Not only do the three of them want to stay for dinner, they also plan to stay here tonight.

But there was nothing in the refrigerator. When the three of them went home to say hello, Naruse also went to the supermarket with Naoko and bought enough ingredients for a week at one time.

"Ah, Naoko! It feels like I haven't seen you here for a long time."

"Yes. I wasn't at home a while ago."

"Eh, is that so?"

"Yes." She smiled the same as usual, "I went on a little trip."

"Yes, welcome back." The supermarket clerk also smiled, "Here, your receipt."


Shangzi looked at it twice, then took the receipt as usual and put it into his wallet along with the change.

After paying the bill, Naruse carried the bag, and she followed him closely. They walked out of the supermarket together and walked into the wind and snow outside.

"Shangzi, do you want to continue keeping accounts?"

"Well, since I gave you the receipt, it's not a bad thing to keep recording it." She held his arm. "It's better to say that there are many benefits to keeping accounts."


"Haruhai also needs to learn to keep accounts."

He smiled and blew another breath to blow away a snowflake that fell on the tip of his nose. "Then by the end of the year, I probably won't dare to look at my own account book."

"This is one of the benefits of keeping accounts. It allows Harumi to be more careful when spending money and stop being so lavish."

"I'm not usually lavish...well, occasionally."

"Especially when you spend money on them, you must write it down." Shangzi said, hugging his arms tighter, "Clearly, every transaction must be written down."


"When they were quarreling, I took out Harumi's account book and told them how much Harumi spent this month on Haixing, how much she spent on Hikari, and what she secretly bought for Kazuyo."


Naruse spit out a large cloud of white mist and felt a little weak in his hands holding the bag.

"It's better to let me go."


When they reached Haixing's hotel, the two stopped, and Shangzi said hello to Haixing's father.

"Kyushu greetings, Mr. Seiichiro."

"Shangzi is back..."

Looking at the two children at the door, Seiichiro had complicated eyes and said, "Welcome back."

After saying hello, Haixing followed the two of them.

When they arrived at Morimi Furu Honten, the three of them went in together.


Seeing that Naoko was really back, Mori Mianshu was silent for a while, but still responded to her and Naruse's greetings.

"I'm going to Chunhai's house for dinner tonight." said her daughter.


"If it's too late, I might not go home." She added.


So when the three Naruses left the bookstore, Morimi followed them.

"What is your parents' attitude now?"

“To ask is to object.”

"Don't ask."

"What did you say?"

Naruse looked at her cheek again, reflecting the white snow, with almost no traces visible.

If Naoko hadn't told him that she slapped her in the room, he would never have known that such a thing had happened.

Compared to Matsu Qianqiu a week ago, Naoko was obviously much more restrained.

When we reached the intersection, Hikari Takigawa, who was in front of the convenience store, saw a few people and walked over quickly.

"I just bought some snacks and drinks, that's enough."

Naruse glanced at the two bags she was holding. They were almost full. "How much did you buy? Food for the winter."

"It's not that exaggerated." She smiled, "I felt like I wouldn't go to bed too early tonight, so I bought more, and there are five of us."

"Have you been home yet?"

"Of course. Mom still doesn't believe that Shangzi is really back. Fortunately, I took the photo."

"Hey, I didn't notice when it was taken."

"While waiting for the bus before."

"let me see."

Naruse picked up the bag in his hand and said, "Let's take a look when we get back."

Back at Naruse's house, it was almost dark, so Naruse and Naoko went directly to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"For five people, how about making a cooking pot?"

"Is that enough to eat?"

"Prepare some more beef and sear it while you eat."

"That's fine too."

Naruse cut the beef, Naoko handled other ingredients needed to make the pot, and the sound of chopping vegetables and water running continued in the kitchen.

"Do you need help?"

Naruse turned around, and Hikaru Takigawa poked his head at the kitchen door, and walked in when he looked over.

"No, two people have their hands full."

"Then I'll stand on the sidelines and watch."

"It's very annoying."

"It's too much!"

She came over, looked at the ingredients they were preparing, and quickly guessed what she was going to eat tonight, "Pot, I like it."

Naoko turned to smile at her.

After watching for a while, Takigawa Hikaru said again: "Haruhai, take a rest and let me do it."

After cutting out the last piece of beef, Naruse gave up his position and put the remaining beef back in the refrigerator.

After watching for a while, he, like Hikari Takigawa just now, couldn't find a chance to intervene, so he temporarily left the kitchen.


After turning on the faucet and rinsing the knives, Shangzi carefully chopped green onions. After working for a while, he suddenly realized that the person next to him was looking at him.


Takigawa Hikaru's happiness came from the bottom of his heart, "It's great that Naoko is back."

Naoko pursed her lips and smiled, and continued chopping vegetables.

"Who allowed him to find me, and then shamelessly refused to leave, so I had no choice but to come back with him."


"Guang has apologized many times today."

"Um...but, I'm sorry."

Naoko stopped and looked at her, took a deep breath, and let it out again.

"Well, I have forgiven Guang. From now on... let's get along well."


The two looked at each other, smiled again, and continued to cut vegetables.

"I would also like to thank Hikari for taking care of Harumi during my absence."

"It's not just me taking care of it either."

"Yeah, but I still want to thank Hikari for getting Harumi back on his feet. Ah, give me that."

Takigawa Hikaru brought the salt shaker to her hand, "No matter who it is, there is no way to watch Harumi continue to be depressed like that."

Shangzi suddenly looked over, "Are you really depressed?"

Takigawa Hikaru was startled, then nodded, "Yes."

She smiled and said, "He told me that he only slept at home for a few days and spent the rest of the time looking for clues about me."

"More than that, during that time, Chunhai ate instant noodles every day and grew his beard as long as a homeless man."

"Hey, is that so?"


Shangzi smiled again, "It seems that my leaving was a really big blow to him... When he talked about what happened during this period, he didn't even mention it at all. He was so tough."

Takigawa Mitsunori was not harsh at all, "It also hit me hard."

Naoko smiled at her.

"Now I'm back."


"Ah, just cut the tofu."


Outside the kitchen, Naruse had time to pack his suitcase.

Take out all the clothes inside, wash what needs to be washed, and put aside what doesn't need to be washed, waiting to be sent back to the room and hung in the closet.

"Why are there condoms?"

Morimi stood aside and quickly noticed that there was a box of condoms in the compartment of the suitcase.

"Of course I brought it back if I didn't use it up."

"Then how much did you use?"

"One box."

"Do you have sex every day?"

"Then there won't be any left in this box."

Morimi knelt down, picked up one of his coats in the suitcase, touched it in his hands, and his eyes were a little straight.

"Does it still hurt?"

"What?" She raised her head and saw him staring at her face, and she understood.

"Fortunately, she didn't exert too much force...did she tell you?"


Haixing squatted on the other side and looked at the two of them, "What are you talking about?"

Morimi shook his head, and Naruse didn't explain. He just picked up a few clothes piled next to him and asked her to put them in the dirty clothes basket first.

"Oh." Haixing walked over obediently.

Naruse stood up and closed the suitcase. Morimi carried a few other clothes that did not need to be washed and went upstairs with him.

He put down his suitcase, she hung up her clothes, and then she hugged him.

"Welcome back."

"I'm back." Naruse took a deep breath and hugged her too.

She was buried in his chest and didn't move for a long time.

"Are you crying?"


She raised her head, her eyes were still dry as expected, "I just want to hold you for a little longer."

"There's no need to be sneaky now." "I don't dare. If Shangzi sees it, he might slap me again."

"Sure enough, it still hurts." He moved closer and looked at her cheek carefully.

"It's this way." She turned the other side of her face, "Can you see?"

"can not tell."

"Are you covering up for her?"

"I really can't see it."

Mori smiled, "Because she really didn't use too much force. I could even feel that she deliberately restrained her strength, otherwise she wouldn't have lost control and knocked my glasses off."

She paused, "Shangzi is already thinking about the future. It's too tense and it won't end well."

Naruse pursed his lower lip, "After all, she is back."

Morimi sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him, "You can get her back like this. You are really powerful."

"She is my most important girlfriend."

"Are you sure you want to say that in front of me?"

Naruse walked over and touched her face, "She is my most important hurts."

She turned around and bit his finger.

"No need to stress it a second time."

Withdrawing his fingers, he leaned down and kissed her lips.


The two kissed for a while, and Naruse caught a glimpse of some movement at the door. He glanced over and saw Haixing watching them outside.

He paused, "Come in."

Seeing that he was still unfinished, Sen turned his head and glanced, then raised his leg to hook him, "Go on."

Naruse just kissed her lightly and easily broke free from the grip of her legs, "It's time to help prepare dinner."

When passing Haixing, he also pulled her and kissed her on the forehead.


Watching him go down, Morimi looked at the smiling Haixing again, "Are you satisfied with this? ...Okay, he just needs to kiss you every day from now on, and give us the rest of the time."

"No!" Haixing objected immediately.

Mori smiled, fell back, and lay down on his bed.

Haixing looked at her, then looked back at the open door, but stayed for now.

"Has Shangzi really accepted us?"

"Are Starfish scared?"

"...a little bit."

"I accepted it." Looking at the ceiling, Morimi touched his face, the side that was hit, "I accepted it reluctantly and helplessly. Her man likes you so much that he can't let me and Guang go." , there is nothing she can do.”

"Each of us is making concessions and compromises. Only in this way can this twisted network of relationships be maintained."

Haixing thought for a moment, "What did Harumi compromise..."

Mori looked at her and said, "Do you think having four girlfriends at the same time is an easy thing? It might be more difficult for him to be irresponsible in bed, but with his kind of character, these are four heavy The burden of life.”


Morimi looked at the ceiling again and slowly exhaled.

"The current result was actually foreseeable a long time ago... I just didn't expect that the process would become so tortuous, and Shangzi actually left at one point... It's really great that she can come back safely now. .”

Starfish stood by the bed and looked at her, and nodded.

"Otherwise I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Mori smiled, then was in a daze for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Haixing was about to go down, she also sat up.

"Go down."

The two went downstairs, and the other three were staying in the kitchen. They also went over to take a look.

"Dinner is almost ready." At this time, Naruse was the one doing the work. Hikaru Takigawa turned around, noticed the two of them, and smiled at them.

"what's for dinner?"

"Starfish, come and see for yourself."

She walked forward and sniffed first, "It smells so good..."

Naoko also smiled at her and looked at Takigawa Hikaru, "Hikaru, let's prepare the gas stove."


After tossing for a while, the various ingredients in the cooking pot and the beef that will be blanched later are all ready.

"Stop being stuck here, go to the restaurant and get ready to eat."

Naruse held the fully filled cooking pot, Naoko held the bowls and chopsticks, and Morimi took the remaining beef.

When he came to the restaurant, Hikaru Takigawa fiddled with the gas stove, but he couldn't turn it on.

"It seems like it's all burned out? It's clear that when I used it last time, I felt like there was still a lot of energy left..."

Naruse put down the cooking pot and went to the kitchen to search, and found that the gas stove contained the last tank of gas.

"It seems like this is only available in supermarkets," Haixing said.

"Well." He sighed and stood up, "Just wait a moment, I'll buy it now."

"Ah, I'm going with Harumi."

Hikaru Takigawa also went out with him.

I put on my coat and went outside. It was almost completely dark, and the wind and snow started blowing again.

The two of them hunched their necks, stepped on the crunching snow, and walked quickly. It didn't take long to reach the supermarket.

"It's so cold, so cold..."

He found a gas tank specially designed for gas stoves. It was estimated that it would be used a lot this winter, so Naruse simply bought a whole box.

"There are so many, they can be used for a long time."

"It should last through this winter."

"But putting so many gas tanks together is a bit dangerous, isn't it?"

"It didn't explode in the supermarket, and it probably won't explode suddenly when it arrives at my house..."

"The Harukai family is now the center of the whirlpool."


"Eh? what?"

"The world history of light needs to be worked hard."

"What did you say suddenly?"

After leaving the supermarket, Naruse's pace inevitably slowed down while carrying the boxes, and Hikari Takigawa naturally also slowed down to follow.

"Is it heavy?"

"A little bit, my arms are starting to feel a little sore."

"When we get to Kazuye's house, let me pick it up."

"Need not."

"Don't be brave."

"If you say that, I can't give it to you."

"バカ." (ba ka)

With the wind blowing and the snow blowing, the two of them walked on the streets that were already empty of people. They passed by the bookstores of Haixing's house and Morimi's house, without stopping.

At the intersection, Naruse paused for a moment under the streetlight and changed his position to hold her.

"Can't you carry it anymore?"

"It can be moved."

Takigawa Hikaru smiled, "I want to see how heavy it is."

They were almost home anyway, so Naruse let her take the box.

"Is it heavy?"


"Don't be forceful."


He patted the snowflakes from her hair.

"Let's go."

When I got home, I replaced the gas tank with a new one. The gas stove spit out tongues of flame, licking the cooking pot and transferring heat. Before long, I could vaguely see the rising white water vapor.

"It's getting hot."


Several people had already picked up the dishes and chopsticks, and sat around the dining table, staring at the cooking pot and waiting.

Under the light, the rising water vapor gradually became obvious, and after a while, the sound of gurgling could also be heard.

"smell good."


After waiting for a while, Shangzi opened the lid of the cooking pot, and a large cloud of water vapor rose up, and the aroma instantly spread.

She looked at it and smiled at a few people, "It's time to start."

Naruse took the lid and sent it to the kitchen, and soon returned to sit down at the dining table.

Several people were waiting for him, "I'm starting."

"I'm gonna start now--"

Picking up a piece of white and tender tofu, Morimi blew on it, took a bite, and shrank slightly.


"Be careful, it's just boiled." Shangzi said.

She glanced at her and nodded, "Okay."

"The beef is cooked, too." Hikaru Takigawa looked at the pieces of meat floating in the gurgling soup.

"They've all changed color and matured prematurely." Naruse said.

She picked up a piece and put it in her mouth.

"Well, well--it's really good."

Shangzi smiled, "Put a few slices of beef in the pot first and cook them together. Take one piece for each person, and then you can continue to cook."

When Haixing stretched out his chopsticks again, Naruse caught him and slowly pulled off the beef slices.

"We agreed to have one piece for each person. When we just opened the pot, Haixing couldn't wait to take away a piece of beef."

"How can..."

"I watched."


Morimi picked up another piece of beef and put it into her bowl.


"It's yours?" Naruse looked at her.

"It's yours." She took away the beef he snatched from Haixing on his chopsticks.

Naoko smiled, picked up the last piece of beef, and put it into her boyfriend's bowl.

"You can start perming."

 big chapter



(End of this chapter)

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