Ome Quartet of Snow Country

Chapter 547 Completion

Chapter 547 Completion
As the date of the cultural festival gradually approaches, in addition to the busy major clubs, the atmosphere of the cultural festival also gradually becomes stronger in the class.

The last class in the afternoon ended and the evening class meeting had not yet started. Several boys were already shouting and running to the back of the classroom to get busy.

Naruse sat in the last row. In terms of position, he had the best perspective to leisurely appreciate the busy work of others.

The cultural festival project of Class A in the second year was to open a fried noodle shop. When Morimi learned about this from his mouth, he subconsciously planned a rough process in his mind.

However, he did not participate in the whole process. He only saw the wonderful ideas borrowed from various places by the executive committee members during several evening class meetings. He did not know how prepared they were.

"Three, two, one...welcome!"

"Bend your waist down a little more."

"When you bend down, put a smile on your face."

Now it seems that they are training some etiquette when receiving guests.

"Are you interested."

Naruse turned around, and Morimi also looked at the boys who had been trained nondescriptly at the back of the classroom, "You go and attract customers, I'm sure you'll get a lot of business."

"I don't have the time."

He looked at them for a while longer and frowned when he saw that the leading executive member was still busy correcting one of the boys' movements.

"Too much time is wasted on unnecessary details."

"Without a clear plan, people will unconsciously get entangled in minutiae," Morimi said. "Of course, it may also be intentional. This will make them look very busy."

Naruse said nothing, just watched.

The boys' etiquette training did not last long. The teacher came over to hold a night class meeting, and everyone returned to their seats.

After explaining some insignificant matters, Yanagisawaoka glanced at the students below, thought for a moment, and then looked at the cultural festival executive committee member.

"How are you preparing for the fried noodle shop?"

"We are taking the time to train."

"Training what?"

"Etiquette for entertaining guests."

Yanagisawa raised his eyebrows, and Naruse thought he would say something, but he just nodded.

"Okay...get ready."

Then he announced that school was over.

The classroom suddenly became lively, Naruse looked at the teacher, and he left without looking back.

Generally speaking, cultural festivals are basically the students' business from beginning to end. Whether it is good or bad is part of the experience, and even teachers will not comment on it. However, Naruse thinks that this kind of problem that can be seen at a glance is He would at least give a reminder.

You don't want to use failure as a lesson to educate the students in Class A, right?
He couldn't guess the reason, but Morimi in the front seat had already packed his things and was about to leave.

"I'm going to study at a private school."


"My legs hurt, please carry me downstairs."

"...Then I'll have a headache."

Naruse looked at her, then looked at Ogasawara's position in front, "Let your good friend help each other down."

"Do you want us to fall to death on the stairs together?"

A day has passed, and no matter how sore her legs are, they have almost recovered. He understands that she is just acting coquettishly.

"Let the light help you down."

As Naruse was talking, Hikaru Takigawa appeared outside the classroom.

He called her in and asked her to see Sen down.

"Does your leg still hurt?"

"very painful."

Morimi glared at him again and was helped down by Takigawa Hikari.

Naruse stayed in the classroom, and Naoko, who came to see him, said he would stay here today to see how Class A prepared for the cultural festival.

"Okay... then I'll come find Harumi when it's over."

"Send a message and I'll just come down."


When school was over, most of the students in Class A dispersed. Naruse sat in the classroom for a while, and more people left. After a while, only seven or eight people were left.

Four or five people, including the executive committee members, are still continuing to practice the so-called reception etiquette.

Naruse flipped through the exercises he took from Morimi's drawer to prevent himself from appearing to have nothing to do. From time to time, he raised his head and looked at the boys training behind him to let them notice him.

Sure enough, not long after, the boy who served as the executive committee member came to him and said, "Naruse didn't go back today?"

"Well, there's nothing going on at the club today."

He finally spoke, and Naruse breathed a sigh of relief.

——In fact, Morimi refused too firmly for him before, and then the executive committee came to him, and Naruse also said that he couldn't spare the time, so he had to use this method to intervene now. "How are you preparing here?"

"Naruse also saw it and is still practicing the etiquette part."

He nodded, "It seems you are making rapid progress."


"They have started practicing etiquette, which means the hardware must be ready."

The executive member looked at him and asked after a while: "What kind of hardware?"

"Everything you need to set up a restaurant. For example, the most basic cooking tools, you have to prepare them."

"Oh." He felt relieved, "It's still early, just prepare a few days in advance."

Is it possible to arrive a few days in advance...

Naruse continued to ask: "Do you have any decoration plans?"

"Yes, you have to decorate the store when you open it."

"Have all the decorative props been made?"

"Not yet... Anyway, just cut it out of cardboard, colored paper, etc. and post it up. It should be pretty quick."

"It's actually quite time-consuming. In the 'quick' time, you can only make terrible things."


"Is the menu confirmed?"


"There is also a supply of ingredients."


The two chatted for a few words and then looked at each other, with a lot of sweat on each other's foreheads.

Class A was basically unprepared.

Naruse wiped his sweat and made his tone as casual as possible, "It seems there are a lot of things to prepare."

"Ah, ha..."

"But there are still more than two weeks, which is more than enough time."

Looking at the executive member in front of him who had no intention of correcting the etiquette movements, Naruse was really surprised. How did he become an executive member in such an unprepared state?
"What to do?" he asked.

“Just design a specific plan, list all the things that need to be prepared, and then execute it step by step.”

"Uh... put it simply?"

Naruse raised his eyebrows.

"Is Eguchi-san the only one responsible for this matter now?"

"Am I an executive member?"

"That's not what I meant..." Naruse asked him to sit down and planned to explain to him carefully.

As a result, Eguchi-san sat directly on Morimi's seat and looked back at him.


Naruse pursed his lower lip, "I and the person sitting in this seat usually don't need to explain too clearly."

He asked him to sit on the seat next to him and then began to explain.

"Eguchi-san is responsible for overall control and leaves specific matters to others. For example, these people now have Ohta responsible for preparing cooking equipment, Umeda responsible for decorating and classrooms, and Asami designing menus and preparing ingredients... In short, Egami-san just needs to keep an eye on the overall progress and ensure that all parts of the plan can be implemented."

Eguchi-san was silent for a long time.

" to design a specific plan?"

Naruse sighed.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, took out a pen and paper, and started writing directly.

"I will lay out a framework, and Eguchi-san can fill it in according to the situation. The specific division of labor is also decided by you."

"I understand... Naruse might as well come to be our consultant."

"Okay." He responded and continued writing.

After a while, he raised his head, tore out the page from the notes and handed it to the executive committee member.

"The consultant's work is all over. Eguchi-san can take care of the rest by himself."


"I suddenly remembered that there is something else going on at the club, let's get over there first." Naruse stood up, only to find that Hikari Takigawa had appeared behind him at some point, looking at him wordlessly.

"Let's go to the club room." He took her hand and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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