Ome Quartet of Snow Country

Chapter 321 Driver's License

Chapter 321 Driver's License
Saturday morning was sunny and sunny.

Tsumae Automobile Training Institute, outdoor venue.

Turning his head to look at a student who kept sighing not far away, Naruse quickly withdrew his attention.

Today is the exam day for their group of students, and now, it's his turn to play.

Walking to his test car, Naruse looked back and forth.

After confirming the safety, he held the right hand handbrake of the motorcycle, straightened the front of the motorcycle, put away the tripod, and rode on the motorcycle.

Step on the foot brake with his right foot, adjust the rearview mirrors on both sides of the motorcycle to a suitable angle, and then hold the clutch, he turned the motorcycle key, turned on the power, and then started the engine.

Hold the brake with your right hand, step on the clutch, adjust to first gear, and then turn on the right turn signal. Naruse turns his head to look to the rear right.

After confirming his safety again, he looked forward and prepared to set off.

The standard movements when getting on the car are also part of the test content, and points will be deducted if you don't pay attention to it. To this day, he doesn't want to fail because of such details.

Taking a slight breath, Naruse turned the accelerator and set off on the motorcycle.

After departure, according to the regulations, you need to go around the venue first, and then proceed to the assessment of each item in sequence according to the test route you choose.

And a few seconds after he set off, a motorcycle started behind him, following closely behind him.

It was the coach's car, that is, the examiner's.

There are no guidelines on the route of the test, so you need to remember which intersection to turn at, but it’s okay if you make a mistake, the coach following behind will whistle to remind you to go back to the correct route.

Naruse quickly completed a circle around the venue, turned into an intersection near the starting point, and stopped in front of the traffic lights.

When the red light turned green, he turned his head with conspicuous movements to confirm that there was no car behind him, restarted the car, turned right and rode to another lane, and then stopped before the stop sign on the side of the road.

The requirement of the test is to stop for three seconds before the suspension, and the test site must not be pressed to the white line...

Naruse murmured in his heart, and after three seconds passed, he turned his head again to confirm that there was no car behind him, turned the accelerator and continued to move forward.

I turned my head and turned on the light, turned a corner, and there was a short straight road ahead.

Before each turn, you must turn on the turn signal and turn your head to confirm, otherwise points will be deducted.

No matter what you choose when you actually drive, the test is always rigorous.

After confirming the stop, through the simulated railway crossing, before another stop sign, Naruse pulled over and stopped.

Three seconds later, when he was about to set off, a motorcycle rode over from the other side. He waited for a few more seconds until the other party passed in front of him before turning the accelerator and passing the intersection.

This is also one of the test points.

If he hadn't waited, the result would not be as simple as deducting points, and the exam would be suspended directly.

Continue to ride, pass obstacles quickly, make continuous right-angle turns, turn around a figure-eight turn, and cross a bridge...

The items that he has practiced countless times have become the test points at this time, waiting for him to conquer them one by one.

A few minutes later, Naruse finally returned to the starting point, braked to slow down, and stopped the car within the prescribed parking line.

Safe parking is the last item in the road test.

Turning the car key, turning off the power, Naruse turned over and got out of the car, put down the kickstand, and turned the car to the left inside.

After finishing all this, he raised his hand to signal to the examiner that he had completed all the items.

The road test is not really over until the examiner confirms.


Taking off his helmet, Naruse heaved a sigh of relief.

Another student started from the starting point.

And his exam was over, so he didn't stay here for long.

Naruse returned to the teaching building and found the exam waiting room on the second floor.

There were seven or eight people sitting inside, all students who took the exam together today, and they had to wait for the final result here.

The only exception was Hikaru Takikawa who was sitting in the corner.

"The exam is over."

"You have a driver's license, what are you doing sitting here?"

"Haha, so I sat in the corner. How does it feel?"

"The examiner didn't let me stop all the way, and he didn't say anything. It should be fine."

"Definitely no problem."

Hikaru Takikawa smiled, and said based on the experience of those who have experienced it: "Wait for a while, it won't be too long."

Naruse sat down beside her, and looked at the other students in the waiting room, more or less, everyone had a little uneasiness on their faces.

"I was like that at the time, too nervous to die." Takikawa Hikaru said.

"Isn't light a one-time pass?"

"Yeah, but there are some places where I can feel that something is wrong. After the test, the coach didn't say anything, just let me come and wait."

Naruse smiled.

"Days feel like years."

"Yeah yeah!"

He sent Shangzi a message, and she responded quickly.

Shangzi: Did you finish the exam so soon?
Shangzi: [Great! ]
Shangzi: [Congratulations~]
Shangzi: Let me see the driver's license.

Naruse: There is no result yet.

Naruse: And I have to go to the police station to get my driver's license, and it may take half a day.

Shangzi: All right.

Shangzi: Once you get it, show it to me as soon as possible.

Naruse: [absolutely obey you]
After waiting for a while, a coach walked into the waiting room with a stack of materials, which immediately attracted the attention of all the students.

He looked down at the document in his hand, then raised his head again: "Mr. Ge Yuan Naoto."


One of the students responded, and quickly got up and went over.

The coach handed him the document at the top, and said:
"Congratulations on successfully passing this test. However, there are still some things to remind you: when driving, you should pay attention to the choice of route, and try to choose a centered route. When turning, you must also..."

He only agreed, and then walked aside with the materials, his face full of joy.

The coach called another student, "Mr. Hashimoto."

"Here here."

While handing over the materials to him, the coach explained a lot of problems he had exposed during the exam as before.

"Okay okay..."

Several students in a row successfully passed the exam, and after a while, it was finally Naruse's turn.

"Mr. Harumi Naruse."

Naruse stood up and went over.

The coach handed him the proof of passing the exam, "Congratulations on passing the exam."

"Thank you."

And that's all the coach wanted to say, and then he called the next student.

"The coach didn't remind anything, Harumi passed the exam perfectly." Takikawa Hikaru said.

Naruse smiled, and breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart.

In the materials he got, there was also an evaluation form for all aspects of the training institute, and Naruse, without exception, ticked the highest evaluation for all of them.

After handing over the evaluation form to the coach, he and Hikari Takikawa left the waiting room.

Suddenly there was a howl from behind.

"It's just a slight touch. The motorcycle body of your test is too big! Please, let me pass! This is the fifth time I have taken the test!"


The two looked at each other.

"Someone didn't get through."


Leaving the training school, holding the graduation certificate of passing the exam, Naruse got into the car of Hikari Takikawa again and came to the Tsumae Police Station.

To get an officially issued driver's license, you have to go through the process here.

Hikaru Takikawa has only been here once, but he is familiar with the road.

"Come to the window over here. Great, no need to line up."

Naruse followed, handed over the materials to the staff inside, and then paid some fees.

Then, the staff raised his hand and motioned him to go to the other side of the hall to test his eyesight, and then go for an aptitude test.

Naruse was stunned, flipped through his student information, and took out the vision test data and aptitude test results he had done before.

"I've done it all."


The staff didn't change their smile, "But this is the test result from the training center, we need the data here."


Naruse raised his eyebrows, "Okay."

The vision test was quick, and the data was the same as before. It took some time to fill in the aptitude test.

After handing over the results of the re-test to the staff, I went to take another personal photo of the moment, followed by a long wait.

"Is it the same at that moment?"

"Yeah, I've been waiting for a long time."

The two sat on the bench opposite the driver's license delivery window, waited for a while, and saw a few familiar faces coming here, then went through the same process, and finally sat on the bench.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, the staff in the window shouted through the microphone.

"Mr. Harumi Naruse—"

Hikaru Takikawa smiled, "It's Harumi."

Naruse took a breath, got up and went over, and took his driver's license from the staff.


Naruse: [image]
Naruse: Got it.

Putting away the phone, he looked at Hikari Takikawa.

"Go book a car."

(End of this chapter)

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