I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto.

Chapter 615 No wonder he once said that he could not be a close friend, how could he fall in love?

Chapter 615 No wonder he once said that he could not be a close friend, how could he fall in love?
"Smoking less."

On the rooftop of the Hokage Building, Tatsuma, who had finished his work all morning, came here to hang out after lunch, and caught Shinnosuke on the spot who was secretly smoking here.

"Brother Tatsuma!"

When he saw it was Tatsuma, Shinnosuke immediately stood up straight, but he was reluctant to drop the cigarette held between his fingers. Instead, he looked at it, took two strong puffs, and then threw it to the ground and stamped it out.

"What happened?"

Tatsuma walked up to Shinnosuke and looked at Shinnosuke who looked melancholy at such a young age. Shinnosuke sighed and said, "Brother Tatsuma, do you think men and women should keep a good distance before confirming a relationship?"

"What's wrong? The confession failed? Didn't you send flowers a few days ago? Why did you just... today?"

"Yeah. At that time, she happily said thank you to me. I didn't realize it until yesterday. I didn't know until yesterday that she had misunderstood. She thought I was wishing her to find a boy she likes, but... that boy couldn't be me. "

Saying that, Shinnosuke couldn't help but take out a cigarette, and even followed the strange etiquette and handed it to Tatsuma first. Tatsuma raised his hand to decline, and Shinnosuke put the cigarette case to his mouth and took one.


The lighter gear turned, and a wisp of flame came out. Shinnosuke took a puff, and when he put the lighter and cigarette case back into his pocket, he said: "She said we are too familiar. She regards me as a confidant."

"What's the girl's name? Nanazi?"

Tatsuma asked casually. Shinnosuke froze, then choked on the smoke and coughed. He looked at Tatsuma in disbelief and said, "How do you know? My parents both..."

Tatsuma's eyes also became a little weird, and he explained casually: "Don't forget that I also led ANBU for a while, and I still know your information very well."

"Oh, too."

Shinnosuke lowered his head, a little embarrassed after being seen through. After a while, he said: "Brother Tatsuma, do you think I should give up? Or just be her confidant."

"How can you fall in love if you can't be a close friend? If you fall in love with someone if you don't know them well enough, then it's definitely not because of love, but more directly like lust.

She didn't accept you, maybe she was just worried about the change in the relationship. After all, by being a confidant, she can never lose you. However, there is a high probability that falling in love will fail, and after failure, she will usually be disgusted. "

Tatsuma patted Shinnosuke's shoulder, and Shinnosuke's melancholy expression gradually faded, and asked: "In other words, it's not that she doesn't like me, but that she is afraid of losing me?"

"I just said maybe."

"It turns out that she likes me so much that she can even endure not being with me in order not to lose me."

"I said maybe."

"Thank you, Brother Tatsuma!"

Shinnosuke looked at Tatsuma with a grateful face, then climbed over the guardrail, jumped off the Hokage Building, and ran quickly in a certain direction, forgetting to put on his mask.

"Still too young."

Tatsuma looked at the furious Shinnosuke, patted the guardrail, and did a few standing push-ups, looking at the street view of Konoha and the Hokage Rock behind him, which was covered by scaffolding and black cloth.

No one is even working there anymore, because the work has been completed long ago. What is left now is Tatsuma's succession ceremony. On the day of succession, the black cloth and scaffolding will be removed, and the new Hokage Rock will be revealed in front of everyone.

There are many such renovations in the village. For example, the Hokage Building has undergone a lot of painting work on its exterior walls and looks very brand new. The streets have also undergone some renovations. Although nothing has changed, it looks new. .

This was all done in the past year when the village had no idea what happened to Tatsuma or when he would wake up. Perhaps this was also trust, trusting Tatsuma to wake up and take over the Hokage's job.

Tatsuma was the only one who didn't postpone his job as Hokage. For these reasons, there was a limit to being a heartless person.

"Teacher! It's a meeting!"

The door to the rooftop was opened, and Shisui popped his head to greet him. Tatsuma nodded and walked downstairs. When he arrived at the conference room, many people were already seated.

Tatsuma sat next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, flanked by the old and new senior staff. On Sarutobi Hiruzen's side were the three elders including Akimichi Tōfū, as well as Shikahara's generation Ino Shikacho, as well as the sealing class and the medical department. Waiting for the higher-ups.

On Tatsuma's side, there were Minato, Tianfeng, Sento, Shikaku's generation Ino Shikacho, Kushina, Nonou and others.

Tatsuma didn't want to eradicate dissidents and replace all the high-level officials with his own team as soon as he got started, but the current inheritance of the village was too orderly, and Zhuludie even wanted to pass the blame to his children.

In functional departments such as the sealing class and the medical department, the talents of the leaders are no longer as good as those of the younger generation. Their age has also reached the stage where they understand what dignity is.

Knowing that if you stay in your position, you will only be squeezed into the deputy position by young people, or even further, and then retire at a lower position, and your salary will be reduced at any time after retirement. Therefore, it is better to give up talents to young people while they are still in full-time positions, so that they can have reputation and pay the same salary as full-time employees. They are very happy with this kind of "decent".

Tatsuma sat down, and Shika Yuan and Shikaku's father and son stood up and began to introduce. Shika Yuan gave the lecture, and Shikaku was responsible for presenting the materials.

"The war situation during this period has become quite clear. Sunagakure Village has completely fallen into civil strife, and the Uchiha team is ready to retreat.

As for Cloud Hidden Village, they are tired of fighting against the Rock Ninja and Mist Ninja. According to our intelligence, Cloud Hidden Village intends to launch a large-scale battle in the Kingdom of Earth in order to achieve a victorious conclusion to the current stage.

As for Iwagakure Village, the main force has also been transferred to the eastern battlefield. However, in the near future, a certain number of Iwa ninjas have been added to the Grass Country battlefield, probably because they want to have a final taste.

Kirigakure Village. Because Kirigakure Village entered the war late, the main forces arrived on the battlefield one after another. According to the reconnaissance of the Hyuga team, they discovered the figures of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen among them.

Even based on the information transmitted by the fishermen at the ruins of the Country of Whirlpool, we suspect that Kirigakure Village secretly transported the three tails in their weak stage to the eastern coast of the Country of Fire. It seems that they have not learned lessons from their past defeats. "

When talking about the actions of the Mist Ninja, Lu Yuan's tone was a little hesitant, because various measures taken by the Hidden Mist Village made him a little less confident. If the Mist Ninja was the advantage, there was nothing wrong with this.

But in the past year, due to the stationing of Tianfeng, Minato, and Kushina, they did not gain any advantage. They only temporarily occupied the ruins of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, and even the intelligence network of the Kingdom of Whirlpool was not able to completely block it.

Many people also frowned, but Chenma was very calm, as if he was the only person at the scene who had not left the information for a year.

After digesting the information on the current situation, all eyes of the audience, including Hiruzen Sarutobi, fell on Tatsuma.

"Let the Uchiha begin to retreat, Southeast. Since they are inexplicably confident, let them be confident for a while longer and notify the Hyuga troops to retreat appropriately and get out of the battlefield.

It is not a difficult operation for us to repeat the old tricks. Let the large forces of Mist Ninja land in the Country of Fire. We lift the ban on the ruins of the Country of Whirlpool and block the retreat route of the large forces.

At the same time, part of the war between the Mist Ninja and the Cloud Ninja seems to involve the Kingdom of Tang. The Kingdom of Tang has always been a friendly country to our Country of Fire, and we cannot sit back and watch the Kingdom of Tang fall into war.

As for Iwagakure Village.”

Tatsuma frowned, looked at the sand table, and formed the Seal of Si. The sand table map that was originally the entire ninja world expanded rapidly, showing the terrain at the junction of the three kingdoms of earth, grass, and fire.

"Whether it's a comeback or a desperate struggle, I think this battle will be more intense than we expected. I have read the battle reports of the Earth Kingdom over the past year, and they have been replacing personnel.

From the command to the genin participating in the battle, the genin have basically been changed. The Iwa ninja now entrenched in the Land of Grass are no longer the same unit that lost their courage due to successive defeats.

So I think we need to take this battle seriously enough. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat back in his seat and did not say anything. His cautious attitude towards Iwa Ninja was very suitable to his liking, but
Tatsuma's arrangements for the Suna Ninja, Kumo Ninja, and Mist Ninja were still a bit too radical for Sarutobi Hiruzen. Who knows if Sunagakure Village was pretending to be at odds with the civil strife, just to find opportunities for Konoha to underestimate its enemies.

On the side of the Mist Ninja, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the large army, and the Three-Tails should be treated with caution by Konoha, but Tatsuma thought of "repeating the same tricks."

When he first used that strategy, Kirigakure only sent about two thousand advance troops, which he could barely accept, but now.
There was also the Kumo Ninja, that group of militants that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to come into contact with the most. The original armistice agreement was well signed and they would not interfere with each other, and the Kumo Ninja tried their best to achieve this.

Now suddenly Konoha wants to take the lead in intervening. Although it is not a direct interference against Kumo Ninja, in the name of saving the country of Yu, it cannot completely prevent Kumo Ninja from taking the opportunity to attack and tear up the agreement.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew that he was too conservative, or that he did not believe that he could coordinate all of this at the same time. But Tatsuma was different. Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to shut up and trust Tatsuma.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even speak. Even if Koharu and others had concerns, they didn't dare to speak easily. As for the young people, no one was afraid.

Minato nodded and said: "On the Iwa Ninja side, there are teachers and others in front of us, so we shouldn't need to worry too much. The only thing to worry about is that the Iwa Ninja comes from the southwest of the Land of Grass, via the Land of Rain.

They have done this from time to time in the past year, and maybe they will favor this route more this time. In addition, the Iwa Ninja's material transportation routes must also be cut off. "

As he spoke, he took out a Senbon, then threw it, and it landed on a precise point on the sand table. He also continued: "Kannabi Bridge, if we can solve this problem, then this battle will have been won." Most of it.

After Onoki, Huangtu and other ninjas who were proficient in large-scale earth escape were transferred to the eastern battlefield, the existing logistics force size of the Iwa ninja was completely insufficient to build a new logistics transportation route.

I think this route should be cut off when the Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja officially start the war. In this way, even if the Iwa Ninja wants to support, they will lack manpower.

As long as the troops led by Sensei and the others can eliminate the Iwa Ninja troops in Kusanagi on the frontal battlefield before the outcome of the Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja battles is decided, then this victory will almost be in our hands.

The last concern was just the route guarded by the Hazumaki Jonin and others at the junction of the Land of Grass and the Land of Rain. "

After Minato finished speaking, he looked at Tatsuma. Tatsuma nodded and asked with timely compliments, "It seems you already have an idea?"


(End of this chapter)

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