I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto.

Chapter 581 The secret to getting perfect scores is to get all the points

Chapter 581 The secret to getting perfect scores is to get all the points

"What does it mean that if you win, you may not be promoted, and if you lose, you may not be promoted? Why is the Chuunin exam so complicated!"

At the third training ground, after listening to Minato's introduction to the Chunin Exam, Obito held his head and cried. There were many people around him, including the genin class that Minato led at the same time, as well as the leading jounin.

Even Tatsuma was present today. Although Shisui and the others were taken to other places for training by Orochimaru, they were here not only to introduce the Chunin Exam, but also to meet and gather later.

Kakashi put his hands in his pockets and looked at his teammates with contempt. As someone who had already experienced the Chunin Exam, Kakashi knew very well what the rules of the exam were.

That is to show that the examiners recognize your ability to become a chuunin, not limited to strength, so winning or losing the battle cannot directly determine the outcome.

But those like Kakashi who took the Chunin Exam twice are isolated cases after all, and more people like Obito are ignorant. Of course, they are not as excited as Obito.

However, many people had doubts on their faces, looking forward to Minato's continued explanation. However, due to the restrictions of the rules, Minato did not explain it too clearly.

Keep a trace of suspense for these children, and appropriate tension can make them perform better.

After Minato's introduction, the genin who were about to refer started chatting, first within the team, and then with familiar acquaintances, such as classmates, or those who had performed missions together in the past.

The jonins who led the team were scattered around the field, answering questions and solving puzzles for the genin, and occasionally teaching one or two useful tips.

"Tatsuma-senpai, do you have any secrets to pass the Chunin Exams?"

When Tatsuma walked over to Minato's class, Obito looked over sadly, and Kakashi looked at his teammates with even more contempt. How could there be a secret code that must be passed in the Chunin Exam?
But Tatsuma nodded and said, "Yes."

Obito's voice was always loud, so his question to Tatsuma was heard by many people. When Tatsuma said yes, many genin's attention instantly focused.

Minato shook his head helplessly, looked at several contemporaries around him who also knew the inside story, and shrugged.

Obito's eyes were as bright as two high-power light bulbs at this time. He almost pressed against Tatsuma and asked, "What is it?! What is it?! Senior Tatsuma, please teach me."

"It's not a teaching, after all, it's not a secret book, it's a rule."

The footsteps around them were approaching unconsciously at this time. Some genin who were farther away did not hear clearly at first. At this time, under the introduction of their companions or neighboring teams, they quickly understood the cause and gathered together.

There was a trace of confusion on Obito's face at this time. There was a rule that must be passed. If so many people heard it, what if they also used this rule?
Sure enough, shouldn't I have been so loud in the first place, asked quietly, and then surprised everyone?
Kakashi also had a hint of curiosity in his dead fish eyes at this time, and couldn't help but look up at Tatsuma. Although he didn't need to worry about the Chuunin exam at all, he even felt that the Jonin evaluation was only a matter of the past two years. .

But he also wanted to hear what these "rules" that even he didn't know were like.

Faced with everyone's puzzled looks, Tatsuma said matter-of-factly: "As long as you get full marks in the written test and defeat all opponents in the actual combat test, you will definitely be promoted to chuunin."

Obito's excited but troubled face froze. He suspected that Tatsuma was teasing him, but Tatsuma-senpai's tone was so sincere.

Kakashi lowered his eyes. Sure enough, this guy was deceiving others with his lies again.

"How is this possible?"

Obito said hesitantly, not daring to say clearly that Tatsuma was lying to him. Tatsuma didn't take it seriously, but looked at Minato and asked, "Minato, what's your score in the written test of the Chunin Exam?"

"Full score."

Minato was also willing to cooperate with his best friend and showed an extremely bright smile as he spoke.

Tatsuma nodded and asked: "How many opponents did you defeat in the actual combat test?"

"Total, probably less than 100 people."

"Did you successfully get promoted to chunin?"

"Well, same as you."

The two of them sang together, and the genin around them, who originally thought Tatsuma was teasing them, kept wandering between the two of them, and occasionally looked at their leading jounin.

But his leading Jonin remained silent, nodded, and agreed with what the two said.

"So. Minato-sensei, Tatsuma-senpai, at that time, you really got perfect scores and defeated all your opponents?"

Obito's mouth was wide open and he couldn't close it at all. Tatsuma nodded and said, "Yes, so this is a proven rule, and you can also follow it."

The genin were silent, and some of them turned their attention to Kakashi. After all, Kakashi was the most buggy among those who participated in this chuunin exam.

He is already a chuunin, and his strength is undoubtedly the strongest among them. Who is most likely to recreate the miracles of Tatsuma and Minato, it is undoubtedly Kakashi.

Unfortunately, Kakashi chose to bow his head.

One to one hundred. Even if you are just a genin, it is impossible to do it, unless you can use an unlimited amount of detonating talismans to set up an ambush in advance, but you can use detonating talismans, but the quantity and timing are regulated.

At least it is impossible to ask the players to set up an ambush before the game starts, so this is not feasible. Then, it is impossible to defeat a hundred genin, even if they are all weaklings like Obito.

The first hurdle that cannot be overcome is physical strength. Physical strength is related to taijutsu and ninjutsu. Without physical strength, there is no strength and no chakra. Even if Kakashi is squeezed dry, he will not be able to produce the chakra to defeat a hundred people.

Perhaps what my teacher and Sakamoto Tatsuma said was indeed a feasible rule, but only these two people could take advantage of this rule.

"How can it be possible to get a perfect score on the test?"

What Obito cares about seems to be a little different from others. After hearing his dejected words, Tatsuma rubbed his head. Hmm, the feeling was very bad.

It was hard and oily, and it looked like it hadn't been washed for a few days. He wiped it on Obito's shoulder in disgust, and Tatsuma said, "Did you bring the secret language translation book?"

"Bring it with me." Obito quickly took out a small book. This is a secret language translation book circulated by the genin. It is used very rarely during the mission, because every village can find each other's secret language translation books.

Chenma took it and said: "Nearly 40% of the points are for answering the secret words, and there are only thirteen versions of the secret words that are tested. As long as you memorize them all, you can get nearly 40% of the points.

There are also 10% of current affairs, 30% of mathematics and physics, and 20% of battlefield situation analysis and response draft. These are all free points. With a little bit of care, it is very simple to get full marks.

After all, this is just an exam, not subject to the ever-changing and harsh conditions of a battlefield. "

'It's more like nonsense'

Obito complained in his mind that he had been carrying this damn book with him for two years, and he had memorized less than half of the content. However, he had taken the exam for a total of thirteen books. Rounding off, he had mastered nothing.
Not to mention anything else, why should I say that math, physics and chemistry are free points!
But what makes Obito even more painful is that after Tatsuma's "nonsense", his two teammates, his beloved Nohara Rin, and his hated Kakashi, actually nodded in agreement.

Ebisu, who was placed in the rope tree class, also pushed up his sunglasses, nodded, and said: "It is really not difficult to get a perfect score in the written test. I have done all the real questions in previous years, which is the practical test."

Obito's expression became even more distorted. Was this group of people secretly involved?He remembers this Ebisu!

When they graduated, it was this person who said that the secret language translation book sent to them by the village was useless and it didn't matter if they didn't memorize it.

Obito believed it.

At this moment, Obito felt betrayed, and an inexplicable power surged into his eyes.

"It's okay, Obito, I will review with you. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

A gentle voice sounded in his ears, and a hand that reached deep into his heart also rested on his shoulder.

"Really? Lin? Can we review together?"

Obito looked at Nohara Rin in surprise. As for the power rushing to his eyes, it had already surged to his ears and neck, turning the surrounding skin extremely rosy.

"Of course, we are teammates."

Nohara Lin's voice was still so gentle and contagious. Obito nodded crazily, then scratched his head and said, "Would that disturb your own review?"

"If you know it will disturb others, you should work harder."

An annoying voice sounded, and Obito's face turned red. He turned around and said angrily: "What's none of your business?! Are you jealous? Kakashi!"



Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Nohara Lin also quickly started a fight. Tatsuma had already slipped away to other places.


A gentle voice sounded, Tatsuma stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

Tatsuma recognized that this was a member of Nonou's class, named Baicao. Baicao looked at the teammates beside him, mustered up his courage, and asked: "Tatsuma-sama, we are a ninja team that has transferred to medical care. Is the fighting style evaluated?”

At this time, three members of Kushina's class also came over. Although ninjas all need to have certain combat abilities, they are a functional team. In the past year, they have practiced most medical ninjutsu and sealing techniques.

In terms of combat, compared with myself who just graduated a year ago, there is not much progress. It is just some passive growth brought about by physical development.

Tatsuma smiled and replied, "Show your worth."

"Is our value to help others heal? But isn't there a hostile relationship between the team and the team after the exam begins?"

Baicao asked in confusion, Tatsuma shook his head and said: "There are no eternal enemies. When necessary, it is enough to be hostile to others."

Baicao seemed to realize something, and was about to ask further questions when Nonoyu came over and interrupted: "Okay, if you continue to ask, I will withdraw your admission permission."

Hearing this, Baicao immediately shut up, looked at each other with his two teammates, and slipped to the side to discuss. Nonoyu said to Tatsuma in embarrassment: "I'm embarrassing you."

"It's okay, I didn't reveal anything anyway."

Tatsuma waved his hand, and Nonoyu gestured to the open space in the distance, and the two of them walked there. When they were away from the crowd, Nonoyu found a topic and asked:

"Tsunade-sensei said that you are picking out new clothes?"

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Tatsuma knew that she was asking about the Hokage, so he didn't hide it. He nodded and said, "It's almost decided."

"what does it look like?"

Nonoyu asked curiously, Tatsuma made some gestures on his body and said: "It's a bit like a white coat, a mix of those fashionable long windbreakers. After all, I am the teacher's disciple, and I have also worked in Konoha Hospital. I have been working in the medical department for quite some time.”

Nonoyu looked at Tatsuma's figure with her eyes, but her eyes quickly lost focus, as if she was imagining it, but she soon came back to her senses and said with a smile: "It will definitely look good after you put it on."

"It will take quite a while, probably this time next year, or later."

"Customized clothes will take a little longer, but they will fit better than any other clothes."

"Haha, I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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